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"The fourteenth stereotype eliminated"
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zipperhead 3442 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

12-15-06, 11:28 AM (EST)
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"The fourteenth stereotype eliminated"
Let's see how the bootees match the stereotype of their race and gender, and whether or not those qualities cost them.
Fourteenth bootee - Parvati, a white woman.

Stereotypical white woman (as described by your average bigot): vain, nitpicking, overly devoted to the most attractive male available, a hellcat when pushed into a corner and starting the stupidest fights at the most irrational times (I see you all nodding your heads).

How did Parvati rate?
-- She was the most beautiful woman on the island! *sob* Why did she have to go? WHY?!
-- Can't think of any ocassions where she did a lot of nitpicking.
-- She would have done better to schmooze Yul during their little reward. Instead, she went with Ozzie - who is not the person in the power position.
-- Yul did say that she was tougher than he thought during challenges. One point.
-- Parvati really didn't start many fights. Which is funny, considering the fact that she is a "boxer".

New Point generator
-- Parvati was white, but she is not a white man. Half point for the secret gender modifier on this scale.

Darn. Parvati was only a 2.5 on a scale of 6. I had been hoping that I could prove that the last six or seven players were pretty close to their stereotypes. We'll just have to wait and see how the others fare on Sunday.


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 RE: The fourteenth stereotype elimi... bullzeye 12-15-06 1

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bullzeye 5030 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-15-06, 07:38 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: The fourteenth stereotype eliminated"
Just popping in to say that in spite of the clear "PC uncorrectness" of these threads, I sure get a kick out of them....thanks z.

A birthday present from Tribe



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