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"The house that self-righteoness built (or didn't)"
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Jonnycumlately 206 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

03-21-02, 00:58 AM (EST)
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"The house that self-righteoness built (or didn't)"
Sean, a history lesson. When you have a chance to win money on a game show, combined with the fact that you were, you know, not forced to do this show in the first place it is not "slavery." Let me add that in order to be doing "slave labor" you'd actually have to do a little something called labor (Why oh why aren't abolitionist drawing up Sean's emancipation papers?) Just thought you'd like to know, being a TEACHER and all.

Oh and diatribe police? Arrest the sanctimonious brotha! For he has commited the crime of impersonating a tired, moldy stereotype that was already played out by the first Real World without a license: The Angry Black Man (although kudos to Sean for using his oh-so "righteous" indignation over petty things that even Johnny Cochran and the NAACP wouldn't try to justify. Bigger kudos to Maladjusted Black Pissant for juxtaposing Sean's slavery comments with him commenting on what a good woman Tammy is because she served him food. And they say irony is dead?)


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: The house that self-righteoness... samiam 03-21-02 1
 RE: The house that self-righteoness... ConningOfficer 03-21-02 2
 RE: The house that self-righteoness... PepeLePew13 03-21-02 3
   RE: The house that self-righteoness... SurvivinDawg 03-21-02 4
       RE: The house that self-righteoness... Cin 03-21-02 5
           RE: The house that self-righteoness... SurvivinDawg 03-21-02 6
               RE: The house that self-righteoness... Cin 03-21-02 7
               RE: The house that self-righteoness... FesterFan1 03-21-02 8
               RE: The house that self-righteoness... starshyn99 03-21-02 9
       RE: The house that self-righteoness... Fast Eddie 03-21-02 10
       RE: The house that self-righteoness... Jonnycumlately 03-22-02 13
 RE: The house that self-righteoness... Fast Eddie 03-21-02 11
 RE: The house that self-righteoness... kiki_k 03-21-02 12
   RE: The house that self-righteoness... katttywoman 03-22-02 14
 RE: The house that self-righteoness... friedheine 03-23-02 15
 RE: The house that self-righteoness... Dianetic 03-26-02 16
   RE: The house that self-righteoness... aymelek 03-26-02 17

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samiam 5976 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-21-02, 01:22 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: The house that self-righteoness built (or didn't)"
Well, it's also not quite slave labor when you're working for a roof over your OWN miserable head, and a fire to warm your OWN miserable ass, and food to feed your OWN noisehole. SEAN just has a problem doing it for anyone other than SEAN. Glad he doesn't teach kindergarten, doesn't look like he's got the hang of that "sharing" thing.

"Yeah, I'm telling you...this is SO unfair, I mean, I gotta do all this work, just like everyone else is...I actually had to break a SWEAT today, and that is SO wrong. And yes, Tammy, I WOULD like cracked pepper, thank you. Wait, it's BLACK pepper?! Why you gotta be crackin' the BLACK peppercorns?! You are SO racist."

Give it up, Sean. I don't buy the persona you're playing out any more than I buy Rob as da Godfaddah (although, right now, faddah is kinda appropriate to his position in the tribe).

some people wear their heart upon their sleeeve...i wear mine underneath my right pant leg strapped to my boot -- ani difranco


ConningOfficer 585 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

03-21-02, 08:02 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: The house that self-righteoness built (or didn't)"
The only possible explanation that comes into my head for Sean's moronic comments is the theory that he knows that he's going to lose, so he's grandstanding as much as possible in order to lengthen his 15 minutes.

The thought that he is a teacher scares me - such a skewed worldview has to come through in his lessons.

Sean, give up the indignation - nobody ever solved any problem by throwing a temper tantrum. Maybe an intelligent, back-and-forth discussion with your tribemates would re-establish your credibility before your impending return to society.


PepeLePew13 26140 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-21-02, 08:11 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: The house that self-righteoness built (or didn't)"
It says a lot that even Vecepia wanted to distance herself as far away from Sean's comments and issues as possible.

Could anyone be even dumber than Sean? Instead of trying to win over his new tribemates and perhaps showing that he's more deserving to stay than, let's say, Robert, he just gives up and goes off on a lengthy rant to completely and absolutely destroy what little chance he had of lengthening his stay in the game? His behaviour towards Tammy and his comments about John were absolutely disgraceful.

Would somebody just throw a bunch of eels on him and get him airlifted out of the game? Pronto. Please.


SurvivinDawg 6816 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-21-02, 08:24 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: The house that self-righteoness built (or didn't)"
Instead of trying to win over his new tribemates and perhaps showing that he's more deserving to stay than, let's say, Robert, he just gives up and goes off on a lengthy rant to completely and absolutely destroy what little chance he had of lengthening his stay in the game?

Can we please be totally, brutally honest about this? As soon as the switch happened, Sean and Rob's game was OVER. They had (and have) ***NO***, let me say that again ***NO*** chance of continuing unless a true "Act of God" comes in and wipes out everyone else.

How in the hell is Sean going to win over people that have been together for over a week, have bonded, and just got some of their family ripped away from them? He doesn't know them at all, how is he going to convince them to keep him instead of Robert when he doesn't know that Robert is weak or strong?

I do think he went overboard with the way he chose to handle it, and the comments he made were not the best avenue of approach (can I understate THAT any better?). But I don't disagree with him: Rotu was a labor camp when it didn't need to be.

And Sean has made it clear from Day 1 that he does not kiss @$$, and he has suited his deeds to his words. I can't fault him for THAT.

Bottom line: this just goes back to the fact that MB is the stupid one and goofed up royally with this switch. Call MB stupid, not Sean.

*** Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


Cin 843 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

03-21-02, 09:31 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: The house that self-righteoness built (or didn't)"
I disagree with you Dawg!

Sean COULD have had a chance if they make it to the merge. He "looks" strong (he hasn't actually done any work for us to see it) and he could go on a big immunity run. His final comment when voteing Hunter out was "this game is about outwitting" or somthing to that effect. He sure seems to be using his wits by telling his new tribe who outnumbers him to basically kiss his ass.

Rotu is NOT a labor camp! They just want to insure that they have food and a nice living enviroment. They don't have an abundance of fruit and actually have to go find their food. Sean can ##### all he wants about his being a "slave" and what not, but HELLOOOOOOOO isn't he the one laying around while the white girl brings him food? Wasn't he one of the ones who said "tammy is good as long as she keeps serving him?" What kinda of comment was that?

He is a loser! He was a loser before the twist and he's an even bigger one now! The game is called Survivor for a reason, if he wanted a vacation he should have tried out for Temptation Island, then he'd have been able to sit on his ass all day if he'd have liked.

I would personally love to see them shun Sean and Rob and make them do for themselves and see how long they last.



SurvivinDawg 6816 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-21-02, 10:03 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: The house that self-righteoness built (or didn't)"
I disagree with you Dawg!

Good! Makes for better horse racing.

Rotu is NOT a labor camp! They just want to insure that they have food and a nice living enviroment.

I may have been a bit harsh in my terminology to bring home my point. The point I wanted to make was that IMHO (and only IMHO) Rotu seems to be going a little crazy with it. Even Vecepia commented on how the Rotu's were like "worker ants". And I don't think Vee is lazy like Rob or Sean (or Sarah) are. And yes, Rob and Sean are certainly not putting forth their best effort.

Sean COULD have had a chance if they make it to the merge. He "looks" strong (he hasn't actually done any work for us to see it) and he could go on a big immunity run.

I think my whole point here is that Sean (and Rob) stand virtually no chance of making it to that Merge BECAUSE of the switch and the conditions into which they were placed. When the Rotu's figure out that they can throw challenges and vote these two guys off, it's over for them. With just three Maraamu's going into the Rotu camp, even if they worked their @$$es off they are the Rotu targets!!! Let me put it this way: If HUNTER had not been voted off and it was HUNTER and Rob now in Rotu, HUNTER would still be a target and likely be voted off by the Rotus.

*** Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


Cin 843 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

03-21-02, 10:17 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: The house that self-righteoness built (or didn't)"

I think my whole point here
is that Sean (and Rob)
stand virtually no chance of
making it to that Merge
BECAUSE of the switch and
the conditions into which they
were placed.

I think they could have made a chance to make it to the merge if they'd have tried to get along better with the original Rotu's. From the previews it seems the Rotu's may not be on the same page with alliances so the best thing they could have done is waited 3 days and scope the camp out, and try to get along and form bonds with these new people.

Let me put it
this way: If HUNTER
had not been voted off
and it was HUNTER and
Rob now in Rotu, HUNTER
would still be a target
and likely be voted off
by the Rotus.

Maybe, Maybe not. You see Hunter actually had a semi-likable personality. Sean and Rob are very abrasive. Sure Hunter would be a personal immunity threat, but I'm pretty sure he would NOT have caused waves in the new Rotu tribe.

Sure Sean and Rob got screwed with the twist, but they also screwed themselves by not trying to bond with the original Rotu's. I am almost positive if MooMoo goes to TC again, it will be Kathy they vote off and not Gina.

I get what your saying Dawg, but those two stupid asses didn't even give themselves a chance, Sean is basically giving up.



FesterFan1 5947 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-21-02, 10:23 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: The house that self-righteoness built (or didn't)"
While it's true that Sean and Rob didn't stand a realistic chance to win the mil, I would disagree that they couldn't improve their lot.

They actually caught a minor break in getting shipped off to Rotu. They came from a tribe that had lost every challenge to date, and had an outside shot at going into the merge with only 2 members remaining. After the switch, they are members of a tribe that is ridiculously stronger than the one they left, and judging by last night's IC efforts, a hell of a lot smarter (they figured out who to sit out, didn't they?).

Now there is an even larger possibility that Rotu could sweep the pre-merge IC's. Just by making the merge, they would be walking away with more prize money. Instead, Sean opts to slit his own throat, and now Rotu will probably tank the next 2 IC's to get rid of Thing 1 and Thing 2. Sean just screwed himself and Rob out of a larger prize. I guess it's asking too much of Sean to think past the moment, though.

It's fine by me, he deserves a 13th place share more than a 10th place or better share.



starshyn99 174 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

03-21-02, 10:24 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: The house that self-righteoness built (or didn't)"
I disagree with you Dawg on one point. Sean or Rob could have still made the merge and they had about the same chance as they did before. They blew it though.

At least 2 Maras will make the merge and all they had to do was go with the flow (not kiss up, just be worth a damn) and they had a chance of being the two because they look strong and look like they could contribute. But no, they had to go and place two big ol' bullseyes on their own heads by being lazy jerks. I never liked them before, but I almost lost my Cheerios when I heard them talking so nasty about the Rotu people and whining constantly.

Also, I wonder what kind of record Sean's basketball team that he coaches has if he is teaching them - if it looks like you may lose, just give up. That's a great lession.


Fast Eddie 625 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

03-21-02, 10:33 AM (EST)
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10. "RE: The house that self-righteoness built (or didn't)"
>Can we please be totally, brutally
>honest about this? As
>soon as the switch happened,
>Sean and Rob's game was

Their game was over when *they* voted out Hunter. From there on, they had almost no chance of winning an IC. BAsed on the rules as they knew them, that would eventually mean an 8-2 merge. Assuming the 2 were Sean & Rob, what chance did they have?

>How in the hell is Sean
>going to win over people
>that have been together for
>over a week, have bonded,
>and just got some of
>their family ripped away from
>them? He doesn't know
>them at all, how is
>he going to convince them
>to keep him instead of
>Robert when he doesn't know
>that Robert is weak or

He could have tried working, to show that he can be an asset. Seems to be working for V.


Jonnycumlately 206 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

03-22-02, 02:41 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: The house that self-righteoness built (or didn't)"
Yeah but one of the most annoying things a game show contestants can do is be a big pussy and and just adpopt some defeatist attitude (especially if they wrap said attitude around a blanket of self-deluded entitlement. And especially if that person is a TEACHER, who's suppose to inspire his charges.) Indeed, paradoxically, Bruh'man expected other people to wait on him and serve him (if he really just "gave up" then he really shouldn't be eating thier food, much less have have a woman serve it to him) Yeah Sean, that's EXACTLY have slavery was for us Black folk.

Speaking of which, as a watcher of The Real World I know that nothing brings an episode to a screeching halt faster than he who plays the race card. Meaning that even if the above argument were true, Sean did not have to go there. He didn't just cross a line, he threw up all over it (tm Marge Simpson.)


Fast Eddie 625 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

03-21-02, 10:37 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: The house that self-righteoness built (or didn't)"
I have to admit, the last few days I've been feeling kind of bad over how hard most people (myself included) have come down on Sean. It's not fair to take a few quick remarks out of context to label the guy as a racist.

But now I'm feeling bad... about having felt bad. I think this last episode surely dispelled any doubt about this jerk.


kiki_k 1444 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

03-21-02, 05:36 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: The house that self-righteoness built (or didn't)"
LAST EDITED ON 03-21-02 AT 05:36 PM (EST)

It also isn't "slavery" when EVERY ONE is working -- in the slave days, the slaves did all the work while the "white man" sat on his porch sipping mint juleps -- Sean acts like every one else wants to make him do all the work while they sit around lazing about the place. And his and Rob's comments about the women! Disgusting pigs -- I'll be glad when they are both gone, although I, too, am getting a little sick of the love fest on Rotu.


katttywoman 160 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

03-22-02, 03:24 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: The house that self-righteoness built (or didn't)"
>It also isn't "slavery" when EVERY
>ONE is working -- in
>the slave days, the slaves
>did all the work while
>the "white man" sat on
>his porch sipping mint juleps

I thought of the very exact same thing! In order for there to be slave labor, there has to be a master that is NOT WORKING!!!! And the only one that is not working is SEAN!!! Of course, neither is Rob. Neither one of these idiots have done a damn thing to help, and they are slowly killing themselves. But hey, I'm enjoying it! I can't wait to see both of those
sh!theads get kicked out so hard that they go flying into one of the neighboring cliffs and their brains splatter all over the place. Oh wait, in order for that to happen, you actually have to have brains in the first place. My mistake.

Sean and Rob, both of you can just go and fuuck off.



friedheine 58 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

03-23-02, 11:58 AM (EST)
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15. "RE: The house that self-righteoness built (or didn't)"
LAST EDITED ON 03-23-02 AT 12:04 PM (EST)

ALL VERY WELL STATED. Also remember the Angry Black Man Without A Cause from "Big Brother One". Destined to become world-famous.........Uhhhhhhh, what was his name again??????


Dianetic 618 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

03-26-02, 04:30 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: The house that self-righteoness built (or didn't)"
Since Sean is convinced that he is somehow being exposed to some kind of "slave labor" the Rotu tribe should pull a joke on him and tell him if he doesn't get to work they are going to sell him to the Maramu tribe for a basket of fruit and some pretty shells.

aymelek 1220 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

03-26-02, 08:16 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: The house that self-righteoness built (or didn't)"
A basket of fruit AND pretty shells...? That's highway ROBBERY!! For the shells, the'd have to throw Rob in, otherwise that's just stealing!



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