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"AllstarTrivia round 13"
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ivoryElephant 2257 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

04-23-04, 04:40 PM (EST)
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"AllstarTrivia round 13"
Only heard from 2 of you when you were available, hope now is ok because if I don't post it now it won't be until monday that I will have time...... here it goes...

1. approximatly how many beers did Rupert have?
2. What are Shii Anns chances at final 2? (the exact word someone used)
3. What is the "whole goal"? (from a quote)
4. Which masks in the RC had hats and what color were the eyes on ruperts mask?
5. During the IC who did Jenna guess that the majority would say they trusted with their life?
6. Who did Rob say was the most unworthy of being on allstar survivor?
7. During the IC who gave amber her first, second and 3rd hit?
8. What is beer in spanish?
9. What order did the survivors fall in the IC and who was the only survivor to have their left hand raised?
10. Who is the kingpin?

Bonus: the following letters are the first letters to words in a sentence, write out the sentence: it was said during this past show:


Make as many words as you can (english only) from each of the remaining survivors first and last names as well as the remaining trivia players screen names. You can't combine names to form more words, 3 letters or more, no names:

Rob Mariano
Amber Brkich
Jenna Lewis
Rupert Boneham
Tom Buchanan
Shii Ann Huang

Kermit the vixen


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: AllstarTrivia round 13 KObrien_fan 04-23-04 1
   RE: AllstarTrivia round 13 ivoryElephant 04-23-04 2

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KObrien_fan 8360 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-23-04, 05:54 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: AllstarTrivia round 13"
Clarification on the challenge...

do you mean scramble the letters and use each letter only once, or can you use the letters over again? For example can you use the B in Amber with the O in Mariano with the O in KObrienfan?


ivoryElephant 2257 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

04-23-04, 07:10 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: AllstarTrivia round 13"
First off there are a few typos....I said IC a few times when I meant RC.... the face mask Q....etc..

for the challenge you can only use each letter once.

for example



but not

Raba (made up word)

you use each players name and each survivors name to creat as many words as possible



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