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"S1 Gufu Award: Eps 1, 2, 3"
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dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-06-02, 12:08 PM (EST)
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"S1 Gufu Award: Eps 1, 2, 3"

Friends, it is time to begin the process of determining which gufus from S1 and S2 will join the S3 winner (Silas' Strategy Proposal! from S3ep4) and S4 winner (Rotu 4 Reveal Boot Order at IC8! from S4ep8) as Ultimate Gufus! How this will work overall, I'm hoping to have all the nomination/voting threads up by mid July, and the voting will remain open on all of these threads until the Final Vote threads are started sometime in August. Each of these nomination/voting threads will cover three or two episodes, so I would also ask that animations and sigpics be kept to a minimum (not saying don't use them, just requesting that you not use a multitude of them on these threads).

Okay, the Gufu Award was established to determine the dangdumbest game move in Survivordum. You will have two nomination/votes per episode (which may only be used for that episode). So, refresh your memories by following the links supplied below, and take your time if you wish (this is a summer project, don't worry about beating the deadline, let's have fun!).

Very Important: Do Not Reply to This Post! I will be starting three reply posts, one for each episode covered in this thread, and you should reply to each of those posts only with your nomination/votes for that episode. Actually, if you have any questions, post those as replies to this post, that's cool, but please have a little pity on der Gufumeister here by keeping things clean and neat for me. It's okay to respond in reply to what others post if you have any additional observations you would like to make, but remember please that none of this stuff is worth fighting over. Okay, the links:

episode 1
episode 2
episode 3

And if anyone would like to volunteer to help out in this project (by posting a nomination/vote thread or two when I cannot, in order to keep this project on schedule), email me please.


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Episode 1 Nomination/Votes dabo 06-06-02 1
   RE: Episode 1 Nomination/Votes Bebo 06-06-02 5
   RE: Episode 1 Nomination/Votes PepeLePew13 06-06-02 6
       RE: Episode 1 Nomination/Votes PepeLePew13 06-06-02 7
   RE: Episode 1 Nomination/Votes Survivorerist 06-06-02 11
       RE: Episode 1 Nomination/Votes dabo 06-07-02 16
   RE: Episode 1 Nomination/Votes Swami 06-07-02 14
 Episode 2 Nomination/Votes dabo 06-06-02 2
   RE: Episode 2 Nomination/Votes PepeLePew13 06-06-02 4
       RE: Episode 2 Nomination/Votes J Slice 06-07-02 18
   RE: Episode 2 Nomination/Votes spartan 06-06-02 9
   RE: Episode 2 Nomination/Votes Survivorerist 06-06-02 10
   RE: Episode 2 Nomination/Votes Swami 06-07-02 15
   RE: Episode 2 Nomination/Votes dabo 06-07-02 17
   Add another vote for Beebs Bebo 06-10-02 20
 Episode 3 Nomination/Votes dabo 06-06-02 3
   RE: Episode 3 Nomination/Votes PepeLePew13 06-06-02 8
   RE: Episode 3 Nomination/Votes Survivorerist 06-06-02 12
   RE: Episode 3 Nomination/Votes Drive My Car 06-07-02 13
       RE: Episode 3 Nomination/Votes dabo 06-07-02 19
   RE: Episode 3 Nomination/Votes Bebo 06-10-02 21

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dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-06-02, 12:11 PM (EST)
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1. "Episode 1 Nomination/Votes"
Please post here only your episode 1 observations.

Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-06-02, 02:01 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Episode 1 Nomination/Votes"
I vote for Stacey's attempt to start the woman's alliance. She set herself up and alienated herself from the start.

Even ruder and snottier as the years go by. Let's add mean, horrible, nasty witch while we're at it. Got it down to a science.

Card-carrying member of the PGSA

Carolina Hurricanes - Eastern Conference Champions
Bedeviled NJ, nabbed the Habs, and raked the Leafs!


PepeLePew13 26140 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-06-02, 02:09 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Episode 1 Nomination/Votes"
It's a shame that Dicque won or we'd have a slam-dunk winner for this episode with his imitation of a tree and refusal to help set up camp -- not to mention his group therapy attempt blowing up in his face. Of course, since he won it all, he can't really be in the running for any Gufu Awards.


PepeLePew13 26140 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-06-02, 02:11 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Episode 1 Nomination/Votes"
LAST EDITED ON 06-06-02 AT 02:13 PM (EST)

Since we're looking for gufu nominations, though, how about Ramona's barfing up a storm after guzzling some sea-water -- this exposed her as a weaker person and she couldn't shake the label as a lazy person as labelled by others, and this ultimately led to her ousting 3 episodes later when she was still feeling nauseasous. A poor job of hiding her sickness.


Survivorerist 4103 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

06-06-02, 10:45 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Episode 1 Nomination/Votes"
LAST EDITED ON 06-06-02 AT 10:46 PM (EST)

Vote 1: Support Pepe's vote of Richard's tree stunt.

Vote 2: Sonja trips at IC. I know, not really her fault. But it was a crucial mistake.

edited to remove sigpic


Survivorerist - Oh where oh where did my sig pic go?


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-07-02, 10:10 AM (EST)
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16. "RE: Episode 1 Nomination/Votes"
LAST EDITED ON 06-07-02 AT 11:11 AM (EST)

First, Sir E, you didn't need to remove your sigpic, but thank you for the consideration. I don't want peeps to not use their sigs, I just want to have them limited (ie. people like me with a collection should please limit their usage on these thresds; it's mainly a question of download time). Second, I had a tough time picking only two gufus for this episode, such a good batch to select from!

Vote 1: Hatch Goes Out on a Limb. He had the entire situation misread when he climbed out on that limb and tried to implement his strategy (which was smart but ill-timed) and then when it became obvious it wasn't working instead of getting into the program with the rest of Tagi by throwing in to do his share of the work, he stayed there trying to rethink his game plan. He got damn lucky not to be the first one voted out, lucky that Sonja messed up at the IC and made a target of herself, lucky that Stacey's chicks alliance didn't work for Sue, and lucky that Stacey tried to target Rudy instead of himself (which Sue might have gone along with). Honorable mention to Stacey's chicks alliance; pretty good idea that alliance thing, but she blew it by making it gender-based rather than weighing individual merit and potential contribution as the criteria upon which to base who to cultivate into an alliance.

Vote 2: BB's Stubborn Leadership. The guy hit the ground intent on proving himself an indispensible workhorse who knew what he was doing, and it took him no time at all to essentially isolate himself within his tribe by messing up at the social aspects of the game. Sure, he knew what he was doing when it came to constructing the hut, but why wouldn't a construction guy from the mountains be willing to listen when someone with some beach experience tries to clue him in about that all important location location location! Still, I liked and admired the guy, so kudos to him for keeping it in check when the Pagong of Five decided to act like the whole thing was pretty much a vacation.


Swami 5885 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-07-02, 09:31 AM (EST)
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14. "RE: Episode 1 Nomination/Votes"
This is the only episode of Survivor I have never seen, so I'm going on the summary here. I'm also having problems (like in my S2 gufu votes) deciding because knowing the outcome really changes my perceptions. Didn't think it would, but it does. That said, here are my two nominations:

1. Richard makes himself a target by not helping set-up camp, and by trying to act like a 'facilitator' instead of a peer.

2. BB's stubborn insistance on where/how to construct the shelter, & brushing off advice--especially Gretchen's.



dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-06-02, 12:13 PM (EST)
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2. "Episode 2 Nomination/Votes"
Please post here only your episode 2 observations.

PepeLePew13 26140 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-06-02, 01:48 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Episode 2 Nomination/Votes"
This one's pretty easy in my mind... BB's soaking of his filthy T-shirt in the cooking water of the tribe. It got his stubborn ass booted.


J Slice 13166 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-07-02, 11:04 AM (EST)
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18. "RE: Episode 2 Nomination/Votes"
::supports Pepe::

BB's shirt in the water was pretty stupid... that and his loss of temper and being a complete control freak...

I'm done now.


WOOHOO! Hopkins here I come! (RCDS class of '02!)


spartan 280 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

06-06-02, 04:47 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Episode 2 Nomination/Votes"
Shamefully, I missed the first episode so BB's laundry day was my first introduction to moronic players. BB get's an easy vote from me.


Survivorerist 4103 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

06-06-02, 10:43 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Episode 2 Nomination/Votes"
LAST EDITED ON 06-06-02 AT 10:45 PM (EST)

Vote 1: I support Pepe's vote of B.B.'s laundry thing.

Vote 2: B.B. makes his tribe work, calling them lazy. Built up resentment in his tribe, who just wanted to chill. It doesn't matter who was right or wrong, because ultimately it is the group who decides.

edited to remove sig pic


Survivorerist - Oh where oh where did my sig pic go?


Swami 5885 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-07-02, 09:43 AM (EST)
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15. "RE: Episode 2 Nomination/Votes"
1. BB's arrogant tshirt washing.

2. Stacey keeps mouthing off & rolling her eyes, antagonizing other Tagi. After trying to start her own alliance, she seems oblivious to the idea that she might herself be targeted by those she ticked off.



dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-07-02, 10:46 AM (EST)
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17. "RE: Episode 2 Nomination/Votes"
Vote 1: BB Implodes His Own Game Plan! The guy just couldn't handle it that he was stuck with a bunch of vacationing slackers, he should have just let it slide off his back. His strong suit was that he liked to keep busy, he should have just settled down and played to his own strengths, but instead he just got fed up that the majority of Pagong weren't following his lead, and he started acting up. Dumb dumb dumb.

Vote 2: Gervase's Performance at IC2! Not a bad strategy trying to be the life of the party and so on, but Immunity Challenges need to be taken seriously in this game, that's no time to screw around. A million bucks on the line and you make a spectacle of yourself because you don't like what's on the plate that's been set before you? Well, okay, they were bugs, but sometimes in life you do have to just steel yourself and choke it down. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, as the Duke used to say. (That said, it was pretty funny to watch, though.)


Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-10-02, 11:36 AM (EST)
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20. "Add another vote for Beebs"
Yup, the shirt. Gotta be the shirt.

dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-06-02, 12:15 PM (EST)
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3. "Episode 3 Nomination/Votes"
Please post here only your episode 3 observations.

PepeLePew13 26140 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-06-02, 02:22 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Episode 3 Nomination/Votes"
Stacey's a walking gufu. Her princess prima-donna attitude, eye-rolling, snippy comments and opinions, and laziness all contributed to her getting the boot. It didn't help, either, when upon getting booted, she asked "to where?" when told it was time to go. To Hell, that's where, Stacey!


Survivorerist 4103 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

06-06-02, 10:49 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Episode 3 Nomination/Votes"
Vote 1: Gervase can't swim. You still did well though, despite this, and I can't help but admire that.

Vote 2: Stacey's "You changed your vote" comment. Sorry, this just bugs me more than anything else she did.


Survivorerist - Oh where oh where did my sig pic go?


Drive My Car 20045 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-07-02, 02:01 AM (EST)
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13. "RE: Episode 3 Nomination/Votes"
* Ramona Barfing ( she was sick or sleeping all episode)

I hope this was in ep 3 , it was 2 yrs ago.



dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-07-02, 11:24 AM (EST)
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19. "RE: Episode 3 Nomination/Votes"
LOL! Was there an episode in which she wasn't sick as could be! Yeah, I think episode 3 was the one where she totally "blew chow" so to speak.

Vote 1: Tagi's Performance at IC3! Well, Kelly was up a tree, and Stacey was the trailblazer, but the other five stumbled around in the jungle like they wanted to lose that immunity. Who knows, maybe they did, but I doubt it.

Vote 2: Stacey's (so hard to pick just one) Performance At TC3! She had pretty much made herself a big target by her attitude and inability to reposition herself within the tribe (though she did try), her last chance was to deflect the vote if possible onto someone else. But mainly she just got into a defensive position which just sealed her fate. What did she have to lose at that point? Sometimes you need to put up an offense or just watch your game go down in flames.


Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-10-02, 11:37 AM (EST)
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21. "RE: Episode 3 Nomination/Votes"
Stacey thinking that winning the bug challenge the last ep would save her sorry backside.


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