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"Why Erin? What next?"
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TribalTex29 63 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

11-08-02, 07:18 AM (EST)
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"Why Erin? What next?"
Does anyone have a theory on why Erin got the boot. I never saw it coming. I thought Penny, then Ken were the most obvious or at least a tie were inevitable, so I am shocked.

I have four theories;

1) Erin was overall the weakest member, and if they were assuming another Tribe challenge next, over an individual one, she wouldn't be the most helpful.

2) It would have been a 2/2, guys against girls vote (assuming Penny and Erin were an alliance) and possibly Penny had inclings that Jake and Ken were voting for Erin.

3) Erin was the most liked by CG and her tribe knew that. OR

4) That we just didn't see enough of what was all said behind the scenes or off camera to give us a clear idea of why Erin was the one. It sure seemed shady that the three remaining members chose her. She had never had a vote up to that point.

I'm still temporarily in shock. I don't get it.

Question- Do you think the tribes will merge now, or does some new show twist come along. Jeff's last comment about 'anything can happen' didn't sound so innocent to me.



  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Why Erin? What next? Ahtumbreez 11-08-02 1
   RE: Why Erin? What next? ZJ 11-08-02 2
   RE: Why Erin? What next? Boilermaker 11-08-02 13
 RE: Why Erin? What next? Cin 11-08-02 3
 RE: Why Erin? What next? dabo 11-08-02 4
   Good Point! TribalTex29 11-09-02 23
 RE: Why Erin? What next? samboohoo 11-08-02 5
 RE: Why Erin? What next? snoocharoo 11-08-02 6
   RE: Why Erin? What next? Q 11-08-02 7
       RE: Why Erin? What next? Wacko Jacko 11-08-02 8
       RE: Why Erin? What next? snoocharoo 11-08-02 9
           Agree Q 11-08-02 12
           RE: Why Erin? What next? sittem 11-08-02 18
               RE: I Concur! (Like it matters to a... Devious Weasel 11-08-02 19
                   RE: I Concur! (Like it matters to a... snoocharoo 11-09-02 27
                       Conditional (Forced) Merge dabo 11-09-02 28
                           RE: Conditional (Forced) Merge Brownroach 11-11-02 31
                               RE: Conditional (Forced) Merge dabo 11-12-02 33
                       RE: I Concur! (Like it matters to a... sittem 11-09-02 29
           Helen and Jan TribalTex29 11-09-02 25
       Helen sitting out Immunity Challeng... TribalTex29 11-09-02 24
           RE: Helen sitting out Immunity Chal... Spidey 11-09-02 26
   RE: Why Erin? What next? OceanSkater 11-08-02 10
 RE: Why Erin? What next? SurvivinDawg 11-08-02 11
 RE: Why Erin? What next? Brownroach 11-08-02 14
 Who's really pulling the strings at... blacknwhitedog 11-08-02 15
 RE: Why Erin? What next? clemsonbeav 11-08-02 16
 RE: Why Erin? What next? steppingrazor42 11-08-02 17
   RE: Why Erin? What next? Ronii29 11-08-02 20
 RE: Why Erin? What next? GuessItRains 11-08-02 21
   RE: Why Erin? What next? cowboyroo 11-09-02 30
   RE: Why Erin? What next? redandwhite 11-12-02 32
 RE: Why Erin? What next? ZJ 11-09-02 22

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Ahtumbreez 10456 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-08-02, 07:53 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Why Erin? What next?"
A clue may be in the reasons Penny gave on why she should stay. She made mention that she did not rest/taking little naps here or there, only laying around when others on her tribe were also lying around. Why bring this up if no one else was doing those things? Therefore I think there may have been a little of thinking Erin was indeed lazy and that's why she was chosen.

ZJ 137 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

11-08-02, 08:07 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Why Erin? What next?"
Somehow I got a feeling that Erin knew she was going.

Boilermaker 260 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

11-08-02, 10:32 AM (EST)
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13. "RE: Why Erin? What next?"
Good analysis. I thought the same thing when I heard this, but didn't know who she was talking about until the votes were read. Maybe Erin wasn't a good team player. It will be interesting to see her comments now that she is off the show.

Cin 843 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

11-08-02, 08:36 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: Why Erin? What next?"
I found it odd when the Chewys were at camp, waiting for the Sookies to get back from TC, they were talking about Erin or Shii Ann getting voted off. They really didn't say anyone elses name. So they must have gotten a vibe also that Erin was a target.

Also, when the whole tribe was hugging, I noticed Ken kept putting one arm around Penny a lot more than making it a big group hug to include Erin, I though then either Erin or Penny was going.



dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-08-02, 08:45 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: Why Erin? What next?"
Erin in her final words revealed that her one and only objective in the game was to make it at least to the jury. She got her wish so she was the safest choice for the other three; anyone else they sent to the jury would probably be resentful about it, thus more likely to vote for a CG over a SJ in the final TC. This way, if one of them somehow makes it to the final two, he or she can probably count on Erin's vote.



TribalTex29 63 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

11-09-02, 10:43 AM (EST)
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23. "Good Point!"
I never thought about it that way. Makes a lot of sense.

samboohoo 17173 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-08-02, 09:06 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: Why Erin? What next?"
Well, wasn't Penny the one who suggested they all sleep together? Maybe Jake's & Ken's brains were in erotic mode . . .

Also, at this point they still have to be thinking, "we're going to remain 2 tribes." Jake and Ken (who apparently has been saving his strength) are definately the stronger of Sook Jai. Penny's strength is her charm. Little do they realize that none of the Chewies are buying into it. Unless of course, next week Ted mistakens Penny for Ghandia's leg.


snoocharoo 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

11-08-02, 09:16 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: Why Erin? What next?"
My take on Erin's boot is that she was simply a sacrificial lamb. She was the most expendable on her tribe from a pure strategy perspective. If SJ has any hope whatsoever of avoiding their ultimate demise they MUST win an IC and prepare to romance the CG's as Jake is doing.

Brian is on to Jake and I think all the CG's are on to Penny. Penny saved herself from being on the Early Show this morning by DEFLECTING the bullets from herself and cunningly suggesting that Erin must go, the boys kept Penny around because like it or not she has a hold over them and is controlling things with her feminine wiles.

hehehehehe...I cannot wait to see when Jake serves up EvilPenny to the CG as a sacrifice. Ahhhhh....vilification.


Q 2569 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

11-08-02, 09:29 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: Why Erin? What next?"
Oh Snooch,

I am getting all hungry thinking about the day, as you said, Jake serves up the Evil Penny to the CGs. It would be a good way to solidify his alliance with Brian. He could talk about how manipulative she is, and the CGs already feel this way, so may take it as a sign of trust.

But I still do not see how the CGs can lose this game, unless:

1) immunity stays tribal for some time. Then they could lose just as easy as the SJs because they have to sit out members, and By the way

What was with Sitting out the Naval Swim Instructor? Not that it mattered, but what????

2) They fall into the same trap as the SJs, by now cannibilizing there own to rid themselves of some perceived "targets" on their own tribe, and just like the SJs do not realize untill too late that the plan backfires when they keep losing.

Any thoughts?


Wacko Jacko 2438 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

11-08-02, 09:47 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: Why Erin? What next?"
I think Ahtumbreez nailed it. Penny stated the reason why Erin was voted out. It had to be either Penny or Erin and I think Penny convinced the two males that she was more valuable. Also I think they fingured they needed to pull a trick out to go any further and figured Penny was more conning than Erin. In the clips for next week jake hints that they are going to start pulling some desparate tricks. I am routing for the SJs.

I also wondered why helen, the Navy Swim Instructor, sat out the immunity challenge.

I don't understand the complaining about Erin's boot. For once I was totally shocked at what happened and it was good. The SJs said they wanted to be surprised about who was getting the boot so mark burnett let us be surprised.

In my opinion that was one of the best episodes yet. It showed how they pick about voting one out and also it was a nice emotional episode. Me and my wife laughed our lungs out at watching Jan get all choked up about the Chicken.


snoocharoo 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

11-08-02, 09:59 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: Why Erin? What next?"

If it remains tribal and CG loses the next two IC's the playing field is level again at 3-3. Logistically can this happen...perhaps, logically will it...probably not. That would be a huge gamble for MB to take letting the tribes go at it until it's last man because he may be setting things up for overall dominance by one tribe, one tribal alliance AND doing exactly what he wants to avoid...a pagong. I think they merge next week and everyone has to suffle to re-establish alliances.

Jake is in with CG, Ken seems removed from them and is letting Jake be the mole. I don't think that Jake is aligned with Ken as much as Ken believes. Ken was kept last night only because Penny offered up Erin, strong males are a huge threat come individual IC...I still feel Ken's days are numbered.

What we have:

Ken, Jake, Penny - alliance by default.
Brian & Ted (with Clay on the coattails) - obvious alliance
Brian & Helen - hidden alliance?
Brian & Granny - hidden alliance?
Jake & Granny - alliance or age bond?
Jake and Brian - two dominant males circling each other, sizing each other up.

Any others I missed?


Q 2569 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

11-08-02, 10:29 AM (EST)
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12. "Agree"
That is all quite plausable. Ken is still a threat to the CG guys, I agree with you that Ken is going soon.

My post was just thinking out loud about some theories floating out there about SJs making to the end. I am wondering if they are wrong, or if they are not wrong, how that could happen.

In my second point, I was more or less assuming (there I go again assuming) a merge, but that they will play the numbers game and keep a majority, but boot one of their own, ala Jerri and Ambers boots. So keep Penny and Jake, boot Ken and Jan or Helen (the women does not know when to shut up).

But then the SJs or one SJ keeps winning and the plan backfires. They should have cleaned house first, then worked on slimming down the "family".

But who knows. I am just batting around ideas here.

Also, I did love the surprise last night. Its good to humble us once and a while.


sittem 4186 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

11-08-02, 02:07 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: Why Erin? What next?"
Snooch - I disagree about MB having to choose to merge now. What he had to do was have a plan and stick to it from the beginning of the show. He can't change in mid-stream to fit what is happening for legal reasons or because he wants a certain thing to happen at a certain time. I believe the plan is that he will not merge tribes until one of them gets down to two players. That could be as late as a 3-2 split or as soon now as a 5-2 split after next week if Sook looses again.

In the mean time he has them all on the same beach interacting/plotting/bonding. For those planning an end game they have to influence people in the other tribe in order to get votes at the final two. It's a devious and kind of interesting twist by EMB this time around, IMO.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.


Devious Weasel 18756 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-08-02, 02:43 PM (EST)
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19. "RE: I Concur! (Like it matters to anyone...)"
I agree, Sittem. A merge does not HAVE to happen until there are only two people left in one tribe. It’s only then that you reach the point where no one else can be voted off from that tribe. (Because the two cannot vote for themselves, their votes will cancel each other out and you would need outside voters to eliminate someone.) This may be the reason merges originally occurred after the sixth survivor was voted out – in a worst case scenario, that would be the first time one tribe would reach two members.

I’m think the merge rules are conditional in the hope that the result is a final five of two from one tribe and three from another. This would help stave off pagonging and allow for more wheeling and dealing among the five finalists. Though that result might not appear likely, Burnett is not going to change rules for the reasons you outlined. (A conditional merge could also allow for a longer study of the effects of having two separate tribes living together in one location. I think that if Burnett likes the dynamics of how this works out, we may see some future Survivor do the “two tribes, one location” thing from the start. Not only would this change the structure of the game, it would make it easier to find locations at which to play the game.)


snoocharoo 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

11-09-02, 12:04 PM (EST)
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27. "RE: I Concur! (Like it matters to anyone...)"
I don't get what you're can a merge be conditional? What condition is it based upon? Please elaborate.

These merges are carefully planned and coordinated by CBS, EPMB and their respective legal council, this was confimed in Jiffy's interview. There is no way EPMB is going to let his ratings cash cow become boring or predictible. However EPMB and his minions can only control the outcome so much, fate does come into play and he cannot predict or control who gets into the F4, he can only control the logistics of getting there. The F4 could be (and has been) from 1 tribe before.

Why risk a Rotu4 scenario? That is essentially what you have with the dominant CG alliance and if SJ doesn't merge they are destined for a pagong or assimilation. An interesting scenario would be for them to merge now and SJ lure one defector from CG to their side, the vote is split and both alliances have equal power. This avoids the pagong liklihood.

My feeling is that they merge P/J/K -vs- C/B/T with H and J as the swing votes, Ken is a huge threat to everyone so they send him to Jury. Gender is going to be an issue,the subject has been brought up time and again and MB wouldn't be shoving it into our faces if it didn't have merit. I would not be surprised to see Jake and the women as one dominant alliance and Brian and the boys club as the other.

Reasons why I think this:

Brian's "sexist" comments to the other men.
Brian and Jake's boat talk, why does Jake care who Brian finds the most attractive on SJ?
Jake's comments about women.
In the beginning there was specultion that the tribes would be divided by gender lines. Jiffy was true in saying that the tribes weren't selected by gender...he never said anything about gender coming into play in the end game.
Helen's mention of the women doing all the work
Helen's non-stop Betty Crocker speel
Helen's mention that she works in a male dominated field
The grinding incident caused issues among the sexes
Clay oogling Erin
Clay mentioning that Penny uses her feminine wiles to get what she wants (I respect that in a women!)

I know there are more examples. MB needs to keep the playing field somewhat even in order for the show to avoid the inevitible. Concievably we are 1 episode away from a two man standing scenario. If they don't merge in next episode and SJ loses IC, a SJ will take the walk and the tribes will be forced to merge anyway. CG would have to lose the next two IC's and then the two tribes would battle it out at 3-3 or merge at 3-3. Since MB can't predict who wins IC, I think he'd be taking a big risk of pagong by letting them go. AT best we have 2 more episodes before a merge is FORCED. Just my thoughts...


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-09-02, 12:40 PM (EST)
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28. "Conditional (Forced) Merge"
Essentially, when one tribe is reduced to two members, a merge must occur. That point could be reached as early as episode 7 or as late as episode 12. MB could plan in advance to let things go with no merge until it reaches the point where it must occur; granted, he couldn't know in advance in which episode that would occur, but it could legitimately have been the gameplan from the outset, with the events of the game conditional upon when that happens. For all we know a traditional merge could have been allowed in episode 5 if all the members of one tribe decided to switch to the other tribe (unlikely event but a potential one given the optional swap offer that was made part of this series) which would have screwed up the planned non-merge and the tribal challenges which we have seen since, including the auction itself.

Jiffy: What? All the Chuay Gahn have decided to join Sook Jai? But ... that leaves us with only one tribe! ummmm... Okay, divide the $2,000 evenly amongst yourselves then, you guys sure are going to be sorry!



Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-11-02, 05:16 PM (EST)
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31. "RE: Conditional (Forced) Merge"
>>For all we know a traditional merge could have been allowed in episode 5 if all the members of one tribe decided to switch to the other tribe (unlikely event but a potential one given the optional swap offer that was made part of this series) which would have screwed up the planned non-merge and the tribal challenges which we have seen since, including the auction itself.<<

True, Dabo, but since it now seems clear the merge is happening in Ep 9, I would posit that the "non-merge" itself was conditional, rather than a given. If some of the tribe members had switched tribes in Ep 5 when they had the opportunity, MB might have had a real, instead of fake, merge in Ep 7.

The only potential reshuffling would have involved the challenges, but look at the challenges in the last two Eps. There were no reward challenges. He might have had an individual RC ready for Ep 8 if the tribes were already merged, but it would have been no sweat to just eliminate it.

The two immunity challenges in Ep 7 and Ep 8 could easily have been set up as individual ICs. In Ep 7, whoever unlocked his/her shackles and escaped first would win; in Ep 8, whoever stayed down the longest would win. MB could have been prepared to construct a single "jail" and a single snorkeling basin; it wouldn't require much retooling.

So it could be that MB knew from the beginning that the official merge would take place in either Ep 7 or Ep 9, and he relied on the events of Ep 5 to determine which one.


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-02, 01:52 PM (EST)
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33. "RE: Conditional (Forced) Merge"
Excellent point about the challenges in eps 7 and 8 being optional situations which could have easily been tribal or individual (with no sit-out for Helen on the snorkeling). Clearly, though, MB decided that after the first jury boot he should have all the players in attendance at every TC from then on.

Personally, I think the lack of an RC in episode 8 was a lousy decision, and I don't see why an RC couldn't be individual even if the IC continued being tribal.

Just to put this out there: There has never been an RC in a merge episode. It looks like we will be seeing a break with that tradition in episode 9 with some sort of family video reward (a la S1). Does anyone think it possible they are combining RC and IC into one challenge this time? I hope not, and I think the non-merge situation has eliminated the need to not have an RC the way this merge situation has been delayed (with all the get-to-meet-each-other establish-new-combined-camp politics out of the way).

Are we still assuming MB is reading these things? Hey, Mark, I am really against this concept of having fewer and fewer challenges!



sittem 4186 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

11-09-02, 01:31 PM (EST)
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29. "RE: I Concur! (Like it matters to anyone...)"
Snooch - Dabo answered your post very well. All I'm saying is that before the show even started there was a specific game plan. However, in this game plan the merge is only going to happen when one tribe gets down to two players. Therefore, the week of the merge is "conditional" - the condition being the size of the tribe.

What you suggest, that MB can't let this go any further otherwise we'll just see traditinoal pagonging is an arguement that suggests he's going to make a choice when to merge based upon the evenness of the tribal numbers. You yourself argued against such manipulation.

As I think I said before, I believe he's thrown in two twists this game - the "conditional" merger timeframe and the sharing of the beach. The sharing allows for relationships to develop across tribal lines even though there may not be a traditional merger. I think he was just working on a new approach to prevent the traditional pagonging. On S4 he did something that worked with switches, but every season he has to come up with something new because all the survivors are students of the show and they need to experience new things in order to keep it fresh and unpredictable.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.


TribalTex29 63 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

11-09-02, 10:52 AM (EST)
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25. "Helen and Jan"
Something in my gut tells me that Jan, Helen, and possibly Clay pick up on Ted and Brian's obvious alliance and that rather than try to side with them, the three might boot them first, and following that, Helen and Clay can boot Jan (since Clay makes no subtleties about not liking Jan) This would leave it open for the final four (in my mind) being Clay, Helen, Jake and Penny.

Just a guess.

In the next vote, if it is still tribal, CG would be stupid to put up Jan over Brian. (my opinion)


TribalTex29 63 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

11-09-02, 10:46 AM (EST)
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24. "Helen sitting out Immunity Challenge"
I wondered about that too. I think that CG knows that for the most part, men have stronger airway passages and breathing capacities than women. Plus, I think Helen might be a smoker, which would explain her wanting to sit it out.

Spidey 6259 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-09-02, 11:07 AM (EST)
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26. "RE: Helen sitting out Immunity Challenge"
I also think they wanted to save Helen for the next, possibly more physical challenge (involving running or something), where they would definitely want to sit out Jan.


OceanSkater 315 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-08-02, 09:59 AM (EST)
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10. "RE: Why Erin? What next?"
She was the most expendable, AND she was a thread to SJ because she could have easily been accepted into CG, whereas the other three raving lunatics already have TARGET on their backs.

I want to be there too when Jake brings her to the CG altar for slaughter. If only Jan can refrain from making another freaking scene there too!
How much will you give me for a basketful of dead lovebirds?


SurvivinDawg 6816 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-08-02, 10:05 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: Why Erin? What next?"
I suggest a little bit of "all of the above".

1. Erin was the weakest. (She also seems to be a bit airheaded, but I'm not meaning that in a stereotypical way).

2. Penny apparently wasn't as tightly allied with Erin as we thought, Jake and Ken ARE tighter than we realize, and Penny appears to be tighter with Jake than Erin was with Jake or Ken. Also, Penny just used Erin like a tissue in her pocket, to be discarded after being USED.

3. Erin might have had some flirtation with Brian and friendliness with CG... however, I think this was only a minor factor in things. The Jake/Brian boat conversation was, IMHO, shown by MB to emphasize a potential male/female sexism rift.

4. We didn't see hardly ANYTHING of Erin (other than her fluffypillows) the whole season, so it's no surprise we didn't see any background reasons. Probably weren't too many, and she was just the strategical choice to go.

"All of us necessarily hold many casual opinions that are ludicrously wrong simply because life is far too short for us to think through even a small fraction of the topics that we come across. -- Julian Simon

Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-08-02, 10:47 AM (EST)
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14. "RE: Why Erin? What next?"
This was an extremely clever move for Jake and Penny. They know what they are doing.

The crux I think was the conversation where Jake encouraged all of them to start pursuing relationships with the CGs. That is exactly what they needed to be thinking about -- but they have to do it individually. We already saw Jake and Penny trying to worm their way in.

Ken was a better person for Jake and Penny to keep. Firstly, as a presumably bigger CG target in the event of a merge, he would shield Jake and Penny from votes, however temporarily, whereas Erin would not.

Secondly, Erin was probably the least likely to pursue a CG alliance on her own; remember, Robb said she was basically a follower. I think Jake and Penny realized this about her, and didn't want to have to lug her around as baggage as they started to pursue their individual strategies. They probably figured Ken would be able to fend for himself without being much of burden to them.

That was my take on it. FYI, Erin said on the early show this morning that Jake and Penny absolutely lied to her; they told her they were voting for Ken. So they are both quite sneaky. I think Jake's crying was primarily an act to get sympathy; he was very adamant about his worth to the tribe at TC.


blacknwhitedog 6532 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-08-02, 11:05 AM (EST)
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15. "Who's really pulling the strings at SJ?"
Up until now, I thought EvilPenny was pulling the strings at SJ, but is it really Jake? Other than it is his team, we didn't see much of him until now. I was assuming it was Penny doing all the manipulating and I thought she had her alliance careved out, especially with all that "let's huddle up" and rah-rah cheerleader stuff she does. Now I'm wondering if Jake and Ken were together all along. Especially when Ken talked to Shii Ann about Penny not going "yet". Jake's teary eyed moment seems fake to me now. Is Penny's evil grin about to be wiped off her face?

And what's with heleN? She started off weird and then I thought she got in the game when she voted off Ghandia, but now she's being edited in a negative way again.

It's just a show, I should really just relax...mst3k


clemsonbeav 4208 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

11-08-02, 01:07 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: Why Erin? What next?"
It's simple.

Last week and this week, we saw Penny being set up for the boot (especially with Shii Ann).

This week we also see Ken as being vulnerable because of his strength.

And at the IC, we see Jake and how he felt about his losing for the tribe. It's almost as if he wanted to throw in the towel.

Who's left? Who has not yet been set up for the boot? It's Zoe! ...I mean Erin! MB must have had a thing for Zzzzz, so he edited Erin like her.

I hope this post made sense.


steppingrazor42 283 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

11-08-02, 01:45 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: Why Erin? What next?"
SJ is dying, they need strength to stay alive! Erin is the weakest link, she had to go. On The Early Show she said Penny and Jake told her that they were voting off Ken, that's why she votted for him at TC, I don't think she knew she was going. Are Jake and Penny an unseen alliance?? I have a feeling penny and jake make it a little further together.

Ronii29 10 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

11-08-02, 04:45 PM (EST)
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20. "RE: Why Erin? What next?"
I don't really see Erin being the weak link in SJ. She has proven herself stronger than Penny on several occasions. During the flower power challenge, Erin completed her task and we saw Penny fail to do so. Then on last nights challenge, Erin stayed down longer than Penny and Ken. I don't remember Erin sitting out any of the challenges. Yet, we saw Ken sitting out a few. Is it possible that Erin was a bigger threat to SJ than we know, and her boot was preplanned all along? Just a thought.

GuessItRains 700 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

11-08-02, 05:11 PM (EST)
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21. "RE: Why Erin? What next?"
It's a combination answer, and I think everybody's been circling around it.

1) Ken and Jake are the two strongest members of the tribe. Since the Sookies have no idea when/if a merge will occur, getting rid of either of them would be almost total suicide.

2) Jake and Penny have a hidden alliance to be the Final 2; the closeness of Penny and Erin last episode was just EvilPenny being evil. Jed alluded to this in his post-game interviews, stating that both of them told him they were voting for Shii Ann. I think the same was true when Stephanie was voted out. Now we know they also lied to Erin. The two of them knew they couldn't afford to get rid of Ken (see #1 above), so they picked Erin instead.


cowboyroo 590 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

11-09-02, 11:00 PM (EST)
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30. "RE: Why Erin? What next?"
I totally agree with the Jake/Penny alliance. In the early episodes we saw Ken/Erin very close which seemed to disband as time went on. Jake and Penny planned for Penny to buddy up to Erin and Jake to buddy up to Ken to ditch them if they made it to Final 4. This would keep Ken/Erin from discussing the situation. It seemed as though Ken thought he was going as well.

If Ken or Erin realized that Jake/Penny were a F2 alliance, it would have been to their best interest to force a try in which Penny would have been gone if prior votes rule comes back. Now Ken sits with a target on his back.


redandwhite 22 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

11-12-02, 12:38 PM (EST)
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32. "RE: Why Erin? What next?"
I think there are 2 main reasons Sook Jai voted out Erin.

1) Out of all four, Erin (with the exception of Jake)seemed to be the nicest person. A nice person would probably not hold a grudge about being voted out at this stage of the game. It has also been mentioned that Erin's goal was to make it to the jury. She fulfilled that goal...more happy feelings there. The odds of it being a Sook Jai final 2 are very slim. If Erin has the chance to vote for a Sookie or a Chewie, don't you think she will vote with her tribe, even if she was a little hurt at the deception surrounding her boot? (She was led to believe that Ken was going)

2) Out off all four SJ's, which one would you like to face in the final two? NOT ERIN, that's for sure. She was edited in such a bland way, that I can only assume that she didn't cause any drama, and she was as nice as she seemed.

All in all, Erin was a very strategic boot. It's nice to see that Jake and Ken are playing the end game. They know that the Chewies were told some not so great stuff about Penny by Shii. They know that Penny has a bigger target on her chest than Erin did (hee hee, Erin's chest!) Penny is a better choice to keep around to deflect possible votes from themselves.


ZJ 137 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

11-09-02, 01:43 AM (EST)
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22. "RE: Why Erin? What next?"
From this episode, it can be clearly seen that Jake/Ken/Penny/Erin were an alliance from Day 1. Remember Jake's comments, "This was supposed to be the Final 4"

What I gather is that these 4 have been playing the game from Day 1 onwards and Penny and Jake were the manipulators. But they figured that they needed the numbers once they had merged. Therefore, they needed at least 5 and preferably 6 going into the merge(and they made the fatal mistake into believing they merge at 10)

Therefore, they threw the challenge where they voted out Jed. And Jed's remarks that Jake and Penny were the actual people who lost the fishing net tells us a bit about the group dynamics.

They voted out Stephanie because she wasn't really with them and the biggest mistake they made was in keeping Shii Ann over Robb. Robb was strong and could have contributed to the challenges, but they must have assumed they were going to merge and getting Robb was a good idea. But they did not expect Shii Ann to defect. And up till now, I still believe Shii Ann threw the challenge where they had to vote off Robb

Seriously, I think Ken and Jake were being nice to Shii Ann only because they needed the numbers. Shii Ann believed them and told them that she was defecting to CG. But from this episode, I think no matter what happens, even if Shii Ann had not defected or had not told Ken, she was the first to go anyway. Erin's Early Show chat mentioned she disliked her and they only kept her for strategy.

Which brings me to this point Shii Ann mentioned. Jake and Ken are a pair, Erin and Penny are a pair. Ok, we've seen Erin tying Penny's hair, Ken and Jake sleeping together, but I believe the real pair are Jake and Penny. Erin said these 2 lied to her, coupled with the fact that Jed also mentioned these 2 collaborated. I think they have an alliance of 2 within a Sook Jai alliance. I think Shii Ann's comments could be wrong because she wasn't really into the tribe dynamics.



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