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"S9 Gufu Award: Week 4"
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dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-08-04, 02:22 AM (EST)
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"S9 Gufu Award: Week 4"
I want a Dah, I want a Dah!

Much improved episode this time, things are starting to look up. But we have gufus to spear, and even the small ones should be you know. Look soon (like before the next episode sometime) for the appearance of the season-long whatever-I-decide-to-call-it reclaim and tally thread. And those of you wondering about the S8 final vote, I'll get to that soon, but it looks like #9 is a runaway hit!

Skip the rest if you already understand the rules.

Gufus Are: dangdumb game moves.

Contestant Gufus: As before, you have two votes each week for Contestant Gufus. You can make these for whatever you like that can be blamed on the contestants, whatever dumbdumb things they've done that you think gufuworthy! You may cast your votes for gufus others have already brought up, or make new gufu observations. Each week's Contestant Gufus with the highest vote totals will be voted on at the end of the season to determine the ultimate winner.

Production Gufus: You have one Production Gufu nomination which you may make each week. Production Gufus are for all the things that can be blamed on production (rather, not on the contestants but on the producers, directors, camera operators, sound technicians, film editors, promo copy writers, etc.). Once that nomination has been made that Production Gufu will go into the pool to be voted on at the end of the season, so don't waste your nomination on something that has already been nominated!

Honorable Mentions: You may make as many Contestant and Production honorable mentions as you wish. These won't count as votes or nominations, but you won't be wasting your time by speaking your mind!

Seconds: You have one Second each week which you may cast. Like that Honorable Mention Contestant or Production Gufu someone else came up with but you've already made your votes and nomination for the week? Well, second it, and that Honorable Mention plus Second will count as a vote or nomination. Who knows, maybe someone will second one of your honorable mentions. One Second per week, no use if used on a vote or nomination, only useful on an honorable mention, don't waste it.

Discussions: This is a bashing thread not an official voting thread! Respond to anything you wish to respond to here, just don't be getting into any fights about it, I'm cool with that.



  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: S9 Gufu Award: Week 4 rasslinmomma 10-08-04 1
 RE: S9 Gufu Award: Week 4 Oscirus 10-08-04 2
 RE: S9 Gufu Award: Week 4 dabo 10-12-04 3
 RE: S9 Gufu Award: Week 4 Femme 10-12-04 4
 RE: S9 Gufu Award: Week 4 RollDdice 10-13-04 5
 RE: S9 Gufu Award: Week 4 MattyMax 10-13-04 6
   RE: S9 Gufu Award: Week 4 Dakota 10-14-04 7

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Messages in this topic

rasslinmomma 938 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

10-08-04, 07:38 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: S9 Gufu Award: Week 4"
Contestant GUFU of the week has to go to the Lopevi men for not working together on the immunity challenge. They didn't trust the man they placed in charge of calling, thus all began giving orders. Their loss of a member was a direct result.

Production GUFU for two puzzle challenges in one episode. Don't be so obvious when you try to stack the cards in the girl's favor, mkay? Can you say boredom? I knew you could.

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004


Oscirus 1596 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

10-08-04, 04:18 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: S9 Gufu Award: Week 4"
Gufu#1 Putting someone as a caller who you didnt trust enough to listen to

production gufu
Memory group challenge should never ever be used all that does is stack the deck in the favor of the second team.


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-12-04, 10:59 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: S9 Gufu Award: Week 4"
Contestant Gufu #1: Lopevi boot Brady not Rory.

Contestant Gufu #2: Lopevi at IC#4, pa-thet-ic.

Honorable Mention: Brady's fishes aren't used as bait.

Honorable Mention: Eliza calls Lisa the b-word.


Femme 3621 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

10-12-04, 01:51 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: S9 Gufu Award: Week 4"
Contestant Gufu 1: The "Fat Five" vote off yet another strong guy, thus relegating themselves to having a weaker tribe at the merge, and thus more susceptible to losing to the number's game. Nothing says killing your lone advantage over the women (favored in this rotten game by carefully crafted challenges) by voting out Brady... or John P... or Brook. At least keep one of them. Duh.

Contestant Gufu 2: Eliza allows herself to become aghast at Lisa's vote. First of all, Eliza did the very same thing at the previous tribal council, so she should understand the value of Lisa's move. Second, it's a freakin' game; acting like a spoiled brat cry-baby is a certain way to seal your fate as the next cast-off.

Honorable Mention: Lopevi chooses Rory, but doesn't listen to him.

Honorable Mention: Rory sucks at leading his tribe... and at puzzles, apparently.

Production Gufu: Allowing Jeff to affect game outcome with well-placed, omniscient questions and comments at tribal. Entertaining as it is, it's not his game.


"Shock me, shock me, shock me with your deviant behavior."


RollDdice 5949 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-13-04, 03:38 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: S9 Gufu Award: Week 4"
Dabo, great GUFU and very smart observations, but will you permit me a small correction...?

This is a videotaped show, not filmed. If it was a film show, we would be seeing one episode per month if we were lucky.

/mini rant from former VT editor

Mark "Bored Out Of My Gourd" Burnett


MattyMax 515 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-13-04, 10:12 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: S9 Gufu Award: Week 4"
Lopevi Men for abysmal IC performance. This is for IMMUNITY. They ALL screwed up. Even if rory didn't know it, and none of them could figure it out, none of them looked over to see what the women were doing! all of the women were like 'diagonal, diagonal'



Dakota 5819 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-14-04, 07:25 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: S9 Gufu Award: Week 4"
Once again, I'm late. Once again, it's because of a computer crash. So I moped, I b!tched, then I did Norton, then I uninstalled, then I installed, then I installed some more, then I got a modem setup, then I checked all that e-mail, then I got here, thinking I had already voted for Kerry, uh, I mean, GUFU.

1. Lopevi voting out another strong player when they are already losing their shirts. Besides, he was SOOOOO good to look at, even dirty, sweaty and mopey. Better with his shirt off and I really wanted to call Lopevi the Brady Bunch.

2. Lopevi losing another challenge because of too many Alpha Males and not a lick of teamwork, except when it comes to dismantling the tribe.

Honorable mention: Yasur's alliance that isn't an alliance. Seems more like a caucus. Jeesh!

Two puzzle (read: mental) games in one week. And as someone mentioned, the memory game favors the 2nd team.



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