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SherpaDave 8326 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-26-01, 05:00 PM (EST)
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LAST EDITED ON 11-26-01 AT 05:07 PM (EST)

Mmmm... Tryptophan

Is it just the tryptophan talking, or was this the most boring episode of this show ever? It's taken me four days just to rub the sleep gunk out of my eyes enough to write this. If this show gets any worse, I fully expect to see one of the characters give birth in an effort to save ratings. Ah, well. On with the summary.

Previously, on TV Guide's "The Worst Show You're All Watching" ™: actually, just read OFG's excellent summary from last week. It's all in there. And frankly, you might want to just reread that one instead of reading this one. It's a helluva lot funnier than what follows.

One thing I will say quickly about last week's action, though. Either the editors union went on strike about the same time as the writers did, or the last potentially interesting person on the show got voted off last week. Seriously, who do we hate now? Let's look at the candidates.

Brandon's a possibility, but he's actually starting to act like he knows how to play the game. Frank seemed to be a good choice, but with his bow skills, that'd be a little like hating Elmer Fudd, wouldn't it? Tom? Nah, he's starting to sound suspiciously like a southern sherpa, and may even be more of a lech than your not-so-humble writer. How can you hate that? One of the Kims? Zzzzzz. Teresa, perhaps? Aside from the omnipresent Braves hat, what's to hate? Clarence? He was a good candidate once upon a time, but his chicken taunting is just TOO endearing, no? Ethan might be a thought, but really, with all his paranoia, does anyone else think that just maybe the Blowsvivor stash somehow made its way onto the set? How about Kelly? Hmm, Kelly might be a possibility. It all comes down to either her or Lex at this point. Look for Burnit to really start pushing our buttons with one of these two. And soon.

So what about the show itself, you ask? Well, let's see what we have here in my copious notes. We begin with a Brandi interview:

Brandi: Ding dong, the witch is dead! Which old witch? The Lindsey witch! Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead! Mmmm… ding dong. Now that she's gone, I just need to get rid of Little Bit to move toward my master plan of being left alone in the wild with a bunch of desperate men.

As the sun rises on Day 19, Clarence takes a dump and somehow fails to notice a herd of elephants headed his way until he's burying his caca.

Clarence: Damn, that would have to be the most embarrassing way to die.

No, Clarence, take a look at this:

PADERBORN, GERMANY - Overzealous zookeeper Friedrich Riesfeldt fed his constipated elephant Stefan 22 doses of animal laxative and more than a bushel of berries, figs and prunes before the plugged-up pachyderm finally let fly - and suffocated the keeper under 200 pounds of poop! Investigators say ill-fated Friedrich, 46, was attempting to give the ailing elephant an olive-oil enema when the relieved beast unloaded on him like a dump truck full of mud. "The sheer force of the elephant's unexpected defecation knocked Mr. Riesfeldt to the ground, where he struck his head and lay unconscious as the elephant continued to evacuate his bowels on top of him," said flabbergasted Paderborn police detective Erik Dern. "With no one there to help him, he lay under all that dung for at least an hour before a watchman came along, and during that time he suffocated. It's just one of those freak accidents."

Yeah, that has nothing whatsoever to do with the show, but it was the first thing that popped into my head when Clarence said that. Aren't you glad I shared?

Pretty much everyone then speculates about whether or not there is going to be a merge. Yawn. The sheer number of times this is explored makes it painfully obvious that there will, in fact, be a merge, presumably right after the first commercial break.

Meanwhile, we get a hint that Frank may not be what he appears to be, i.e., human.

Frank: What is this brunch you speak of?

The others explain the novel concept of a pig-out between breakfast and lunch, and he runs off to make a report to his home planet.

Back at the Fallen Rats' camp, Lex is wooing Tom.

Lex: Hey, Big Tom. Look what I'm making for you. It's an uberspoon for my very own uberspoon! And just like the most special part of my uberspoon, it's made outta wood. Rowr!

Kelly (in interview): Think maybe someone should tell Lex that just because Tom is big, fat, and likes to show his ass doesn't mean he's the second coming of Rich?

Mercifully, that day ends and we move ahead to Day 20 and tree mail.

Clarence: It's male. It's big. It's nasty. It's Tom. Oh, wait. It's mail, not male. My bad.

Now remember when merge was sort of exciting, with all kinds of intrigue involved? Like where would the camp be, sending ambassadors, all that good stuff? Apparently, Burnit is bored with the show, too, because this time, Jiffy just tosses everyone their new bandannas and tells 'em to pick a camp. Upon seeing the new green bandannas, everyone fondly remembers Jessie's vomit and they choose the Boran camp.

Jiffy also introduces the new immunity necklace, which, if memory serves, was last seen around the necks of Will Smith and Kevin Kline in "Wild, Wild West." All I'm saying is if anyone sees and flying saw blades around, they might want to think twice about winning immunity.

The challenge is to recreate the best part of Chicago's old Commiskey Park, the hanging showers. I always wondered what happened to those. Each contestant is strapped to one of the bucket showers and we get to see who among the women has had access to razors.

After a mere fourteen minutes, Kelly and Mama Kim are overcome by the fact that nobody used their Arid Extra Dry today and bow out. They pretend they're at Tribal Council and immediately start voting people out. Brandi follows four minutes later.

As the challenge progresses, we see Frank using his limited telekinesis to keep the bucket from toppling as he waves frantically at it. Stacey Stillman's lawyers take notes.

At 36 minutes, Little Bit joins the wet t-shirt contest. This makes Tom horny, and eight minutes later, he's gone. Frank's telekinetic powers have finally exhausted him and he goes down at 55 minutes.

And then… Teresa suddenly thinks she's Andrea McCardle. Apparently, she thinks that auditions are being held for "Nostradamus: The Musical" and she's missing 'em. She belts out "Tomorrow" and the others politely clap. Personally, if I was still in the challenge at that point, the cramps from trying to not wet my pants would've forced me to succumb, but this strategy of hers hasn't worked on anyone else.

At two hours and seventeen minutes, Jiffy offers anyone who steps down a cheeseburger. People are tempted, but none of 'em go, and those already out chow down. Everyone looks at Little Bit to see if she'll puke.

At three hours and ten minutes, Jiffy offers pizza. No takers and the losers eat again. Little Bit still hasn't urped. A scant eight minutes later, Lex bows out. Ethan drops out at 3:38. He wanted to drop out at 3:10, but his paranoia told him that the food was poisoned, so he gutted it out to save himself from the dreaded pizza.

Clarence challenges Teresa to a game of Red Rover, and she almost falls for it and runs at him. But you've gotta get up pretty early in the morning to fool a stewardess, it seems. Clarence then tries to talk the losers into some sort of voting scheme, which he whispers, for some bizarre reason. They all do the wave and sing "Na Na Hey Hey Good-Bye."

Jiffy comes around again at four hours and thirty minutes with fried chicken, Clarence's Achilles Heel. He somehow talks T into a game of Rock/Paper/Scissors. He throws down paper, she throws down rock. He was planning on cheating, but hasn't seen good rock since he left Detroit and gets distracted. T wins, T wins!

Back at camp, there's a feast. Frank assumes it's this strange brunch custom again and goes to gather wood and file another report with his home planet. He edits his entry about Earth, changing it from "Harmless" to "Mostly harmless." Kelly, in another interview, comments that Frank needs Prozac, but what he really needs is his Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator back before he gets very, very angry indeed.

The tribe then plays "I Never." Tom announces that pretty much everyone in the tribe gets him all hot and bothered. If he wins this whole damned thing, I'm seriously considering filing a paternity suit.

Brandon tries to show off by saying that he never had sex in an airplane and immediately drinking, but nobody even notices, because T immediately announces that for some stewardesses, good service doesn't end with a bag of peanuts.

Frank attempts to play, and almost gives himself away by saying "I never will understand these strange earth customs." He then ambles away to see if he can find a more intelligent species.

Elephant (in interview): I don't know what the hell that thing was, but I'm glad I was upwind. The way he was waving his arm behind his ass, he must've let off one serious fart.

Frank (in interview): Why doesn't anything on this planet understand Alpha Centaurian Sign Language? I must've told that thing to take me to its leader a dozen times.

Finally, we see the tribe deciding on a new name. In a clear sign that Lex is in serious trouble, nobody but him can remember the name, but I think it's Mojo Jojo.

Day 20 mercifully ends and we get all the inevitable discussion about who's gonna go. Several people comment on how much they dislike Lex and really like Clarence, so you know CB is in serious trouble. Kelly once again questions Lex's ethics in her interview, and it's becoming clear that she's in deep doodoo, too, as about half of this week's program has been Kelly face time.

About the only items of interest from the vote are that after this vote, everyone else will at least be a jury member and that T voted for Lex. Except for her and Clarence, everyone else voted for CB, and Tom even spelled it out this time! Hooked on Phonics really does work!

Anti-climactic summary? Yup. Anti-climactic show? You betcha. It's a good thing Brad Pitt isn't on my laminated list, or I'd have probably wound up summarizing "Friends" instead this week. For the sake of all of us, I hope that either upcoming episodes are more entertaining or that future summary writers are better at pulling things out of their asses than I am. Fortunately, it looks like Lex might be channeling Toni from "Love Cruise" in the next episode.

Contrary to popular belief, the most dangerous animal is not the lion or tiger or even the elephant. The most dangerous animal is a shark riding on an elephant, just trampling and eating everything they see. - Jack Handey


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: *****OFFICIAL SURVIVORBLOWS EPI... LadyT 11-26-01 1
 RE: *****OFFICIAL SURVIVORBLOWS EPI... Krautboy 11-26-01 2
 RE: *****OFFICIAL SURVIVORBLOWS EPI... Sheila 11-26-01 3
 RE: *****OFFICIAL SURVIVORBLOWS EPI... Outfrontgirl 11-26-01 4
 Der Sheisse-Kopf ist Tot! IceCat 11-26-01 5
 YAY! moonbaby 11-26-01 7
 Bravo! AyaK 11-26-01 8
 Bravo!!! sleeeve 11-27-01 9
 YEAH BABY!!!!! ItzLisa 11-27-01 10
 RE: *****OFFICIAL SURVIVORBLOWS EPI... PepeLePew13 11-27-01 11
 Hey, Sherp! Excellent summary! gorudygo 11-27-01 12
   RE: Hey, Sherp! Excellent summary! dabo 11-27-01 13
 RE: *****OFFICIAL SURVIVORBLOWS EPI... shanana banana 11-27-01 14
 The eyes are back! MakeItStop 11-27-01 15
 Fantastic Summary Dave! northernlights 11-27-01 16
 Bump! PepeLePew13 11-28-01 17
 A sh*t story that I will print and ... anotherkim 11-28-01 18
 ROFLMAO!!!! Bebo 11-28-01 19
 RE: *****OFFICIAL SURVIVORBLOWS EPI... Mumbo Jumbo 11-28-01 20
 RE: *****OFFICIAL SURVIVORBLOWS EPI... MandyM 11-29-01 21
 RE: *****OFFICIAL SURVIVORBLOWS EPI... annie 11-30-01 22
 RE: *****OFFICIAL SURVIVORBLOWS EPI... samiam 12-01-01 23
 RE: *****OFFICIAL SURVIVORBLOWS EPI... taginite 12-01-01 24
 RE: *****OFFICIAL SURVIVORBLOWS EPI... Bobbystareyes 12-01-01 25
 RE: *****OFFICIAL SURVIVORBLOWS EPI... VampKira 12-03-01 26

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LadyT 5567 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-26-01, 05:56 PM (EST)
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Oh Sherps, I have been waiting for this, since I didn't watch the ep. Yep I had to watch Friends instead. I loved your summary, as always. You rock

Can you dig the sunshine? Feel the sun and the rays,Can't you feel it calling your name?


Krautboy 2750 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

11-26-01, 06:21 PM (EST)
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Thanks Sherpa, I laughed till I cried, then I had to run to the bathroom...your summary was much better than the real thing.



Sheila 2069 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

11-26-01, 06:59 PM (EST)
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I think this is a great summary! You may not have had a lot to work with but I think you did a good job. I'm going to go back and re-read it because I missed some stuff from laughing about the man who suffocated on elephant dung (god bless him). You really shouldn't put that stuff so close to the beginning!



Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-26-01, 07:37 PM (EST)
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you're right this wasn't the rip-roaringest Episode ever (although hey, you had the Uberspoon and you used it, so shut up about lack of material!) Don't sell yourself short! I didn't at all nod out during your summary.

That elephant dung story was amazing. How the hell did you find it? Psychic? Just knew if you ran a google for elephant and dung you'd find the perfect anecdote? Not to mock the horror of the poor guy's end, but... you should send that to Clarence!

My favorite thing was how you nailed Frank perfectly. I didn't see K-Pax, but I agree Frank was a contender for the lead!

>Frank: What is this brunch you speak of?
>The others explain the novel concept of a pig-out between breakfast and lunch, and he runs off to make a report to his home planet.
>Back at camp, there's a feast. Frank assumes it's this strange brunch custom again and goes to gather wood and file another report with his home planet. He edits his entry about Earth, changing it from "Harmless" to "Mostly harmless."


Then there's Ethan--
>>Also, Ethan drops out at 3:38. He wanted to drop out at 3:10, but his paranoia told him that the food was poisoned, so he gutted it out to save himself from the dreaded pizza.
>>really, with all his paranoia, does anyone else think that just maybe the Blowsvivor stash somehow made its way onto the set?

Yes!!! He he, Burnett is copying us Blowsvivor writers again, but he fails to see you need more than one thoroughly stoned person to work the magic. Although, could Tom really get more incoherent? Ethan's a good start though, and from the promos, maybe next week he's got Lex "smoking" with him...

Paranoia, paranoia, don't let THEM fool you into thinking no one's out to get you...

Bravo, Dave! I love a writer who's real, real jaded with jade green eyes. (The eyes are back, and they've got sleep gunk!)


IceCat 17415 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-26-01, 07:43 PM (EST)
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5. "Der Sheisse-Kopf ist Tot!"
Der elefant tun vertiefung...

Bildschirm an 11:00.

Great summary... to paraphrase whatsername in 'Gerry Maguire'...

... you had me at the elephant enema!

September 11, 2001


I_AM_HE 6123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-26-01, 08:21 PM (EST)
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LAST EDITED ON 11-26-01 AT 08:24 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 11-26-01 AT 08:21 PM (EST)

>>Finally, we see the tribe deciding on a new name. In a clear
>>sign that Lex is in serious trouble, nobody but him can
>>remember the name, but I think it's Mojo Jojo.

lol! nice summary!

but who would watch friends when the TICK is on? UBER-SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!! (hehe, i think i'm gonna make that my sig line ;))

edit because i need to sheepishly ask how to make a sig line


moonbaby 17120 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-26-01, 09:40 PM (EST)
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7. "YAY!"
Oh Sherpie, this was fun! Tell me about the guy who suffocated in the elephant poop again! You took that pile of dung and crafted a very fine summary inDEED! Unfortunately I missed the ep so I'll never know if Frank really did think the produce was worth the trip

AyaK 10426 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-26-01, 10:15 PM (EST)
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8. "Bravo!"
Way to go, Sherpa! Thanks for giving us a second great episode summary. I'm sorry that, like me, DiamondK was on vacation over the holiday, and so we didn't get the closed-caption feed this week ... but I'm glad that you did such a great job without it.

And, for anyone who is interested, we are going to have a summary of the recap show next week ... a week without a summary would be like a week without sunshine!


sleeeve 3456 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

11-27-01, 00:20 AM (EST)
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9. "Bravo!!!"
LAST EDITED ON 11-27-01 AT 00:24 AM (EST)

Excellent job, with not-so-excellent material to build on!!!

Thanks for another wonderful summary!

EDITED to say that I spent about 5 minutes trying to think of another synonym for "amazing" (we have a lot of summaries!!!) and finally decided to put "Bravo"... only to find that AyaK used the exact same thing as the subject of his message...

Well... at least I gave it more exclamation marks

That'll teach me to respond to a summary before reading everyone else's praise... and as they say "great minds think alike".

You never know what might be up my sleeeve...


ItzLisa 3350 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

11-27-01, 06:33 AM (EST)
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10. "YEAH BABY!!!!!"
Sherps pulls another one outta the hat!!! Yaaaaay!!!!

My personal favorites, if I may....

>>Frank: What is this brunch you speak of?

>>Each contestant is strapped to one of the bucket showers and we get to see who among the women has had access to razors.
*** Yeah, that was some nasty pit hair!!!

>>And then… Teresa suddenly thinks she's Andrea McCardle.
*** And I screamed in terror....

>>Ethan drops out at 3:38. He wanted to drop out at 3:10, but his paranoia told him that the food was poisoned, so he gutted it out to save himself from the dreaded pizza.
*** ROFLMAO!!! Perfect!

>>But you've gotta get up pretty early in the morning to fool a stewardess, it seems.
*** Oh, I LOVE that, Sherp!!! Classic!

but what he really needs is his Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator back before he gets very, very angry indeed.
*** Heee heee!!!!

>>Tom announces that pretty much everyone in the tribe gets him all hot and bothered. If he wins this whole damned thing, I'm seriously considering filing a paternity suit.

>>T immediately announces that for some stewardesses, good service doesn't end with a bag of peanuts.
*** Hmmm.... Tina was also a former flight attendent, wasn't she? I'm beginning to think these 40-something Mom's shtooped Burnitt for the million!

>>Elephant (in interview): I don't know what the hell that thing was, but I'm glad I was upwind. The way he was waving his arm behind his ass, he must've let off one serious fart.

>>Frank (in interview): Why doesn't anything on this planet understand Alpha Centaurian Sign Language? I must've told that thing to take me to its leader a dozen times.

***Two of my favorites!!! Excellent!

>>nobody but him can remember the name, but I think it's Mojo Jojo.
*** And of course, you KNEW I'd love that!!!! LOL!!!

>>it looks like Lex might be channeling Toni from "Love Cruise" in the next episode.
*** Can't wait to see that one!!!

Wonderful summary, Sherps!!! Loved every second of it!



PepeLePew13 26140 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-27-01, 06:59 AM (EST)
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Great stuff, Sherps! Not always easy to make lemonade out of elephant dung, but you've done it!

Some of my faves:

>Frank seemed to be a good choice, but with his bow
>skills, that'd be a little like hating Elmer
>Fudd, wouldn't it?

>Brandi: Ding dong, the witch is dead! Which old witch? The
>Lindsey witch! Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead! Mmmm…
>ding dong. Now that she's gone, I just need to
>get rid of Little Bit to move toward my master
>plan of being left alone in the wild with a
>bunch of desperate men.

Knew you'd do the Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead! thing... nice touch there with the "bunch of desperate men" line.

>Lex: Hey, Big Tom. Look what I'm making for you. It's
>an uberspoon for my very own uberspoon! And just like
>the most special part of my uberspoon, it's made outta
>wood. Rowr!


>Clarence: It's male. It's big. It's nasty. It's Tom. Oh, wait.
>It's mail, not male. My bad.

>Upon seeing the new green bandannas, everyone fondly
>remembers Jessie's vomit and they choose the
>Boran camp.

>As the challenge progresses, we see Frank using his limited
>telekinesis to keep the bucket from toppling as he
>waves frantically at it. Stacey Stillman's lawyers
>take notes.

Yep, yep.

>Ethan drops out at 3:38. He wanted to drop out at 3:10,
>but his paranoia told him that the food was poisoned,
>so he gutted it out to save himself from the
>dreaded pizza.

What a man, that Ethan!

>They all do the wave and sing "Na Na Hey Hey Good-Bye."

>Back at camp, there's a feast. Frank assumes it's this strange
>brunch custom again and goes to gather wood and file another
>report with his home planet. He edits his entry about Earth,
>changing it from "Harmless" to "Mostly harmless." Kelly, in
>another interview, comments that Frank needs Prozac, but what
>he really needs is his Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator
>back before he gets very, very angry indeed.

>everyone else voted for CB, and Tom even spelled
>it out this time! Hooked on Phonics really
>does work!

>Fortunately, it looks like Lex might be channeling Toni
>from "Love Cruise" in the next episode.

Yep you got that right.

"Damn you, Carl, for leaving me here with a bunch of misfits."
Frank Garrison, Nov. 1/01


gorudygo 51 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

11-27-01, 07:58 AM (EST)
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12. "Hey, Sherp! Excellent summary!"
I agree that that S3 has only gotten worse in the last few weeks! Oh, well, we can always hope that they'll kill Brandi!

One thing ... in Rock, Paper, Scissors, if T had thrown down rock and Clarence had thrown down paper, Clarence would have won! I think that it was T with paper, and Clare with rock.

Keep watching this crap, so I don't have to!


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-27-01, 09:34 AM (EST)
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13. "RE: Hey, Sherp! Excellent summary!"
Yep, Clarence was the rock, T-Bird had the paper (jeez, are these bozos predictable or what)! Excellent summary, Dave, even with the wee gaffe (just edit in a line about games of chance working opposite on Planet Frank, It'll be fine)! Speaking of Frank, I was wondering what you would do with him this time, you found the perfect take! Bravo!!!


"If all machines were to be annihilated at one moment, so that not a knife nor lever nor rag of clothing nor anything whatsoever were left to man but his bare body alone that he was born with, and if all knowledge of mechanical laws were taken from him so that he could make no more machines, and all machine-made food destroyed so that the race of man should be left as it were naked upon a desert island, we should become extinct in six weeks. A few miserable individuals might linger, but even these in a year or two would become worse than mojowhozits." (Samuel Butler, "Erewhon")


shanana banana 658 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

11-27-01, 10:15 AM (EST)
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SherpaDave, you sell yourself too short --- this was totally hilarious!! All your Frank comments had me rolling on the floor, not to mention the Ethan paranoia line --- really, too much funny stuff to list them all here. You did a fabulous job. Thanks for giving me a big morning laugh to start the day!!

shanana banana


MakeItStop 1098 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

11-27-01, 12:28 PM (EST)
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15. "The eyes are back!"
Great job Dave -- I think you can "pull things out of your ass" with the best of them! Some of the things that I liked were Clarence's endearing chicken taunting, Lindsey the wicked witch, Frank reporting back to his home planet what "brunch" is, the armpit hair, Frank's telekinesis, Ethan's paranoia about poisoness pizza, T's good stewardess skills, Mojo Jojo, and Lex channeling Toni. But my absolute favorite part is:

Elephant (in interview): I don't know what the hell that thing was, but I'm glad I was upwind. The way he was waving his arm behind his ass, he must've let off one serious fart.

Frank (in interview): Why doesn't anything on this planet understand Alpha Centaurian Sign Language? I must've told that thing to take me to its leader a dozen times.



northernlights 5058 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-27-01, 01:05 PM (EST)
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16. "Fantastic Summary Dave!"
>Yeah, that has nothing whatsoever to
>do with the show, but
>it was the first thing
>that popped into my head
>when Clarence said that. Aren't
>you glad I shared?

LMAO - oh ya, so glad you shared!

>Frank: What is this brunch you
>speak of?

Too funny...

>Apparently, Burnit is bored with
>the show, too, because this
>time, Jiffy just tosses everyone
>their new bandannas and tells
>'em to pick a camp.

How lame was that?

>At 36 minutes, Little Bit joins
>the wet t-shirt contest. This
>makes Tom horny, and eight
>minutes later, he's gone.


>Back at camp, there's a feast.
>Frank assumes it's this strange
>brunch custom again and goes
>to gather wood and file
>another report with his home


>but what
>he really needs is his
>Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator
>back before he gets very,
>very angry indeed.

LOLAW (laughing out loud at work)

>Frank attempts to play, and almost
>gives himself away by saying
>"I never will understand these
>strange earth customs." He then
>ambles away to see if
>he can find a more
>intelligent species.

Watching this I was thinking this guy really needs to lighten up a little, maybe let loose. The "alien being" thing kinda explains it though!

>Elephant (in interview): I don't know
>what the hell that thing
>was, but I'm glad I
>was upwind. The way he
>was waving his arm behind
>his ass, he must've let
>off one serious fart.

My thoughts exactly!

>voted for CB, and Tom
>even spelled it out this
>time! Hooked on Phonics really
>does work!


Great job Dave! Your summary rocked!


PepeLePew13 26140 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-28-01, 06:27 AM (EST)
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17. "Bump! "
Giving this a good ol' fashioned Skierdude-style BUMP so that more people may get to enjoy the summary (and avoid missing it, which can happen as we've found out...)

"Damn you, Carl, for leaving me here with a bunch of misfits."
Frank Garrison, Nov. 1/01


anotherkim 14420 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-28-01, 11:20 AM (EST)
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18. "A sh*t story that I will print and save forever,I am so glad you shared.........."
a classic summary with a perfect tie-in to Clarence's crap debacle.

A snoozer episode, no doubt, but you certainly made it 1000 times more entertaining.



Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-28-01, 11:48 AM (EST)
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19. "ROFLMAO!!!!"
If only the real show were half this entertaining...

>Clarence: Damn, that would have to
>be the most embarrassing way
>to die.
>No, Clarence, take a look at

OK, I almost blew soda out of my nose reading this! I will be chuckling about that one all day.

>Back at camp, there's a feast.
>Frank assumes it's this strange
>brunch custom again and goes
>to gather wood and file
>another report with his home
>planet. He edits his entry
>about Earth, changing it from
>"Harmless" to "Mostly harmless." Kelly,
>in another interview, comments that
>Frank needs Prozac, but what
>he really needs is his
>Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator
>back before he gets very,
>very angry indeed.

Love the reference to wonderful books -- Frank will be Frank Prefect in my mind from now on.


Mumbo Jumbo 270 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

11-28-01, 06:55 PM (EST)
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Craptacular summary, Dave (in a nice way), I'm going along with the whole episode theme. The elephant story was perfect, much better than episode, you closet Darwin Award fan, you!

The whole summary was terrific but my favorite parts were Frank's confessing to being from outer space. It explains a lot.

A little game of "I never". I never read a SherpaDave summary that I didn't like.


MandyM 2112 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

11-29-01, 07:04 PM (EST)
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Hey Green Eyes....excellent summary! Especially enjoyed your little elephant/poop aside!

MM "Bed is like the womb, only drier and with better TV reception." - Linda Richman.

annie 8 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

11-30-01, 04:43 PM (EST)
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I'm wiping the tears away as I write this, I was laughing so hard. Love the Elephant (in interview) comment, and all the Frank alien stuff. Hilarious!

samiam 5976 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-01-01, 02:37 AM (EST)
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It was better than "Cats". I laughed, I cried, it became a part of me.
Which part I'll leave you to figure out *grin*

"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."


taginite 222 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

12-01-01, 03:16 AM (EST)
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>>Frank seemed to be a good choice, but with his bow skills, that'd be a little like hating Elmer Fudd, wouldn't it?<<

ooooow... that was wary wary good..

-and i hope that poor german elephant's feeling a little better now2..


Bobbystareyes 142 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

12-01-01, 04:41 AM (EST)
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Sherps...yikes! I didn't realize I hadn't posted. Very good job! I've gotten to know you a bit in chat and really laughed-out-loud at your old dog story...heh. And I'm sorry to hear that he passed away last night...bummer, as we discussed. Pets are really special loving little critters Hang in there!

VampKira 4433 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

12-03-01, 09:47 AM (EST)
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Dave, Dave, Dave.....

Damn! I know I am late in getting here.. but this was DAMN well worth the wait! ROFL!!!!!!

With little to work with, you created a silk purse out of a sow's ear! Thank you! LOL!





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