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"PT Back from the Dead"
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PeterTorque 213 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

07-25-02, 11:28 PM (EST)
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"PT Back from the Dead"
LAST EDITED ON 07-25-02 AT 11:41 PM (EST)

Long time no see, OT friends I, came very near to death and was in the hospital for a while. My doctors later told me I almost didn't make it the first few days. It was really spooky when I heard that; although I did feel pretty awful, I had no idea I was THAT bad off.

It's no exagerration when I say I was like death warmed over when I got in. My roomate there said "Death warmed over? That's the understatment of the year, how about death-to-go in a microwave Tupperware bowl. You arrived strapped in a gurney with an IV hanging out of your arm, and you were all curled up in ball and couldn't even talk coherently. Your clothes were trashed and poorly mismatched; and you were badly in need of some kind of medication, and a New York hairdresser. The first thing I thought was you'd never make it through the night, and the second thing was, if you did, why were they rooming me with a geriatric patient again? I thought you were some 90-year old guy on the final straightaway right out of here. Little did I know you'd snap out of it in a day and turn into a firecracker."

Thanks to my poetic roomie that pretty much sums it up. The details and unanswered questions will be in a forthcoming story about all the interesing people I had the chance to meet during my misadventure at the Unversity Neuropsychological Institute, (or the 'Looney Bin' as the inmates so affectionatley call it). It will be a gripping story, sort of a "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", without the deeply imbedded societal moral statements or Jack Nicholsen. Some people there were institutionalized by choice; some were in lockdown with outdoor cigarette breaks few and far between; some were on 24-hour suicide watch; and some were getting EST (electroshock therapy). All had a fascinating story to be told. And the psychiatrists? Well let's just say it's a fine line. And that goes for you too dear reader, "there but for the grace of God go I".

PS I must stick up for my friend, the badly maligned MonkeyBoy. I plead ignorance here to his mischevious deeds of late because I've been solidly out of the picture, but I do know that it's completely true that his mother is very sick and he's been using a lot of spare time and energy to take care of her.


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: PT Back from the Dead Ronnet 07-25-02 1
 RE: PT Back from the Dead Outfrontgirl 07-26-02 2
 RE: Peter Torque--Back from the Dea... Teddy_Bear 07-26-02 3
 RE: PT Back from the Dead dabo 07-26-02 4
 RE: PT Back from the Dead Swami 07-26-02 5
 RE: PT Back from the Dead moonbaby 07-26-02 6
 RE: PT Back from the Dead MakeItStop 07-26-02 7
 RE: PT Back from the Dead L82LIFE 07-26-02 8
 RE: PT Back PeterTorque 07-26-02 9
 RE: PT Back from the Dead George Tirebiter 07-26-02 10
   The Monkeyboy banning + a request AyaK 07-26-02 11
       RE: The Monkeyboy banning + a reque... LadyT 07-26-02 13
       RE: The Monkeyboy banning + a reque... SurvivorBlows 07-27-02 14
       RE: The Monkeyboy banning + a reque... PepeLePew13 07-27-02 15
       RE: The Monkeyboy banning + a reque... RudyRules 07-27-02 16
           RE: The Monkeyboy banning + a reque... dabo 07-27-02 17
 RE: PT Back from the Dead Dalton 07-26-02 12

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Ronnet 1734 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

07-25-02, 11:46 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: PT Back from the Dead"
Hey Peter - Welcome back!

I'm glad you are doing so much better.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-26-02, 01:17 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: PT Back from the Dead"
WOW Peter,
I had no idea such heavy things were happening to you, but I'm sure glad you made it, glad you're back (in the world and at SB) and I look forward to hearing your story! I've missed your posts.

By now I should have long been gone, but here I am still hanging on,
as if I didn't know which way to run
--Jackson Browne


Teddy_Bear 1675 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

07-26-02, 05:07 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: Peter Torque--Back from the Dead"
Wow, Peter, I'm so sorry about your traumatic experience. I'm really glad you're feeling better 'though.

I always enjoy your posts; I usually feel I've learnt something from them.

Btw, a friend of mine has a terminally ill mother; so I understand, all too well, the horrors of that situation; as I lost both of my parents in the mid-to-late 90s.

Therefore, my heart goes out to anyone with incurably ill family or friends. I still miss my Dad terribly.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.

|=Unrepentant Hardcore Smiley Thief
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-26-02, 10:15 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: PT Back from the Dead"
Welcome back, Pete. Since I was vacationing the week the monkey last showed up and caused a fury, I'm going to jump straight to disbelieving you. What, you don't really expect us to believe such a contrived lot of malar... (what?.. we're not doing that this week?.. well, alright then)... uh, never mind, I missed a post-it or something.

Great to have you back with us, Pete, and I genuinely am looking forward to more of the story, sounds like a page-turner. And let the monkey know that we hope his mother will be alright.



Swami 5885 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-26-02, 11:39 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: PT Back from the Dead"
Welcome back, Peter. I'm glad you are back & better now because I always enjoy your posts.

Recently we have had posters go to Italy and Australia. I'm a little bit with dabo's point of view here, but I would love to hear about your trip.



moonbaby 17120 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-26-02, 11:55 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: PT Back from the Dead"
Glad you snapped out of it and turned back in to a firecracker! Nice to see you! If you still need a New York hairdresser there's a few I can recommend


MakeItStop 1098 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

07-26-02, 12:45 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: PT Back from the Dead"
So does this mean you have escaped from the looney bin? Quick hide ... they're coming for you! Welcome back!

And my very best wishes go out to Monkeyboy and his Mom. I miss you!


L82LIFE 5333 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-26-02, 03:21 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: PT Back from the Dead"
Glad to have you back, Peter. Hope you continue to feel better.


PeterTorque 213 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

07-26-02, 03:40 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: PT Back"
Thanks for all the positive support, OT crew; it's good to be back, both back to the world AND back to the OT board. I never knew how many friends and supporters I really had in the world, and it turned out I had a lot --it made a big difference to my recovery. Unfortuneately there're some people in this world with no one behind them, and it's not a good place to be. I spent a lot of time trying to cheer up the near-miss suicide cases, and that gave me the opportunity to really get inside their heads and see just where they were coming from, I wanted to understand their motives for doing such a thing. There seemed to be plenty of them around, representing a wide spectrum of age and class; from a punk-rocker teenager who didn't know how to fire the gun correctly (I taught him chords on the guitar) to an 80-year old lady who just sold the family ranch in Montana for millions, and still almost stepped in front of a light-rail train (I gave her my 'shamelessly yuppy' Nordic sweater that was for some reason the envy of all the inmates, especially her). Each case was unique of course, but one thing they all seemed to have in common was they felt they had no one who really cared for them. Abject reality or just percieved as such, they felt they had no support group, no caring family, no friends to help them through the tough times. After a heavy conversation with one of the tortured souls I mentioned to a psychiatrist at the unit that there were a lot of seriously troubled people in this place. He looked me in the eye, shook his head sadly, and solemnly replied, "There's a lot of seriously troubled poeple in the world, my friend."

George Tirebiter 2982 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

07-26-02, 05:53 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: PT Back from the Dead"
Pete, Pete, Pete. . . there are much easier ways to get attention than doing time in The Enchanted Kingdom--you obviously still have much to learn about attention-whoring. Or is this the secret to your off-the-wall approach to posting? Still, I agree that the best way to see how good you've got it is to go somewhere you'll be surrounded by people who are REALLY pathetic (I did the rehab thing after knee reconstruction, and the psychological boost was better than the physical benefit.)

Glad to hear you're doing well again--and I agree, munky has been victimized. Perhaps if everyone knew the REAL reason he was banned, people would feel less free to assume the worst about him. . . (and I suspect if he'd ever gotten a chance to answer/defend the accusations, he wouldn't be hell-bent on the reincarnations!)

These are nice boys, GOOD boys--these are a mother's angels. . .


Where you've been means much less than where you're going.


AyaK 10426 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-26-02, 07:58 PM (EST)
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11. "The Monkeyboy banning + a request"
LAST EDITED ON 07-26-02 AT 08:34 PM (EST)

>Glad to hear you're doing well again--and I agree, munky has
>been victimized. Perhaps if everyone knew the REAL reason he
>was banned, people would feel less free to assume the
>worst about him. . . (and I suspect if he'd ever gotten a chance to
>answer/defend the accusations, he wouldn't
>be hell-bent on the reincarnations!)

GT, we've been through several threads discussing Monkeyboy, and I really don't want another one. Yes, there were hidden agendas at the time Monkeyboy was banned ... there are always hidden agendas ... especially since he was involved in the middle of the infamous Pendragon e-mail fiasco. But he wasn't banned due to anyone's hidden agendas. Also, I knew full well that someone he trusted had told him that LML was harassing Tink (which is why he flamed LML) and then denied having done so. Others may have believed this person's denials, but I knew better. And I still recommended his banning.

Since you've raised the issue here, by referring to the REAL reason he was banned, I'll discuss my rationale for banning him here. If you wish to reply to it here, please do. BUT, when this discussion is done, I request that there be NO FURTHER DISCUSSION of Monkeyboy. I'm tired of continually discussing this, and I think it's harmful to continue to battle about this. OK?

At the time of the Pendragon e-mails, I asked Monkeyboy not to respond in any way on the board. Yeah, I didn't like the fact that the e-mails singled you out, GT. But, unless that hostility carried over onto the board, I wasn't going to do anything. There was nothing to do. People are entitled to have their own friends and even to form cliques if they desire....

Instead, Monkeyboy got right in the middle of inciting trouble. In fact, he was the main inciter. I was very peeved about this, because I had been worried that he might be right in the middle of the trouble, as he had been with BluSavana, and so I had specifically asked him not to get involved. But he couldn't keep out of it.

Then, when the trouble got so severe that it threatened to split the board, he apologized on this thread. Well, I accepted his apology, but an apology wouldn't have been needed if he had obeyed my initial request.

Fade to the LoudMouthLee-Tinkerbell posts. Monkeyboy had expressed his "fear" that people were out to get him -- and yet, despite that, he couldn't keep from flaming LML. Even worse to me was that, when people asked him why he did it, he told everyone who his source had been. For reasons I won't go into here, I already knew that he had a source for this information and who it was. But it seemed to me that he had created two more controversies -- the flaming of LML and the battle with this second person -- by his own deliberate actions.

Look, the last thing any moderator wants is a poster who always ends up in the middle of controversies. But even worse is someone who instigates them. Monkeyboy instigated the battle with Pendragon's friends after they returned. Monkeyboy instigated the battle with LML. And Monkeyboy instigated a battle with his source (sometimes you just have to be quiet and take your lumps rather than drag everyone else down with you -- in many ways, I was as upset with his lack of chivalry as with the other two issues. Your mileage may vary.). If I didn't recommend his banning, then why would anyone respect this site's Code of Conduct (the ZTP)?

Feel free to disagree with me. But the fact is, Monkeyboy was banned for his own actions, not to satisfy anyone else's grudges.

As I requested before, I want this thread to be the end of the Monkeyboy discussions. Please honor my request. Say whatever you want to say here, but let this be an end to it.


LadyT 5567 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-26-02, 08:30 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: The Monkeyboy banning + a request"
Amen and well written

Lady T-mean Uber b!tch


SurvivorBlows 15230 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-27-02, 01:58 AM (EST)
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14. "RE: The Monkeyboy banning + a request"
Monkey is gone.

Get over it folks and move on, I'm tired of hearing about it, talk about flogging a dead horse that's already gone through the glue factory grinder...



PepeLePew13 26140 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-27-02, 10:41 AM (EST)
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15. "RE: The Monkeyboy banning + a request"
Thanks, AyaK... I wasn't privy to all of the discussions and exact info of what went down with Monkeyboy, but I do know that he tried to get me involved in some of the stuff going on at the time (I declined).

I'm sorry to see this had to happen to him but I firmly believe he created his own luck. I had my doubts for a long time whether he truly did anything wrong without knowing the full facts -- but the actions over the last month or so has only convinced me he DID do something to warrant his banning.

Welcome back, PT, hope the recovery is going good.

Now I hope we've seen the last of any discussions about Monkeyboy. He's not here to defend himself anymore, and frankly, he blew it by inciting more trouble with fake user IDs.



RudyRules 8360 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-27-02, 05:32 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: The Monkeyboy banning + a request"
Thanks for the info. Ayak, I hadn't heard about why the Monkey was banned so this was helpful to me.
Whatever happened to Blusavannah btw???
PT, Glad you are doing better!! Stay cool and hope all goes well for you!

"Them people had to be pretty dumb to make their camp in a riverbed." - Rudy Boesch


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-27-02, 06:06 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: The Monkeyboy banning + a request"
Blu left by her own choice, was what I heard in chat at the time (though I have virtually no details about what the situation was). As I recall mentioning to some people, regarding the concern that she might return someday, people do have the capacity to grow and change for the better; and that goes for some others who have left on their own as well as everyone who has stuck around. As for the banned posters, how that applies in their cases, hopefully they will learn from their mistakes and not repeat them anywhere ever again. Is there is any purpose in discussing these things? Some clarification about things can be good, otherwise this just seems like tipping over the refuse container.



Dalton 1271 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

07-26-02, 08:13 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: PT Back from the Dead"
Hot Dang Petey!! So the reports of your death were greatly exaggerated, were they?? Funny (not)that same kinda thingie has happened to's a bummer!! Taught me something tho...when your digging at the bottom of a six foot hole; drop the shovel stupid and start climbing for daylight!!

Seriously, glad you posted and happy to have you back!! Take better care of yourself man!!!




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