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"Survivor 17 -- All Winners Championship???"
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Howard Dean 707 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

02-05-04, 03:02 PM (EST)
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"Survivor 17 -- All Winners Championship???"

One of the big conflicts that appears to be shaping up on ASS is all of the non winners wanting to vote off previous winners.

Maybe some day it would be possible to have a show of nothing but previous winners. And then see who among them wins.

Assuming Survivor lasts that long .... maybe by Survivor 17 or 18 or whatever ... there would be enough previous winners to do a show like that.

What do all of you think? Never mind whether or not you think it's likely to happen ... do you think it would be fun?

Perhaps there could also be another reunion show someday with none of the previous winners on it, so that we could have a chance to see more of the previous players.


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Survivor 17 -- All Winners Cham... arturbars 02-05-04 1
   RE: Survivor 17 -- All Winners Cham... ejm92 02-05-04 2
 All Winners Championship - bad idea JohnMc 02-05-04 3
   RE: All Winners Championship - bad ... Blow by Blow 02-06-04 4
   RE: All Winners Championship - bad ... Howard Dean 02-07-04 6
 RE: Survivor 17 -- All Winners Cham... Howard Dean 02-06-04 5

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arturbars 605 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

02-05-04, 04:21 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: Survivor 17 -- All Winners Championship???"
LAST EDITED ON 02-05-04 AT 04:22 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-05-04 AT 04:22 PM (EST)

assuming that survivor lasts that long (we can only hope ), some of ther previous winner will surely get too old or even die by then.....


ejm92 2221 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

02-05-04, 05:56 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Survivor 17 -- All Winners Championship???" won't happen, and wouldn't be fun if it actually did happen.....I mean, Ethan, Tina, and Jenna M. don't look to be much fun on All Stars.....Rich is an exception, and maybe Brian's plotting would help some. I think, if in an All-Star type situation, Sandra wouldn't be her normal self...also, Vecepia wouldn't be worth watching on the show......All-Stars in my opinion is a show-killer.....but an All-Winners Edition would definitely kill the future of the show, and that is IF Survivor makes it to 17-18 editions, which is doubtful because of Burnett's attitude and the average longevity of reality shows.

Survivor All-Stars: Let's Go Big Tom!

JohnMc 2679 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

02-05-04, 06:03 PM (EST)
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3. "All Winners Championship - bad idea"
All the "winners" don't make for good TV, nor would they all be fun to watch. All the winners won for different reasons. Some, like Tina or even Sandra, won because the last immunity winner took the wrong person. What's fun about watching the wrong winner win???

But as far as EJM's comment, "IF Survivor makes it to 17-18 editions, which is doubtful because of Burnett's attitude and the average longevity of reality shows," I have to say that I think that Survivor can definitely survive. Other reality shows don't last because they just suck, or they have a lame premise or one that can only last one time. But Real World and Road Rules continue for a decade's worth of viewing, and it's because they continue to reinvent themselves. Survivor has changed and evolved since Borneo, and I hope it continues to do so. Even if EPM decided to quit the show, CBS could keep Jiffy on board and make sure the series lasts for a long time, as long as it stays interesting.


Blow by Blow 895 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

02-06-04, 02:07 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: All Winners Championship - bad idea"
I gotta agree that it would be bad TV. Most of the fun of Survivor is watching average shmoes screw up. The winners, and all stars, aren't really average people anymore (well, except for Amber).

The only thing really fun about this season is seeing the smug looks getting wiped off winners' faces and seeing just how wildly paranoid everyone is.

The big bummer is that there are too many people out there with a lousy attitude. One Osten per season is enough. This time we seem to have several.



Howard Dean 707 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

02-07-04, 02:38 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: All Winners Championship - bad idea"

I agree completely.

>But as far as EJM's comment,
>"IF Survivor makes it to
>17-18 editions, which is doubtful
>because of Burnett's attitude and
>the average longevity of reality
>shows," I have to say
>that I think that Survivor
>can definitely survive. Other
>reality shows don't last because
>they just suck, or they
>have a lame premise or
>one that can only last
>one time. But Real
>World and Road Rules continue
>for a decade's worth of
>viewing, and it's because they
>continue to reinvent themselves.
>Survivor has changed and evolved
>since Borneo, and I hope
>it continues to do so.
> Even if EPM decided
>to quit the show, CBS
>could keep Jiffy on board
>and make sure the series
>lasts for a long time,
>as long as it stays


Howard Dean 707 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

02-06-04, 02:42 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Survivor 17 -- All Winners Championship???"
I'm actually enjoying ASS so far.

A lot of the Survivors are coming across a little bit differently this time, and it's fun (at least for me) to see how people react differently when placed in a different situation with different people.

Rob M is still Rob M, but he seems to have his act together much better this time around. Same with Jenna L.

Ethan is still Ethan, but he has to struggle a lot harder this time around to go on in the game. And after last night, it seems like he just might pull it off after all. What with Rudy voted out, and now Rupert fighting with Jerri.

I've noticed some posters on this board calling Jenna L a loser, and Amber boring. Well guess what? This time around, they may not be losers or boring at all.

Even some of the contestants don't seem to get the idea yet that putting people in a different situation can change things.

For example, a few of the Survivors in the other tribes were shocked at seeing that Tina has been voted out. They must have thought that certain people are somehow preordained to be winners and other losers no matter what situation they are in.

It ain't necessarily so. By the end of the season, they'll find out differently

If they were ever to hold a Survivor "Championship," I don't think Vesepia would be boring. Again, different people in different situations.

Who knows if Survivor will last that long? I think it could ... As one poster commented, it's all in the concept. Survivor has an incredibly good basic concept, unlike so much of what they call "reality"

(Remember "Paradise Hotel???" Bwahahahahahaha!)

So I say let it happen. Survivor 17: Championship may never come to pass, but if it did, it would be fun.



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