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"American Idol Critique List, v.2.2"
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ejm92 2221 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

03-18-03, 09:55 PM (EST)
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"American Idol Critique List, v.2.2"
An awesome week, just incredible....time to judge them this week...Simon is as funny as ever with his droll comments....

1. Clay (1) - Clay is just the man...he can make a mouse sound good....I have to agree with Simon on this one...

2. Joshua (9) - Really liked his singing this week....a huge improvement, he picked the song that fit him the best and performed it incredibly...

3. Trenyce (4) - The dress was a bit over the top...she's very sexy, though. Her voice improves with every performance, she is really going to be a contendor this year.

4. Ruben (2) - The competition was incredible this week, I love Ruben to death, but two things bug me about him...number one, when is he going to give up on the jerseys? And number two, his voice sounds a bit scratchy when he sings...almost like it has been overworked and is straining, however I remember Kelly's voice doing the same...but not this early into the competition.

5. Kimberley L. (10) - She saaaaved herself after last week, this girl has the voice to contend with the guys above her, and if given the chance I think she can do it....

6. Rickey (3) - I've been a huge fan from the beginning...he hasn't quite shown the "buzz" that the above mentioned Idols have, but Rickey is on the brink and will for sure reach the next level soon.

7. Corey (5) - Good singer, good performance, still waiting for him to sing Michael Jackson...

8. Kim C. (6) - She has more talent than what she is showing, and that is not the way to win the competition.

9. Julia (7) - She looks great every week....being a Virginian, I had to love her shirt, and I'm sure I'd love to see that's under it, lol.....Julia came straight outta the 80's, and each time I hear her perform it takes me to the 80's....hopefully she'll stick around, though, because she is stunning.

10. Carmen (11) - The performance was good, but nothing more than that.

11. Charles (12) - Seems like his attitude has been more and more cocky each week the competition lasts....he has a big fan base, though, and that is why I am afraid that he might not be eliminated this week....but please, get 'im out!!!

That was this week's ranking, here is how they rank cumulatively after two weeks of performing, average rank beside the name.....

1. Clay (1)
2. Ruben (3)
3. Trenyce (3.5)
4. Rickey (4.5)
5. Joshua (5.5)
6. Corey (6)
7. Kim C. (7)
8. Kim L. (7.5)
9. Julia (8)
10. Carmen (10.5)
11. Charles (11.5)

Kelly C. looked really hot tonight! The performance wasn't really as good as her Idol days, but maybe it was the song that I didn't like. Cool to see her back, though....she needs to guest judge one week.

Survior 5 Anti-Bootee Champion

  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... cyclehausen 03-18-03 1
 Need Help Spidey 03-18-03 2
   RE: Need Help cyclehausen 03-18-03 3
   RE: Need Help ejm92 03-18-03 4
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... Kokoro 03-18-03 5
   Performance vs Voice IslandFever 03-19-03 9
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... carencey 03-18-03 6
   RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... carencey 03-18-03 7
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... IslandFever 03-18-03 8
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... katem 03-19-03 10
   RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... smiley 03-19-03 17
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... johnthemod 03-19-03 11
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... Lancerdude74 03-19-03 12
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... 712 03-19-03 13
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... ElroyJetson 03-19-03 14
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... Breezy 03-19-03 15
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... Ahtumbreez 03-19-03 16
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... lilgypsy 03-19-03 18
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... munson 03-19-03 19
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... L82LIFE 03-19-03 20
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... managerr 03-19-03 21
   RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... Kokoro 03-19-03 22
       speaking of crap.... cyclehausen 03-19-03 23
           RE: speaking of crap.... Kokoro 03-19-03 24
               RE: speaking of crap.... Spidey 03-19-03 25
                   RE: speaking of crap.... toddE 03-19-03 26
                       RE: speaking of crap.... MollyTV 03-19-03 27
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... TODDLJ 03-20-03 28
   Tell it like it is, Todd! cyclehausen 03-20-03 29
   Only 1 Comment Larry.... ElroyJetson 03-21-03 30
   RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... GeorgiaBelle 03-23-03 31
   Be careful Larry !!!!! katem 03-23-03 32

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cyclehausen 1197 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

03-18-03, 10:00 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.2"
LAST EDITED ON 03-18-03 AT 10:58 PM (EST)

Couch critics unite to nitpick and judge! Here are my rankings:

1. (7) Ruben Studdard - Wow. wow. wow. The best I've yet heard from him. When he's not scrambling like a rat on crack all over the scale, you really get a true appreciation for his powerful vibratto. All he has to do is stand in one place and he really is "velvet teddy bear majik." I'm finally impressed. Here's hoping he handles the rest of his performances this tenderly. Booyah. (p.s. change the shirt, tubby.)

2. (6) Rickey Smith - Oh, hell, there goes my PTTE. It was nothing short of marvelous. Who thought he had THAT in him? His look is improving, as well. He was all over the song, and played with it in just the right places. It wasn't overdone, and the finish was perfectly tight, without breaking or overshadowing the rest of the performance. Damn, it was good.

3. (10) KimberlEy Locke - First off, kudos on losing the mop-head. She really needs to work on her audible inhaling. Other than that, it was sensational - she's right back in form. I knew there was a reason I originally picked her to win the thing. She ruled every note, and she sang the song like she wrote it herself. She pounded down the roof.

4. (1) Clay Aiken - Excellent showing, as always - HOWEVER, I wasn't blown away by this performance like I was by the last two. Something was lacking in the way he carried some of the phrasing. Also, he schlepped on the last note - going for that big reach at the end was a mistake. But those little nitpicky things don't change the fact that he IS awesome and natural and IS the next American Idol.

5. (3) Trenyce noname - great look, great song choice, great voice. Again, how she had to be wildcarded is beyond me. She jumped past a weak first six notes and just roared through the performance. I think she may have jinxed herself a little in that she performed the song just like Whtney, but not quite to the level as Whitney (admittedly live vs. studio, but still..) An amazing performance nonetheless. She had all the technique and all the style. She just needs a little more force.

6. (2) Kimberly Caldwell - (crap, we all picked the wrong Cher song!) a big plus for her was the movement. By far, she had the most commanding stage presence of the night. She really showed off her voice, and her look continues to dazzle. Her performance was generally stunning. I did envision her having a slightly stronger hold on the song, but still it was really good (of course, almost everyone was good tonight....) Her range is still her big stopping point, she just has to grab those notes harder to cut it, imho.

7. (4) Charles Grigsby - I've said it before, I'll say it again. He is in the top of the crop. A very weird song choice, but it was still a good showcasing. His charm and good looks are going to push him into the top 5. He does have his vocal limitations, and the performance had a couple of flaws. If he hadn't tried to "dance" it would have gone a lot better. And of all the freaking songs....dear God! (I'm only cutting him extra slack because all you other couch critics hate him.) I just can't wait to see him on disco night.

8. (9) Carmen Rasmussen - Decent. That's about it. She won't last.

9. (12) Josh Gracin - go home to your kid already. You look constipated when you sing, your twang is irritating, and you are way outclassed here. You really belong on Nashville Star or some other garbage. Just go away.

10. (11) Corey Clark - what is it about going first that prompts intense sucking? He was off-key, off-tone, and weak in supporting even these notes. The falsetto is getting really nasty. His look has improved, but I was literally writhing - imagine that - WRITHING as he sung! Yuck.

11. (5) Julia DeMatto - She still looks like a granite puppet on stage. The performance was out of tune, out of soul, and out of this decade. She has no style of her own. weak, weak, weak. Thumbs down. Very easily the absolute worst performance of the night - perhaps of the top twelve this season. At least Corey evoked some kind of sensation. With every note of this crap, my soul died a little. Disco on Ice, my ass. I've seen better at junior high talent shows.

but what do y'all (Femme?) think?

Well, we got a celebrity judge this week who actually has a vocabulary! And next week is disco! I can barely hold my pee! Who will sing "I Will Survive"?

A last complaint: why can't we get slightly more actual singing time? Out of a 2 hour show, we hear 22 minutes of song. It just ain't right.....

edited to note: going over the tape again, I have to bump Kimberly C. above Charles - I hate to do it, but I gotta call it like it is. Chuck, you need to do it like I know you can next you WANT to be black-listed by this illustrious message board??


Spidey 6259 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-18-03, 10:06 PM (EST)
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2. "Need Help"
I am working on the PTTE thread and didn't tape the show (lost the remote and can't otherwise program fox in - ergh!), and I need a little help. I need the movies these songs were from. So far I have: Armageddon, Whiz (x2), Flashdance, Against All Odds, Mermaids, Tootsie, Grease. Then I know Ruben sang A Whole New World, and I am pretty sure it's Disney, but the title fails me. Also, Clay's mouse song, Somewhere Out There. I keeping thinking Rescuers, but I know that's not it. Any help appreciated. Thanks.


cyclehausen 1197 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

03-18-03, 10:07 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: Need Help"
Somewhere Out There - An American Tail
Whole New World - Aladdin

ejm92 2221 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

03-18-03, 10:10 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Need Help"
I think Trenyce's song was from "The Bodyguard" soundtrack, that'd be number 11.

Survior 5 Anti-Bootee Champion

Kokoro 3899 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

03-18-03, 10:31 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.2"
I'm not going to bother talking about performance because I usually just listen to the show instead of watching. I really don't get the whole "performance is just as important as singing" because it's not. How many times are you going to listen to a CD or an MP3? And then compare that to how many times you get to see that person perform live. Exactly.

1.) Clay
2.) Ruben
3.) Trenyce
4.) Kimberly L.
5.) Rickey
6.) Joshua
7.) Kimberly C.
8.) Carmen
9.) Corey
10.) Julia
11.) Charles

Clay - So amazing. Despite others being talented, if he doesn't win this, I'll be shocked. Great song (from such a sweet movie ;) and the best voice of the competition. That last note was a bit iffy at first, but he saved it by the end. He has good range and he's just a great guy. What more could you want?

Ruben - Despite the hype, Ruben was actually very good this week. I love that song and he's just so smooth doing it. He sounds just like the album version (I think by Peabo Bryson?) and he has such a good rich tone. Good song choice and great voice.

Trenyce - She's got a good strong power voice and she knows how to use it. Whitney is always a good choice if you can pull it off and she did a pretty good job. She wasn't spectacular, as she wasn't as smooth as she could've been - there were a lot of breaks in the song, but she's still one of the best there in terms of talent.

Kimberly L. - Huge improvement over last week. If she can keep this up, she'll at least have a free pass past all of the mediocre-terrible singers. That was a good song choice for her and she's once again showing her power and control. She could still be in the bottom three, since I'm not sure who else is availiable, other than Corey, but I think he's safe as he has at least part of the young-girls-who-vote-on-cuteness vote.

Rickey - As usual, he falls somewhere in the middle. He has a really high range, which bugs me since he ~only~ sings songs with high pitches. But I guess that's nothing to complain about, it just means he knows what songs to choose. He does have good control and he's definitely not going to be in danger for the next few weeks, since he's in the middle-top area in
regards to talent. Overall, he did a good job tonight, IMO.

Joshua - Don't really remember him because I was reading a bunch of the political thresds that happened to come up over the past couple of days and so had my attention somewhere else. Anyhow, I don't think he was too memorable because I hardly remember him at all, but I guess he was alright from what I did hear because I don't remember cringing. On the other hand, he was majorly country this time around, and on an ~Aerosmith~ (!) song, which isn't a good thing. But I'll just give him the benefit of the doubt and place him somewhere in the middle. It's not like he's going anytime soon, anyhow.

Kimberly C. - She could stand to be better, but she has such a unique voice as compared to so many people this season who are all the same so I hope she'll stick around so much longer. She does have a strong voice, however but Simon is right, she can probably do a lot better. Since this is one of the performances that I actually happened to watch, I have to say she's probably the best performer and she's very wild and fun, things that will help her out, at least for awhile.

Carmen - Still sounding way too country, but I'm kinda getting used to it and like Kim C., at least she can say she's unique. She's gotten a lot better in the past couple of weeks. She's lost a lot of the annoying vibratto (it's still there, though!) and although she uses far too many twangs, she's gone from being painful to listen to, to actually being alright. I don't know that was a bad song as Paula said, it sounded good for her, plus it's a song that people like so that'll also garner votes.

Corey - Not very good. He was somewhat average, but he reminded me of some of really bad singers from the auditions with the way that he hovered on notes, going somewhat flat but not entirely noticably. It's what I think you'd describe as "warbling". Also, his voice just wasn't powerful enough or right in any way whatsoever for that song. I agree with Simon. It was almost painful to listen to. I'm glad he's seen as cute though, as it'll probably save him and thus save me a lot of points in these games.

Julia - Highly mediocre, she sounds and looks as if she's doing kareoke. There was no energy in the song at all and really, it was a poor song choice, as I see it. She's not terrible, but she needed to bring it this week and she didn't. She didn't even seem to realize this. Count on her being in the bottom two and most likely going, since she hasn't really developed a fan base.

Charles - He was just really bad, to be honest. He seems like a great kid, and maybe it was the song choice, but he was at the bottom of the barrel this week. That was like listening to Corey, which is already painful, but then giving Corey some throat disease/power, if you will which just makes you wish you were deaf. That wasn't too mean, I don't think, but hey, if Simon's allowed to be blunt....

Should be the bottom 3: Charles, Corey, Julia
Should be the bottom 2: Charles, Julia
Probably gone: Julia

"This isn't a story about how good triumphs. Good people are going to die." - BTVS


IslandFever 205 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

03-19-03, 00:13 AM (EST)
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9. "Performance vs Voice"
Kokoro- Britney Spears is a case point. The girl's voice is mediocre at best but she looks good and can dance. So her performance is better than her voice.

carencey 263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

03-18-03, 10:45 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.2"
Oh boy, time to do this again.

1. (1) Clay. It's going to take a lot to get Clay out of my first place position. Actually, Trenyce and Ruben are capable, but they each had a 'nit' this week too. This was a fabulous performance, and the only thing keeping it from flawless was the last not. Glad Simon is on board!

2. (2) Trenyce. What a voice! The dress was an improvement over the past few weeks. Her 'nit' was some odd phrasing--'take me for all I ham'?

3. (3) Ruben. I like the quality of his voice too, but I didn't think this performance had the intensity of some of his others, or of Clay and Trenyce's.

4. (9) Kimberly Locke. Much, much better. The top three are pulling away from everyone else, but this should keep her around unless people are stupid!

5. (4tie) Kimberly Caldwell. Better this week, but so was everyone else. Good song choice.

6. (4tie) Josh. I still like Josh, but it was clear tonight that his voice doesn't stand up to the top three's.

7. (8) Rickey. Despite the little hop in placement, this was better than last week. I'm not a Rickey fan at all, but I have to admit that he didn't suck.

8. (12) Carmen. I'm floored that she isn't in my bottom three. Oh well, she'll get there soon enough.

9. (11) Corey. I just don't hear what people like so much about this guy. His falsetto was off key, his phrasing was half-assed, and he sounded like he was off-tempo for a few seconds--in short, like he'd partied the night before instead of rehearsing.

10. (7) Julia. Pretty voice, but if she can't quit looking like a mannequin, she's outta here and soon. 'Take your passion' sounded like it was sung to a bottle of milk.

11. (10) Charles. Aw-ful. Lots of these competitors have great performance skills and voices and he couldn't display either tonight. I have him as safe in anti-bootee because I know he has a lot of fans out there who will call in to save him. But I won't be the least bit upset to take the points and see him go.


carencey 263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

03-18-03, 10:49 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.2"
Replying to myself, lol.

I agree with Kokoro's bottom three picks, obviously since they're the same as mine, but I'll add 'should go--Charles, and will go--Julia'.


IslandFever 205 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

03-18-03, 11:56 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.2"
5.Kim C.
6.Kim L.

I didn't watch last season but it seems that more women are voting than men. More women follow reality shows. This favors the male contestants. When I voted Ruben,Josh,and Clay were busy so they aren't going anywhere.


katem 3315 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-19-03, 00:50 AM (EST)
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10. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.2"
This was a better week. Here are my thoughts:

01. Trenyce. PHENOMENAL !!!!! She has easily has been the most consistent of them all, tonight she was awesome.

02. Kim Locke. What is it with this girl and "The Wizard of Oz"? She can only sings songs written for that story. She was sensational.

03. Josh. Boy did we nail that one, we knew this song was his. He has never sounded more country than tonight. I liked it, he did a very good job AND looked very cute.

04. Rickey. He was really good tonight. He was better than Clay and Ruben, and that is saying something. His personality still grates on me.

05. Clay. He chose a horrible song and I really don't think he shined as much as he has before. He did enough though.

06. Ruben. Another boring song, and he was Ok, nothing special.

07. Kim C. She has been better, I sort of agreed with Simon, that performance could have been done by any of the others.

08. Corey Clark. HORRIBLE. He has the personality of a dishrag. He has not presence. He was awful at the beginning and was WORSE at the end. I thought my ears were going to burst.

09. Carmen. OMH !!!!! She was painful.

10. Charles. Hey Charles, "YOU CAN'T WIN" !!!!! He was worse than Carmen.

11. Julia. WHAT WAS SHE THINKING?!!!!! She just nailed the final nail in her coffin.

Best three: Trenyce, Kim Locke and Josh Gracin.
Bottom Three: Julia, Charles and Carmen.
Public's bottom three: Same as above.
OUT: Julia DeMato.

Question: Did anyone hear Simon tell Josh that next week it was "disco"? Think he was joshing him (pun intended) and us?


smiley 2009 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

03-19-03, 10:13 AM (EST)
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17. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.2"
OMH I am wetting myself here over Katem's expressions

Well I intended to watch the whole show carefully but then my mother in law called and had me on the phone for 45 min DAMMIT LOL (still love her though )

1. Trenyce. I thought she looked awesome and sounded great. She didn't look old Simon she looked classy...better than Ruben and those damn T shirts...give it up already pal..we know where you are from!

2. Kim Locke. She really redeemed herself tonight. She looked great and that song was really good for her. A bit shakey at the start but she finished it off nicely

3. Josh. Missed seeing

4. Rickey. Missed him too

5. Clay. Oh Clay....didn't like that song at all...hope next week is better buddy.

6. Ruben. I haven't liked Ruben the last couple of weeks but he rocked tonight. I even like the scratchiness of his voice.

7. Kim C. Missed it

8. Corey Clark. ARRRRRRRRR I hate this guy...I mean I just don't get what the judges like. He is so painful!

9. Carmen. Missed it.

10. Charles. Missed it too but I don't like him anyway.

11. Julia. OMH....hate to say bye julia


johnthemod 423 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

03-19-03, 01:19 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.2"
Well, I can't say I was that impressed with the performances tonight overall, and yet I somehow agreed that it was a good show...I guess I liked the songs. Wow, I had Vanessa as 3 last week...that sucks.

1. Trenyce (2) - she sang the hell out of Whitney. I love that song, I love Whitney, and she did a damn fine job.

2. CLAY AIKEN (1) - still and always will be my pick for the idol, but Trenyce slightly outshined him this week. Still, picking Somewhere Out There (my favorite song as a child) gives him even more extra points in my book. (and he totally looks like Fievel)

3. Ruben Studdard (8) - still think he's overrated, and yet, only two managed to rise above his singing this episode. If he doesn't stop w/ the 205 though I'm going to burn his wardrobe.

4. Kimberly Caldwell (4) - best performer in the group, unfortunately, not the best voice. Not a great idea to pick a song where the prerecorded back up sings as much as you do though.

5. Kimberley Locke (9) - major comeback, didn't like the dress, but she proved herself.

The next American Idol WILL come from the top five (it'll be Clay, of course, but in the 1% chance that doesn't happen, it will still come from this five)

6. Joshua Gracin (7) - the country thing really threw me off, it came out of nowhere...interesting to see how people respond.

7. Charles Grigsby (10) - made a definite effort on increasing his performance ability, but there's just nothing there.

8. Julia DeMato (6) - she's hot. she will probably go this week. enough said.

9. Rickey Smith (11) - just not digging his voice man, dog, ya hear?

10. Corey Clark (5) - major drop this week, the guy just sucked, and I think this is more prophetic of things to come than his luck with motown last week.

11. Carmen Rasmussen (12) - her voice sounds like it's coming out of a loudspeaker or's bizarre.

Vanessa was 3 last week. Very sad to see her go. Shocked as well. Oh well, less competition for Clay.

BIGGEST GAINERS: Ruben Studdard and Kim Locke, who are also the biggest contestants.

NOSEDIVE: Corey Clark, there are only so many things you can do with that voice.


Lancerdude74 165 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

03-19-03, 02:02 AM (EST)
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12. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.2"

1. Joshua (1) - I love country and his voice is perfect for it. He sounds great and he looks great too.

2. Clay (2) - This was really close between him and Josh. I like his voice as much if not better.

3. Trenyce (3) - She's still the best of the girls, although she's getting some competition. She was good.

4. Ruben (6) - Moves up a few. He really is great, but I still hate the jerseys.

5. Kim L. (9) - Yeah! She came back like I hoped she would. My PTTE are looking better.

6. Corey (10) - I liked him much better this week. Especially his look.

7. Ricky (11) - Don't really like his image but he has a good voice.

8. Kim C. (12) - Wasn't as good as last week. Still like her.

9. Carmen (7) - She's still pretty good.

10. Charles (12) - OK voice. Just don't like his image.

11. Julia (8) - Ugh! She's going home and she deserves it.


712 356 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

03-19-03, 03:47 AM (EST)
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13. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.2"
1) Trenyce (1) - Fabulous, as usual.
2) Kim Caldwell (2) - Rock and Roll!
3) Kim Locke (11) - Way to flip the script, Kim.
4) Ruben Studdart (6) - Haha. Aladin.
5) Carmen Rasmussen (7) - Maybe I just like Grease or something.
6) Clay Aiken (3) - Gave me the creeps tonight.
7) Rickey Smith (12) - Gives me the creeps always.
8) Joshua Gracin (8) - It was nice of him to play the "my daughter misses me so I opt to stay in this compitition and not see her very often so you better vote for me" card. He sucks, get him off my tv screen.
9) Charles Grigsby (9) - Pfft.
10) Julia Demato (10) - Gladys could not have said it more perfectly.
11) Corey Clark (4) - Uggh. That was just sad. Started out off key and off tempo. Finished off better, but still. Huge disappointment, as I loved his performance last week. Probably can't do a whole lot besides motown.


ElroyJetson 586 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

03-19-03, 06:07 AM (EST)
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14. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.2"
1. Clay Aiken (4) - Voice cracked a little at the end but he gave it all he had. Sounded awesome and powerful. Great range and great song. Definite top 3 finalist.

2. Ruben Studdard (2) - Great pipes and confident swagger. Love him. Try some different clothes tho!

3. Trenyce (1) - Loved her. Looked fantastic and did Ms. Houston proud. Seems like a nice lady too.

4. Rickey Smith (8) - Seemed a lot less goofy and more serious this week. Loved the song, love his voice.

5. Kimberley Locke (12) - Huge improvement from last week. Should shine during disco week too. If she stays consistent she can outlast the lesser-rans. Also, don't argue w/the judges anymore.

6. Joshua Gracin (7) - Digging the country sound but it may hamstring him. Also, he might want to drop the fact he misses his family or America may get sypathetic and give him a mercy boot.

7. Kimberly Caldwell (3) - Didn't like it. She seemed to shout the song. Wonder how she'd do with a slow song? Also, too much kissy kissy and waving. Seems very F*A*K*E to me. Simon's comment was dead-on (see same performance in any amusement park).

8. Carmen Rassmussen (11) - Agreed with the judges. She's still so young and seems to be out of her league. Cute kid tho! Not the worst on this night tho! Read on!

9. Corey Clark (6) - Big drop this week. Voice sounded nervous.

10. Charles Grigsby (9) - Nice guy but looks to be out of his league. Egging the crowd on and sashaying across the floor won't cut it. Seems to have a weak voice.

11. Julia Demato (10) - Looked great as always. But the wolves of America will pounce on the deer in the headlights.


Breezy 18380 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-19-03, 07:30 AM (EST)
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15. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.2"
1) Clay- I would buy his CD, love his voice
2) Joshua- liked his country voice this week
3) Ruben- haven't been a huge fan but he did a great job on the song
4) Kimberly L- way better
6) Rickey
7) Kim C -needed to pick a better song
8) Carmen- didn't hit the song but was OK
9) Julia- can someone please wake her up before she goes on stage?
10) Charles- YUCK
11) Corey- OK is it me or was he on something last night? He sounded horrible, was all over the place and had to carry a towel out on stage with him cause he was sweating?


Ahtumbreez 10456 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-19-03, 08:41 AM (EST)
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16. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.2"
Have to say we were rolling in the floor last night over Clay. I have been saying that I love Clay but he reminds me of a little mouse (may have even posted it in a thread somewhere) and then he sings the song a little animated mouse song sings in American Tale! Too funny.

I agree with almost everyone above, except I don't really care for Trenyce.

Corey sucked, Julia needs to go home, and still think Charles should be in lower three.

(c) 2003 GeorgiaBelle Creations,Inc. All rights reserved
Celebrity Mole PTTE Champion


lilgypsy 128 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

03-19-03, 12:40 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.2"
LAST EDITED ON 03-19-03 AT 01:01 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 03-19-03 AT 01:00 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 03-19-03 AT 12:59 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 03-19-03 AT 12:55 PM (EST)

1)Clay- I love his voice and each week he seems to take to heart what the judges have to say. I'm glad Simon finally recognized his talent....

2)Rueben- His voice is wonderful.Hate the jersey's though

3)Trenyce-She did a great job on the Whitney song. I still liked last weeks performance better. I like it that she adds her personality to her songs....not copies the versions already out there

4)Rickey-He did a great job of picking the song for his voice...

5)Kim L- She really picked herself up after last weeks performance.

6)Kim C-Did a great job onstage entertaining, could have picked a better song to showcase her voice.

7)Joshua- Did a great job,not as polished as some of the other performers. May last for a week or 2 more....

8)Corey-What was he thinking? I didn't like this performance, was he not feeling well or what?

9)Carmen-Very shakey at the beginning and took a bit to get into the song. She is not as polished as some of the other performers but she is young and this experience will go a long way toward putting her into a music career. Maybe that is why Simon picked her as the wild card.

10)Charles-He is a so,so performer....

11)Julia-I like Julia's voice and she is attractive, just can't watch her on stage. Her performance is very much like a deer caught in the headlights....She is not comfortable in front of the audience and it shows....


munson 1314 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

03-19-03, 12:43 PM (EST)
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19. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.2"
Thought this was a very good week, especially for the bottom half of the draw. Much better performances from many who neede it.

1. Ruben Studdard - Without qualification, Ruben owned the stage last night. Clay won last week, Ruben was the man on Movie Night. He does it with such ease, like he's been doing it forever. He gave me actual chills. Thought it was a great song choice - not obvious but perfect for him. He IS the smooth, velvet teddy bear with personality to spare. Ruben will be around a long time in this competition.

2. Clay Aiken - Just like Ruben, smooth, easy, like he's be doing it for years. Similiar to Kelly in that he has that wide-eyed innocent thing going coupled with an incredible confidence when he performs. A humble superstar. How refreshing - and America loves it.

3. Trenyce - A very full, powerful voice that she is able to show off with her song choices. I forgave her singing a DIVA standard (I have a personal bias against contestants who choose Whitney, Mariah or Celine) because she pulled it off. Great presence and looked good. Simon should avoid telling grown women how to dress.

4. Joshua Gracin - Great song choice for Josh this week. Showed his country roots and leanings - the obvious twang bothered me less in this song than it will in the future, like in next week's Disco showcase. Hard to watch his constipated expression when he's singing.

5. Kimberley Locke - Redemption last night for Kimberley, she sounded very good. Thought she looked good, too. Again, Simon telling a 24 year-old, full grown adult, to dress like a kid. When, she did, he criticized her for that. But, what was that "It's all about me, me, me!" trip in her video?

6. Kimberly Caldwell - I'm in total agreement with Simon regarding Kim during this competition. She is gorgeous, no doubt, has great showmanship skills, learned up in the Ozarks on the stages of Branson, and Simon nailed it. Theme park. Style ovber substance. Nothing wrong with that it's just not American Idol material. Every week I wait and every week disappointed. Anticipointment! That said, I think this was the best I've seen her yet. She started off so strong and ended well. The middle was just disasterous.

7. Carmen Rasmusen - Surprised by Carmen this week. Didn't like the song choice, really, but you can see she's getting more comfortable. If she wasn't Simon's pick, he'd crucify her. No spark. She'll completely blow it next week with some disasterous, up-tempo, disco tune that is absolutely wrong for her country style. I predict that next week will be her last.

8. Rickey Smith - There's just something a little off with this one. And I'm not talking about his voice. Some pitch problems and an OK performance.

9. Julia D'Amato - Thought the beginning was fantastic - her voice was pure, one pitch, solid. Then she had to start dancing. Girl just got no rhythm and I think when she's trying to focus on showmanship, it effects her vocal concentration. Not enough experience or training to fall back on when needed. Her attitude was much improved last night which was nice to see. I'm willing to write off last week's bitchiness to nerves. Handled all comments well and her admission that she's not that experienced and was doing the best she could was endearing. Will probably garner enough sympathy votes to stick another week.

10. Corey Clark - He was flat, he was straining, plodding through the beginning (boring) to get to the end where he could show his lack of technique, range and pitch control in the freestylin section. Seems to suffer from a serious case of performance nerves.

11. Charles Grigsby - Awful. In the past, I've had Charles in the middle of the pack. Sure, he lacked a bit of style and showmanship, but I liked his voice and thougght he'd performed well when it counted. BAD song choice. He took a Michael Jackson, up-tempo song and made it boring. Like with the Divas, if you're gonna perform a song like this, you better bring it. Also seemed nervous which is not an pretty thing to watch. And listen, don't come out and tell the audience to stand up. You need to earn that stuff. If you wow them with your performance, guaranteed they'll be on your feet. And what's with dismissing the judges and asking the audience what they thought? Bush league response from an amateur. And way too cocky in the chair with Ryan for someone of mediocre talent and no style. Back to the storeroom, stock boy!


L82LIFE 5333 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-19-03, 12:45 PM (EST)
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20. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.2"
I watched this week, but I hate the fact that they drag this out to a two hour show! I'm so tired of all the B.S. skits and such they do in between the singers. I think next week they go down to an hour-and that will be a much better show.

1. Trenyce. She has a range taht is awesome. She looked marvelous and she has one hell of a stage presence. She seems to be getting better each week.

2. Ruben. his voice is SO smooth. I think "velvet teddy bear" is the perfect name for him. I just wish he would get a new wardrobe. Those jerseys have got to go!

3. Clay. He's still my top pick for the cumulative competition, but this week I was not crazy about the song he chose. The performance didn't grab me like his have in the past.

4. Kimberly Locke. She sounded really good last night. She has a powerful voice, and I thought her song choice was a good one for her.

5. Josh. If anyone had told me that he was going to take Aerosmith's song, speed up the beat and add a country twang, I would have wretched. However, I found myself enjoying his performance. I just wish he would change his facial expressions-he looks like he's in pain.

6. Rickey. I was impressed with him this week. I'm still not a huge fan of a high pitched male voice, but he did a great job on that song. Glad to see he stopped the "Hercules" gig, too.

7. Kimberly Caldwell. She should have sang the Cher song we chose for her. She has the perfect pitch for Cher songs. This song just didn't test her abilities, IMO. She is a great preformer, but I'd like to see her singing songs that have more to them.

8. Charles. He was groovin' pretty decently, but I really didn't like the song. He doesn't have a great voice-just OK. He's a bit cocky, too and I don't like that.

9. Carmen. ICK! Umm...that song was only good in the first place because ONJ put some sould into it. This girl is too much like a puppet on stage.

10. Corey. Don't ruin Phil Collins for me! I don't care for this guy's high girly voice, and the runs in the song were truly painful.

11. Julia. WTF? Shouldn't she have saved this song for disco week? It was awful and she looked so nervous the whole time. She has a decent voice, but she hasn't been able to shine on stage yet.

Bottom three:


managerr 1959 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

03-19-03, 02:25 PM (EST)
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21. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.2"
1.)Ruben - The first time he has really wowed me this season.

2.)Trenyce - The outfit made her sound better. I dug it.

2a.)Kelly Clarkson - Kelly, you have the best voice, but that was a BAD SONG CHOICE. Please don't let that be the movie single.

3.)Clay - You're no Fievel, and on the "Clay Scale" it was a bad performance -- but what does that say about your ability that I still thought you were #3 overall?

4.)Kimberly Locke - I'll give credit where credit is due and I thought Kim brought it tonight. I felt your message Kim--you were telling us to send Corey Clark HOME weren't you?

5.)Josh - I liked that twang on Josh. I think his versatility helps him, not hurts him like Simon says.

6.)Rickey - On the "Rickey Scale" this was a good performance, but he's still nowhere in the top lead. He picked a good song for himself.

7.)Kim C - When she said she was doing the Shoop song, I thought "That's perfect for her!" But when I heard it, she was flat. That kissing thing should save her this round though.

8.)Carmen - As long as Carmen keeps giving performances like this, she can last awhile in the competition. It's nowhere near the top but a couple of people are always going to screw up and finish beneath her. (Paula, while your comments about Carmen were right, I think you need to take your own advice about too much makeup to heart!!)

9.)Julia - It might just be me--but it looks to me like you're terrified and want OUT of the competition. Your clip showed that you recognized that you need to put more emotion into your song--but you failed to execute yet again. I do love your voice. AI needs to hire a stage coach as well as a vocal coach to help people like Julia.

10.)Charles - Haha! Best song choice of the night. Don't get me wrong, he still messed it up, but as Katem noted, "YOU CAN'T WIN!" was so appropriate. I couldn't have said it any better myself.

11.)Corey - I know in a lot of cases music is subjective--but how can this person be 11th in this competition? How can he have any fans? His voice is shrill, piercing, and obnoxious. They say that when your hearing starts to go, you stop hearing the high notes first. The one good thing about those people is that they probably can't hear Corey Clark.


Kokoro 3899 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

03-19-03, 03:35 PM (EST)
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22. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.2"
<<2a.)Kelly Clarkson - Kelly, you have the best voice, but that
was a BAD SONG CHOICE. Please don't let that be the movie single.>>

I was wondering when someone was going to bring that up. That song was terrible! It shows off Kelly's voice but it has no catches whatsoever and it just felt long and drawn out. I don't think that's the new single, since Simon said she'd be back to do that one, but if it is then what the hell is he thinking?

"This isn't a story about how good triumphs. Good people are going to die." - BTVS


cyclehausen 1197 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

03-19-03, 03:45 PM (EST)
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23. "speaking of crap...."
...what the hell was that "movie clip" or whatever? Are they really passing that off as entertainment? I thought I was hallucinating! BLECH!!!!

Kokoro 3899 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

03-19-03, 04:20 PM (EST)
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24. "RE: speaking of crap...."
I'm wondering why they've wasted so much of Kelly's time on that piece of scat. It looks like a sure box-office bomb already, and they're not even done filming!

"This isn't a story about how good triumphs. Good people are going to die." - BTVS


Spidey 6259 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-19-03, 04:48 PM (EST)
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25. "RE: speaking of crap...."
That Kelly-Justin flick will at the very leats have a big opening weekend to more than compensate for the $ expended on this dreck. Most of the teeny-boppers in love with these 2 don't give a rat's patootie if the movie sucks. Kelly and Justin smooching on the beach? Could it be more of a pre-teen AI fan's wet dream?

Oh, I am not saying it won't be awful, because I am sure it is, but box office bomb? I don't think so.


toddE 1433 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

03-19-03, 05:57 PM (EST)
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26. "RE: speaking of crap...."
I wonder. It's entirely possible that the teeny-boppers, with their notoriously short attention span, have moved on. Today's news: Ruben, Clay, Trenyce, etc. Yesterday's news: Kelly and Justin. It will be interesting to see. I'd guess the studio is hoping for at LEAST $15-20 million opening, but I'd guess maybe $8 million or so.


MollyTV 480 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

03-19-03, 08:58 PM (EST)
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27. "RE: speaking of crap...."
i thought kelly was sooooo boring...and of course if she said.
"whoo hoo" again i was going to be embarrassed for her...the movie looked stupid...justin's hair looked stupid...the dancing looked stupid....and they picked a stupid song for kelly to sing on her return...
and i do think she needs to get an upbeat song to show off her talent the next time...i honestly do think she has talent!

TODDLJ 421 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

03-20-03, 08:26 PM (EST)
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28. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.2"
Please note that my opinions are based solely on image, style and originality, not on voice. Some of the biggest selling recording artists of all time couldn't sing for #####. A short list of Stars with marginal vocal talent would include: Cher, Bette Midler, Britney Spears, Enrique Iglesias, Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, Ricky Martin, Kylie Minogue... the list goes on and on.

What they had was Star Quality. What I am looking for is a DIVA (male or female.)

1. Trenyce
Say what you want about her choppy, growly voice, but girl has DIVA attitude down. She looked fierce in her red dress (though her low-hanging titties could have used a push-up.) Her hair was sleek and classy. And her ever-present smile? It is HUGE! I think she has six extra teeth or something! I love it! You go!

2. Clay
To be fair, Clay looks like the love child of Alfred E. Newman and Olive Oyl. With his spiky reddish hair, empty eyebrows, and dumbo ears, he has 'redheaded stepchild' written all over him. So why am I all atwitter when he comes on stage? It's called Star Quality, folks, and Clay has it. He goes from 'dumpable' to 'do-able' with the first note of his song. (I really do wish, however, that he would have the guts to wear something not so blue-and-grey-bland. The right shade of green, for example, or a deep purple, would look excellent with his coloring.)

3. Kimberley C
Not quite the Diva of the Week, but not for lack of trying. Like a true star, she can find a camera and get in the middle of the frame faster than you can say 'attention whore.' Her spikey electric-shock hairstyle has got to go... (but anything is better than the poodle-do she showed up in on Wednesday.) The best thing about KimC: if you don't like her image, just wait a few minutes, because it keeps changing.

4. Kimberly L
Girlfriend doesn't just sing a song. She inhabits the stage, and wails away uncontrollably, forcing you to listen to her whether you like it or not. (In Diva terms, this is acceptable behavior.) Her sleek hair was much better, though her silky seafoam green dress was much too 'always a bridesmaid' for my taste.

5. Carmen
This 17-year-old is smarter and more savvy than she looks. Carmen is fully aware that her Children of the Corn plastic Barbie blonde Molly Mormon attitude and look make it nearly impossible to hate her. Put her in pink and cream, and have her sing a song from Grease, and her barfbag-required cuteness goes to dizzying new heights. Who cares if she sings like a sheep on helium? Who cares if she has a 5-note range (and that's being kind?) She's just so damned CUTE! Don't let her underdog 'bring it on' doe-eyed trembling on the brink perkyness fool you. Oh, she is a Diva, all right.

6. Ricky
This man is a Fashion Citation witing to happen. I have yet to see him look good in anything. The creamy-yellow blouse he wore this week was no exception. Anyone with this much nerd quotient could never be a Diva... (but, of course, Clay is an exception.) And has anyone noticed that all of his features seem to be crowded painfully in the center of his face? If you're wondering why his voice is so whiny-nasal and shrill, look at his mouth! It is 1/4 of an inch from his nose!

7. Ruben
I feel sort of Emperor's New Clothesish about Ruben. Everyone loves him more than their own mother, yet I can't for the life of me see why. (But I'm afraid that if I admit it, people will think me a fool!) So I won't mention the 'I need Metamucil' look he gets on his face when he sings. Or the fact that he gets sweaty and winded walking from one side of the stage to the other. Or the fact that any sexual thoughts you may have about him inspire nausea. Or the fact that he appears to have dozens of the same tacky football jersey, in a rainbow of tacky colors. Or the fact that he seems incapable of uttering a sentance longer than 3 words. Or the fact that he totally screwed the lyrics to 'Whole New World' to the point where it neither rhymed nor made any logical sense. Or the fact that his 'stage presence' seems to include raising and lowering one arm over and over. Instead of all these criticisms, I'll just say "Wow, he's got something!"

8. Josh
Anyone who witnessed Josh's 'training film' footage knows that he's hardly the 'buff marine' he claims to be. With his squat figure, pudgy belly, and flat ass, he won't be gracing the pages of Playgirl in the foreseeable future. And while I maintain that one does not need a perfect body to be a star, in his case, 6-pack abs would help overcome the other charisma-sucking issues he has on stage. For example, the way he hunches over when he sings, the way he shakes his head uncontrollably when he is riffing on a note, the way his mouth curves up into a half-moon on every long phrase. Let's face it, Josh has no sex appeal. Period.

9. Charles
There is nothing less sexy that a cocky, arrogant, abrasive performer. Except perhaps a cocky, arrogant, abrasive, skinny-assed, nappy-headed, talent-free Wal-Mart worker/wannabe performer who sucks. Good riddence!

10. Julia
Can you believe this girl is a hairstylist? Someone revoke her license immediately! In addition to her hair-errors, Julia appears to be missing all of the requisite self-centered overconfidence which is necessary to be a Diva. She clearly thinks she sucks, and therefore we KNOW she does.
You can take the trailer park out of the girl...

11. Corey
This man has no business on the stage. He needs to take his ugly-sweater-wearing, cornrow-headed, weed-smoking, towel-carrying ass back to the car wash where he belongs.


cyclehausen 1197 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

03-20-03, 08:34 PM (EST)
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29. "Tell it like it is, Todd!"
LAST EDITED ON 03-20-03 AT 08:34 PM (EST)

Your last 4 comments (especially #8) were oh-so right on. We DO harp on their voices a lot, because it seems like that's what we should be focusing on - and we hear a lot of "so-and-so will have to be able to cut it in the studio and that's not possible wen they're out of tune.." well, they can do ANYTHING to your voice in the studio! Ultimately, it's all about image and attitude, and that's why Kelly Clarkson will have no "career" to speak of. Of course, we would LIKE to have both (Clay or Trenyce.) But thanks for the fresh input!


ElroyJetson 586 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

03-21-03, 06:12 AM (EST)
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30. "Only 1 Comment Larry...."

Ok, two.


GeorgiaBelle 2136 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

03-23-03, 00:58 AM (EST)
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31. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.2"
Thanks great list! You are always good for a smile


katem 3315 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-23-03, 02:19 AM (EST)
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32. "Be careful Larry !!!!!"
We are going to start to expect the Gay A.I. Journal if you're not careful. IN FACT, from now on, you better write one every week or I'm spamming you

Loved your critique. Keep doing it



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