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"LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "
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emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-27-09, 09:17 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
"LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "


1- MJewel ~ 372

2- CT Girl ~ 366

3- suzzee ~ 329

4- 5cats ~ 297

5-byoffer ~ 291

6- Belle Book ~ 281

7- Kermit the Vixen ~ 278

8- qwertypie ~ 257

9- whoami ~ 250

10- kingfish ~ 236
Wallflower ~ 236

12- vince ~ 230

13- jbug ~ 227

14- DearAbby ~ 220

15- starshine ~ 214
Dakota ~ 214

17- Survivor Maniac ~ 194

18- Jazzy Jax ~ 187

19- agman ~ 179

20- iatovttotx ~ 162

21- Road Kill ~ 150

22- Molaholic ~ 144


1. "They both went bananas: Who says this and which 2 went bananas? (1) ea

2. COCONUT CHOP For You: What is the order of the Coconut chopt from first out to winner? 1(ea)

3. Who is/are Sappho?: Who goes to Exile? 2 pts.

4. Grabby Pants: Name 1 survivor who Jiffy gives/puts on the Individual Immunity Necklace 10 pts.

5. Name the place in order the eventual bootee votes at
at tribal council 25 pts

6. Who is the bootee? 15 pts.

jbug's official list of remaining survivors:

Benji ~ Debbie ~ Erinn ~ JT ~ Sierra ~ Stephen ~ Taj
Lodge Bonux


Go here for this week's bonus


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: LoserLodge X... byoffer 04-27-09 1
 RE: LoserLodge X... JazzyJax 04-27-09 2
 RE: LoserLodge X... Molaholic 04-27-09 3
 RE: LoserLodge X... Belle Book 04-28-09 4
 RE: LoserLodge X... Road Kill 04-28-09 5
 RE: LoserLodge X... jbug 04-29-09 6
 RE: LoserLodge X... kingfish 04-29-09 7
 RE: LoserLodge X... Starshine 04-29-09 8
   RE: LoserLodge X... emydi 04-29-09 9
       RE: LoserLodge X... kingfish 04-29-09 10
       Q2 Starshine 04-30-09 17
 RE: LoserLodge X... DearAbby 04-29-09 11
 RE: LoserLodge X... Survivor Maniac 04-30-09 12
 RE: LoserLodge X... vince3 04-30-09 13
 RE: LoserLodge X... whoami 04-30-09 14
 RE: LoserLodge X... qwertypie 04-30-09 15
 RE: LoserLodge X... 5cats 04-30-09 16
 RE: LoserLodge X... iatovttotx78 04-30-09 18
 RE: LoserLodge X... suzzee 04-30-09 19
 RE: LoserLodge X... CTgirl 04-30-09 20
 RE: LoserLodge X... MJewel 04-30-09 21
 RE: LoserLodge X... Wallflower66 04-30-09 22
 RE: LoserLodge X... Kermit the Vixen 04-30-09 23
   RE: LoserLodge X... vince3 04-30-09 24
 RE: LoserLodge X... emydi 05-01-09 25
   RE: LoserLodge X... jbug 05-01-09 26
       RE: LoserLodge X... emydi 05-01-09 27
           RE: LoserLodge X... suzzee 05-01-09 28
           RE: LoserLodge X... jbug 05-02-09 29

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Messages in this topic

byoffer 15947 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-27-09, 11:01 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "
There's a prize for answering Emy first each week, right?

*HutCam on*

1. "They both went bananas: Who says this and which 2 went bananas? (1) ea Taj says that Coach and Sierra went bananas

2. COCONUT CHOP For You: What is the order of the Coconut chopt from first out to winner? 1(ea) Sierra, Coach, JT, Debbie, Erinn, Stephen, Taj

3. Who is/are Sappho?: Who goes to Exile? 2 pts. Coach

4. Grabby Pants: Name 1 survivor who Jiffy gives/puts on the Individual Immunity Necklace 10 pts. Coach

5. Name the place in order the eventual bootee votes at
at tribal council 25 pts third

6. Who is the bootee? 15 pts. Sierra

*HutCam off*

Having Tribe around is a big bonus.


JazzyJax 531 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

04-27-09, 05:50 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "
Thank you mistress, for allowing me to move up somehow, against all odds. Welcome back Tribey!

1. "They both went bananas: Who says this and which 2 went bananas? Stephen said it and Coach and Debbie went gorrilla crackers

2. COCONUT CHOP For You: What is the order of the Coconut chopt from first out to winner? JT, Steven, Sierra, Coach, Stephen, Taj

3. Who is/are Sappho?: Who goes to Exile? Stephen

4. Grabby Pants: Name 1 survivor who Jiffy gives/puts on the Individual Immunity Necklace Coach

5. Name the place in order the eventual bootee votes at
at tribal council 3rd

6. Who is the bootee? Sierra


Molaholic 9015 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-27-09, 08:09 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "
LAST EDITED ON 04-30-09 AT 09:49 AM (EST)

Woo Hoo! I'm in last place!! I can see up everyone's <BLOCKED>

1. Bananaramma - Stephen says it about Coach and JT

2. COCONUT CHOP - Sierra, EErin, Debbie, Taj, JT, Coach, Stephen.

3. Sappho - Sierra

4. Grabby Pants - JT

5. Vote - Second

6. Next Jury Member - Sierra

blame agman


Belle Book 3613 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

04-28-09, 03:47 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "
1. "They both went bananas: Who says this and which 2 went bananas? (1) ea Stephen, and he says it about Coach & Debbie.

2. COCONUT CHOP For You: What is the order of the Coconut chopt from first out to winner? 1(ea) Sierra, Coach, Debbie, Erinn, Stephen, Taj and J. T.

3. Who is/are Sappho?: Who goes to Exile? 2 pts. Coach.

4. Grabby Pants: Name 1 survivor who Jiffy gives/puts on the Individual Immunity Necklace 10 pts. Coach.

5. Name the place in order the eventual bootee votes at
at tribal council 25 pts Third.

6. Who is the bootee? 15 pts. Debbie.

Belle Book


Road Kill 1101 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

04-28-09, 03:58 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "
1. "They both went bananas: Stephen says it with Coach and Debbie going bananas.

2. COCONUT CHOP For You: Sierra, Sierra, Sierra, Sierra, JT, JT, JT.

3. Who is/are Sappho?: Stephen

4. Grabby Pants: JT

5. Name the place in order the eventual bootee votes at
at tribal council. 3rd

6. Who is the bootee? Sierra

I have been wondering in the jungle for two weeks looking for the Hutcam....did someone move it? Hmm it is where it always has been... oh well, I just need to beat Moley.


jbug 17146 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-29-09, 08:16 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "
1. "They both went bananas: Who says this and which 2 went bananas? (1) ea
Taj says this about Debbie & Sierra

2. COCONUT CHOP For You: What is the order of the Coconut chopt from first out to winner? 1(ea)

3. Who is/are Sappho?: Who goes to Exile? 2 pts.

4. Grabby Pants: Name 1 survivor who Jiffy gives/puts on the Individual Immunity Necklace 10 pts.

5. Name the place in order the eventual bootee votes at
at tribal council 25 pts

6. Who is the bootee? 15 pts.

jbug's official list of remaining survivors:
Benji ~ Debbie ~ Erinn ~ JT ~ Sierra ~ Stephen ~ Taj

My list is really dwindling. When it's gone, I won't disappear, will I?


kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-29-09, 09:05 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "
LAST EDITED ON 04-29-09 AT 12:30 PM (EST)

1. "They both went bananas: Who says this and which 2 went bananas? (1) ea Stephen says this about Coach and Debbie.

2. COCONUT CHOP For You: What is the order of the Coconut chop from first out to winner? 1(ea)

1st out: Sierra
2. Coach
3. Debbie
4. Erin
5. Taj
6. Stephen
7. JT

3. Who is/are Sappho?: Who goes to Exile? 2 pts.


4. Grabby Pants: Name 1 survivor who Jiffy gives/puts on the Individual Immunity Necklace 10 pts.


5. Name the place in order the eventual bootee votes at
at tribal council 25 pts


6. Who is the bootee? 15 pts.



Starshine 5033 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-29-09, 01:36 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "
1. "They both went bananas: Who says this and which 2 went bananas? Stephen said it and Coach and Debbie went gorrilla crackers

2. COCONUT CHOP For You: What is the order of the Coconut chop from first out to winner? JT, Taj, Stephen, Coach, Sierra, Debbie

3. Who is/are Sappho?: Who goes to Exile? Sierra

4. Grabby Pants: Name 1 survivor who Jiffy gives/puts on the Individual Immunity Necklace Coach

5. Name the place in order the eventual bootee votes at
at tribal council - Fourth

6. Who is the bootee? Sierra

May the sun always shine on Tribe

Just another Sleeperbloke

Something or Other


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-29-09, 02:33 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "
LAST EDITED ON 04-29-09 AT 02:33 PM (EST)

You forgot Erinn in your No. 2 answer and did you read the question correctly?


kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-29-09, 02:43 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "
Everybody knows that the English drive in the wrong direction.


Starshine 5033 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-30-09, 04:14 PM (EST)
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17. "Q2"
I think I read it, for some reason Erinn disappeared from my radar

2. COCONUT CHOP For You: What is the order of the Coconut chop from first out to winner? JT, Taj, Stephen, Erinn, Coach, Sierra, Debbie

Reasoning... Non threats stay a while, or I could just be making it up as I go along!

Thanks Mistress for picking me up


DearAbby 3008 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-29-09, 02:43 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "
I'm not gonna wait till the last minute like I did last week.

1. Bananas ~ JT says this of Coach and Debbie
2. Coconut Chop ~ Sierra, Coach, Debbie, Erinn, Taj, JT, and Stephen
3. Sappho ~ Debbie
4. Grabby Pants ~ JT
5. TC Vote ~ fourth
6. Bootee ~ Debbie


Survivor Maniac 1295 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

04-30-09, 10:45 AM (EST)
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12. "RE: LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "
1. Taj said it and Coach and Debbie went bananas.
2. Sierra, Sierra, Sierra, Sierra, Taj, Taj, Taj
3. Stephen
4. Coach
5. 4rd
6. Debbie


vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-30-09, 11:17 AM (EST)
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13. "RE: LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "
1. "They both went bananas: Who says this and which 2 went bananas? (1) ea Taj says this about Coach/Debbie

2. COCONUT CHOP For You: What is the order of the Coconut chopt from first out to winner? 1(ea) Sierra, Coach, Erinn, JT, Debbie, Stephen, Taj

3. Who is/are Sappho?: Who goes to Exile? 2 pts. Sierra

4. Grabby Pants: Name 1 survivor who Jiffy gives/puts on the Individual Immunity Necklace 10 pts. Coach

5. Name the place in order the eventual bootee votes at
at tribal council 25 pts 3rd

6. Who is the bootee? 15 pts. Erinn


whoami 2936 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

04-30-09, 03:55 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "
1. "They both went bananas: Who says this and which 2 went bananas? (1) ea JT about Coach and debbie

2. COCONUT CHOP For You: What is the order of the Coconut chopt from first out to winner? 1(ea) Benji ~ Debbie ~ Sierra ~ Erinn ~ JT ~ Stephen ~ Taj

3. Who is/are Sappho?: Who goes to Exile? 2 pts. Debbie

4. Grabby Pants: Name 1 survivor who Jiffy gives/puts on the Individual Immunity Necklace 10 pts. JT

5. Name the place in order the eventual bootee votes at
at tribal council 25 pts 3

6. Who is the bootee? 15 pts. Debbie


qwertypie 9776 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-30-09, 03:56 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "
1. Stephen says this about coach and debbie
2. coach debbie sierra taj jt stephen
3. debbie
4. jt
5. 3rd
6. debbie

5cats 1186 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

04-30-09, 04:07 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "

1. "They both went bananas: Who says this and which 2 went bananas? (1) ea Stephen says this about Debra and Coach.

2. COCONUT CHOP For You: What is the order of the Coconut chopt from first out to winner? 1(ea) Debra, Coach, Sierra, Erinn, JT, Stephen, Taj.

3. Who is/are Sappho?: Who goes to Exile? 2 pts. Stephen.

4. Grabby Pants: Name 1 survivor who Jiffy gives/puts on the Individual Immunity Necklace 10 pts. JT

5. Name the place in order the eventual bootee votes at
at tribal council 25 pts 4th.

6. Who is the bootee? 15 pts. Debra


iatovttotx78 2645 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

04-30-09, 04:24 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "

1. Debbie about Sierra

2. Sierra, Debbie, Erinn, Coach, Taj, JT,Stephen,

3. Who is/are Sappho?: Sierra

4. Grabby Pants: J.T.

5. Name the place in order the eventual bootee votes at
at tribal council Third

6. Who is the bootee? Sierra


suzzee 5961 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-30-09, 04:58 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
19. "RE: LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "
LAST EDITED ON 04-30-09 AT 04:59 PM (EST)

I got so wasted in the Melon Smooch I almost forgot about this party.

1. "They both went bananas: Who says this and which 2 went bananas? Taj about Debbie and Coach

2. COCONUT CHOP For You: What is the order of the Coconut chopt from first out to winner? Sierra-Coach-Debbie-Erin-JT-Taj-Stephen

3. Who is/are Sappho?: Who goes to Exile? Sierra

4. Grabby Pants: Name 1 survivor who Jiffy gives/puts on the Individual Immunity Necklace Coach, the putz

5. Name the place in order the eventual bootee votes at
at tribal council 4th

6. Who is the bootee? Debbie

Certifiable Guest at Tribe’s Lodge


CTgirl 8013 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-30-09, 05:01 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
20. "RE: LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "
1. "They both went bananas: Who says this and which 2 went bananas? Stephen says this about Coach and Debbie

2. COCONUT CHOP For You: What is the order of the Coconut chopt from first out to winner? Sierra, Coach, Debbie, JT, Stephen, Erinn, Taj

3. Who is/are Sappho?: Who goes to Exile? Debbie

4. Grabby Pants: Name 1 survivor who Jiffy gives/puts on the Individual Immunity Necklace JT

5. Name the place in order the eventual bootee votes at at tribal council Third

6. Who is the bootee? Sierra


MJewel 1951 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

04-30-09, 06:24 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
21. "RE: LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "
LAST EDITED ON 04-30-09 AT 06:25 PM (EST)

HouseCam on:

1. "They both went bananas: Stephen says this about Coach and Debbie

2. COCONUT CHOP For You: Sierra, Coach, Debbie, Erinn, JT, Taj, Stephen

3. Who is/are Sappho?: Debbie

4. Grabby Pants: Coach

5. Name the place in order the eventual bootee votes at
at tribal council: Sixth

6. Who is the bootee? Sierra

HouseCam off.


Wallflower66 2446 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

04-30-09, 06:49 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
22. "RE: LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "

1. "They both went bananas: Who says this and which 2 went bananas? (1) ea Stephen says it about Debbie and Sierra

2. COCONUT CHOP For You: What is the order of the Coconut chopt from first out to winner? 1(ea) Sierra, Erinn, Stephen, Debbie, Coach, JT, Taj

3. Who is/are Sappho?: Who goes to Exile? 2 pts. JT

4. Grabby Pants: Name 1 survivor who Jiffy gives/puts on the Individual Immunity Necklace 10 pts. Coach

5. Name the place in order the eventual bootee votes at
at tribal council 25 pts 4th

6. Who is the bootee? 15 pts. Sierra


Kermit the Vixen 1639 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

04-30-09, 07:01 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
23. "RE: LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "
1. "They both went bananas: Who says this and which 2 went bananas? JT says this about Coach and Debbie going bananas.

2. COCONUT CHOP For You: What is the order of the Coconut chop from first out to winner?

Sierra, Erinn, JT, Debbie, Coach, Taj, Stephen

3. Who is/are Sappho?: Who goes to Exile? Debbie

4. Grabby Pants: Name 1 survivor who Jiffy gives/puts on the Individual Immunity Necklace 10 pts. JT

5. Name the place in order the eventual bootee votes at
at tribal council 25 pts #3

6. Who is the bootee? 15 pts. Debbie

Tribe Nation:



Sunshine Breeze: *animated


Thanks, Tribe!

Why are you looking at me? Stop looking at me. I said, STOP -- wait, what? OK, never mind.

Miss Universe:

"Queen" will also suffice


Siggie courtesy of TribeElf

LL Most Sinful:

Sinful is as sinful does.

LL Most Fertile:


vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-30-09, 07:33 PM (EST)
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24. "RE: LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "
sig showoff

emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-01-09, 08:11 AM (EST)
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25. "RE: LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "
LAST EDITED ON 05-04-09 AT 08:16 AM (EST)


1. Sierra (told Stephen) that Coach and Debbie went bananas...noone got all 3 pts

2. ORDER: Sierra, Coach, Debbie, Erinn, JT, Taj, Stephen...suzzee and MaybeI'llwinthisgameJewel got all 7 in order!

3. Sappho: Erinn...NObody got this right

4. IC Winner: Coach because he mind controlled the ball

5. Sierra the bootee voted 6th- the only one that got this correct was aMazingJewel. A lot of you had 3rd and Debbie voted third...too bad

6. Bootee Sierra--it was about 1/2 and 1/2 with 1 erinn vote

SCORES with Tribey bonus *we have a new leader*

1- CT Girl ~ 366 + 20 = 386 + 72 = 458

2- MJewel ~ 372 + 59 = 421 + 36 = 457

3- suzzee ~ 329 + 19 = 348 + 56 = 404

4-byoffer ~ 291 + 28 = 319 + 51 = 370

5- vince ~ 230 + 14 = 244 + 120 = 364

6- 5cats ~ 297 + 5 = 302 + 32 = 334

7- Wallflower ~ 236 + 27 = 263 + 69 = 332

8- Kermit the Vixen ~ 278 + 5 = 283 + 42 = 325

9- Dakota ~ 214 + 0 = 214 + 90 304

10- Belle Book ~ 281 + 17 = 298 + 0 = 298

11- qwertypie ~ 257 + 3 = 260 + 30 = 290

12- starshine ~ 214 + 31 = 245 + 42 = 287

13- jbug ~ 227 + 16 = 243 + 38 = 281

14- DearAbby ~ 220 + 7 = 227 + 34 = 261

15- kingfish ~ 236 + 7 = 243 + 16 = 259

16- whoami ~ 250 + 4 = 254 + 0 = 254

17- iatovttotx ~ 162 + 17 = 179 + 70 = 249

18- Jazzy Jax ~ 187 + 26 = 213 + 26 = 239

19- Road Kill ~ 150 + 19 = 169 + 56 = 225

20- agman ~ 179 + 0 = 179 + 40 = 219

21- Survivor Maniac ~ 194 + 14 = 208 + 9 = 217

22- Molaholic ~ 144 + 20 = 164 + 40 = 204


jbug 17146 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-01-09, 02:27 PM (EST)
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26. "RE: LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "
You are an excellent Loser Host Emy.


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-01-09, 03:00 PM (EST)
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27. "RE: LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "
thank you...but I actually bow to the nefarious master

suzzee 5961 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-01-09, 03:54 PM (EST)
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28. "RE: LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "
Don't we all.........

jbug 17146 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-02-09, 08:49 PM (EST)
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29. "RE: LoserLodge X: Lodge of the Losers | 4.5 weeks to go "
It is true that he has made such wonderful Losers of us all.



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