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"S18 PTTE First Impressions Wk 10 Results-Wk 11 List Change"
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kircon 3323 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

05-06-09, 03:16 PM (EST)
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"S18 PTTE First Impressions Wk 10 Results-Wk 11 List Change"


Are you ready for some PTTE?
What's a PTTE, you ask? Well PTTE means
"Picks To The End"

We are down in the continent of South America.
And the highlands of Brazil, The 18th season of Survivor.
There are 6 Survivors trying to win a million dollars.
Who do you think will win?

Is your first impression winner still here?

Sierra Reed is the tenth castaway eliminated from 'Survivor: Tocantins.

Read all about it here.

Read what Sierra had to say about it here.

Now on the Scores!

Place – Name – Score
^ Upward movement
* Free list change
In case of ties, I alphabetize.

We have a new leader. Congratulations:
Sir dreamer

dreamerbeliever, Corvis, SurvivorManiac, & ajglitch predicted the boot.
Way to go everyone! Kind-of!

^1 Sir dreamerbeliever – 31

2 Sir tribephyl – 36

3 HauntedOne – 37 *

^4 Corvis –39
^4 Survivor Maniac – 39

^6 ajglitch – 42 *
^6 michel – 42

8 MJewel – 44
8 Ontheroadagain – 44

10 whoami – 45 *

^ 11 vennui – 50 *

^12 kircon – 51
^12 Wallflower – 51 *

14 Ahtumbreez – 52 *

15 CTgirl – 55
15 suzzee – 55

17 AddieRacer – 59 *

18 mia rules – 61

19 Max Headroom – 66

Congratulations Max Headroom you still have the lead for the teals.

Ahtumbreez & Max Headroom gained the most points with 8.

Okay... how do you play:


1) You do NOT want points...they're bad... it's like golf. Every point counts against you in the standings, so try to avoid them,
unless you are playing the MEDIUM TEAL game.
then you want all the points you can get.

2) Points will be awarded to each boot, after each episode.
They will be awarded as the difference between where you thought this week's bootee would finish
and where the bootee actually finished.

3) You will be given penalty points every time you change your PTTE list.

+5 points for regular game
-5 points for medium teal game
+8 points for All-Stars
-8 points for All-Star Medium Teals

You may change your list as many times as you want, up to the deadline.
The last list at the time of deadline will be used.

Attention Medium Teal PTTE Players
When you change your list:
Please start with the Sole Survivor (#16)
and end with next booted (#6)

4) The game will be open for anyone to join at anytime.
The first two weeks were free.

Entry is 72 points this week.

If you do not enter before the first episode, you will start with a score equivalent to 8 points per episode you missed. That means that it's possible to join the game after several episodes and enter in first place, but statistically speaking, you'll have a better chance if you enter earlier.

If you have any questions post them in this thread or PM me.

Sit back and enjoy the next show of:
Survivor 18: Tocantins: The Brazilian Highlands

The deadline is 6:59 pm Central on Thursday, May 7, 2009.
I will make a copy of your list one minute before the start of the show.


I’m sorry I’m late.

I saw the final 6 of Gabon this weekend; Bob, Susie, Sugar, Matty, Ken, & Crystal.

I had jury duty on Mon.

Tuesday I started baking wedding cake for 150 for this weekend. I am almost done baking.
Then I split & fill, cover with icing, then pipe decorations.

I will post pictures of the Final 6 of Gabon later. Here’s a start:

I had front row seats and the time of my life.

Good Luck!



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 RE: S18 PTTE First Impressions Wk 1... suzzee 05-06-09 1
 RE: S18 PTTE First Impressions Wk 1... Wallflower66 05-06-09 2

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suzzee 5961 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-06-09, 04:24 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: S18 PTTE First Impressions Wk 10 Results-Wk 11 List Change"

You must dish on the Gabon 6 (deja vu with the Oceanic 6)
Did you get to ask anything? What are they doing now? Pictures will be cool and include one of this massive cake of which you speak, that's got me drooling more then the Gaboners... Where were you anyway, it looks like a marching band was in there too

Hope all is good with your son too {good wishes on their way}

No changes on my list btw from here on out it's either sink or swim.

Fear and Loathing Tribe style 2008


Wallflower66 2446 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

05-06-09, 05:57 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: S18 PTTE First Impressions Wk 10 Results-Wk 11 List Change"
Is it too late to go teal? ;)
Can't wait to hear about your trip once you get a chance to breathe!


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