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"Did anyone see the follow up show last night?"
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teejax22 96 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

11-21-03, 09:24 AM (EST)
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"Did anyone see the follow up show last night?"
I'm in Canada and I know they did a follow up show last night on Estella and Bob...I think KJ was also there. I didn't get to see it and I was wondering if anyone can re-cap what happened!

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Agree! Trishlr 11-21-03 1
   RE: Agree! mcjesq 11-21-03 2
       RE: Agree! teejax22 11-21-03 3

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Trishlr 12 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

11-21-03, 09:29 AM (EST)
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1. "Agree!"
How dare they put the show opposite of Survivor! I was having the reality shakes. I even forgot to flip because I was waiting for a Survivor twist that never happened.
I am dying to know, was it the most dramatic after the final rose yet??

mcjesq 37 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

11-21-03, 09:54 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Agree!"
I had vcr's on all over the place! (I still haven't seen the Survivor tape, so don't spoil it!) Anyway, after the rose...I believe Estella, despite her not being my favorite, came across as being sweet and genuinely into Bob--they looked very happy together. As someone mentioned in another thread, it is obvious that ABC chose to edit the show such that the audience thought KJ was the one. We saw clips of Estella and Bob together that never aired, showing them really being into each other, having a good time. Estella's clips showed that she was funny and sincere and in love--again, stuff we never saw. To their credit they say that they are taking it slow and dating one another-she is wearing the 2 carat "promise" ring on her right hand and is very proud of it. The most dramatic portion of the show came when the host interviewed KJ separately and watched her watch the journey of her falling in love, being confident she was the one, then being rejected. It was a much more somber KJ than we had seen previously, but she remained gracious to Est an and Bob throughout, especially when she joined them on stage. She put on quite a brave face and hugged Est and Bob several times, repeating what an amazing women Est is and that she wants them to be happy, blah blah blah. The host kept trying to get some claws to come out of her, but she wouldn't bite. It was basically a love fest, but you could see the pain in KJ's face.

teejax22 96 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

11-21-03, 11:56 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: Agree!"
That was an excellent recap...thanks.
Did KJ talk about her feelings for Bob at all? I mean did she still say she loves him or cares deeply for him (as Mary had said after rejection) or was it all well wishes?


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