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"Statistical ranking - TAR10"
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Rasta 210 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

12-11-06, 01:31 PM (EST)
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"Statistical ranking - TAR10"
Hello everyone. Now that the season is over, it's time to look at the statistical rankings of the TAR10 teams.

Team - Avg Finish - Score - All Time Rank
Tyler & James - 2.38 - 70.3 - 2
Rob & Kimberly - 3.00 - 61.1 - 14
Lyn & Karlyn - 4.92 - 34.7 - 70
Dustin & Kandice - 3.17 - 59.3 - 19
Erwin & Godwin - 4.70 - 41.1 - 61
David & Mary - 6.13 - 30.5 - 77
Peter & Sarah - 3.17 - 67.6 - 8
Tom & Terry - 7.00 - 31.4 - 75
Duke & Lauren - 4.67 - 56.0 - 25
Kellie & Jamie - 8.00 - 29.6 - 78
Vipul & Arti - 11.00 - 12.5 - 92
Bilal & Sa'eed - 12.00 - 4.2 - 102

A few notes:
Tyler & James finished second only to Eric & Jeremy (TAR9) for the highest score in TAR history. They finished in the top-3 in all but two legs.

Rob & Kimberly finished a very respectable 14th place all-time.

Lyn & Karlyn were the first all-female team to finish the race, but managed to post the lowest score of any of the 27 teams to circle the globe. They even managed to finish behind Adam & Rebecca (TAR6), the previous "worst team to cross the finish line".

Dustin & Kandice, although finishing fourth in the race, posted a very solid 19th in the all-time rankings. But for an error in the penultimate leg, they very well might have won the race.

Peter & Sarah managed to finish 8th all-time despite an early exit after leg 6. They were the best team through five legs.

Finally, although the "Six Pack" were popular with the viewers, they were poor racers. They combined to win just 2 legs out of 31 legs run. Their all-time ranks were 61st, 70th, and 77th respectively. However, they all managed to finish in the top half of the race. Their cooperative approach was an important factor to their success.

NOTE: TAR Family not included. Leg 9 was a double-leg shown over two episodes. For this analysis, each part of the double-leg is treated as an individual leg.


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Statistical ranking - TAR10 Rasta 12-11-06 1
   RE: Statistical ranking - TAR10 Earl Colby Pottinger 12-12-06 5
       RE: Statistical ranking - TAR10 JohnMc 12-14-06 6
           RE: Statistical ranking - TAR10 Rasta 12-14-06 7
 RE: Statistical ranking - TAR10 tvgeek401 12-11-06 2
   RE: Statistical ranking - TAR10 Rasta 12-12-06 3
       RE: Statistical ranking - TAR10 cahaya 12-12-06 4
 RE: Statistical ranking - TAR10 krisjonfanbg 12-14-06 8
   RE: Statistical ranking - TAR10 Rasta 12-15-06 9
       RE: Statistical ranking - TAR10 krisjonfanbg 12-19-06 10

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Rasta 210 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

12-11-06, 01:59 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: Statistical ranking - TAR10"
The all-time rankings:

Rank Team Score
1 Eric & Jeremy ( 9 - 2 ) 75.4
2 Tyler & James ( 10 - 1 ) 70.3
3 Rob & Brennan ( 1 - 1 ) 69.0
4 Kris & Jon ( 6 - 2 ) 68.8
5 Colin & Christie ( 5 - 2 ) 68.6
6 Frank & Margarita ( 1 - 2 ) 68.5
7 Rob & Amber ( 7 - 2 ) 68.2
8 Peter & Sarah ( 10 - 7 ) 67.6
9 BJ & Tyler ( 9 - 1 ) 65.4
10 Derek & Drew ( 3 - 4 ) 64.7
11 Flo & Zach ( 3 - 1 ) 62.9
12 Tara & Wil ( 2 - 2 ) 62.8
13 Hayden & Aaron ( 6 - 4 ) 62.5
14 Rob & Kimberly ( 10 - 2 ) 61.1
15 Reichen & Chip ( 4 - 1 ) 61.1
16 Ken & Gerard ( 3 - 3 ) 60.2
17 Chip & Kim ( 5 - 1 ) 60.1
18 Ron & Kelly ( 7 - 3 ) 59.8
19 Dustin & Kandice ( 10 - 4 ) 59.3
20 Jonathan & Victoria ( 6 - 6 ) 58.8
21 Freddy & Kendra ( 6 - 1 ) 58.4
22 Uchenna & Joyce ( 7 - 1 ) 58.3
23 Charla & Mirna ( 5 - 6 ) 58.0
24 Drew & Kevin ( 1 - 4 ) 56.3
25 Duke & Lauren ( 10 - 9 ) 56.0
26 Shola & Doyin ( 2 - 8 ) 55.7
27 Mary & Peach ( 2 - 6 ) 55.6
28 Millie & Chuck ( 4 - 5 ) 55.3
29 Jon & Al ( 4 - 4 ) 55.1
30 Gary & Dave ( 2 - 5 ) 54.8
31 Joseph & Monica ( 9 - 4 ) 53.9
32 Bill & Joe ( 1 - 3 ) 53.7
33 Chris & Alex ( 2 - 1 ) 53.3
34 Pat & Brenda ( 1 - 9 ) 53.2
35 Brandon & Nicole ( 5 - 3 ) 53.0
36 Steve & Josh ( 4 - 9 ) 52.7
37 Alison & Donny ( 5 - 10 ) 50.2
38 David & Jeff ( 4 - 3 ) 50.0
39 Debbie & Bianca ( 7 - 9 ) 48.7
40 Kelly & Jon ( 4 - 2 ) 48.6
41 Lynn & Alex ( 7 - 5 ) 48.2
42 Lake & Michelle ( 9 - 6 ) 48.2
43 Blake & Paige ( 2 - 3 ) 48.2
44 Heather & Eve ( 3 - 9 ) 48.0
45 Ray & Deana ( 7 - 7 ) 47.7
46 Bob & Joyce ( 5 - 8 ) 47.6
47 Brian & Greg ( 7 - 6 ) 47.2
48 Monica & Sheree ( 4 - 7 ) 46.9
49 Teri & Ian ( 3 - 2 ) 46.5
50 Lori & Bolo ( 6 - 5 ) 46.4
51 Amanda & Chris ( 4 - 11 ) 46.0
52 Oswald & Danny ( 2 - 4 ) 45.9
53 Aaron & Arianne ( 3 - 7 ) 45.5
54 Fran & Barry ( 9 - 5 ) 45.1
55 Gus & Hera ( 6 - 7 ) 44.2
56 Linda & Karen ( 5 - 4 ) 43.7
57 Michael & Kathy ( 3 - 8 ) 43.6
58 Tian & Jaree ( 4 - 6 ) 43.3
59 John Vito & Jill ( 3 - 5 ) 43.1
60 Marshall & Lance ( 5 - 7 ) 41.6
61 Erwin & Godwin ( 10 - 5 ) 41.1
62 Ray & Yolonda ( 9 - 3 ) 41.0
63 Andre & Damon ( 3 - 6 ) 39.3
64 Steve & Dave ( 4 - 8 ) 39.2
65 Wanda & Desiree ( 9 - 9 ) 38.9
66 Dave & Lori ( 9 - 7 ) 37.9
67 Cyndi & Russell ( 2 - 7 ) 37.3
68 Adam & Rebecca ( 6 - 3 ) 36.1
69 David & Margaretta ( 1 - 8 ) 35.5
70 Lyn & Karlyn ( 10 - 3 ) 34.7
71 Hope & Norm ( 2 - 10 ) 34.3
72 Susan & Patrick ( 7 - 8 ) 33.6
73 Lena & Kristy ( 6 - 9 ) 32.6
74 Jim & Marsha ( 5 - 9 ) 31.4
75 Tom & Terry ( 10 - 8 ) 31.4
76 Paul & Aimee ( 1 - 7 ) 31.3
77 David & Mary ( 10 - 6 ) 30.5
78 Kellie & Jamie ( 10 - 10 ) 29.6
79 Nancy & Emily ( 1 - 5 ) 28.7
80 Meredith & Gretchen ( 7 - 4 ) 28.6
81 Russell & Cindy ( 4 - 10 ) 27.8
82 Kim & Leslie ( 1 - 10 ) 27.5
83 Kami & Karli ( 5 - 5 ) 26.7
84 Lenny & Karyn ( 1 - 6 ) 24.0
85 Danielle & Dani ( 9 - 8 ) 21.9
86 Dennis & Andrew ( 3 - 10 ) 21.7
87 Meredith & Maria ( 6 - 10 ) 18.4
88 Don & Mary Jean ( 6 - 8 ) 17.4
89 Peggy & Claire ( 2 - 9 ) 14.7
90 Megan & Heidi ( 7 - 10 ) 13.9
91 Tramel & Talicia ( 3 - 11 ) 12.7
92 Vipul & Arti ( 10 - 11 ) 12.5
93 Lisa & Joni ( 9 - 10 ) 9.3
94 Avi & Joe ( 6 - 11 ) 4.5
95 John & Scott ( 9 - 11 ) 4.5
96 Dennis & Erika ( 5 - 11 ) 4.5
97 Matt & Anna ( 1 - 11 ) 4.5
98 Deidre & Hillary ( 2 - 11 ) 4.5
99 Ryan & Chuck ( 7 - 11 ) 4.5
100 Gina & Sylvia ( 3 - 12 ) 4.2
101 Debra & Steve ( 4 - 12 ) 4.2
102 Bilal & Sa'eed ( 10 - 12 ) 4.2


Earl Colby Pottinger 2597 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

12-12-06, 05:25 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Statistical ranking - TAR10"
I know it is a lot of work, but when All-Stars airs do you think you can compare the stats of the teams - leg by leg?

I already notice most of the rumoured players are already in the top 50. I think it will be interesting to see how much changes in their stats there will be.


JohnMc 2679 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

12-14-06, 11:14 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: Statistical ranking - TAR10"
Ditto here on the request to compare the All Star racers to the "regular" racers.

I think it would be interesting to see how v.1 of a team compares to the v.2.


Rasta 210 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

12-14-06, 01:55 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Statistical ranking - TAR10"
Sure, I can do that.

I expect the results to be quite different, though. For one thing, the competition level is higher: there won't be any bad teams competing.


tvgeek401 1615 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

12-11-06, 08:25 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Statistical ranking - TAR10"
Very interesting! Thanks for posting this.

I'm wondering how you calculated the team score, though.

--gotta love Tribe and his awesome siggies!


Rasta 210 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

12-12-06, 09:55 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: Statistical ranking - TAR10"
Check out these archived threads.


cahaya 19891 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-12-06, 03:26 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Statistical ranking - TAR10"
Yup, lively discussions there!

Thanks for posting the updated ranks, Rasta. Quite interesting.

A wonderful sig-gift from Nutz.


krisjonfanbg 55 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

12-14-06, 08:27 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Statistical ranking - TAR10"
I really appreciate what you are doing here
but i think you are wrong about second avg finish.
In my opinion (maybe i am not right) it belongs to
kris/jon with 2.166 avg.Could you check up on that?


Rasta 210 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

12-15-06, 11:01 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: Statistical ranking - TAR10"
For this analysis, the double-legs are counted separately. This results in exactly 13 legs for every edition of TAR.

TAR6 had 12 official legs, but really had 13 if you consider the episode where Lori/Bolo missed the train as another "unofficial" pit stop.

In part one of the "to be continued" episode, teams left the pit stop in Berlin, completed a Roadblock, flew to Budapest, completed a Detour, then made their way to an internet cafe (that opened at 10pm).

In part two, teams started at the internet cafe. They then went to a nearby train museum, that unfortunately did not open until 10am the following morning. There, they received they next clue, which included a Fast Forward. Leaving the train museum, teams had to complete a Detour, then a Roadblock, before heading for the pit stop.

Add it up, and you'll find 2 Detours, 2 Roadblocks, a Fast Forward, plus an artificial 12 hour delay.

Unfortunately, Kris/Jon finished 5th in the extra leg, which lowered their average finish from 2.17 to 2.38.


krisjonfanbg 55 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

12-19-06, 09:31 AM (EST)
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10. "RE: Statistical ranking - TAR10"
LAST EDITED ON 12-19-06 AT 09:32 AM (EST)

Rasta thanks for quick answer!
now i get your point and maybe you right,
it is the correct way to calculate althought there
wasn't an ''official'' pit stop.
2.166 to 2.17-you earn a drink from me
could you post an all-time ranking by avg finish,thanks!



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