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"Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. 6"
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Survivorerist 4103 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

03-29-01, 11:17 PM (EST)
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"Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. 6"
Okay, this is becoming like a ritual. List the remaining castaways in the order you like them.

1.Colby (2)
2.Amber (1)
3.Elisabeth (3)
4.Tina (6)
5.Nick (8)
6.Rodger (5)
7.Keith (7)

Jerri was #4 last week.

Survivorerist's Chart Notes:

- Tina seems to have broken the #6 curse. However, I'm counting it as a semi-curse since Jerri was in the #6 position before the recap episode and I did state that week that she was cursed. So do you believe the curse (meaning Rodger is next)? You never know.

- After 2 weeks, Colby moves back into the pole position. I thought he was rather amusing this episode and thoughtful with the shell thing too. So the charming Texan regains his #1 spot.

- For a while, Elisabeth and Amber were at a deadlock for second place. Finally it boiled down to the fact that, yes, Amber did beat Elisabeth in the IC and also the fact that...well...she's Amber. She better watch it now that her human shield is gone because she's wide open from here on in.

- While we're talking about Elisabeth, she did make a little improvement this week, with her craftiness and orchestration of Jerri's ouster. Even the Ogakors like you? Alright! You go girl! If Kucha defects Amber's vote next episode, you're #2 at least for sure!

- Finally, Nick gets some immunity points and makes a small jump up the chart. Also, I must admit that he is beginning to amuse me with his various "ailments" (sloth, anyone?).


"As they say down south, 'Don't mess with Texas'"



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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. ... desert_rhino 03-30-01 1
 RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. ... ItzLisa 03-30-01 2
 RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. ... Kokoro 03-30-01 3
   RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. ... VampKira 03-30-01 6
 RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. ... bluejackethockey 03-30-01 4
   RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. ... Survivorerist 03-30-01 5
       RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. ... desert_rhino 03-30-01 7
           RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. ... Joe DiNimite 04-03-01 18
               RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. ... desert_rhino 04-03-01 19
 RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. ... Survivorchick 03-30-01 8
 RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. ... Lainabee 03-31-01 9
 RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. ... KooAlla 03-31-01 10
   RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. ... Survivorerist 03-31-01 12
 RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. ... buffalohead 03-31-01 11
   RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. ... luvnsweet 03-31-01 13
       RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. ... C_Master 04-01-01 14
           RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. ... Dakota 04-01-01 15
               RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. ... 5Foot3 04-02-01 16
           RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. ... VampKira 04-03-01 20
 RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. ... dabo 04-03-01 17
   RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. ... turtlegirl76 04-03-01 21
       RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. ... spacey 04-03-01 22
           RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. ... Survivorerist 04-03-01 23

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desert_rhino 10087 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-30-01, 08:32 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. 6"
1. Elisabeth guuuhhhhhhhhh (plus she got rid of Jerri, how cool is that?)
2. Tina Still has that wholesome mom thing going on...
3. Colby big points for the coral, but still a con man
4. Amber (she's coming up as more human, getting out from under the radar)
5. Keith still making up for earlier screwups
6. Rodger scoutmaster
7. Nick What a slothful weenie. IC saved him.

-- JV


ItzLisa 3350 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-30-01, 11:21 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. 6"
LAST EDITED ON 03-30-01 AT 11:29 AM (EST)

If I can stop dancin' long enough to type, I'll gladly post my favorites!!! This one's for Vampy - a little Eddie Murphy for ya, babe, a brief selection from "Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood" in honor of our now dethroned Jerri - "I'm so glad da b.itch is gone!"

1. Keith - I've been rooting for this guy from the first episode. He's the ONLY one who saw Jerri for what she was ten minutes after the plane dumped them off!
2. Elisabeth - what a sweetheart, yet shrewd enough to do a little wheeling and dealing of her own when it's needed!
3. Rodger - A good guy. Plain and simple. Why elaborate further?
4.Tina - Getting more and more likeable each episode since voting Mad Dog off. Becoming more and more loyal to the good people since then. I am convinced, had Colby not voted for Jerri last night, and if Keith went along with him for whatever reason, you could tell by that tense, uncomfortable look on her face in the tent that she was ready to cross tribal lines and vote the way she wanted to. I thought MAYBE if Keith wound up voting the way Colby did instead of the other way around that Tina could have very well been the only Oga to vote against one of her own since the merger. She's a shrewd player, and based on the theory we picked apart from her husband's People Magazine comment that Shakes posted a while back, she could very well be one of the final two. Good for her!
5. Colby - Nice swing vote there, guy! It's about time he got his head out of his and did something about Jerri!
6. Nick - Nice guy, felt bad that he was sick last night. But I have to say one thing about him winning immunity: doesn't it kinda give you the warm fuzzies when the guy who was such an obvious target wins immunity??? (Keith's been in that position before, too!) Let's face it, we'd still be looking at Jerri's dried up kisser in episode 10 if Nick hadn't won immunity! AND he did it while he was sick!
7. Amberbot (who's the guy who came up with that one? I love it! Sorry, Survivorerist!). Could finally start being influenced by the nice guys now that Jerri's not around to cloud her judgement. I don't think she's gonna defect, truly. She's not independent enough.

*Edited for being a crappy speller!*

What if the Hokey Pokey really IS what it's all about???


Kokoro 3899 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

03-30-01, 04:57 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. 6"

Jerri was #6 last week

Only one change: Colby moves up mostly because the ep was about him and Jerri but he still doesn't top Liz....'cause I said so

Nick goes nowhere for winning the IC because Tina and Keith did much better when they managed to save my #1's a** and Amber goes nowhere I really have to tell you?

Ooooh watch out everyone there's a "crack" in the alliance. Yeah, maybe; If crack was slang for millionaire.

And my new mascot type thingy:


VampKira 4433 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

03-30-01, 06:14 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. 6"
1) NICK!!!
2) Rodger ( He reminds me of my pappy.. )
3) Tina
4) Colby
5) Liz
6) Keith
7) Amber ( Only because I still see her as Jerri's puppet.. but in the coming weeks.. who knows.. )

"There's a sucker born every minute at Transylvania Maternity Hospital."

"No sign of the morning coming, you've been left on your own, like a rainbow in the dark."-Ronnie James Dio


bluejackethockey 84 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

03-30-01, 05:17 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. 6"

damn i love elisabeth!


Survivorerist 4103 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

03-30-01, 05:25 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. 6"
LAST EDITED ON 03-30-01 AT 05:26 PM (EST)

Beautiful. Very mature. I don't care if you put Elisabeth at #1 (it is your opinion) but at least rank everyone else too.




desert_rhino 10087 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-30-01, 06:46 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. 6"
>Beautiful. Very mature. I
>don't care if you put
>Elisabeth at #1 (it is
>your opinion) but at least
>rank everyone else too.
>**GO AMBER!**

Well, I can see his point, even if he's making it in the wrong place and being kinda annoying about it. {grin} Something about those skinny polish girls (except she's blonde. Oh well, nobody's perfekt...)

-- JV


Joe DiNimite 130 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

04-03-01, 07:48 AM (EST)
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18. "RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. 6"
>Oh well, nobody's perfekt...)

I believe you mean "Pobody's Nerfect"

***See you in hell, Amber!***


desert_rhino 10087 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-03-01, 11:12 AM (EST)
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19. "RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. 6"
>>Oh well, nobody's perfekt...)
>I believe you mean "Pobody's Nerfect"

Nah, LizLiz is closer to perfect than that. <grin>

-- JV


Survivorchick 1161 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

03-30-01, 10:21 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. 6"
1. Elizabeth - no explanation neccessary
2. Colby - definately a cool guy
3. Nick - I have NO idea why, maybe because he's from Washington
4. Tina - she's in the middle (a sweet backstabber?)
5. Rodger - That whole Kentucky Joe bible thumping thing doesn't do much for me
6. Keith - I don't have a problem with Keith but I couldn't rate him higher than a Kucha. I don't really want to see him win.
7. Amber - not that I don't like her, I just can't respect her.

Now that Jerry's gone, I don't passionately dislike any of them.
But I will be disappointed if anyone other than Liz wins the $$$$.
I'm pretty sure I'll be disappointed.


Lainabee 57 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

03-31-01, 00:20 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. 6"
Never did this before, first time selections:

1-Colby. He's in danger of moving down because he is getting kind of annoying, but 1-he's hot, 2-I almost died when I recognized his handwriting in the backstabbing Jerri vote.

2-Keith. He's come so far!! I hated the arrogant, can't-even-cook-rice-gourmet-chef at the start, but now I'm lovin' him! He cracks me up and I'm proud he's still there despite Jerri's earlier attempts.

3-Nick. Can't hate someone because he's quiet, it's not Survival of the Loudest. Plus he is responsible for the Jerri-disappearance with his timely IC win.

4-Rodger. He's just cool. It's impressive that the old guy who learned to swim just before being dropped in the Outback has lasted so long, not to mention gained so much respect. Imagine if he'd been a perverted old man!

5-Tina. I loved her when she gave up that IC to save Keith in the first Barramundi vote, but something about her is too self-serving for my liking.

6-Elisabeth. I had nothing against her until she started "getting a little more ruthless." Not that I despise her, she's just a little less liked than 1-5.

7-Amber. She's not even at the bottom because I hate her, she just hasn't done anything impressive enough to rank above anyone. Who knows though? Next week she could pull out a masterplan and turn this whole game around.


KooAlla 33 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

03-31-01, 00:57 AM (EST)
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10. "RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. 6"
1)Liz!! She is sooo cunning and her sweet and innocent act
is sooo believable.
2)Tina...she keeps it real.
3)Colby...I think he does nothing but develop strategies all
day long.
4)Rodger...he reminds me of my grandpa.
5)Amber...I like her better than Keith or Nick!
6)Keith...hope the "gods" are with him...and
7)Nick...need I say more?

...It's all a part of me...and that's who I am.--Jessica Andrews


Survivorerist 4103 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

03-31-01, 12:12 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. 6"
>>>...It's all a part of me...and that's who I am.--Jessica Andrews<<<

Yes! A fellow country fan! You rock!




buffalohead 15 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

03-31-01, 02:19 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. 6"
LAST EDITED ON 03-31-01 AT 02:22 AM (EST)

1. Elisabeth (1) avoided being kicked out by being so nice and everyone couldn't stand Jerri anymore
2. Colby (3) won RC and close in IC his stunt with the shells is all part of his plan
3. Nick (7) big jump for him winning the IC but the ailment thing seems like his idea of getting them to think he's weaker then he really is if so it's working.
4. Amber (6) did well in RC & now is the key vote for at least 2 weeks unless she gets ousted maybe we'll see more of her true personality without Jerri there.
5. Rodger(4) hanging tough but needs to win an IC or catch some fish to avoid being next
6. Tina (5) just hasn't done well in any RC/IC's last 2E(not all her fault) and others did more this week to warrant moving up
7. Keith (8) still don't like the guy and he orchestrated the Jerri oust which could lead to him or Colby getting the boot if Amber bolts. if he's smart he should approach Amber and apologize/explain that they still want/need her and it was more strategy "Jerri had won 2 RC's in a row and was more of a threat in IC'S than Lis or Rodger...blah...blah" and keep Amber on their side. It should be interesting to see how that plays out.

buffalohead- "personality goes a long way"-Jules


luvnsweet 13 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

03-31-01, 12:18 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. 6"
This is my first time rating the survivors but here it goes!

1) Liz- She has been my favorite player since the beginning of the show and I am still cheering for her to win the $$$$! Go liz!
2) Colby- I love how he is playing the game and he sure is good-looking!! 2nd person I want to win.
3) Rodger- He's a Kucha! LOL...Next to Liz, he's my favorite Kucha.
4) Nick- Hey he's a Kucha rite?? Then I got to like him!
5) Keith- umm...i have to rate him so i guess he goes here.
6) Amber- I don't like that much, but hey i like her more than Tina!! Maybe we'll see Amber with a personality now that the black widow is gone.
7) Tina- what can i say??? I hate this lasy, there is just something about her that I dislike!!


C_Master 31 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

04-01-01, 02:27 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. 6"
1. Tina - (Jerry would of had this spot). I think she is JUST as devious as Jerry. Mark my words.. The future will show what a ##### she has actually been.

2. Colby - Has a personality.

3. Keith - Kinda dumb...but at least by getting rid of Jerry he has made the show interesting again.

4. Amber - Gonna be fun to see what she does next week.

5. Nick - When did he show up in the outback?

6. & 7. - Rodger and Liz - Please get these goody-goodies of my screen..BORING!

As you can tell, my favorites are the ones that have personality and actually are fun to watch. Don't care if they are the "badguys"...Just dont give me sugar overdoses...hear that Rog and Liz?


Dakota 5819 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-01-01, 03:13 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. 6"
1. Rodger
2. Colby
3. Lis
4. Nick
5. Keith
6. Amber
7. Tina

5Foot3 81 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

04-02-01, 04:37 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. 6"
1. Liz -still the best
2. Colby -he's a good guy and he got rid of Jerri what more do
you need?
3. Amber -has to be smarter than she is pretending to be (she was number 5 last week)
4. Rodger -mainly because of the father figure he is
5. Nick -he has finally started to show his true colours
6. Tina -playing the game quite well
7. Keith -I am just not a fan of his

the best things in life come in small packages


VampKira 4433 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

04-03-01, 11:22 AM (EST)
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20. "RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. 6"
>>>5. Nick - When did he show up in the outback?<<<

C_Master...I have to admit, even I laughed out loud at that one!!

"There's a sucker born every minute at Transylvania Maternity hospital."



dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-03-01, 01:39 AM (EST)
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17. "RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. 6"
1. Elisabeth
2. Nick
3. Colby
4. Keith
5. Rodger
6. Amber
7. Tina

turtlegirl76 19 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

04-03-01, 03:57 PM (EST)
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21. "RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. 6"
1: Elisabeth
2: Colby
3: Rodger
4: Tina
5: Keith
6: Nick
7: Amber

spacey 115 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

04-03-01, 07:22 PM (EST)
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22. "RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. 6"
1. Tina
2. Elizabeth
3. Roger
4. Keith
5. Colby
6. Nick
7. Amber

I think Tina and Elizabeth are playing this game the best. They have both managed to save themselves from Jerri! Tina when Jerri stated at tribal council that she, Mitch, Colby and Amber had become great friends, realized she wasn't included and was successful in getting Colby to vote against Mitch instead of Keith to break up that alliance. Elizabeth managed to save herself from Jerri by noticing that Keith and Tina were at odds with Jerri and played on that until it was successful in ousting Jerri! These two women know how to play this game.

A big Tina and Elizabeth fan!



Survivorerist 4103 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

04-03-01, 08:27 PM (EST)
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23. "RE: Fanatics' Popularity List Vol. 6"
Welcome to the boards! Hope you have a good time! Remember, Survivor chat every Thursday after the show!

>>>A big Tina and Elizabeth fan!<<<

Well, I'd agree with you halfway there. Thanks to Dalton (), I'm now also a huge Tina fan. But I really don't like Elisabeth too much anymore. I haven't liked her ever since she started scheming. Although I respect her need to strategize and recognize it as the only smart move, I must say I'm shocked that "Dear, sweet Elisabeth" would do something like this. Tina may be doing the exact same thing, but at least she does it with that cool accent.

A big Amber and Tina fan!




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