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"All hail the great and powerful Oz"
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garcor 432 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

04-04-08, 05:47 AM (EST)
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"All hail the great and powerful Oz"
Not that he's in charge. I think I see what's happened to Amanda's assertivness. It's been lost in her fear of offending
Ozzy. Appears to be a pattern on this tribe. Looks like even Cirie has decided not to publicly argue with him. Doesn't come across as entirely healthy, though more important is their continuing inability to win challenges.

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: All hail the great and powerful... Estee 04-04-08 1
   RE: All hail the great and powerful... Colonel Zoidberg 04-04-08 2
       RE: All hail the great and powerful... Wacko Jacko 04-04-08 3
           RE: All hail the great and powerful... Estee 04-04-08 4
               RE: All hail the great and powerful... mindy23 04-04-08 6
           RE: All hail the great and powerful... Snidget 04-04-08 5
               RE: All hail the great and powerful... michel 04-04-08 7
                   RE: All hail the great and powerful... Wacko Jacko 04-04-08 8
 RE: All hail the great and powerful... iltarion 04-05-08 9
 RE: All hail the great and powerful... citywitch 04-05-08 10
   RE: All hail the great and powerful... garcor 04-05-08 11
   RE: All hail the great and powerful... Aruba 04-05-08 12

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Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-04-08, 06:29 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: All hail the great and powerful Oz"
though more important is their continuing inability to win challenges.

It's kind of hard to win Immunity challenges when your tribe includes a player whose main strategy is to throw every one she participates in -- and given that they're short on tribe members, that's all of them.


Colonel Zoidberg 3662 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

04-04-08, 06:33 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: All hail the great and powerful Oz"
I'm a little surprised she hasn't said anything about it in a confessional. You'd think that she might have said, "Ha. I'm throwing challenges." Jaime and Peih-Gee did the same last season.

Of course, who the hell are we to talk? After all, there was no revelation of, "I tanked it. Goodbye, shy cartoonist," or even, "I can't believe those idiots think we're really a couple." Maybe they're saving that for later, or maybe Cirie's biting her tongue.

Or maybe she just has no idea what the hell she's doing, and it just looks like she's throwing them.


Wacko Jacko 2438 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

04-04-08, 08:10 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: All hail the great and powerful Oz"
Excuse me? Where do you get the opinion Cirie is throwing challenges?

Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-04-08, 08:15 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: All hail the great and powerful Oz"
Our own site's player interviews, for starters. There's been some interesting comments on the subject from the victimized.

It's a fair strategy: lose challenge, get rid of Fan Of The Day, make sure the Favorites hit the merge with majority. It's just really, really annoying. Playing Survivor for misere' should cost the contestant something -- but right now, Cirie is dumping people who will never see the jury: without a show-destroying twist, none of them will ever come back to haunt her.

Deliberate losing is one of the many reasons I hate tribal switches. (So next season, we'll get one per cycle until the merge -- then resplit, reshuffle, remerge...)


mindy23 1319 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

04-04-08, 08:23 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: All hail the great and powerful Oz"

AHA!! Now it's all coming together!! All this time I thought she was just fat and lazy!!!


Snidget 44369 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-04-08, 08:22 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: All hail the great and powerful Oz"
Tracy's RTVW interview

"It was of my opinion that {Airai's Favorites} were throwing challenges -- I mean it was clear to me that they were throwing it. Whether they believe it, whether they say they did... Please. I mean seriously they were. I'm sticking to it. "

Is one of the things that seems to make people think that. Wouldn't shock me that Cirie was a ring leader in making it happen.

I could also see why they may not be making a big deal of the strategy in confessionals and stuff. If they can keep that pretty quiet there is less chance of Jeff calling them out on it in tribal council. If you are too obvious in throwing the challenges, or too brash about it on camera I'd think Jeff could go after you in tribal. I mean it is possible for a tribe to just be really bad at winning.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-04-08, 10:34 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: All hail the great and powerful Oz"
But then Tracy went on to add:

"We were doing the tunnel where you had to build the barricades and then take the barricades apart. We got together before the challenge and we talked and Ozzy said, "Okay Tracy you're going in first, I'm going in second." Because I was the smallest and I was going to bend down and untie all the knots, which I would be good at."

That is the only example she gave for throwing a challenge however that challenge was for REWARD! Why throw a reward challenge? Tracy was spinning the story to suit her.

Explain why Ozzy ran out 4 times in that immunity challenge to give his team a lead? Why not send Cirie to go instead and be sure to trail? OK, too obvious. Maybe just have Cirie and Amanda throw the puzzle part but then why apologize to Ozzy when Tracy and Erik weren't present?

Last night, Amanda seemed to be trying her best to get over the course. Why not stall like Katie had done?

Maybe Cirie, and her alone, figured they didn't need to win challenges and she isn't giving 100% but I haven't seen evidence of throwing challenges.


Wacko Jacko 2438 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

04-04-08, 12:48 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: All hail the great and powerful Oz"
>But then Tracy went on to
>"We were doing the tunnel where
>you had to build the
>barricades and then take the
>barricades apart. We got
>together before the challenge and
>we talked and Ozzy said,
>"Okay Tracy you're going in
>first, I'm going in second."
> Because I was the
>smallest and I was going
>to bend down and untie
>all the knots, which I
>would be good at."
>That is the only example she
>gave for throwing a challenge
>however that challenge was for
>REWARD! Why throw a reward
>challenge? Tracy was spinning the
>story to suit her.
>Explain why Ozzy ran out 4
>times in that immunity challenge
>to give his team a
>lead? Why not send Cirie
>to go instead and be
>sure to trail? OK, too
>obvious. Maybe just have Cirie
>and Amanda throw the puzzle
>part but then why apologize
>to Ozzy when Tracy and
>Erik weren't present?
>Last night, Amanda seemed to be
>trying her best to get
>over the course. Why not
>stall like Katie had done?
>Maybe Cirie, and her alone, figured
>they didn't need to win
>challenges and she isn't giving
>100% but I haven't seen
>evidence of throwing challenges.

I agree with Michel. I think it was sour grapes on Tracy. Sounds to me Tracy wants to blame her boot on others when she idioticly every tribal council went after those strongest in her tribe. Did she seriously think that she could get Amanda to vote with her over Ozzy? She just backed herself into a corner and is looking for excuses.


iltarion 1791 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

04-05-08, 01:22 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: All hail the great and powerful Oz"
I would find it completely believable since I've been saying for the past month that Malakal would be best off throwing the ICs. However, I would have to say that none of the evidence supports Tracy's comments. Ozzy CLEARLY is not throwing anything. Ami has already said in her post-interview that she wasn't throwing anything, and Amanda has bemoaned nearly every one of their losses both to her tribemates and in her confessionals. This would leave only Cirie, and Cirie had no impact on that loss last night.
I think Tracy was just mistaken, and great point, Michel, her story about the thrown challenge, which happened to be a reward challenge, just makes no sense and reduces the validity of all her arguments.



citywitch 250 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

04-05-08, 08:39 AM (EST)
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10. "RE: All hail the great and powerful Oz"
I sure hope they bring up this point at the Reunion show, so we find out one way or another. My feeling is that Ozzy is definitely NOT throwing all the challenges. I don't think Ami was in on any throwing either, but then she wasn't "in" on much of what was really happening. I'm not forgetting that even tho Amanda is "following" Ozzy, she still has that backroom alliance with Cirie & Parvati. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Cirie & Amanda were quietly throwing immunity challenges.

thanks to Scarlett O Hara & CattyChat


garcor 432 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

04-05-08, 09:13 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: All hail the great and powerful Oz"
Before they were reduced to five, not sure if Amanda and/or Cirie would have felt sure enough of having Ami and Erik's votes to want to throw immunity challenges. Could have put them on the wrong side of a TC vote or have resulted in a tie.

Aruba 3400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-05-08, 10:20 AM (EST)
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12. "RE: All hail the great and powerful Oz"

> It wouldn't surprise me at all if Cirie &
>Amanda were quietly throwing immunity challenges.

How would one go about doing this quietly? This is Survivor we're talking about! A castaway can't even go take a poop without a camera up their butt-crack. If there was a suggested conspiracy (between Cirie and Amanda) we would have most certainly seen some footage on that (otherwise MB would have a few heads on a platter and a few cameramen would be showing up at Unemployment).

If one player is doing it on their own, all the prior posts make excellent points contrary to this claim on everyone except Cirie. Perhaps I'm being too analytical, but to "throw" a challenge doesn't one need to have a chance to win? A weak, pathetic, inept player like Cirie is incapable of winning anything on her own (other than maybe a giggling contest). And as for those who think we might get the real answer on the Reunion Show...forget about it. Self-preservation and saving face will always take precident over getting an honest answer.



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