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"Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #8"
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Aruba 3400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-05-08, 09:14 AM (EST)
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"Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #8"
Personally, I thought this was a really good episode. Hey wait a minute...could I be saying this when they had only one challenge??? Oh NO, please don't tell me I'm turning into a social butterfly!

1) ERIK (4,8,6,6,1,3) - WOW...a "fan" who actually decided to "play" the game (with a slight apology to our blow-up doll Tracy). How's that for a concept. Great save this week, and continues to put out 100% which has kept him in my top half all season.

2) OZZY (2,3,2,2,12,11) - For those who think Ozzy is one-dimensional and other than challenges (specifically in the water) he's overrated...tape this episode and stick it in your library. Erik was a goner; Ami gets the boot. So you still think you're not a "leader"?

3) ELIZA (1,2,1,3,5,4) - OK, maybe I have a reality show crush on this cute little fireplug. What can I say...she just keeps on ticking. Unfortunately all the favs peg her as a flipper which could spell disaster at merge. That would be a shame.

4) JASON (5,6,10,7,3,6) - When he was quoted saying "Survival of the Fittest" he moved up a notch. His performance in the challenge put him in my Top 3. But this idiot apparently thinks he has the real HII? That brought him down a notch.

5) JAMES (3,4,8,11,11,14) - Not much happening other than showcasing his talent as a human bottle opener. With this pathetic cast that's enough to keep him in the top half.

6) ALEXIS (7,5,4,1,2,5) - So how far did her eyes pop out of her head when she realized she'd be spending time with Ozzy on EI? I'm not liking the previews. Please don't tell me SHE'S going to skank her way to advancing in this game?

7) CIRIE (11,12,14,14,4,12) - I must admit she actually made sense during her confessionals. Or maybe because she didn't laugh like a hyena with every third word you can take her more seriously?

8) AMANDA (10,11,7,10,16,16) - For a player who was able to pull her weight during challenges in China, she pretty much sucks this season. So far she's been good for two things...using Ozzy as a mattress when the "lights" go out, and being told by Ozzy how to vote. I'm getting tired of looking at the cameleon's "doe-eyes" least her pixels in China were more conversational.

9) NATALIE (8,9,9,8,8,9) - This chick with the melting face is a total waste of space. How was she casted? And she'll probably make it to the F4 which will chrystalize what a joke of a season this has been.

10) PARVATI (9,13,12,13,16,18) - So you still think Jason is a "loser" while you were chowing down on pizza and beer? (Thanks to Jason)! Wanna know what a loser really is...trash like yourself that needs to read the play book on implementing the "Anti-Darwin Syndrome" to another loser like Natalie.

BOOTED) AMI (6,7,13,13,15,8) - If anything, this episode answers my question from last month whether Ami was really going to flip or if she was a Fav spy. I guess this means Ozzy owes Chet a make-out session. If Ami was crying last night, she'll be wailing uncontrollably for just missing the jury of what will probably be an all-female final for this sub-par season.


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens L... iltarion 04-05-08 1
   RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens L... garcor 04-05-08 2
   RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens L... Aruba 04-06-08 9
 RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens L... yodawg22 04-05-08 3
   RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens L... Aruba 04-05-08 4
       RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens L... yodawg22 04-06-08 6
           RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens L... Aruba 04-06-08 8
               RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens L... yodawg22 04-06-08 10
 RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens L... gbauman 04-05-08 5
   RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens L... Aruba 04-06-08 7
 RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens L... michel 04-06-08 11
 RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens L... CTgirl 04-07-08 12

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iltarion 1791 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

04-05-08, 11:09 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #8"
I thought this was one of the more boring and predictable episodes, and I found most of TC uncomfortable to watch.

1. Ozzy - He's in complete control right now whether people like it or not, which most do. History has shown that all a strong player needs to win is one faithful alliance-mate, ie. Ian n Tom, Becky n Yul. Yeah, he'll be a top target come merge, but what else is new? This time he has the HII at least, and Alexis and Erik as wildcards. Careful with the Lex-like vindictiveness.
2. Eliza - Her and Jason are now #1 on the chopping block, but she showed her challenge ability and fighting spirit once again. Is she thoroughly superior than Natalie and Parvati in challenges or are they just lazy? The previews showing Jason revealing his faux idol to Eliza are hilarious. It is possible she saves him from himself.
3. Jason - Earned his highest spot of the year by dominating in the challenge and due to his comments about the rat. He might be around for one more week if Eliza or Alexis are the bigger targets. He revealed this episode that he does indeed think he has the HII. Trusting Eliza may save him from embarrassment on a Jaime scale.
4. James - Stays in the top 4 mostly by default. He had a nothing episode except for one scene where he made some comical though whiny comments about their beach. Afterall, James, this is SURVIVOR.
5. Parvati - Really showed her duplicity by smiling that hideous smile to everyone's face and then calling Jason a loser and saying how all her old alliance-mates are "dead to her" in confessional. She should have been more gracious after Jason and Eliza won her the pizza and beer instead of condescendingly pointing out their place in the game, and she should show some loyalty since she would have been the 2nd person off her tribe if it weren't for her old alliance mates. However, that all being said, she made the move of the show with pulling Natalie and Alexis into another alliance. I said she needed to make one more move to stay in power, and she just did. Like with Rob M in All-Stars, could it end up being one alliance too many? Maybe.
6. Amanda - Keeps this position thanks to her continued loyalty to Ozzy, her actually participating in the challenge, though she didn't look too excited about it, and thanks to looking her best this episode. I guess the shower helped. Targeting Alexis could really hurt her game. Jealousy is not a good policy.
7. Natalie - Moves up thanks to her alliance with Parvati and due to her intelligent comments in her secret scene, which showed she does indeed have a brain and that the UTR play is her deliberate plan. She is in good position now and is a guaranteed jury member or finalist. She actually looks like the Cat in the Hat when she isn't smiling, but when she smiles, she becomes quite attractive. Her chest is starting to stick out like Tracy's as the rest of her becomes more skeletal, me likey though.
8. Cirie - Quieter episode for her, which is actually a plus. She continues to go along with Ozzy, though her indecision at vote time keeps her out of the bottom spot. It was nice to see something other than smugness from her.
9. Alexis - The fact that Malakal mysteriously chose her to sit out the IC should be a plus. The fact that Natalie forged an alliance for her should be another plus. Her worship of Ozzy looks like trouble down the road for her though, and she should keep her hair down. With it up and her continuing loss of weight, and her walk, she is looking more and more like a teenage boy.
10. Erik - Kept the hopeless loser tab he's been edited with all season since his first ludicrous suggestion that he'd compete with Ozzy. Congrats on making his one move in the game, but he had to come off as a rat to do it.

miss you... or mostly not...

JFP - who?
Mary- miss them/her
Yau - actually had competition this time
Mikey - Jokey
Joel - Joerk
Jonathan - evac was a debacle afterall
Chet - His Chetness, worst survivor ever cast
Kathy - among the worst ever cast
Tracy - miss them/her, seriously one of my favorites all time
Ami - Tracy will be glad to see you, and you her. I would love to see you both... haha...



garcor 432 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

04-05-08, 01:01 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #8"
Ozzy. Showed some arrogance this episode. But appears to be in great position. Hope everyone who wants to compete for the million realizes they need to move him out first chance they get. (Will likely have to fool him into thinking he's safe due to his possession of the II.) If he goes on an IC binge after merge he may prove impossible to target and there is no Yul this season to beat him at final TC.

Parvati. Assuming tribes merge next time she has her original alliance plus a possible Natalie/Alexis alliance.

Natalie. Still outnumbered by favs, but if can convince Eliza to flip might be able to force a tie after merge. Then who knows.

Alexis. Innocuous enough she might hang around till near end and then who knows.

Eliza. Still on outside of favs alliance. Could force tie if flips to fans, but would be on outside of that alliance too, though might be capable of exploiting this.

Cirie. Figure she's waiting for a chance to move out Ozzy/James but not sure opportunity will come.

Amanda. Appears to be completely under Ozzy's thumb. Will likely look bad if she flips on him. Should have come across as more of a co-leader earlier (as in China.)

James. Doesn't seem to have much going on and will likely no longer be needed soon after merge. A likely target if women decide to vote out strongest men. Best bet to stick around to final might be if six packs (bottles only) start washing ashore regularly.

Erik. Still pretty hopeless. Ozzy can use him as an extra vote. Only chance appears to be if fans can force a tie vote after merge.

Jason. Doesn't appear to be much of a thinker and after merge challenge skills of no use except to save himself. Lots of luck with Ozzy around.


Aruba 3400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-06-08, 08:01 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #8"

>10. Erik - Kept the hopeless
>loser tab he's been edited
>with all season since his
>first ludicrous suggestion that he'd
>compete with Ozzy. Congrats on
>making his one move in
>the game, but he had
>to come off as a
>rat to do it.

HMMMM...guess I have to depend my boy, Erik. His suggestion that he could "compete" with Ozzy was largely facilitated by the fact that he did beat him in the very first challenge when he was the first to cross the waterway (Ozzy placed second). So in his defense I would not consider his suggestion "ludicrous", but it was clearly premature to suggest he would be able to keep that trend going.

As for being a "rat"??? All Erik did was tell the truth. I realize telling the truth is an oxymoron when playing the game of Survivor, but I did not see any alliance he had with Ami where he swore alliance to her, promising never to tell the others that she was trying to flip, and seal it with a handshake. I did not see this as a Rob M. would shook more hands than a Presidential candidate on his way to seal deals and backstab.

Ami's goose was cooked when that pansy decided to quit because of some scratch on his foot. I didn't see Erik breaking any word or promise to anyone...but that's just my observation.


yodawg22 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

04-05-08, 08:59 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #8"
>Personally, I thought this was a
>really good episode. Hey wait
>a minute...could I be saying
>this when they had only
>one challenge??? Oh NO, please
>don't tell me I'm turning
>into a social butterfly!
>1) ERIK (4,8,6,6,1,3) - WOW...a "fan"
>who actually decided to "play"
>the game (with a slight
>apology to our blow-up doll
>Tracy). How's that for a
>concept. Great save this week,
>and continues to put out
>100% which has kept him
>in my top half all
>2) OZZY (2,3,2,2,12,11) - For those
>who think Ozzy is one-dimensional
>and other than challenges (specifically
>in the water) he's overrated...tape
>this episode and stick it
>in your library. Erik was
>a goner; Ami gets the
>boot. So you still think
>you're not a "leader"?
>3) ELIZA (1,2,1,3,5,4) - OK, maybe
>I have a reality show
>crush on this cute little
>fireplug. What can I say...she
>just keeps on ticking. Unfortunately
>all the favs peg her
>as a flipper which could
>spell disaster at merge. That
>would be a shame.
>4) JASON (5,6,10,7,3,6) - When he
>was quoted saying "Survival of
>the Fittest" he moved up
>a notch. His performance in
>the challenge put him in
>my Top 3. But this
>idiot apparently thinks he has
>the real HII? That brought
>him down a notch.
>5) JAMES (3,4,8,11,11,14) - Not much
>happening other than showcasing his
>talent as a human bottle
>opener. With this pathetic cast
>that's enough to keep him
>in the top half.
>6) ALEXIS (7,5,4,1,2,5) - So how
>far did her eyes pop
>out of her head when
>she realized she'd be spending
>time with Ozzy on EI?
>I'm not liking the previews.
>Please don't tell me SHE'S
>going to skank her way
>to advancing in this game?
>7) CIRIE (11,12,14,14,4,12) - I must
>admit she actually made sense
>during her confessionals. Or maybe
>because she didn't laugh like
>a hyena with every third
>word you can take her
>more seriously?
>8) AMANDA (10,11,7,10,16,16) - For a
>player who was able to
>pull her weight during challenges
>in China, she pretty much
>sucks this season. So far
>she's been good for two
>things...using Ozzy as a mattress
>when the "lights" go out,
>and being told by Ozzy
>how to vote. I'm getting
>tired of looking at the
>cameleon's "doe-eyes" least her pixels
>in China were more conversational.
>9) NATALIE (8,9,9,8,8,9) - This chick
>with the melting face is
>a total waste of space.
>How was she casted? And
>she'll probably make it to
>the F4 which will chrystalize
>what a joke of a
>season this has been.
>10) PARVATI (9,13,12,13,16,18) - So you
>still think Jason is a
>"loser" while you were chowing
>down on pizza and beer?
>(Thanks to Jason)! Wanna know
>what a loser really is...trash
>like yourself that needs to
>read the play book on
>implementing the "Anti-Darwin Syndrome" to
>another loser like Natalie.
>BOOTED) AMI (6,7,13,13,15,8) - If anything,
>this episode answers my question
>from last month whether Ami
>was really going to flip
>or if she was a
>Fav spy. I guess this
>means Ozzy owes Chet a
>make-out session. If Ami was
>crying last night, she'll be
>wailing uncontrollably for just missing
>the jury of what will
>probably be an all-female final
>for this sub-par season.

Alexis going to skank her way through the game? Who the hell are you to say that? Sorry the definition of skanking ones way through the game is Amanda screwing Ozzy. Nothing Alexis will do will come near "skanking her way through the game".

According to Ami they had it all set up to send James to Exile Island but instead Ozzy insisted that they choose Alexis. If Ozzy would dump Amanda I'd be so frigging happy. lol


Aruba 3400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-05-08, 09:08 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #8"
NOOOOO...I DON'T want Alexis to do that!!! That's why I said "Please don't tell me..."

I am only suggesting that it might happen based on the previews. Of course when we saw the previews for this week's episode it suggested that Erik would be taken out in a body bag. As we saw that didn't happen.

The producers love to misdirect and I'm hoping that is the case with Alexis. We already have Amanda and Parvati...we don't need a third.


yodawg22 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

04-06-08, 01:16 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #8"
>NOOOOO...I DON'T want Alexis to do
>that!!! That's why I said
>"Please don't tell me..."
>I am only suggesting that it
>might happen based on the
>previews. Of course when we
>saw the previews for this
>week's episode it suggested that
>Erik would be taken out
>in a body bag. As
>we saw that didn't happen.
>The producers love to misdirect and
>I'm hoping that is the
>case with Alexis. We already
>have Amanda and Parvati...we don't
>need a third.

OK. I understand but Parvati and Amanda are always cuddling with their men and kissing and #####. I don't think Alexis would do that w/Ozzy. Amanda is a overly jealous #####. Not everything can go her way but she doesn't understand that. Alexis can not lay down and talk to Ozzy without her being jealous and wanting to get rid of her!!!


Aruba 3400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-06-08, 06:52 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #8"
Hi yodawg22...BTW I apologize for not welcoming you to the Boards.

It wasn't Alexis laying down next to Ozzy that fueled my suggestion. It was the preview of Alexis' little striptease act and then Amanda's reaction followed by Cirie's confession about jealously. But who knows...Alexis could be unclothing for a challenge; Amanda could be showing us her doe-eyes because she was told they haven't pixeled her butt even once this season; and Cirie could be saying everyone is jealous because a weak inept castaway like herself is still in the game. We won't know until Thursday.

Hey, to show there's no hard feelings, if Parvati and Amanda BOTH make it to the F4 I'll forever refer to this sub-par season as SKANK-IVOR: Micronesia in your honor!


yodawg22 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

04-06-08, 01:01 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #8"
>Hi yodawg22...BTW I apologize for not
>welcoming you to the Boards.
>It wasn't Alexis laying down next
>to Ozzy that fueled my
>suggestion. It was the preview
>of Alexis' little striptease act
>and then Amanda's reaction followed
>by Cirie's confession about jealously.
>But who knows...Alexis could be
>unclothing for a challenge; Amanda
>could be showing us her
>doe-eyes because she was told
>they haven't pixeled her butt
>even once this season; and
>Cirie could be saying everyone
>is jealous because a weak
>inept castaway like herself is
>still in the game. We
>won't know until Thursday.
>Hey, to show there's no hard
>feelings, if Parvati and Amanda
>BOTH make it to the
>F4 I'll forever refer to
>this sub-par season as SKANK-IVOR:
in your honor!

Thanks for welcoming me but I'm glad you brought this up. If you go back and watch that part carefully she is taking off her old buff. Natalie is taking her buff off her wrist right next to her and a little bit of the merge note can be seen in Eliza's hand. So they are just reading the merge note and switching buffs. Not a strip tease.


gbauman 2 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

04-05-08, 10:10 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #8"
How can anyone take Cirie seriously? She does nothing in camp. She does nothing in challenges. And she fights with anyone who she fears might point out just how worthless she is. If she makes it to the final 4 I'm going to stop watching the show. Go James and Ozzy!

Aruba 3400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-06-08, 06:31 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #8"
Hi gbauman...Welcome to the Boards!

Quite honestly there's not a whole lot of players who do take Cirie seriously...that's precisely why she is still in the game (along with a couple favorable situations contrary to her fans she did not control but did make the most of those opportunities.)

I have always contended that when castaways like Cirie can escape the first seven to 10 days, they usually are in the game for the long haul because these weak, pathetic, inept, non-survivor-like "players" are seen as non-threats.

In almost every season there has been a Cirie-like player (or more) advance to the F4 for just that reason. So I hope you don't stop watching because of Cirie's ineptness and the "Rhode Scholars" they love to cast that allow her type to get away with it.
Afterall what else would we have to write about in these forums??? ;)


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-06-08, 02:12 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #8"
LAST EDITED ON 04-06-08 AT 02:14 PM (EST)

Parvati (3,2,2,2,3,3,1) “I’m not going to win against Ozzy and I’m not going to win against James. There’s no way. I love them, I love having them around, but I don’t want to go up against them at the end."
So few get it that this simple observation has to be called brilliant!!!

2 - Cirie (12,1,4,10,5,6,4): Welcome to the boards gbauman but I hope you don't get upset that I take Cirie very seriously! In fact, she may be one of the smartest player to play this game. One of the more entertaining ones also. Players have said that she works hard in camp, she has won some puzzle challenges on her own... I'd take Cirie on my tribe anytime, especially if she can bring back big @ss crabs like in the last episode.

3 - James (8,8,8,8,8,4,3): He had the funniest scene of this episode but, if Popeye would die out there, wasn't it dangerous to fall asleep in that boat?!!

4 - Ozzy (5,3,2,1,1,4,6): Reacting to danger is not as good as planning ahead. Ami hasn't been the only one making moves against him. Who else talked about taking Ozzy out in this episode? Has Ozzy done anything to get her out as fast as he can? Hummmm...

5 - Eliza (10,10,7,3,2,2,5): Despite making the winning move in the challenge, she has been disconnected from the game, only narrating events: "We got tree mail"... "The Pizza delivery boat..." What happened to gaining the trust of the fans? I think someone beat her to it. The million goes to players not commentators.

6 - Alexis (6,5,3,4,4,3,2): She goes off alone with Ozzy and all she is shown doing is looking for the HII. A story dismissed.

7 - Amanda (4,4,5,11,7,8,7): Ami was dead when Amanda pointed out "But you were with Eliza..."

8 - Cat-alie (16,12,11,12,12,9,8): That F4 would be hot. It would be hotter if we knew who she was.

9 - Erik (18,16,15,15,14,11,10): The second funniest scene was him looking at Ami with the machete on her shoulder and under his chin. You could almost hear the "gulp" when he said "No problem". At least, he is starting to get it.

10 - Jason (7,13,16,7,11,11,10): Good performance in the challenge but... so what? If, after 21 days, he can't count on a single alliance and has to rely on a stick, that a terrible overall performance.

Boot - Ami (11,11,11,9,9,10,9): Ami got trapped on the wrong side of the tribal division and never recovered even if she had occasions.


CTgirl 8013 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-07-08, 09:05 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #8"
1) Ozzy – He is still my number one guy even though he doesn’t see the dangers ahead. He can outplay and outlast any one else there, unfortunately I don’t think he can’t outwit them.

2) Parvati – The entire scene from discussing alliances with James to approaching Natalie was perfect. She has a strategy that’s working and she’s implementing it.

3) James – He isn’t much of a strategist and he didn’t even make an impact during the IC so he’s in third place purely for his witticisms! From Popeye and Jacques Cousteau to Malakal Beach, “this is where they bring the criminals” he is too funny! Neat party trick opening the beer bottles (ouch, don’t your teeth hurt?!)

4) Erik – I still don’t like the guy but he gave it his all during the IC and kudos for a great job saving himself over Ami. He was a lost puppy dog, but he found his way home for another week.

5) Cirie – She has carved out a nice spot for herself in her tribe and Parvati is looking forward to seeing her again.

6) Amanda – I’m starting to see that her poker face/contemplative looks just might indicate the boring Amanda that the booted players have complained about!

7) Eliza – Nice job in the IC but things aren’t looking too good when Jason is your only ally.

8) Jason – I think he’s a loser too. He’s not last because he owned the IC.

9) & 10) Alexis and Natalie – I hope we learn more about them than just numbers for girl power.

Booted: Ami - They booted the right person. I don’t think she can be trusted and talks out of both sides of her mouth. Despite her (crocodile) tears at Tribal, she would’ve flipped in a second after merge if it would benefit her. Erik’s a loyal puppy dog; he just can’t play the game at the same level as Ami. But nice work catching that big a$$ crab!

Scarlett Oz'Hara ®



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