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"Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #9"
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Aruba 3400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-11-08, 10:15 PM (EST)
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"Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #9"
Three top performers go down on one shot this episode. Eliza gets booted; Jason's name is mud with his plan to oust Ozzy now foiled; and Ozzy is as good as gone after (if) he loses his second IC. Clearly this season will go down as one of the worst of all time in my rankings.

1) JASON (4,5,6,10,7,3,6) - Gotta give him top honors this week even though he is an idiot to think that was the real idol. But being an idiot puts him in majority company this season. I laughed when he talked about "dominating" Ozzy; but hey, if he can back it up...more power to him.

2) OZZY (2,2,3,2,2,12,11) - Hold the press! Ozzy loses a water challenge?! The problem with pulling a Yauman "copy job" is when the fake is played, Ozzy becomes an immediate target. Going forward in the challenges, he's got room for one hiccup, otherwise he needs to win out, ala Terry. But I still like his competitiveness.

3) ERIK (1,4,8,6,6,1,3) - Monkey? Zookeeper? What the heck are you talking about??? Have you been hanging around Cirie too long??? The biggest beneficiary of the merge; but it only bought him a few more episodes at best. Gotta love how these mental midgets think an "ice cram scooper" would be up on Micronesian language. It would have been more hilarious if he told us that "Dabu" was one of the flavors he plops on an ice cream cone.

4) JAMES (5,3,4,8,11,11,14) - Has there ever been a bigger physically imposing figure more invisible on Survivor? Devouring the bat ("juicy rabbit") was the most entertaining scene this episode.

5) CIRIE (7,11,12,14,14,4,12) - The best quote of the episode - "As long as it ain't me." Well that pretty much epitomizes her strategy to the game. In a real go home early. In Micronesia it could be your golden ticket to a F4.

6) ALEXIS - (6,7,5,4,1,2,5) - She looked awesome at TC...then she ruined it by opeing her mouth. I guess the polar opposite of a blind-side is some idiot talking about a player to be booted in the past tense. If I've said this 1000 times, I'll say it 1001...Please let me look at the results of the IQ tests they give these morons.

7) NATALIE (9,8,9,9,8,8,9) - If you feel the need to have to show us this worthless and invisible player, PLEASE SPARE US THE PROFILE SHOTS. This is one funky looking female.

8) AMANDA (8,10,11,7,10,16,16) - So you fear a motivational speaker in the Finals?...Are you kidding me??? Based on your performance (or lack of it) at the final TC in China, Helen Keller would be a threat next to you. Admit it...You're just a jealous skank.

9) PARVATI (10,9,13,12,13,16,18) - Which brings us to the skank of all skanks. Has it ever dawned on you that Eliza wanted you out from day one because she particularly does not have a soft spot for HOs? As far as "messing with the wrong girl" the Malakai tribe had her targeted long before the merge so don't take too much credit for it. BTW, it's not "brillant" or innovative to organize the weaklings, skanks, and non-survivor like players (which were casted in abundance this season) and target the powerful and pro-active. If anything it's an opportunity that's as blatently obvious as the monster teeth in your mouth.

BOOTED) ELIZA (3,1,2,1,3,5,4) - Unlike bubblehead Jaime last season, Eliza knew all along the HII was a fake, but I guess she had to try it. No surprise she was the last female to bail out of the challenge. Hold your head encompassed everything a true "survivor" stands for, and very little for what it takes to advance in a pathetic, subpar season as this one.


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens L... iltarion 04-12-08 1
   RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens L... garcor 04-12-08 2
       RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens L... iltarion 04-12-08 4
 RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens L... Survivorerist 04-12-08 3
   RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens L... garcor 04-12-08 5
   RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens L... ohmyheck 04-12-08 6
 RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens L... michel 04-12-08 7
   RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens L... iltarion 04-13-08 9
       RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens L... michel 04-13-08 10
           RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens L... Aruba 04-13-08 11
               RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens L... iltarion 04-13-08 12
 RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens L... ohmyheck 04-12-08 8
 RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens L... CTgirl 04-15-08 13
   RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens L... michel 04-15-08 14
       RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens L... Aruba 04-16-08 15

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iltarion 1791 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

04-12-08, 02:42 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #9"
I do agree with Aruba on a couple points. This was one of the most boring and predictable episodes I've ever seen, which makes two in a row, not a good trend. Because of the preview of Jason showing Eliza the stick, we knew ahead of time that Jason was going to win the challenge, and thus we also knew that Eliza would play the fake and be voted out. Also, the battle of the weakest is now surely to start in earnest with the likes of invisible Natalie and Alexis joining Parvati, Amanda and Cirie to go after the "threats," which eventually Alexis will be after the testosterone is gone. If that happens, this is not likely to be in my top half of seasons either. However, I have noticed more new posters to this board than during any other Survivor seasons. So, either the word is out or this season isn't as bad as we think.

Another crazy list that is all over the place.

1. James- Yeah, that's right. He was nearly invisible this episode except for the bats, but he rises to the top thanks to the fall of those above him.
2. Cirie- Yeah, that's right. She rises back towards the top for me. I still see her as a one-sided player, having the social game only, but at that she is one of the best. I like the fact that she always has her own mind about who should go. Even though, yes, she repeated the UTR mantra this episode, but I don't hold that against her since I already knew her game. I may not like the UTR game, but hers is less hypocritical than others.
3. Amanda- THAT is why you don't suck face with some guy on national TV before knowing him very well. He just might come back 7 episodes later and cuddle with some new girl, making a fool out of you. However, the past is the past. Jealousy or not, Amanda should be concerned with Alexis because she can ruin her game. I give Amanda credit for being almost a shoo in for the Finals. She was smart enough to realize Parvati made a mistake by involving her in an alliance she had no plan on honoring. She was smart enough to know that she should question Parvati's loyalty now, and most of all, she was smart enough to keep all that to herself!
4. Parvati- Her and Ozzy are the power brokers of this game; so I can only drop them so far. She made what could be a fatal error last week by making one alliance too many, and then she made her second error by fighting with Eliza at TC, virtually guaranteeing she won't get Eliza's vote. Eliza was toast. Speak with your vote, not your mouth! The edit also made her look back with her hypocritical vindictiveness towards Eliza. Hey, Parvati, here's a little secret for you from your favorite gender; I'll let you under the curtain for a moment. You aren't any hotter than Eliza; you're just EASIER.
5. Ozzy - Same as Parvati, I can only drop him so far. But DUDE, you can't go one night before getting down in the shelter with Alexis? And we've called Parvati and Amanda easy. Amanda is the closest ally Ozzy has. She has taken his side and voted the way he wanted during the prior 2 votes when she could have easily gotten Cirie and Ami to vote for someone else. I think that was a fatal error. Without Amanda watching his back, he is now set up for a blindside. Oh, and Amanda is definitely hotter...
6. Alexis- Not as bad as Ozzy, considering at least this isn't the 2nd guy for her, but she still put a target on her back by getting in too tight with Ozzy. She had her hair down and looked much better this episode, and she got a lot more confessional time. She also got some nice compliments from Cirie, but as Cirie's words suggest, she will likely be the next "threat" after Ozzy, James and Jason are gone.
7. Jason- Worthy of being at least a little way from the bottom thanks to an impressive IC win. I liked his "I could have been down there another 10 minutes" line. Ozzy is cocky and arrogant? Hahaha... Cirie would call that the pot calling the kettle. Ozzy, though, has reasons for his cockiness. Jason? It will take at least 3 more IC wins like that before he is remembered as anything other than a bombastic fool.
8. Natalie- Nice boobs. I'm sorry. There just isn't much else to say about her. They are good enough to be better than Erik.
9. Erik- This guy really bothers me. I actually like his lying about "Dabu." That was some funny stuff and took some guts. Basically for me, that is his one moment this season.

the booted-

Eliza- Very impressive showing this time around for Eliza. The annoying part of her personality that makes the social game so difficult for her was never shown to us. She is obviously one of the best puzzle-solvers to ever play.



garcor 432 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

04-12-08, 09:33 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #9"
Writers strike = more new posters?


iltarion 1791 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

04-12-08, 03:10 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #9"
Strike's over.



Survivorerist 4103 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

04-12-08, 03:01 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #9"
Just randomly stopped by this site (for the first time in about 2 years) and just couldn't leave without doing one of these things. This is especially true in this season, which has got to be my favourite one since Exile Island.

Position. Name

1. James
2. Erik
3. Alexis
4. Parvati
5. Cirie
6. Ozzy
7. Amanda
8. Jason
9. Natalie

Chart Notes:

- James has to be my favourite contestant in almost forever. You respect his physically dominating appearance, and you love him because he tells it like it is.

- Alexis...thank you. Thanks about a million for setting Amanda off. This show needs some drama and I can't wait to see what comes of it. Also, I hope you kick her butt...just saying.

- Even though Ozzy got beaten in a (not really) water challenge, the guy is still pretty awesome. I hope he doesn't let things go to his head, as it seems like things are.

- On a final note, why do I get the feeling that Cirie is the only one who really knows what's going on? I love how she calls people out (in confessionals, of course) and also how she seems to find it all quite amusing.




garcor 432 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

04-12-08, 04:52 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #9"
in order of who I think is in the best position at the moment:

Amanda - back in the middle again. thinking her alliance with Cirie might be the most important one of the season - seen quite a lot of them discussing fellow players. Looks like Ozzy gave her a reason to join in targeting him; and Parvati a reason to reconsider their alliance.

Ozzy - still has the idol and is best at challenges. Eliza made him even more of a target however at final TC. Maybe he was looking to make a backup alliance when he was flirting with Alexis.

Cirie - looks well positioned to get to final three or four. Like her playing style or not, its been effective.

Parvati - might have been smarter to leave Amanda out of her new alliance and to have not revealed it. She could have acted as a bridge between Amanda/Cirie and Alexis/Natalie if they decided to target the guys and hoped her secondary alliance was not revealed.

James - might hang around because he doesn't have enemies; doesn't seem to have much in the way of allies either.

Alexis - If Amanda gets over her jealousy might be an important ally; bringing Natalie's vote with her.

Natalie - still largely invisible which might keep her around for a while.

Erik - enjoyed his naming his new tribe; his assessment of his game relationship with Ozzy at least shows he has a grasp of reality. Not sure being Ozzy's pet will do much for his game unless Ozzy switches to the fan's and can start ousting favorites. Not great for Ozzy for jury votes, but might not have a choice.

Jason - amazed by his nonchalant answer when Eliza told him his II was a stick. She was relying on that to stay in the game. No wonder he has no allies. (Maybe he was just embarressed she figured it out and was trying to laugh it off.) That episode combined with his bragging about getting Ozzy off makes him the biggest ##### on the show. Which might just make him a good final TC opponent, if fellow players can stand being around him that long. A couple of IC victories might be enough to keep him in the game.

Eliza - Had a good season considering was scrambling from day one to find a strong alliance. Certainly looks like a better player after this season than she did after her first season.


ohmyheck 1919 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

04-12-08, 05:32 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #9"
Where have you been?!! I hope you drop by more often! We need more Neleh lovers around here!

lost by tribe


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-12-08, 07:21 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #9"
Hi Survivorerist. it has been a while!
Aruba, our lists couldn't be more different, again!

Parvati (3,2,2,2,3,3,1,1) The whole game does revolve around her and she is aware of the dangers. She's the biggest triple threat.

2 - Cirie (12,1,4,10,5,6,4,2): She has more than just a social game since she has been arranging the votes for two successful seasons now.

3 - Alexis (6,5,3,4,4,3,2,6): That takes some nerves! I thought we'd have a love triangle after Ozzy's episode #3 remark. It should be fun!

4 - James (8,8,8,8,8,4,3,3): He always provides some laughs.

5 - Amanda (4,4,5,11,7,8,7,7): Amanda is angry. That's new. Maybe some personality will emerge.

6 - Ozzy (5,3,2,1,1,4,6,5): He's escaped 3 blindsides up to now. Can he keep it up? He's not invincible anymore.

7 - Cat-alie (16,12,11,12,12,9,8,8): She really looked out of the loop at TC when Eliza pulled the stick.

8 - Erik (18,16,15,15,14,11,10,9): Monkey man has no clue.

9 - Jason (7,13,16,7,11,11,10,10): Stupidest Player Ever. "But it has a face on it"!!!!!!

Booted - Eliza (10,10,7,3,2,2,5,5): Vanuatu was one of the funniest seasons ever and Micronesia is getting close. Eliza has to count for some of it. Seeing her scurrying around was amusing.


iltarion 1791 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

04-13-08, 02:46 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #9"
Cirie stopped arranging votes about 5 episodes ago, or did she not just say, "anyone as long as it isn't me"? Did she not hesitate for 2 or 3 minutes, agonizing over writing down Ami's name, which she didn't want to do but was forced to? Yeah, she is far from arranging votes now.



michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-13-08, 12:22 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #9"
5 episodes ago was Joel, Cirie arranged that. 3 episodes ago, she had a big role in Tracy's elimination. Even if she agonized over voting out Ami, Cirie was the first to tell Amanda they could keep the guy that had thrown her on her "friggin' head".

"Anyone as long as it's not me" for sure but also as long as it suits her, that it's not someone that can be useful to her, then she can smartly and quietly go along. Haven't we already seen promos suggesting that Cirie still has her grip on the game?

Cirie is one of the smartest players ever.


Aruba 3400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-13-08, 02:55 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #9"
Joel's exit was more facilitated by Tracy/Chet flipping to the Favs side. In that regard it was more Tracy that arranged Joel's boot than Cirie. At that stage Malakai was still playing Favs vs. Fans which was not "arranged" by Cirie. Tracy/Chet's flip gave the Favs the numbers to oust whomever and Tracy wanted Joel gone. Ozzy could have cared less as long as it was a fan going. I know the episode focused on Cirie "working" Ozzy, but that was so overplayed because they already had the five votes because Tracy & Chet flipped.

To suggest that anyone other than Ozzy arranged Ami's boot and to even remotely credit Cirie with that is ludicrous.

Chet booted himself when the pansy couldn't handle a scratch on his foot.

I don't see how Cirie had a "big role" in Tracy's boot. At that stage the only fans left were Erik and Tracy. A fan was definitely going and we all know Ozzy was not going to let Erik go. I didn't see Cirie whisper in Ozzy's ear when he sent Tracy to EI and told her to "take one for the team." At that point Tracy was as good as gone with or without Cirie's intervention.

The only case you can make for Cirie "arranging" a boot was Yauman. And that was made possible when two four-player alignments (both of which she had absolutely nothing to do with) were vying for her swing vote so Cirie did take advantage of the situation that fell in her lap and flexed a little muscle to get rid of Yauman. I will give her that...but not much more.


iltarion 1791 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

04-13-08, 03:32 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #9"
Like I said in my list, I like the fact that Cirie always has an opinion on who should be booted, even though ultimately she'll settle for anyone but her. I said 5 episodes ago, which you agreed was the Joel boot, so I would say that is about right. Though I also said at that time that Joel was the obvious boot for the faves, the editing just tried to give Cirie the credit for it. I suspect all the faves but Ozzy wanted Joel gone, and when Tracy and Chet wanted Joel gone too, then it was game set match. The Tracy and Ami boots were basically decided by Ozzy. Ultimately, I agree that she is one of the smarter players ever. If this were Big Brother, she would be queen. But it isn't.



ohmyheck 1919 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

04-12-08, 09:10 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #9"
1) Cirie - I think she has the best chance to win this game. What jury could possibly have enough animosity to vote for anyone else?
2) James - He's good comic relief, but not much of a player. For the second consecutive season, he is the absolute last person to go against in a Final Tribal.
3) Alexis - She has herself in a precarious situation between Ozzy and Amanda and Parvati. She can't motivationally speak her way out of that position. And she needs to watch her Freudian slips.
4) Amanda - I felt bad for her twice this episode. When Alexis snuggled up to Ozzy, and when Parvati screwed her over (just Parvati doing what she does best).
5) Natalie - Has a contestant ever spoken less over nine episodes?
6) Erik - What a doofus.
7) Jason - The biggest dumbass to ever play the game of Survivor. Only this high because he beat Ozzy.
8) Ozzy - One of the most arrogant people ever on Survivor. His blindside will be fun to watch.
9) Parvati - When she made a couple of comments about Eliza, my first thought was that she reminded me of one of those high school b!tches that gave the jocks handjobs and made everyone else's life hell. A Parvati win would be a severe disappointment.

lost by tribe


CTgirl 8013 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-15-08, 07:07 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #9"
Congrats on 1,000 posts Aruba – you really earned them (no frivolous posts in Suvivor games or Off-topic for you!)

1. Parvati – She may have too many alliances, but with her social skills, she just might be able to pull it off. And it’s nice to see that she is thinking ahead to the jury.

2. James – Love him – he is so entertaining!

3. Cirie – She’s in a good spot right now. I was really impressed with her in the IC. The self-described coach potato who doesn’t like to swim outlasted Amanda, Parvati and Alexis.

4. Ozzy – Ozzy, Ozzy, Ozzy, you were such an idiot this week on at least two different occasions: letting Alexis hang all over you and then admitting you had the HII. That idol is worthless now. And you didn’t even beat Jason in a water challenge.

5. Amanda – she was a bit whiny this week complaining about having to take down their camp and then about Alexis, but my least favorite favorite is still more likable than my highest ranked fan!

6. Erik – I still don’t like him, but naming the tribe Dabu was so absurd it was fantastic. I didn’t know he had it in him to do something like that.

7. Natalie – There isn’t anything to dislike.

8. Alexis – the newly minted “femme fatale,” I know it’s partially editing, but I didn’t like the way she usurped Ozzy’s attention. She may be well spoken but she didn’t make the smartest choice in aligning with Ozzy and then her past tense slip to Eliza wasn't real impressive either.

9. Jason – Gloat much? You won one battle Jason, there’s a lot more to come before you win the war.

Booted: Eliza: She was a great narrator even down to narrating the new “Ponderosa” segments on She doesn’t have the social game but she is clearly a master of the mental game.

Setup by Tribe


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-15-08, 07:19 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #9"
Let me Join CTGirl in congratulating Aruba. Nice going there. Boy! Do I look forward to Aruba reaching the "Playboy Playmate" level!

I also have to say I like your new siggy, CTGirl! If only summer can get here.


Aruba 3400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-16-08, 06:30 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #9"
Thanks CT and Michel...didn't even know I hit the milestone.


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