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"You know you watch too much Survivor when..."
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PhoenixMons 4696 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

11-11-03, 11:28 AM (EST)
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"You know you watch too much Survivor when..." are trying to type the word 'often' but your brain keeps making you type Osten wake up and the first thing you think about is whether there are any new spoilers (or old spoilers that have been debunked) that have been uncovered while you were sleeping (well this really only counts for all of us overseas ) start using Survivor words in your everyday conversations..."man that girl was a total Heidi"..."that guy was such an Osten"... stay up until 3 a.m. just so you can watch Survivor with the east coasters (yay for live feed!)

So, what can you ad to the list?

I actually was just typing an e-mail to a friend and when I went back to spell-check, I saw not one but TWO instances of osten instead of often in my message

The 80s are back, like totally!
2003 winner of the coveted "Punky"


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: You know you watch too much Sur... nailbone 11-11-03 1
 RE: You know you watch too much Sur... JohnMc 11-11-03 2
 RE: You know you watch too much Sur... bubbastan 11-11-03 3
 RE: You know you watch too much Sur... procrastin8tor 11-11-03 4
 RE: You know you watch too much Sur... whoami 11-11-03 5
 RE: You know you watch too much Sur... frisky 11-12-03 6
 RE: You know you watch too much Sur... Draco Malfoy 11-12-03 7
   RE: You know you watch too much Sur... ivoryElephant 11-12-03 8

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nailbone 27263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-11-03, 11:32 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: You know you watch too much Survivor when..."

...when your kid asks why he can't stay up late to see the end of the game, you reply "The tribe has spoken".

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Prince of Passion, Royal Liaison to Illicit Activities, SB Video Historian (StS) o-


JohnMc 2679 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

11-11-03, 03:28 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: You know you watch too much Survivor when..."
you friend Mark is being a jerk, and you call him an EPM.

you are mad at a co-worker, and you try to convince your other co-workers to vote him out at the next staff meeting, which you conveniently call Tribal Council.

or finally,

you know that the company is going to be making layoffs soon, and you start working your butt off say, "I've got to get immunity, I've got to get immunity."


bubbastan 625 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

11-11-03, 05:22 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: You know you watch too much Survivor when..."
When you eye up those sitting around the conference table during a meeting as either being part of your "alliance" or ripe for a "pagonging".....

When you score someone negatively on their employee feedback for being too much of an "UTR" player.... bonus Survivor adict points if said individual was someone who you see every so many days at work but aren't really sure what they do.......

When you start identifying Friday Happy Hours as this week's "Reward".........


procrastin8tor 26 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

11-11-03, 06:58 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: You know you watch too much Survivor when..."
You know you watch too much Survivor when... think wearing a 'buff' as a top seems quite reasonable crave plain rice and fish, with the occasional bit of popcorn coconut

...Rhino refers to a person not an animal

...the initials BL, BR, BT, TC, RC, IC, II actually mean something to you!!

... obsessively magnifying vidcaps of previews to spoil is generally how you spend Friday mornings tell your kids, "Wanna know watcha playin' for?" hang out lurking on this site instead of working!!!! (at least I do...)



whoami 2936 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

11-11-03, 09:32 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: You know you watch too much Survivor when..."
When you turn on the answering machine and lock the door when Survivor comes on.
You think Thursday should be a national holiday.
You have more then 10 links in your Survivor folder and it is at the top of your Favorites list.
You spend more then 3 hours a day on the SurvivorBlows sites.
You can think of more things to put here but do not becauese you do not want people to think you are a fanatic Survivor fan.

I thought I was normal till I read this thread.


frisky 11695 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-03, 01:06 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: You know you watch too much Survivor when..."
You jokingly say to your friend "You're such a DAW!" and she gives you a blank stare.

Draco Malfoy 10525 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-03, 07:23 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: You know you watch too much Survivor when..."
I dunno, but I'm glad that Morgan is no longer a tribe name. I always tried to type my last name instead, which is very close.

"Why is my thing on fire?"-Karmic Dharma
Start Weight:339 Last Weigh-in:299.5 Loss To Date:-39.5


ivoryElephant 2257 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

11-12-03, 12:10 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: You know you watch too much Survivor when..."
You know how to say "the tribe is spoken" "it is time for you to go" in Spanish (el tribu ha hablado, es tiempo para tu ir)

when you are caught swiping an extra french fry from your friend you say "i was only pirating"

When playing chess you exclaim "I am being used as a pawn!" Every time you move your pawns



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