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"Colby Canoodling With Vanna White??!!"
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JeffGator 1401 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

08-10-02, 00:50 AM (EST)
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"Colby Canoodling With Vanna White??!!"
Bannanas over Vanna: You'll never guess who was seen canoodling with Vanna White last Saturday. Let me give you a hint. Think Survivor. Think southern. Think rippling pecs. Nope, not Richard but...Colby.

--Ok, I have no idea what canoodling is, but it sounds pretty dirty. I guess things didn't work out with Jane Clayson

At first I thought Vanna was married but then I found this article:

Wednesday, June 20, 2002

Vanna White Divorce

For 20 years, Vanna White has been turning heads as she turns letters on the hit game show "Wheel of Fortune." But now the stunning TV icon is turning the page on a new chapter in her life as a single mom.

Vanna is getting divorced from her husband, restaurant mogul George Santo Pietro, after 11 years of marriage. According to the divorce papers filed by Vanna last month, the couple separated last November after years of reports that their relationship was on the rocks, reports that she and George repeatedly denied.

According to her biography, Vanna was raised by her grandparents after her parent's were divorced when she was a baby. Vanna is now seeking joint custody of the two children she had with Santo Pietro.

All I have to say is...What the hell??!! Does Colby have a thing for women twice his age who wear a crapload of makeup and are in the entertainment business? What's going on here? Nothing against Vanna, but if if's and but's were candy and nuts they still wouldn't be having a Merry Christmas.



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