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"Now this *IS* interesting..."
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SurvivinDawg 6816 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-07-03, 12:01 PM (EST)
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"Now this *IS* interesting..."
...interesting to me, anyway. Apparently young Jewish voters are moving away from the Democrats and towards the Republican party:

I've always wondered why so many Jews were Democrats, anyway (can someone give me some background on that?), but this article seems to support the growing trend towards "neocons".

Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Now this *IS* interesting... bacon 05-07-03 1
 RE: Now this *IS* interesting... jkokoj 05-07-03 2
   RE: Now this *IS* interesting... bacon 05-07-03 3
   RE: Now this *IS* interesting... Thaibeach 05-07-03 4
   RE: Now this *IS* interesting... Devious Weasel 05-07-03 5
   RE: Now this *IS* interesting... Ahtumbreez 05-08-03 23
 RE: Now this *IS* interesting... DebCapsFan 05-07-03 6
 RE: Now this *IS* interesting... SaphireLady 05-07-03 7
 RE: Now this *IS* interesting... TechNoir 05-07-03 8
   Now this is interesting... Bucky Katt 05-07-03 9
       RE: Now this is interesting... SaphireLady 05-07-03 10
       RE: Now this is interesting... samiam 05-07-03 11
           Carter AyaK 05-07-03 16
           RE: Now this is interesting... TechNoir 05-07-03 17
               RE: Now this is interesting... samiam 05-07-03 20
       RE: Now this is interesting... SurvivinDawg 05-07-03 13
       RE: Now this is interesting... TechNoir 05-07-03 15
           RE: Now this is interesting... SaphireLady 05-08-03 21
       RE: Now this is interesting... TechNoir 05-07-03 18
 My comments SurvivinDawg 05-07-03 12
   Democratic constituencies AyaK 05-07-03 19
 RE: Now this *IS* interesting... J Slice 05-07-03 14
   RE: Now this *IS* interesting... TechNoir 05-08-03 22

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bacon 2824 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

05-07-03, 12:57 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: Now this *IS* interesting..."
This doesn't surprise me in the least. I always assumed that most Jews were Republicans...not to stereotype or anything. But that's what I always assumed.

jkokoj 4389 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

05-07-03, 01:00 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Now this *IS* interesting..."
I guess you would also assume that most Catholics are Republican?

Why the assumption of Jews being democrats? I found that odd and curious.


bacon 2824 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

05-07-03, 01:04 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: Now this *IS* interesting..."
I'm assuming that this article is talking about Wealthy Jewish people. Most people who are wealthy vote republican. Not always, but more times than not they do.

Thaibeach 872 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

05-07-03, 01:15 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Now this *IS* interesting..."
I live in the NYC area. (NY as a state always votes Democratic in elections.) Many Jews live in this area, esp the city and Rockland and Westchester counties.

If I had to summarize the viewpoints of my many Jewish friends and coworkers, I'd say they would call themselves "liberal" on social and economic issues, more than strictly Democrat. But when you talk politics with them they are more conservative overall than you might expect. The Jews I know tend to be more conservative or hawkish when it comes to issues of Israel and security. They (mostly, I don't want to assume it's everyone's view) love Joe Lieberman because he's both a democrat and a hawk.

I think with the recent terror attacks, war in Afghanistan and Iraq, people in general are more conservative/hawkish/Republican-leaning.


Devious Weasel 18756 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-07-03, 01:22 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Now this *IS* interesting..."
I think it comes down to how traditional political alliances came into being. (I'm trying to summarize here, and to keep personal political leanings out of it, so pardon the shortcuts.) Many of the first jews in the U.S. were immigrants from some of the poorer nations of Europe. As they came here, they naturally congregated in areas where like immigrants lived, mainly in the larger cities of the Northeast. Areas that had traditionally been more Democratic than Republican. As such, and as what happens with many families, it became instinct to lean Democratic for Jewish groups. This tended to get fed at the national level as well, where Democrats were seen as more responsive to Jewish concerns than Republicans. (Just as other groups see Republicans as more responsive to their concerns.) Therefore, a switch in Jewish voter registrations from Democrat to Republican is news, just as a switch in black registrations from Democrat to Republican would be, or hispanic registrations from Republican to Democrat (at least in certain areas of the country), etc.


Ahtumbreez 10456 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-08-03, 08:17 AM (EST)
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23. "RE: Now this *IS* interesting..."
jk, should that be "assume all Catholics are Dems"? I come from a huge Catholic family and not a member would be "caught" dead voting Republic. "Caught" being the operative word, as who can say what goes on behind a closed curtain. But having grown up in a large Catholic community I don't know of a single one that isn't a registered Dem. Maybe it's different elsewhere in the country?

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DebCapsFan 2747 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

05-07-03, 01:35 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Now this *IS* interesting..."
To go along with the immigrant idea, most Jewish Americans who immigrated didn't have a lot to begin with. Many were escaping religious persecution, and had to get out fast.
And generally, the Democratic party is associated with social programs.


SaphireLady 2491 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

05-07-03, 02:18 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Now this *IS* interesting..."
Surprisingly enough, my husband and I had a discussion on this the other day. Something about the growing trends and belief system. We also discussed who would go no where on the Dem. Ticket. But that is a different discussion. Anyway, nice find. Have fun.

"Now I will believe that there are unicorns..." William Shakespeare; "The Tempest"


TechNoir 9741 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-07-03, 05:26 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Now this *IS* interesting..."

Movement away from the Democrats still makes the Jewish vote overwhelmingly Democratic.

"Half of Tech's charm is that sometimes I have no idea what she's talking about" -- True


Bucky Katt 3146 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

05-07-03, 05:54 PM (EST)
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9. "Now this is interesting..."
Where is this graph from? Not that I doubt the figures but just wondering who produced it.

And what happened in 1980? Is that just a response to the Iran Hostage situation? I can't think of any other reason why Reagan would get 40% in 1980 and only 30% in 1984. And what did "Bush 41" do in his four years to go from 35% in 1988 to 10% in 1992? Were Clinton and/or Perot were more appealing to the Jewish voters then Dukakis? The 20% "Bush 43" got in 2002 was higher then I expected considering Lieberman was the VP candidate.

Interesting stuff.

"Nasty? How can you say that? I'm 8 pounds of total lovin'!"


SaphireLady 2491 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

05-07-03, 06:47 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Now this is interesting..."
I am with you Bucky Katt, so just where did this come from. Who plotted the chart. Not saying it is wrong, just know that a chart can say anything anyone wants it to. That is why scientist have to document their stuff so much.

"Now I will believe that there are unicorns..." William Shakespeare; "The Tempest"


samiam 5976 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-07-03, 07:00 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Now this is interesting..."
And what happened in 1980? Is that just a response to the Iran Hostage situation? I can't think of any other reason why Reagan would get 40% in 1980 and only 30% in 1984.

No, I'm guessing that's a response to so many things being so lousy (stagflation, hostages, oil crisis, etc.) in the late 70's. The Republicans ran an appealing candidate and they got a large percentage of swing Democratic votes. Similar situation with Bush, Sr. Economic woes wreak havoc for sitting presidents, even if it's not technically their fault.

Bush, Jr., take note


AyaK 10426 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-07-03, 07:43 PM (EST)
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16. "Carter"
LAST EDITED ON 05-07-03 AT 07:45 PM (EST)

Economic woes wreak havoc for sitting presidents, even if it's not technically their fault.

Giving Carter his due here, he was the first President in my lifetime who supported economic deregulation, and he appointed a lot of intelligent people to high positions. One of those people was legendary Fed chairman Paul Volcker (1979-1987). Volcker decided to dump the Fed's previous policy, which had lead to a phenomenon thought to be IMPOSSIBLE in economic textbooks -- economic stagnation and high inflation, "stagflation" -- and focus the Fed on fighting inflation. No one thought he was serious. The Fed ... fight inflation ... under a Democrat? Sure, and pigs will fly.

Volcker therefore decided to prove he was serious. In February 1980 he FROZE the U.S. money supply. Interest rates went berserk. Why? Because people were used to getting as much money as they wanted, and now there was NO MONEY to get, at any price!

It worked. The markets took Paul Volcker seriously from then on. Inflation stopped being a problem. The U.S. currency became the world standard once again.

However, the interest rate inversion crippled the American S&Ls.

After four months, Volcker turned the money tap back on. It was now June 2000. Naturally, a lot of people had lost their jobs in the prior four months, because America had an economy in which inflation was expected. Thus, Reagan campaigned against Carter with the following line:

"A recession is when your neighbor is out of work. A depression is when you are out of work. And recovery is when Jimmy Carter is out of work!"

Keep in mind, though, that the bad economic times of 1980 were no more Jimmy Carter's fault than the good economic times of 1996 were to Bill Clinton's credit. And Carter has never been given his due for appointing Volcker in the first place (Reagan is generally given credit for both Volcker and for deregulation). Probably that's because Carter's fiasco in Iran is one of the all-time foreign policy fiascos, even worse than Vietnam in some ways.

Volcker established the new model for the Fed. Alan Greenspan, a longtime Republican academic, was appointed to replace Volcker in 1987. Everyone wondered how the markets would survive the loss of Volcker. But Greenspan carried on Volcker's focus of fighting inflation. Now everyone wonders how the markets will survive the loss of Greenspan.

It's not the person -- it's the philosophy that's important.


TechNoir 9741 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-07-03, 07:44 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: Now this is interesting..."
Bush, Jr., take note

Geez Sami, why'd you have to go tell him?

"Half of Tech's charm is that sometimes I have no idea what she's talking about" -- True


samiam 5976 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-07-03, 08:14 PM (EST)
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20. "RE: Now this is interesting..." he's gonna listen to a librul.



SurvivinDawg 6816 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-07-03, 07:23 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: Now this is interesting..."
The sheer magnitude of Carter's defeat (note I said Carter's defeat as opposed to Reagan's victory) is reflected in that graph, Bucky. Jews, as everyone, were unhappy with Carter's policies and the dreadful economic, political, and world state of the Nation at that time. We were being humiliated by Iran, inflation was soaring, interest rates were at almost usurious rates, and Carter was yielding territory to the communists (Afghanistan, Nicaragua, etc.) at an alarming rate. Hence, the drop in Jewish support (and just about everyone else's).

Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


TechNoir 9741 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-07-03, 07:38 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: Now this is interesting..."

"Half of Tech's charm is that sometimes I have no idea what she's talking about" -- True


SaphireLady 2491 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

05-08-03, 02:48 AM (EST)
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21. "RE: Now this is interesting..."
thank you

"Now I will believe that there are unicorns..." William Shakespeare; "The Tempest"


TechNoir 9741 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-07-03, 07:47 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: Now this is interesting..."
The Lieberman candidacy is not as straightforward as you might think. Among Jews there is a very mixed response to him with the Orthodox tending to support him and the Conservative and Reform tending to oppose him. He isn't much of a Democrat, you know?

Where on earth did Ari Fleicher come from? He must have been dropped by aliens or something.


SurvivinDawg 6816 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-07-03, 07:18 PM (EST)
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12. "My comments"
Traditionally, Jews in America have been associated with the Democratic Party (i.e. more liberal), even the wealthy ones.

(Note: Wealth is NOT always an indicator of political preference, as exampled by the Hollywood Elites. Many wealthy (not necessarily high income earners, but they already HAVE money) are Democrats.)

Even in the 2000 election, Jews went more Democrat (as the graph showed). However, in the last few years, younger Jews (many of which are called the "neocons") have broken away from the traditional Democratic affiliations. Considering that "liberal" today does not mean what it did in JFK's 1960, and that the Democratic Party is not the same as JFK's Democratic Party of 1960, *and* seeing that some liberal elites like Helen Thomas (the Media's "nutty old aunt in the attic") loathe Israel (she wondered openly in 1981 why Saddam didn't retaliate against Israel when they destroyed Saddam's French-made nuclear reactor), I've been surprised that Jews (in the overall) haven't turned more to the Republican party.

But, as the article I posted shows, younger Jews *are* beginning to make that transition. It will be interesting to see how this trend plays out. As a side note, it is also interesting to me to see how American Hispanics are developing as a political entity within the United States. Just something I like to watch and keep trend of, and not in a partisan but in a clinical way.

Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


AyaK 10426 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-07-03, 08:06 PM (EST)
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19. "Democratic constituencies"
Republicans dominated American political life into the "roaring 20s." However, starting in the early years of the century, Republicans had moved to what we today would call the "religious right." They were suspicious of foreigners and extolled the values of Protestantism.

To answer this, the Democrats had moved much further to the right as well. That's why the very religious William Jennings Bryan ended up as the Democratic candidate for the Presidency four times.

That was also the period when Jewish and Catholic immigrants were starting to move into politics. They found it hard to make common cause with Republicans because of the religious issues, but there were some Jewish and Catholic Republicans.

Then came Prohibition. Prohibition was more than just banning drinking. It was an entire moral movement, aimed at eradicating the bad influences brought by these immigrants. The Republicans were the party of Prohibition. As a result, the immigrants -- Jews, Irish, Italians -- became Democrats.

Coolidge was the president of Prohibition. But Prohibition proved to be pernicious. Civil liberties were being curtailed. The FBI was created. Secret raids for petty offenses became common. The majority saw the hidden agenda of Prohibition, and it wasn't pretty. However, all this was OK when the economy was booming. Then came October 1929.

By 1932, there was a huge split in this country ... and the vast majority of people were Democrats. Republicans gained after WWII, due to their long-standing support of integration, but even that faded away when JFK committed the Democratic Party to the same policies.

So ... certain ethnic blocs became Democrats in the teens and twenties and have remained so ever since, even as their position in society has changed. The lesson is simple and universal, as hubris was already discussed in another thread this week.


J Slice 13166 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-07-03, 07:37 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: Now this *IS* interesting..."
::raises hand::

Young Jewish Dem here... I'm from the northeast, though, and I'm on Thaibeach's Westchester Dem wagon

JV's favorite.


TechNoir 9741 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-08-03, 05:27 AM (EST)
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22. "RE: Now this *IS* interesting..."
Well keep an eye out. If you get a hint of neocon taste in your mouth email me immediately so I can put you in touch with a good Jewish exorcist.

"Half of Tech's charm is that sometimes I have no idea what she's talking about" -- True



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