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"Standing Ovation: George Tirebiter"
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NightScribe 761 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

02-13-02, 04:35 PM (EST)
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"Standing Ovation: George Tirebiter"
This is the first standing ovation I have started, but I believe it is well deserved. GT is ancient in SB terms; possibly one of the very first who registered here. She's hilarious and has a scathing wit, which makes her a basher babe extraordinaire in my book. She never fails to make me LMAO, especially with her doctored pics and captions. On the Basher Babe Bus, she's not only hilarious, she also brings a killer stash with her.

She's intelligent in so many ways and as honest and straight forward as they come. I really appreciate that about her.

I miss her posts when she isn't able to be around, and have really enjoyed the last few days on the spoiler and basher boards because she is back.

Finally, she is always calling me an ass-kisser,(and now I believe I have proven her correct), and I can only assume that means she adores me. For that and so much more, I give you, George Tirebiter a standing O.


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Standing Ovation: George Tireb... samiam 02-13-02 1
 RE: Standing Ovation: George Tireb... ItzLisa 02-13-02 2
 RE: Standing Ovation: George Tireb... SherpaDave 02-13-02 3
 Standing Ovation Gufu: George Tire... dabo 02-14-02 4
 RE: Standing Ovation: George Tireb... Leif Eriksen 02-14-02 5
 RE: Standing Ovation: George Tireb... Frau Hexe 02-14-02 6
 RE: Standing Ovation: George Tireb... VampKira 02-14-02 7
 RE: Standing Ovation: George Tireb... MakeItStop 02-14-02 8
 RE: Standing Ovation: George Tireb... volmel 02-14-02 9
 RE: Standing Ovation: George Tireb... PepeLePew13 02-14-02 10
 RE: Standing Ovation: George Tireb... Bebo 02-14-02 11
 Excellent Choice! sleeeve 02-14-02 12
 RE: Standing Ovation: George Tireb... LadyT 02-14-02 13
 RE: Standing Ovation: George Tireb... Drive My Car 02-15-02 14
 You ALL deserve an arse-kicking. . ... George Tirebiter 02-15-02 15
   RE: You ALL deserve an arse-kicking... LadyT 02-15-02 16
 RE: Standing Ovation: George Tireb... Dalton 02-18-02 17
 RE: Standing Ovation: George Tireb... Lisapooh 02-18-02 18
   Shhhhh! George Tirebiter 02-18-02 19
       RE: Shhhhh! NightScribe 02-19-02 20
           RE: Shhhhh! dabo 02-19-02 21
           RE: Shhhhh! George Tirebiter 02-19-02 22
               RE: Shhhhh! dabo 02-19-02 23
               RE: Shhhhh! moonbaby 02-19-02 24

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samiam 5976 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-13-02, 06:24 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: Standing Ovation: George Tirebiter"
Ah...GT, prima basher babe...

My first post on OT was to one of her thresds, the one about getting puked on for Mother's Day. I immediately identified with her and thus found the courage to make the transition of posting on Off-Topic.

She is a strong, opinionated (and that's a GOOD thing) woman who always has something worthwhile to say. I admire her for that, and for her DIY frame of mind and determination. She has a sharp tongue (also a good thing) and a wit to match. Her posts always liven up a thresd.

GT, I tip my tam to you.

"And it's only the giving (smooches) that makes you what you are."


ItzLisa 3350 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

02-13-02, 09:21 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Standing Ovation: George Tirebiter"
OMG, how much do I totally LOVE our GT!!!

The woman is a riot, and one of the sharpest Basher Babest around!

But she's also a wonderful friend - if I'm upset about something, she picks up on it and emails me to see if I'm okay, right off the bat! I don't even have to be upset on the boards - she just has that intuitive sense! One day, I was pretty much just plain sulking, no two ways about it - I open up my email, and there's a note from my GT, saying she noticed I hadn't posted that day (big shocker for me, huh????), and was hoping I was all right. So, ya heard it here first - that sharp witted, acid tongue basher babe is really a big Mom of a marshmallow when you've got her in your corner!

GT, baby, you ROCK!!!!


Visit BlossomArt's Ebay Page!


SherpaDave 8326 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-13-02, 09:40 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: Standing Ovation: George Tirebiter"
GT, GT, wherefore art thou, GT? The former doyenne of OT, she whose reponse to a thread of yours made you feel like you'd established yourself. She who cemented the impression in my head when in the Bar that SB was, in fact, a place where adults congregated, where, in addition to all the fun, people sometimes discussed weighty issues. The woman who, more than anyone but AyaK, ensured that BV would see its completion with her intense enthusiasm. GT, who is George Tirebiter, not Georgia Tech. GT is all of those things. First and foremost for me, though, she was my first stoner buddy in the Bar, once I got past the initial desire to flirt shamelessly with her.

I've long enjoyed GT's posts and, because I don't venture much off OT, I've missed 'em. I hope she sees that she is missed over here from this thread and that she come on back around. For her, a really loud standing O, in hopes she can hear it from wherever she may be.

Write hard and clear about what hurts. - Ernest Hemingway
Criminals From the Neck Up


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-14-02, 00:37 AM (EST)
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4. "Standing Ovation Gufu: George Tirebiter"
Damn straight, that's our GT in a nutshell. Honesty is another way of putting it, she is so honest about what she thinks that what she lacks in tact she more than makes up for with bluntness. Well, it's the truth! She's also got a wry enough sense of humor to totally get that.

What can I say about GT that no one else could say, though. Well, she was the first one to call me "coonhead" and sometimes still does. She called me on the "gufu" mistake, and boy did I show her by turning around and making "gufu" a household word around here, huh! Well, it's the truth!

Seriously, though, one of the great things about GT, aside from her smarts and wicked humor and tactlessness , she's always known how seriously or not so seriously to take things around here. That central gyroscope she has is amazing, not perfect of course but quite an amazing thing, and that is really a big part of what makes GT such a special person to know and share board space with. That and the smarts and stuff. She can be pushy, though. Well, it's the truth!

Big standing O, GT! Thanks for being you.



Leif Eriksen 1179 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

02-14-02, 10:23 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: Standing Ovation: George Tirebiter"
Tirekisser! I would give you a big standing ovation anytime (get your mind out of the gutter, I did not mean it "that" way!)

You are the female version of myself in alot of ways which makes me adore you even more. You gave me the "lovable asshole-type" signature which I latched onto and kept close to my heart since the day you said that about me. We have been in more than one skirmish together with the "bozos" that sometimes get on our nerves and those were alot of fun. I am sure, if my memory is not failing me, that you and I hit it off immediately, long ago, when this board first started. I have to say that Off topic has not been quite the same since you left it voluntarily. Of course I am not going to beg you to come back, that would be beneath both you and I.

I was going to give you a little present of a picture of me in a kilt, but, unfortunatly, I could not find a kilt, sorry.

"lovable asshole-type"
Leif Eriksen


Frau Hexe 716 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

02-14-02, 11:06 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: Standing Ovation: George Tirebiter"
Okay, I've got to come out of hiding and away from my unintentional hiatus for this one.

GT, oh GT, you helped me realize from the very beginning just how much of a backbone I'd have to have around here. (I know I talked about this a little on your birthday thread, but bear with me.) When I first started posting over on Bashers, long before I could call myself anything close to a Basher Babe, GT ruffled my feathers. You see, I was responding to a post of hers and called her George, and it was quickly pointed out to her by someone that it was pretty amusing that I had called her George. So, I took back the "George" and instead called her "Herr Tirebiter." I still want to go hide under the covers when I remember the response to that--here I was thinking I was smoothing things over by not calling this "guy" George, and I make yet another faux pas. So, it was pointed out to me that the beautiful GT was in fact a woman. GT gracefully let me know that it was all okay, but by then I knew what an icon she was around here, and I became so embarassed that I nearly quit posting right then and there. And this is where my lesson comes in: any good Basher Babe needs to be strong, ruthless, and just not give a shit what others think--GT made me aware of this very early on.

But this is not all I admire her for because damn this woman is amazing! When I read her interview with MIS, I realized just how strong and incredible she was--I mean, the woman got up and washed the sheets she gave birth on! I love her wry sense of humor, her ability to make me fall out of my chair and make my belly hurt with laughter, her sweeter side that forgave me for making an ass of myself from the very beginning, and her no bullshit attitude that I so admire. I had a blast with her on the Basher Babe bus this time around, and was utterly thrilled that she took part. I do miss her on OT, but respect her decision to stay away just as much--just so long as I get to see her somewhere.

All in all, GT is amazing, incredible, and just downright fabulous. So I send a big Standing Ovation out to you, GT!

We love men. We just don't want to see them naked.~ Two Nice Girls


VampKira 4433 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

02-14-02, 11:57 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: Standing Ovation: George Tirebiter"
I turned her into a Vampire some time ago... the way I figure it... she is out collecting blood and nourishment... That sits ok with me. I mean... We NEED our energy.......

If you can't hear me, it's because I haven't been here much lately..... - VampKira


MakeItStop 1098 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

02-14-02, 01:27 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Standing Ovation: George Tirebiter"
OK, I don't normally respond to the SO threads, but GT is special. So I think I'll share a few of my fond memories of GT.

Do you guys remember when I first started posting? GT thought I was an existing poster posing as a newbie. And like dabo said, she called me on it. OMG, I thought this was going to be trouble because this was right after the "blu" period, trolls were still a problem, and many posters were creating second ids (not shakes, not sleeeve, etc.). I was afraid if GT thought I was someone else, everyone would think the same thing.

Curiosity got the better of me and I asked her who she thought I was. OMG, what a mistake. That brought all the spoiler people out with their theories on who I was. LOL -- I can laugh about it now. BTW, for those of you who don't know, she thought I was EBug. Some others thought I was Kismet.

She also said I sounded like Martha Stewart! Grrrr! And she still calls me Martha to this day. But I KNOW she uses it as a term of endearment. That's right, GT, isn't it? hahaha

I also have fond memories of doing GT's interview. Many emails passed between us. First, I had to twist her arm to get her to agree. Then I had to patiently wait while she procrastinated in answering her questions. I'm really glad that I had the opportunity to do this interview. It really gave me a chance to get to know the REAL GT. If you think her posts are entertaining, let me tell you her emails are 10 times so.

I've come to love GT's tell-it-like-it-is attitude. TACT, what's that?! But let me tell you, behind that tough exterior is a caring person. I love her intelligence, her humor, her creativity. I'm proud to call her friend. GT, you know I love ya!


volmel 362 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

02-14-02, 02:27 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Standing Ovation: George Tirebiter"
LAST EDITED ON 02-14-02 AT 02:35 PM (EST)

Well, what can I say about GT. The woman adores me. It's getting to be a problem really

When I first went into chat, GT teased me some and I gave it right back to her. She laughed and said something like, "I like that and I'm glad you know how I tease". I thought "who is this woman and why doesn't she live next door to me so I can run over and visit her constantly"? I'll let you in on a secret, the "*I* missed you the most" is something I did over and over again in chat because I think it annoyed GT, and then of course, I had to keep on

I think GT and I were best friends in Scotland about 300 years ago. She's the only other woman I know who can get turned on at the thought of a beautiful Scotsman in a kilt. And I'm sure we must have smoked wacky tobacky at some time together. We just don't remember. hahaha

So I lift my cup of afternoon tea (in old china of course) to our own beautiful, glorious GT and a woman I'm proud to call my friend.

Edited to say that I went back and forth between being sappier, but then I started blubbering like a baby, and was ruining my perfectly mascaraed eyes. hahaah.


PepeLePew13 26140 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-14-02, 02:48 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Standing Ovation: George Tirebiter"
Excellent choice for a thresd like this... GT is one of the true characters of this place and her acerbic wit and forked tongue over on Bashers is a perfect match over there and truly helps set the tone there, as well as here on the OT board.

She's also the one who always take the time to include the accents in my name (Pépé) and is sorta a "big-sister figure" to my wife who had the misfortune to wade into AK's Blowhole one night with the login name of "gt" without knowing who GT was! GT was able to have a real good laugh about this and was gracious enough to introduce herself to Babs/Penelope when they crossed paths in a thresd.

Hope to see you around here on the boards more often in the near future, Georgie!


Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-14-02, 03:20 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Standing Ovation: George Tirebiter"
First time joining an SO...

I love GT's posts, where she'll say so many of the things I wish I had the nerve to say, or wish I had thought of in the first place.

And yet she's also willing to help a gal get a sig pic.


sleeeve 3456 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

02-14-02, 06:44 PM (EST)
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12. "Excellent Choice!"
GT is the epitomy of the basher babe... While I don't post much on bashers, I *do* read there often, and always enjoy her scathing wit. (And when she blesses us with her presence on Spoilers, it's a joy!)

Yay GT!!! Thanks for everything you do to make SB the wonderful place it is.

You never know what might be up my sleeeve...


LadyT 5567 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-14-02, 06:45 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: Standing Ovation: George Tirebiter"
Amwwww GT, you and I have had our problems in the past, but the one thing that will always remain constant is your incredible humor. OMG girl, you make me laugh like no one else does.

I don't think you ever really forgave me for thinking that you and Dalton were one and the same. Thank you so much for keeping htis place alive during S1 and S2. You were one of the few people who helped make this place a success and damnit I am intimatated by you and the basher babes


Drive My Car 20045 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-15-02, 06:04 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: Standing Ovation: George Tirebiter"
I know GT well enough to know she hates a hypocrite.
I respect her enough to not be fake or asskissy here.

No Basher Babe trip would be complete without her, because she IS the original Basher Babe. Even before many of us knew she was a Babe (and not a grumpy guy named George) she was Bashing and giving those Survivors what for. She taught us how to Bash them properly ( if any of you need a lesson check out S1 in the archives) Tirebiter was indeed a fitting name ( and trust me a bit intimadating to those of us that need our tires

GT is clever, quick, has a sharp wit, and a sharp tongue at times. She is intelligent, outspoken and uncompromising, and YES often very very funny. Her famous soapbox is well used and well deserved. Although i don't always agree with her opinions it is always interesting to hear her take on a subject.

I am posting to this thresd GT, because you deserve this Standing Ovation, for all the good things you have done for Survivor Blows.


George Tirebiter 2982 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

02-15-02, 09:50 PM (EST)
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15. "You ALL deserve an arse-kicking. . ."
. . . and I must admit that when the alarms started sounding, that was my first impulse. Unfortunately, Scribe does not know me well enough to be aware of how much I detest this kind of thing (or she DOES know, but was too crafty and got away with it!) Yes, I have been invisible if you don't venture beyond the OT, yes, I resent the feeling that not only is everything one says up for infinite misinterpretation, but the fact that one does or does not weigh in on every little thing often seems to be grounds for hard feelings. . . Frankly, my life is too busy to work so hard, and I am not quite the DAW (hey, I left myself some room for the truth!) who thinks that little number by my moniker is worth a few thousand one-liners. I prefer to swoop in and read a bit here and there, post, not post, whatever mood strikes me! I see no need to clutter my life with unnecessary angst. When I have something I feel especially drawn to comment on, I might even save it for an email--leaving SB for the more fun and free-wheeling stuff. I even fought against the interview shtick, until it was presented in a way that could be seen as an invitation to a party, instead of a plea for praise and attention or a mere duty thrust upon me. (MIS deserves a lot of credit for having the balls to jump into the fray here AND endearing herself in the process!) And don't even remind me of the dueling b-day threads. Ugh! I HATE being the center of attention!

That being said, I must admit that I am surprised that this has not simply mortified me. I am actually awed at the roster of many of the people I look UP to here having something heartfelt to say about someone who is in actuality an anti-social sort (picture the moody loner in black, who always hung out in the art room in school. . .)--especially when I realize how many of them are also "invisible" but felt moved to step into the open and speak up on my behalf. . . Damn it all, it's a veritable mutual admiration society here--the (G)love is damned-near palpable! (But please--DON'T smell it. . .)

Don't know where to begin, to refute all these proclamations of adoration--or whether to even try. (I swear, I always craft my statements so that they say exactly what I mean. . . is it MY fault people want to insert their own meanings between the lines?) Coonhead, you win the prize for giving me the first belly laugh--I promise to ALWAYS endeavor to counteract my lack of tact with a healthy dose of bluntness, thanks to your eye-opener! (OMG--you are too funny!) Hexe, I hope I really didn't scare you so much--do you realize how many people thought it was safe to assume someone called George was a male? Blame the boys of Firesign, who don't often do female characters. Hell, blame Georges Sand and George Eliot while you're at it. Surely, you are in good company, if you missed the humor underlying my posts--the first word I ever got from ebug was a declaration titled "George intimidates me." (I believe she learned better, as well.)

MIS, we already know, won me over with her chutzpah, and mel. . . yes, I have always adored you, too--not only did you "get" me from the start, but your middle name is Eccentricity, and I am all about that. Pépé--the sweetheart of the bar, since his debut there involved diving into the hot tub without giving us a chance to question the wisdom of sharing all that hair and. . . "perfume" (he even made a point of coming in early the next day to clean up after himself!)--your endorsement might mean less, given that you've never had a bad word to say about anyone. . . but it actually means a lot. You any Monkeyboy have perhaps THE best-chosen IDs here, as they seem to really reflect your gentle, loving, and potentially wild and unpredictable sides. . .

T? I dunno what the hell you're talking about, but I think you're confusing teevee with real life again. Slurpee--is there a woman here you DON'T think you've carried on with? hehehe Sleeeve--one of many sexy, brainy boys lured away from Spoilers. . . the less said, the better, as we must keep your true identity a secret to further your Survivor goals. . . And the rest of you here--and on that other thread--certainly you know I enjoy you all without having it itemized, right?

Scribe. . . the well-intentioned girl who apparently thrives on causing trouble. . . I will take care to conceal all my dislikes from you, lest you think of a way to parade them in public in a way I cannot squelch. . . Again. Despite my horror at being dragged here kicking and screaming, I really am touched that you would think I was worthy of your effort. I hope that you notice I have chosen to post first on YOUR thread (LMAO--that DK really slipped up--she thought she could sneak in here, but accidentally started a whole new thread! ) And yes, Scribe--you ARE an ass-kisser. Just don't let anyone start a stupid debate about me swinging "that" way, simply because I might enjoy being the recipient now and then.

And Leif. Yes, I think I love you most of all. Maybe my first friend here (along with Dalton,) I gravitated to The Viking and his feisty raids, just because I enjoyed encouraging trouble. . . Some people still don't seem to understand you're really just a teddy bear--and perhaps that connects us, too. Honestly, if we aren't kin, it's only for lack of common relatives. (?!) You are my brother and daddy, rolled into one package and better than the real thing.

Now. . . time to quit gawking here. Don't you people have HOMES?!


who hopes you will all have the sense to insert the appropriate winking/grinning/devilish/tearful emoticons in all the right places, because if it feels like I've stepped on your toes, you probably read it wrong.

(BTW, T--Dalton looks more like this: Big difference, eh?)

Whooooo-ey! And to think I've ribbed OFG for being the Queen of the Lengthy Rambles! . . . Ah well--this'll teach you, teach you ALL! Bwhahahahaha!


LadyT 5567 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-15-02, 11:42 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: You ALL deserve an arse-kicking. . ."
GT, well said. You know, I still get picked on for believing that Days of Our Lives was real when I was five. I think that explains a lot about me. Does you posting here mean what I think it means? Will you join in the fun again. You know, you are one of the reasons I no longer bash as much as I used too. You guys are just too damn good. I read and I laugh and think to myself, why didn't I think of that?

Of course, I realized when I saw this SO, that you would hate this. Of course this meant I have to keep posting on it. You are a cool #####, and I truly mean that. Now get your ass in the bar sometime


Dalton 1271 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

02-18-02, 04:34 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: Standing Ovation: George Tirebiter"
UMMMM, what can I say about GT that hasn't already been said or isn't too "mushy"?

She is straight forward, some might say blunt; but this is an admirable trait in a person who is totally blunt about herself and her own short-comings.

She has a wealth of knowledge about things I know little about and she takes great time and care to explain things.

She always has been a wonderful contributor to the fun happenings on these boards. (And that is such an understatement!!)

She does have strong opinions and speaks her mind and so do I; perhaps that is why we have become such great friends. As different as we are, we appreciate each other for our differences.

Oh, and she thinks I'm funny!!

There GT!! A big soap-box, unmushy SO for you!!!



Lisapooh 12664 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-18-02, 04:56 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: Standing Ovation: George Tirebiter"
Man, I haven't been on OT in several days and look what springs up - a big old GT roast!

Better late than never -- GT totally intimidated me when I came here - I was scared to death of her. But I was way wrong! GT is incredibly funny and straightforward - you know where you stand with her and that's something pretty admirable right there.

She's part of what makes this place special and I miss her when she's not around (although I need to spend more time on bashers apparently).

Here's the coolest thing about GT-- she is the only other woman I know who has personal knowledge of the secret joys of all-natural childbirth. Nice to have someone who understands!


George Tirebiter 2982 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

02-18-02, 08:55 PM (EST)
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19. "Shhhhh!"
>. . . personal knowledge of the secret joys of all-natural childbirth.
Thanks for the extra props, ladies, but Pooh--it isn't about THAT kind of "O". . .



NightScribe 761 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

02-19-02, 01:41 AM (EST)
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20. "RE: Shhhhh!"
Scribe, who has never had children requires explanation of two things. First, what kind of "O" do you mean GT? And second, Pooh, what exactly are the joys of all-natural childbirth?
<scratching head and looking confused>

Oh, and just to keep up the spirit of the thread, I must say something else about GT. She's cool. Yeah, she didn't hire a hitman to take me out when she saw this thread.

Glad to still be alive


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-19-02, 02:18 AM (EST)
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21. "RE: Shhhhh!"
LOOL!!! Wakeywakeysmoochies, Scribe! it's way late so forgive if this makes nonsense.


George Tirebiter 2982 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

02-19-02, 10:50 AM (EST)
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22. "RE: Shhhhh!"
Sorry, Scribe. . . but this thread is rated PG. You'll just have to use your imagination. I may be wrong, because she DID bring it up in public herself, but I think Pooh will be likewise reluctant to discuss the details--but rest assured, her "joys" and mine are one and the same.

And I cannot get into the connections I may or may not have--suffice to say that this fiasco is not worth becoming beholden to anyone, as I know your heart was in the right place.

Oh, look--you made dabo laugh incoherently!


(who now thinks NS does a damn fine Stan Laurel impersonation)


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-19-02, 03:27 PM (EST)
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23. "RE: Shhhhh!"
I'm sorry. I read Scribey's post and tried to visualize a perplexed-looking "Ann," it's just impossible to do. Go ahead, you try, gets kinda Church Lady after a bit.

moonbaby 17120 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-19-02, 04:13 PM (EST)
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24. "RE: Shhhhh!"
My oh my, I remember hearing about that birth thing....LOL!! GT, is who I want to be like when (if) I (ever)grow up Her wit, her honesty, her strength. But I don't want to raise birds, I don't think that's for me The bashing so excellent, the humor so quick (I look back fondly on the great toilet paper debate)her unique voice always adding an interesting comment or observation. So there, I added to this Standing O, bumping it to the top. HAH!


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