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"Rush admits painkiller addiction"
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kiki_k 1444 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

10-10-03, 05:26 PM (EST)
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"Rush admits painkiller addiction"
Since Rush has been quite the topic of conversation around here lately, thought I would share this from (you have to pay membership to read, so I cut and pasted it, in case a link didn't work). Funny about the timing, huh? I mean, the same week we learn he is beig investigated, he admits his addiction and enters rehab. . .

The following is a transcript from Rush Limbaugh's Friday radio show:

"You know I have always tried to be honest with you and open about my life. So I need to tell you today that part of what you have heard and read is correct. I am addicted to prescription pain medication.

"I first started taking prescription painkillers some years ago when my doctor prescribed them to treat post surgical pain following spinal surgery. Unfortunately, the surgery was unsuccessful and I continued to have severe pain in my lower back and also in my neck due to herniated discs. I am still experiencing that pain. Rather than opt for additional surgery for these conditions, I chose to treat the pain with prescribed medication. This medication turned out to be highly addictive.

"Over the past several years I have tried to break my dependence on pain pills and, in fact, twice checked myself into medical facilities in an attempt to do so. I have recently agreed with my physician about the next steps.

"Immediately following this broadcast, I am checking myself into a treatment center for the next 30 days to once and for all break the hold this highly addictive medication has on me. The show will continue during this time, of course, with an array of guest hosts you have come to know and respect.

"I am not making any excuses. You know, over the years athletes and celebrities have emerged from treatment centers to great fanfare and praise for conquering great demons. They are said to be great role models and examples for others. Well, I am no role model. I refuse to let anyone think I am doing something great here, when there are people you never hear about, who face long odds and never resort to such escapes. They are the role models. I am no victim and do not portray myself as such. I take full responsibility for my problem.

"At the present time, the authorities are conducting an investigation, and I have been asked to limit my public comments until this investigation is complete. So I will only say that the stories you have read and heard contain inaccuracies and distortions, which I will clear up when I am free to speak about them.

"I deeply appreciate all your support over this last tumultuous week. It has sustained me. I ask now for your prayers. I look forward to resuming our excursion into broadcast excellence together."

compliments of GeorgiaBelle

Beauty Product Queen of the Boards and a fancy girl to boot!


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Two Thoughts Devious Weasel 10-10-03 1
 RE: Rush admits painkiller addictio... anotherkim 10-10-03 2
 RE: Rush admits painkiller addictio... LadyT 10-10-03 3
   RE: Rush admits painkiller addictio... ginger 10-10-03 4
   Just curious KeithFan 10-11-03 6
 RE: Rush admits painkiller addictio... TechNoir 10-10-03 5
   Tech Ditto ashleybfogg 10-11-03 7
   RE: Rush admits painkiller addictio... AugustGirl 10-11-03 8
   RE: Rush admits painkiller addictio... Drive My Car 10-11-03 9
       No compassion at all bacon 10-12-03 10

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Devious Weasel 18756 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-10-03, 05:37 PM (EST)
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1. "Two Thoughts"
LAST EDITED ON 10-10-03 AT 05:37 PM (EST)

First, there are a whole host of Rush quotes from over the years mocking people who found themselves in the exact same position he finds himself in now. Hopefully, he will learn something from this experience and be a bit more generous and understanding towards those people in the future.

Second, that being said, I don't want to see anyone in the position he finds himself in, so good luck at getting it straightened out.

Third, ain't it interesting how celebrities always decide to take responsibility for their actions AFTER the excrement hits the oscilatting device? That's not a liberal/conservative, right/left comment, just an observation on celebrities in general.

I know, I said two comments.

Edited to change an "and" to an "at".


anotherkim 14420 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-10-03, 05:44 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Rush admits painkiller addiction"
LAST EDITED ON 10-10-03 AT 05:45 PM (EST)

Funny about the timing, huh? I mean, the same week we learn he is beig investigated, he admits his addiction and enters rehab. . .

I'd say that it probably took something like this to be the wake up call that he needed.

I have been in chronic pain for over a year. I've had hydrocodone, oxycodone, demerol, muscle relaxers, you name it. I was in heaven last February when they were giving me morphine shots in the hospital. I can totally see where someone would cross the line. I used to joke about it in the bar at nights when I was really pumping the Lortab, but I was always well aware of my limits and my doctor and I talked about it quite a bit. I didn't get enough pain relief from the meds to keep taking them and after awhile it was taking a bigger dose than I was comfortable with to get.....uh, stoned? Relaxed? Whatever you want to call it.

I have much more sympathy for anyone in this situation than I do a cokehead athlete or pop star, but no matter what, like DW said, I hope that Rush has developed a bit of compassion for those in similar situations and won't stoop to using such addictions as weapons against their character.

Miscellaneous Ramblings
--would probably go take a lortab now if she could find them in the post-vacation mess


LadyT 5567 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-10-03, 06:12 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: Rush admits painkiller addiction"
First: Totally not surprised

Second: At least he's getting the help he needs


ginger 22512 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-10-03, 06:18 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Rush admits painkiller addiction"
You would think the pills might have made his commentary mellower, rather than the opposite. Liked the excrement/oscillating comment, btw.



KeithFan 7422 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-11-03, 12:58 PM (EST)
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6. "Just curious"
Are you "totally not suprized" because it is Rush, or because of the whole fallen celeb thing in general?


TechNoir 9741 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-10-03, 06:28 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Rush admits painkiller addiction"
I am not a good enough person to feel compassion when all I see is justice.

And I am not phoney enough to claim compassion I don't have.

So the only observation I can add is: isn't it fortunate that he makes 32 million a year for talking on the radio and can, therefore, afford a month off and the best facility that will keep him out of jail?

The consensus on CNN is that he entered rehab on the advice of his attorney instead of that of his physician.


ashleybfogg 2367 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

10-11-03, 01:17 PM (EST)
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7. "Tech Ditto"
i'm a sheep here.
ditto, tech.
ditto, ditto, ditto. all three points.

oh yeah, one more ditto.


AugustGirl 11534 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-11-03, 01:45 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Rush admits painkiller addiction"
I'm with Tech on this one. I have not one iota of compassion for him. He's made a career of mocking those who show compassion for the unfortunate.

Let's hope this new chapter in his life gives him a new, softer perspective on things, but I doubt it will.

The consensus on CNN is that he entered rehab on the advice of his attorney instead of that of his physician.

And isn't it fortunate he has the millions to pay for such stellar legal advise?

No compassion for him. None.


Drive My Car 20045 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-11-03, 06:03 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Rush admits painkiller addiction"
LAST EDITED ON 10-11-03 AT 06:04 PM (EST)

Well I know I should feel compassion, and I do understand how difficult chronic pain can be. ( I've been there )

But I will also admit that I don't feel much compassion for Rush, and will also admit that it is because it is Rush that I don't feel it. The man has made a living off the misfortune and or bad judgement of others. He has held himself up as the voice of truth and right and honesty, while lying and kicking those that are down. ( and as we now know, while breaking the Law)

If he came across as a compassionate person maybe it'd be different, but the man is hateful and mean. He'd be the first to stand up and speak against treatment programs for those that can't afford them on their own.

Besides I like Pretty people on the cover of the National Enquirer.


bacon 2824 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

10-12-03, 07:44 PM (EST)
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10. "No compassion at all"
I have none. What I find interesting is that Joe Scarborough and Ann Coulter were kissing this man's ass on Friday night. They couldn't stop gushing about what he had accomplished(obviously not wanting to talk about the actual addiction because they would be contradicting statements they've made about other druggies in the past). Ann Coulter even said something stupid like, "Gee, if he's been on heavy medication while doing such a riveting show, imagine what he'll do once he gets better). What a stupid thing to say.

I find it funny that the minute Clinton was being hounded for his sexual misconducts that Republicans immediately started to hound this man and make fun of him. Now that Rush is being made fun of by democrats the republicans are saying that it's malicious and nasty. Turn about is fair play, folks! And believe me, i'm gonna have fun with this one.



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