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"TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5"
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PepeLePew13 26140 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-27-03, 06:58 AM (EST)
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"TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5"
TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5 -- Millie and Chuck spin their way into first place as The Air Traffic Controllers miss a flight connection and get eliminated (oh, the irony).

With all the manure-slinging, map-snatching bickering, and literally paddling up the creek the wrong way for some contestants, the one important question remains... who caught your eye as a great game player and navigator from France to Holland, and who was colder than the NFL Wives' palms at the prospect of getting manure under their well-manicured fingernails?

This thread is your chance to tell us! For those of you who've never done this before, it's simple. Just list the 7 remaining teams in the order that you liked them. You can rank them by any criteria you want, and you can even give a short explanation of why you put teams where you did. Go get 'em.

Here's my list for this week:

Position. Team Name (Position Last Week)

1. Jon/Al (1) - Funny guys on a roll.

2. Monica/Sheree (5) - They're really starting to warm up to me.

3. Kelly/Jon (3) - A quiet episode where they played well.

4. Millie/Chuck (4) - Chuck's machoism just might destroy this team.

5. Dave/Jeff (6) - These guys got to be going far considering they've been mostly invisible, right?

6. Chip/Reichen (8) - It was a quiet episode for these two considering what they've been through already.

7. Tian/Jaree (7) - They simply quit and deserved to be booted out onto their asses.

Steve/Dave were 2nd on my list last week.

Click here to rank all 96 Survivors!

Heidi: My biggest assets to the tribe are my athletic skills and my intelligence. I've lost one of them.
Jiffy: Which one?


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5 VA Slim 06-27-03 1
 Eels, cheese and poo SteffiGurl 06-27-03 2
 RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5 sittem 06-27-03 3
 RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5 mikey 06-27-03 4
 RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5 RUTGERSpaul 06-27-03 5
 RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5 mrbluesky 06-27-03 6
 RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5 Serendipity 06-27-03 7
 RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5 DEVILRAYS 06-27-03 8
 RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5 carencey 06-27-03 9
 RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5 I_AM_HE 06-27-03 10
 RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5 Survivorerist 06-27-03 11
   Hey SirErist... PepeLePew13 07-01-03 18
       RE: Hey SirErist... I_AM_HE 07-01-03 20
           RE: Hey SirErist... Survivorerist 07-02-03 21
               RE: Hey SirErist... I_AM_HE 07-03-03 23
 RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5 7sins_pride 06-27-03 12
 RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5 ejm92 06-28-03 13
 RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5 magic_star 06-28-03 14
 RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5 Seyz 06-28-03 15
   RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5 AuntieMame 06-30-03 16
       RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5 BennyBoy 06-30-03 17
 RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5 bubbastan 07-01-03 19
 Week 5 Results Survivorerist 07-02-03 22

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VA Slim 450 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

06-27-03, 07:34 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5"
Have to say that Jon & Al continue to impress. They have been "Flyin' under the radar" up to now, but the other groups are waking up to the fact that these guys are going to be tough competitors. During the first couple of legs, I got the feeling that the other teams didn't think much of them because they "were just clowns". Notice how their middle of the pack placements in the first couple of legs have changed to the head of the group now?

Dispite their poor attempt at imitating the Guidos early in the race, R&C have cooled their egos a bit and are better racers for it. They are going to be stronger for the rest of the race, I believe.

Who are the new guys in the race? Dave & Jeff, I believe are their names. With the lack of "face-time" up to now, you would have thought that they joined the race in Amsterdam!

Don't think it will be Chip's machoism that loses them the race - it will be Millie's "go, go, go, hurry, hurry, hurry" attitude. Sometimes you will get a lot farther ahead if you take a moment to THINK AND GET YOUR BEARINGS. BTW, it's the 4th race now - doesn't everybody know that one of the key pieces of equipment is a compass? Or how to use it (how can I tell which direction to go if the needle always points north?).

NFL Moms - not much to excite me here except their brilliant idea to drive off the road into the marshy grass. Girls, remember the story about the little Dutch Boy and the dike? Wasn't there a reason for him putting his finger in it? Like maybe keeping the whole North Sea out of the country? Nah, everybody knows that the little Dutch Boy is a story about paint!

Too much whining going on with the other teams to even mention them - the sooner they are gone the better.


SteffiGurl 358 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

06-27-03, 07:37 AM (EST)
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2. "Eels, cheese and poo"
I am so pissed off. I was almost at the end of my list, and my good for nothing computer crapped out on me. I hate that so much.

Anyway, this week's episode sure was crappy. Get it? Crappy episode? Because of all the poo...?

Nice guys, having a good time. It seems they can make a difficult situation easier just by having a good disposition. Also kudos on being the only team to go the right way when looking for the Sheep Fart Museum. (More poo funny)

My angels. I got worried when they got stuck in the mud, and I started yelling "Push!" at the TV. Luckily, a nice local helped them out. And I have to say it was very nice of them to ask Reichen and Chip if they could follow them. Even if it makes them followers.

OK, I swear these guys smoked something in Amsterdam, because they seemed high the entire episode. Watching them haul cheese was a blast, and it was a nice break from the uptight "something to prove" attitude of the previous legs.

Jeff is bossy? No way! Also, I don't know if paddling is going to help a motor-powered boat move any faster, but whatever you have to do, David. These guys stay in the middle because I have neutral feelings about them this week.

These guys are so funny, but they're such dorks! The word idiot often comes up either from them or about them. The Mole and Werewolf nicknames are classic, and I lost it when Jon said "Moley, moley, moley...". Also, some classics from Jon this week. "It feels like a slippery penis?!" And I suppose Jon has some knowledge in this category. "I want to touch one" says Kelly. You just can't write this stuff any better. My favorite though is; "No cutting in line, or I'll punch you in the eye!". Even though I find threats very offensive, Jon has this way of saying it that cracks me up. He is so Rob Mariano.

Side note: There is a commercial, and I swear Kelly is in it. Not for very long, but if you're a fan of TAR4, and you see this commercial, you'll know what I mean. I am 100% convinced that the redhead in that commercial is Kelly. I am more convinced every time I see it. Anyone else see it?

Wow. They got problems. I am starting to see why Chuck might be hesitating to marry Millie. I loved it when he said "Millie's idea of trust is basically doing everything she says." Zoink! Is Millie a control freak? Watching them bicker was painful, and even though Chuck spoke, I realized these guys have serious communication issues. Also, what a waste of an FF. The windmill looked like tons of fun, but seriously, they didn't need it. Complete waste. And finally, Millie and Chuck have won TWO cruises. How nice.

By far the most difficult team to watch this week. They really need to get their crap together. Tian was pushy and now Jaree is basically making Tian feel like crap. Tian basically gave up because Jaree wanted to punch her in the face. How long have these guys known each other? They're supposed to be friends? My goodness, they need friendship therapy. Also, Jaree needs to get up off her butt and do a roadblock already! I don't think Tian has given up on the race as much as she has given up on her friendship with Jaree. One of the funniest moments was when four teams took off on the train, and Tian and Jaree were left standing on the platform.

Well, being fat and old will only carry you so far. But let's face it, they're not that old. They were funny most of the time, but I have no sympathy for their loss, because I feel it was karma from when they threatened to slash Tian and Chip's tires. Bad sportsmanship. The real challengers have got the jump on you, and now the real game will begin.


sittem 4186 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

06-27-03, 07:51 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5"
It was nice to see the show last night after missing last week. I am anxious to get out of Europe - seems they've been there a month already.

1. Chillie - this is where they've been all season, but this is a courtesy ranking for my number 1 team. It's time to understand what real trust is guys. Get it together or get out (and seperate)!

2. Joal - the clowns are growing on me. They ham it a little to much, but they are fine competitors and I could be happy with a win by them.

3. Mon Sheree - here's an experience young parents could all use - and then walk away saying I'll never complain about changing diapers again! Other than a questionable move getting stuck they are coming on.

4. Jelly - Holy shipoo. Even though they are mocking Chillie I'm beginning to warm up to them. Theirs is an interesting tension.

5. Deff - they are so btr they must be the winners. Sure hope we get to know them a bit before that happens.

6. Rip - can't ever seem to decide on their strategy - is cutting in line ok or not?

7. Ianee - I liken the name I've chosen for this team to fingernails on a chalkboard - very fitting for this week. Let's see - you're gonna get your face punched; I'm gonna rip your head off; you are evil. Forgive me for not knowing who is who, but this is one partnership made in hell. I suppose there is some entertainment value in this, but I sure hope they continue to self destruct.

Stave - had my homeboys near the top all season and I think they were likeable and interesting the whole time. The old, fat, slow schtick did get a little old, but they were still fun and they kept trying hard despite the odds against them. And the final observation about how important family is was very genuine and EXACTLY how I'd feel if I were away like this. Way to go guys - you made me proud!!

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.


mikey 1150 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

06-27-03, 08:59 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5"
1. Jon/Al -- Repeat after me: Clowns in cow dung == big laughs. A lot of fun, very competitive.

2. Kelly/jon -- Catty comments about Chillie Muck are hysterical. Finally, they are having fun.

3. Monica/Sheree -- Except for the Venice leg, a surprisingly strong team. The alliance of convenience with Reichen/Chip seems like a good strategy.

4. Tian/Jaree -- Where did this come from, Tian being the strong one in the relationship?

5. Chillie Muck -- I think we are seeing what the long term lack of sex can do to a couple in a relationship. If you want to test drive the relationship, there is another area you need to test.

6. Riechen/Chip -- Moving up on my list these days, behaved well, like to see them helping out the supremes.

7. Dave/Jeff -- Not really that interesting television, but give them points for doing the cow dung

Observation -- A stop in Amsterdam, I was hoping for a "Roadblock, one member of your team must turn on this red light, lie down, and earn at least 50 euros, and the light up a joint..." Instead, the TAR producers felt that cow dung would give a more local feel.


RUTGERSpaul 169 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

06-27-03, 09:12 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5"
Well this episode wasn't very eventful, and I don't think my list will change very much...

1. REICHEN & CHIP (1)- These guys have been my top team from the beginning. I think it's something all of us do, pick a team and no matter what we always seem to see them as our favorites. Plus, I think a lot of us see that the sternness is fading away and we're starting to see people, not robots.

2. KELLY & JON (2)- Despite Jon telling Reichen he'd punch him in the eye, he's from New Jersey, I don't expect anything less. Where is that fire in Rutgers athletics? And Kelly, there are no words, she cracks me up. Everything about Millie, then mocking them on the boat (which HAD to be the highlight of the episode, along with any poo shenanigans), I LOVE this team.

3. MONICA & SHAREE (4)- After the first episode, my adoration for "The Supremes" has gone up loads. And as odd as it was that they were pushing the car towards the mud, as opposed to pushing it reverse onto the street completely leaves me dumbfounded, I still like them, and hey, they trust Riechen & Chip (I think ).

4. JON & AL (7)- Ok, so I never liked these guys, and am still a little leary of them, BUT last night was a good episode for them. They weren't yelling about everything, and I finally see why people think they're funny. I wonder if I'll keep them this high on my list...

5. TIAN & JAREE (3)- Again with the love/hate with this team. It's just painful watching them and whichever one of them is already tired of playing the game, that's already a huge blow to any type of motivation or determination, whicht hey DESPERATELY need.

6. DAVID & JEFF (5)- These guys are a snoozefest. They're not very interesting and not very entertaining. I had them pegged as one of my faves at the start of the race, but they've really let me down. "Let Down of the Season".

7. MILLIE & CHUCK (8)- Why break tradition? But I can't say I don't have sympathy for good 'ole werewolf. I just see their personalities clashing, and he's a bit too laidback for high strung, pushy Millie.

...actually looking at the list, there were some big shake-ups, who knew?


mrbluesky 142 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

06-27-03, 12:03 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5"
This was a great episode. What do you know.... no bunching!! Here's my list this week, with my last week ranking in parenthesis.

1. Millie/Chuck (1) I have liked them from the start, but their bickering is beginning to wear on me. The windmill fast forward was hilarious! Seeing Chuck on there reminded me of the ending of Frankenstein.
2. Jon/Al (2) I like their light-hearted attitude. It's not too funny when they are hamming it up, but it does provide some relief from the serious tone from a couple other teams.
3. Monica/Sheree (5) Hey, I'm beginning to warm up to these two. I like their attitude toward the race.
4. Dave/Jeff (4) More face time this week than ever before. They looked fairly incompetent till they found out they were in last place, then they raced like crazy and gained a couple spots.
----BIG GAP----
5. Kelly/Jon (6) They didn't bicker as much. As much as I like Millie and Chuck, I laughed my butt off at her comment about Chuck looking like he's in the second stage of a werewolf.
6. Chip/Reichen (8) Ok, I have to move these two up a couple notches this week. I think I actually saw one of them *smile*! What is it with them about always trying to cut in line?? Don't get your undies in a bundle about people questioning your ethics when you keep doing things like that.
7. Tian/Jaree (7) At this point, I would rather anyone win this race than these two. The one is lazy, and the other is mouthy and immature. Yuck! Just quit already.

Last week, Steve/Dave were #3 on my list. We all knew it was only a matter of time.


Serendipity 525 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

06-27-03, 01:52 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5"

1. Reichen/Chip (1): They need to lighten up a little and think things out more clearly. Glad they took the "cheese" run because it was fun to see. It may not have been a terrible mistake either because it looked like the "poo" group was one at a time.

2. Monica/Sheree (3): Good teamwork. Some mistakes but they worked hard at everything. Liked that they asked Reichen/Chip if they could follow them. Kelly never does ask them; she just tells Jon to follow them.

3. Tian/Jaree (2): Going to blame it on fatigue. Glad that Jaree got a backbone this week even if she went a little far with the haranguing. I think they're going to work this out.

4. Jon/Al (4): Still heee because they're nice guys and great racers. Cannot stand their mugging for the camera though, and Jon drives me over the top with his constant yapping. However, I never liked clowns. In fact, I've never liked the circus.

5. Millie/Chuck (7): But only because of Chuck. Let this be a lesson to you, Chuck. Ditch the relationship and find somebody else as soon as you get back home. Kelly and Jon's confessionals gave them a boost, as well.

6. Kelly/Jon (5): Kelly reminds me too much of the girls I hated in Jr. High. Unfortunately Jon was her boyfriend even then. Don't like people who build themselves up by putting other down. Would you buy a house from that boy (Jon)?

7. Jeff/Dave (8): Moved up because the ATC is gone. Probably very silly, but these guys give me a bad vibe. I think there's a really nasty streak lurking there - but more in Jeff than in Dave.


DEVILRAYS 398 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

06-27-03, 02:35 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5"
1. Jon/Al - this team is strong and funny; they might just be the first funny team to win it all. It would beat the hell out of last season's winners (speaking of which...)

2. Monica/Sheree - do either of them have twin sisters? Preferably single ones into younger guys? Seriously, though, this team has guts.

3. Reichen/Chip - I guess I am partial to them because it looked to me like they got a bad rap at the start and now they are cool with Monica and Sheree.

4. David/Jeff - I know hardly anything about these guys. However, it's teams like this that challenge for the win.

5. Kelly/Jon - would someone please just mute Kelly already? One minute she complains about not being "part of the team" and the next she's berating Jon.

6. Chuck/Millie - these people have some major communication issues. And they lasted 12 years? I can see now why they don't want to get married...

7. Tian/Jaree - this steam MUST. GO. NOW. THey have been on my last nerve since day one and it's a shame they lasted this long. If only Debra and Steve were a little faster we wouldn't hear from them at all.

OUT: Steve/Dave - and with that, everyone named Steve is out of the race. That didn't take long. I would have liked to see them last longer.


carencey 263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

06-27-03, 02:59 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5"
1. Jon/Al (1) These guys are great. And, they will never be asked to clean the litter box.
2. Millie/Chuck (2) I love their energy, but puh-leeze, get it together guys! I hope they are the ones that rebound in a coming episode, because they really didn't need that FF now.
3. Monica/Sheree (3) Would have moved up if not for the fact that everyone else successfully got their car going the right way. Like these two sooo much better than in the beginning, though.
4. David/Jeff (4) Okay, would someone please tell me which one is David and which one is Jeff?
5. Reichen/Chip (8) Much much better this week guys! Though you would have gotten smacked if you'd taken those tickets, and they weren't worth it.
6. Jon/Kelly (7) Yapyapyapyap. Shaddup.
7. Tian/Jaree (5) Just when you were starting to climb the list, down you go again!

elim Steve/Dave (6) Were they starting to think they were entitled to next-to-last?


I_AM_HE 6123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-27-03, 03:16 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5"
Damn it! 5 weeks, 4 of the teams I like eliminated

1. Jon/Al (2t)
2. David/Jeff (4)
3. Millie/Chuck (2t)
4. Monica/Sheree (5)
5. Kelly/Jon (6)
6. Reichen/Chip (8)
7. Tian/Jaree (7)

This is Jon and Al's first week at #1, but they may have a stranglehold on the position until they are eliminated if Millie and Chuck don't straighten up. They played an excellent leg.

David and Jeff move up kind of by default. I'm starting to like them a it, but mainly they are at #2 because Millie and Chuck need to stop fighting so much. I think they gave up waaaay too early, seeing as Tian and Jaree were equally as incompetent and they had huge leads on the BFG's and David and Jeff. That said, the Fast Forward let them win another trip, so maybe it wasn't the worst of ideas. Still like em, just play the game!

Monica and Sheree - neutral. but props for overcoming your car problems and still finishing in the middle of the pack

Kelly/Jon - still as annoying as hell, butless annoying and more entertaining than the other two teams. Some more hilarious lines from Jon.

Reichen/Chip - O.M.G. Chip's ears - in addition to his eyebrows - are humongous. I never noticed before. He probably carried a few wedges of cheese on those suckers. They again showed their incompetence, but jumped over Tian and Jaree because they weren't near as incompetent or as annoying.

Tian and Jaree - just go away.

Steve and Dave were #1 - I really grew to love these guys. Right now, I'd be putting them at #1 on my final love list, but there's still a lot of weeks for Jon and Al or Millie and Chuck to catch up. They never gave up, played a slow and steady race, and almost got through yet again. The chamber didn't come up empty this week, though. It's a shame they're gone, especially when we were so close to T/J being eliminated instead


Survivorerist 4103 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

06-27-03, 09:18 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5"
Position. Team Name (Position Last Week)

1. Reichen/Chip (2)
2. Millie/Chuck (1)
3. Monica/Sheree (6)
4. Jon/Al (5)
5. Tian/Jaree (3)
6. Dave/Jeff (7)
7. Kelly/Jon (8)

Steve and Dave were tied at #3 last week.

Survivorerist's Chart Notes:

- Well, with this new week, I'd first like to congratulate Reichen and Chip for taking over the #1 spot! I thought you two worked beautifully as a team this week and just did what you had to do. You're a strong force in this race and didn't make any dumb mistakes this week. Also, you two are just totally adorable. Congratulations for taking your first #1 this week!

- This week's Greatest Gainer Award goes to Monica and Sheree, who jump 3 big places from 6-3! You guys are also working very well as a team (which seems to be the theme for my list this week) and seem to have a really strong bond. It's that cooperation that's gonna carry you two across the finish line while the others are bickering

- Next, Tian and Jaree, who swap with Monica and Sheree and go from 3-6 on this week's list. Just as I thought you two were getting your act together, you have to go and fight. But I have faith, just work on that communication and you'll be right back in this (the list I mean, but the race too )

- And finally, I didn't forget about you Millie and Chuck. Your drop from 1-2 this week was mainly due to the fact that you two are starting to crack. I know you have what it takes to bounce back, and I hope your strong perserverence will knock you two back into the #1 spot next week

(Another IceCat original )

The Top 5 TAR FLL Teams

1. Millie/Chuck (5 weeks at #1)
2. Aaron/Arianne (1 week at #1)
2. Heather/Eve (1 week at #1)
2. Reichen/Chip (1 week at #1)
5. ???


PepeLePew13 26140 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-01-03, 00:22 AM (EST)
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18. "Hey SirErist..."
... my pinch-hitting is over now, hope you're ready to reclaim your role as post-master of the Love Threads!

I'm off on vacation tomorrow so I won't be around for a few weeks. Have fun with the love/bashing of TAR for the next little bit, y'all!

Click here to rank all 96 Survivors!

Heidi: My biggest assets to the tribe are my athletic skills and my intelligence. I've lost one of them.
Jiffy: Which one?


I_AM_HE 6123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-01-03, 01:42 AM (EST)
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20. "RE: Hey SirErist..."
i'll take over if you need help for another week or two, sir.

have a great vacation pepe!


Survivorerist 4103 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

07-02-03, 11:28 PM (EST)
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21. "RE: Hey SirErist..."
Actually, I think I'll be alright for tomorrow, Iah. But if you could possibly do me a favour, I will probably be unable to stay up late on Thurs. July 24, so if you wanna do the list that week it would be much appreciated

(Another IceCat original )


I_AM_HE 6123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-03-03, 10:08 AM (EST)
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23. "RE: Hey SirErist..."
can do, Sir

7sins_pride 127 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

06-27-03, 10:05 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5"
1) tian and jaree (1) idun give bout u people disliking them coz u knoe wat ? i lurve them, though i know that they might be the next to go but wth...they have been through alot and i admire them (well the previews says that 1 team would put their act together and i think it has to be referring to them) GO GURLS !.

2) kelly and jon (2) quiet,
3) jon and al (4)funny
4) reichen/chip (3)
5) david and jeff (5)althetic
6) millie and chuck(7)bleh should be glad they are here...


ejm92 2221 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

06-28-03, 11:05 AM (EST)
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13. "RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5"
1. Jon & Al (4) - I really don't think they are funny, but they seem like really good people and deserve to finish at the top.

2. David & Jeff (2) - Even though they consistently race bad and do nothing week after week, I like these guys.

3. Monica & Sheree (1) - Really didn't do anything to drop them down a spot, still like them a lot and I'm sure they'll be around for the finish.

4. Kelly & Jon (3) - I really don't like these two very much, but Kelly's comments about Millie & Chuck is enough to get them into my top four.

5. Reichen & Chip (7) - A lot of whining which drops them down, but also they seem like good racers and I generally like them.

6. Tian & Jaree (6) - I like Tian but not Jaree.

7. Millie & Chuck (8) - I don't like these two as I have stated before lol.....does it take 12 years to realize that your boyfriend hardly knows anything about you and that you're not compatible?

Survior 5 Anti-Bootee Champ, Survivor 6 Anti-Bootee Chump

magic_star 2400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

06-28-03, 04:38 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5"
1.Tian/Jaree- You guys rock!

2.Jon/Al- They're here because of their kindness. But they are definitely not funny! I haven't laughed once at anything they've done yet.




6.Millie/Chuck- I can't stand them much longer! People were saying Kelly was the Flo. But I think it's Millie. She whines so much and Chuck can't do anything. I think Millie is going to destroy this team.


T-Mac hits the three! Magic Win! Magic Win!


Seyz 198 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

06-28-03, 10:23 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5"
1) Tian and Jaree-
Still love these two. They're funny, the underdogs, everything. As usual everyone's still underestimating them; the viewers, the other players, and it's going to be fun to see if they can overcome the stereotypes that were placed on them from the very beginning.

2) Jon and Kelly-
Kelly is so funny, that I think she should start doing sitcoms.

3)Reichen and Chip-
have been getting along well together. Starting to team up with Monica and Sharee. Strange that the 3 outcast teams (T and J, R and C, and M and S have been able to counter the stupid Clowns/couples/SteveandjOSH,and ATC alliance). All 3 outcast teams are still in the game!

4) Monica and Sharee- pretty impressed by how well they get along with each other. Possibly the team that works best together!

5) Jon and Al- the not funny clowns have to die. They get on my nerves way too much.

6) Millie and Chuck- I feel like slapping Millie everytime she opens her mouth to say something. I feel a bit sorry for Chuck, but man, if you haven't been able to leave her by now, there must be something wrong with you too.

7) Dave and Jeff- Horrible, horrible team. I hope they go next.


AuntieMame 16 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

06-30-03, 02:57 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5"
It’s really hard for me to rank the teams because the ones that have personalities are SO obnoxious!! Don’t you wish there could be some kind of a commentator? Bring back Danny/Oswald I LOVED those two guys!! They could give a running commenary the way Scott Hamilton does for the Olympics. OK, here goes:

1. Monica/Sheree – I’m impressed by how far they have come. They don’t bash anyone; they play fair and seem like genuinely nice women. I thought they would get knocked off early because of their pampered life-style and am glad that I was proven wrong.
2. Jon/Al – again, they are nice, but zzzz boring.
3. Dave/Jeff – can’t tell them apart and they could go all the way if they worked together.
4. Chip/Reichen – they are a big disappointment to me. I really, really want to like them but they don’t make it easy. Does anyone else think they are really DUMB? Did they ever hear of asking directions? And what’s with trying to cut in line, they’ve done that more than once.
5. Millie/chuck – oy! These two will never get married. She at least admits when she’s wrong. But must learn to stop and think. Going fast is not always the right strategy.
6. Tian/Jaree – they were really bitchy last week; from the glimpse of the coming attractions I think they will bond in India. It will either bond them or break them! It’s hard to believe that they like each other let alone that they are friends.
7. Kelly/Jon she is like nails on a blackboard to me. They are my “team you love to hate.” All she does is complain and most of her complaints are unjustified. How he can tune her out is beyond me!!


BennyBoy 374 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

06-30-03, 04:09 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5"
1) Millie and Chuck- Sorry to still put them at number one, but I still have hope that they are a good team, and will emerge stronger.

2) Jon and Al- Along with M/C this duo makes a good alliance. They have done wel in the past couple episodes.

3) Dave and Jeff- Still haven't heard to much from them, but thats a good thing for now

4)Monica and Sheree-Still don't like them to much, but they haven't done anything horrible, they are just not a likeable team.

5) Reichen and Chip- did well this episode and I didn't get to upset with them, but come on guys, you coulda done the cow poo.

6) Tian and Jaree- fighting and idiots in this episode, but it made me laugh.

7) Kelly and Jon- It kills me to rank them this low, but from wAtching them bash on people this week, and reading the steve and dave interview were he blames kelly for making up "big fat guys" I think the teams don't like them to much.


bubbastan 625 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

07-01-03, 01:26 AM (EST)
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19. "RE: TAR Fanatics Love List Vol 4.5"
This is my first list for this installment, so no prior week rankings.

1. Jon/Al - The constant mugging they do doesn't bother me, because they are, after all, clowns. The butt-crazy glee with which they attacked the poo pile alone wins them the top spot. Good guys, good racers thus far.
2. Monica/Sheree - I was all prepared not to like these two, thinking they would be pampered diva types. What a pleasant surpise they've turned out to be. They have great teamwork, and don't waste time beotching and moaning. They just kick butt. It's going to take more than a bogged down car to stop these women.
3. David/Jeff - about as bland as two slices of Wonder bread, but haven't done anything offensive thus far. Hope they get a bit more interesting as time goes by.
4. Kelly/Jon - Kelly can be pretty damn obnoxious, but both of their comments were so amusing this week that I had to put them up this high.
5. Reichen/Chip - If they'd stop trying to cut lines, I'd like them a whole lot better. Come on guys, you're obviously smart, strong, and well-traveled, can't you come up with a better strategy??
6. Millie/Chuck - She needs to stop screeching to "HURRY UP" and actually take some time to engage her brain and come up with a plan. He needs to stop being the methodical man and act like he is in a race. Hard to believe these folks have been together for 12 years. Were the first 11 as pen pals??
7. Tian/Jaree - Don't really care for these chicks' attitudes. Wish they got eliminated instead of Steve and Dave.

Steve/Dave - if I had made previous lists, these guys would have been at or near the top on most of them. They cracked me up. I'm going to miss them.


Survivorerist 4103 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

07-02-03, 11:44 PM (EST)
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22. "Week 5 Results"
Position. Name (Position Last Week) (Total, High, Low, Average)

1. Jon/Al (1) (38, 1, 5, 2.111111)
2. Monica/Sheree (3) (58, 1, 7, 3.222222)
3. Chip/Reichen (6) (74, 1, 6, 4.111111)
4. Millie/Chuck (4) (79, 1, 7, 4.388889)
4. Kelly/Jon (5) (79, 2, 7, 4.388889)
6. Dave/Jeff (8) (82, 2, 7, 4.555556)
7. Tian/Jaree (1) (94, 1, 7, 5.222222)

Steve and Dave were #7 last week.

Well, it's time to send in the clowns! There was no stopping Jon and Al this week as they steamrolled the other teams and won the week by 20 places with 8 #1 rankings and 14 rankings in the top 3. In other news, Monica and Sheree continue to climb, as they hit #2 this week despite only getting one #1 ranking (though they had 13 in the top 3). Also of interest, oh the irony as Kelly and Jon, and Millie and Chuck land in a dead tie for 4th place, though the former were never ranked #1 by anyone. Tian and Jaree, last week's #1 (tie) were blindsided as they fell to dead last (kind of like in the real race ), but they did get 3 #1s this week.

Well, I guess I will definitely be seeing you all tomorrow night as we return to our regularly scheduled listings

(Another IceCat original )

The Top 5 TAR FLL Teams

1. Millie/Chuck (5 weeks at #1)
2. Aaron/Arianne (1 week at #1)
2. Heather/Eve (1 week at #1)
2. Reichen/Chip (1 week at #1)
5. ???



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