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"Monday Morning Update (8/19)"
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SurvivinDawg 6816 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-19-02, 08:48 AM (EST)
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"Monday Morning Update (8/19)"
LAST EDITED ON 08-19-02 AT 08:52 AM (EST)

Normally I wouldn't do a Monday morning update, but I just read a full day of transcripts, and a LOT has happened in the BB3 household.

First, CHIWHORA said to RODDY that (in some context of the voting) she thought she had a better chance of staying in the house if she put a knife to Amy. This prompted BB3 to call CHIWHORA to the Diary Room (DR), and CHIWHORA came out very thoroughly talked to. She declared herself "devastated" by that DR conversation. (Note: she didn't actually threaten to take a knife to Amy, but the way BB3 is with the Justin incident last time, comments like that get you Airport Security screening treatment).

Next, Marcellas SAID it was because of his friendship with Amy, but it really might be because of his secret alliance with RODDY; but the bottom line is that Marcellas is voting to evict CHIWHORA.

Danielle, knowing Marcellas' position, discusses things with Lisa. They want to vote out RODDY, but need to talk to others.

Lisa talks to CHIWHORA and asks if she (CHIWHORA) wants to stay. CHIWHORA says (ulitmately) that she does. Lisa said she wanted CHIWHORA to stay, too... playing to CHIWHORA's feelings.

Then Dani and Lisa talk to Amy. Amy really wants CHIWHORA gone. Dani makes her case that she just couldn't take it if she (Dani) left and RODDY was still there, and the one that put her (Dani) out. Amy assures Dani that nothing will happen, that she (Amy) will do all in her power to keep Dani. So Dani says she will support Amy (but the way she worded it, she didn't QUITE say she'd vote out CHIWHORA this week... just that CHIWHORA would leave the house). Danielle doesn't want RODDY to know if she was the lone vote for him (Hey Dani! RODDY alreadly is suspicious of you!!), so she might have to vote for CHIWHORA to hide the truth. Also, Lisa's vote is truly very unclear right now.

No one (including CHIWHORA) thinks Gerry will use the Power Of Veto, but all consider Gerry a wild card and have no idea what he might do.

So things are up in the air right now... but right near the end, there was an interesting and very important conversation between Marcellas and Amy. Now Marcellas, as we know, has a secret alliance wtih RODDY. Amy is kinda sweet on RODDY, as we also know. So Marc is starting to persuade AMY... and they're both realizing that Danielle is getting them to do her (Danielle's) dirty work... and they're about to plot a counterattack against Danielle!

More posts as developments warrant.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin

Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Monday Morning Update (8/19) ejm92 08-19-02 1
 RE: Monday Morning Update (8/19) ginger 08-19-02 2
   RE: Monday Morning Update (8/19) katem 08-19-02 3
       RE: Monday Morning Update (8/19) ginger 08-19-02 4
 RE: Monday Morning Update (8/19) smiles 08-19-02 5
   One more thing . . . smiles 08-19-02 7
       RE: One more thing . . . SurvivinDawg 08-19-02 8
 RE: Monday Morning Update (8/19) Red Lady 08-19-02 6
 RE: Monday Morning Update (8/19) MollyTV 08-19-02 9
   RE: Monday Morning Update (8/19) Crimsyn 08-19-02 10
 RE: Monday Morning Update (8/19) Kokoro 08-20-02 11
 RE: Monday Morning Update (8/19) LadyT 08-20-02 12
 UPDATE: Tue 8/20 SurvivinDawg 08-20-02 13

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ejm92 2221 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

08-19-02, 10:09 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Monday Morning Update (8/19)"
Good god, CBS needs a show every night so the poor viewing audience can keep up with all of this crap. It's still hilarious that Marcellas/Amy see a threat in Danielle, but are still, still, STILL overlooking Jason. I wouldn't be surprised to see Danielle try to make a deal with Gerry if she finds out Marcellas is against her.


ginger 22512 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-19-02, 03:45 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Monday Morning Update (8/19)"
From various boards: Veto not used. The Dawg's absolute favorite gal is going home this week.

katem 3315 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

08-19-02, 04:16 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: Monday Morning Update (8/19)"
>From various boards: Veto not
>used. The Dawg's absolute
>favorite gal is going home
>this week.

I can't believe Roddy will survive again. This cat has nine lives doesn't he?

If he hangs in there he will deserve the victory.

(c) 2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.


ginger 22512 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-19-02, 05:23 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Monday Morning Update (8/19)"
Grudgingly, I gotta hand it to him. He's even making sure C. melts down to ensure her eviction. Roddy clearly studied at Master Will's knee.

smiles 675 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

08-19-02, 05:46 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Monday Morning Update (8/19)"
More Monday updates:

Roddy, Danielle, and Chiara have a talk. Roddy asks Danielle if she is out to get him. Roddy says that he has heard this from everyone in the house. Roddy asks Danielle a series of questions, which she tries not to give a definite answer to any of them. She repeats that she will not nominate him, but tries not to committ anything else. Roddy wants a direct answer Danielle says that she is hurt that no one apporached her for an alliance. Roddy tells her that Dani, Marc, and Jay have one, but Danielle says no, they were just grouped together. Roddy admits that he does not trust Jason and that if Jason and Danielle were up that he would save Danielle. Chiara thinks that it is because of Jason not keeping his word that she will be leaving this week.

Danielle tells Lisa that she thinks Marcellas told Roddy that she was out to get him, but they don't get to finish conversation because Roddy comes in.


smiles 675 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

08-19-02, 06:36 PM (EST)
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7. "One more thing . . ."
Danielle finally talks to Lisa and tells her about the Roddy conversation. Lisa isn't sure that Marcellas told, but she is going to try to lure it out of him by playing cards with him. Danielle is not happy and saying that if she wins HOH next she will put up Marc and Gerry.

Great TV- Dani/Jason vs. Amy/Marcel!!!

I hope Dani/Jason/(Lisa?) win!


SurvivinDawg 6816 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-19-02, 09:57 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: One more thing . . ."
A power failure at my home for 3 hours has caused me not to be able to read the feeds yet... so thanks for the updates!

RODDY is trying to expose Danielle, and yes, it's a Marcellas-RODDY thing (and maybe Amy, too). It's about time that Danielle get the attention she so richly deserves.

I must honestly say I don't know who I want to win. Certainly not my all-time favorite gal CHIWHORA . I like Amy, but feel that she should not have returned to the house. I do NOT want Danielle to win a thing, nor RODDY nor Lisa. That leaves Gerry, Jason, and Marcellas. Well, Jason is allied with Danielle, and Gerry and Marcellas are getting on my nerves (hey Marcellas! quit worrying about the damn GERMS!). Maybe we can blow up the BB3 household and blame it on Osama... or better yet, blame it on Julie Chen, Justin, Shannon and Lori!

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin

Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


Red Lady 2010 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

08-19-02, 06:02 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Monday Morning Update (8/19)"
All this and Sheryl Crow too?! Those cwazy wascally howseguests! Thanks for the updates!! Keep 'em comin'



MollyTV 480 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

08-19-02, 10:35 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Monday Morning Update (8/19)"
I so enjoyed reading this update....this is exciting....

i believe it HAS to be marcy "telling" on everyone to roddy...but he is gonna get screwed in the end(figuratively!
and i hate it cause i think he had a chance to win with amy and maybe gerry.....what a group they would be....oh well... it will be fun to see dani go down...i think it will happen and those eyes will POP>>>> i love who is left in the game.

can't wait for more


Crimsyn 590 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

08-19-02, 11:45 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Monday Morning Update (8/19)"
LAST EDITED ON 08-19-02 AT 11:46 PM (EST)

I have to disagree about Dani. She has been a favorite of mine since day one. She is playing the game hard and I love her secret alliance with Jason. It would be a shame to see her go. I have to admit though, she has too many frying pans in the oven at this point. Should be interestig to see how it all plays out.

I think that I am better than the people who are trying to reform me. -- Edgar Watson Howe


Kokoro 3899 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

08-20-02, 04:02 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: Monday Morning Update (8/19)"
Okay lets see....

Danielle, Lisa and Marcellas had a chat in the HoH room and basically asked themselves why they should bother to follow along with what the HoH wants. Danielle compliments Marcellas because during his HoH he put up two people he wanted gone and didn't campaign for either. They pretty much decide to change their minds again and say that Roddy should go. Marcellas and Lisa point out that they never actually gave their word to Amy that they would vote for Chiara and they agree that they should just vote how they want to. Later in the hot tub, Dani tells Jason and he's happy they've changed their minds again.

On another note, I'm not sure exactly what the hell is up Roddy's a$$ these days - ever since they've been nominated, all he seems to do is slam Chiara and tell her all the things he hates about her before going off on his own. He's actually being such a complete inexcusable jerk I'm feeling sorry for her (and I ~despise~ her just about as much as most of y'all)! He seems to think pretty damn highly of himself (I can't wait to see his face when he's evicted ;)....

Now let us never speak of S3 again.


LadyT 5567 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-20-02, 04:27 AM (EST)
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12. "RE: Monday Morning Update (8/19)"
Right now, the tide is turning to get rid of Roderic and he knows it Lisa really wants him gone, because Roderic campaigned against her when she was up.

Marci has told Dani, that he may vote for Roddy, that he is the strongest competition etc...

In a secret meeting... Dani tells Jason that Roderic has to go
Jason says I hoped you were going to say that

Roddy and Chiwhora are having a lovely conversation. Sounds like the beginning of the blowup. He keeps teling her that she embarrasses her and she needs to grow the hell up. Yep, I see a dumping soon. Is this to protect his ass a few days before voting? He is also saying that if he valued her as a person she wouldn't have said some of the things that she has said I thought at first you would get better as time went on but it never did. Roderic is also jealous or Jason and Chiwhora, but not really. He basically wants her to treat him with respect. She is not a happy hamster today .

Right nowm for Roddy to leave: Dani, Jay, Lisa and Marci
Chiwhora to leave: Gerry and thats because of their previous alliance.

Lady T-mean Uber b!tch


SurvivinDawg 6816 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-20-02, 08:11 AM (EST)
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13. "UPDATE: Tue 8/20"
The very latest information is that Dani, Marcellas and Lisa had a meeting and really went back and forth hashing out who to vote for. Ultimately, Marcellas said "we know in our hearts who we need to vote out", which the others agreed with, and they were talking about evicting RODDY as the most dangerous threat. They then talked about the possibility of having a "free vote" (just vote however you want, regardless of the bloc).

As I read the feeds, RODDY'S conversation with Danielle wasn't quite as hot as I thought it was.

RODDY did give CHIWHORA what was tantamount to a speech dumping her. At first, I didn't think she got the message, but her later conversation with Lisa showed that she (CHIWHORA) did indeed get the message. CHIWHORA said she'd heard speeches like that before (Really? Do tell! Say it ain't so, CHIWHORA baby!) and wasn't too upset about it.

CHIWHORA thinks she's going, but as Monday night became Tuesday morning BBT (Big Brother Time), RODDY is realizing that it is more than possible that he'll be talking to Julie Chen on Thursday.

There is going to be a ten hour lockdown in the house for the Sheryl Crowe concert (the houseguests don't know exactly what the event is).

I experienced a power failure for several hours last night, making me appreciate Mr. Westinghouse all the more, but causing me not to be up-to-date on BB3 feeds. I'll buy a generator to make up for this lack.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin

Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged



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