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"The Zen Of Dog Poop (or: Greetings From Biddyland)."
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Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-22-09, 09:56 AM (EST)
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"The Zen Of Dog Poop (or: Greetings From Biddyland)."
LAST EDITED ON 12-22-09 AT 07:20 PM (EST)

Visiting a friend. Small party in progress. The friend has a dog of the small puffball variety. (Dweeze would insist it isn't a real dog, as his definition kicks in around fifty pounds. Bichon Frisé, this one.) We reach the point in the proceedings where the dog needs to be walked. I could use some fresh air, so I volunteer.

Very cold out: I am covered in multiple layers, as is the dog. Very unsteady out: streets plowed down to remove the snow, but leave a layer of ice two inches thick everywhere except the corners, where it turns into an equal amount of rapidly-freezing slush. The dog has a lot of pulling power for its size. Trying very hard not to ice-skate. Really don't want to fall down on this. Or the dog.

Dog seems to be enjoying itself in the snow, but is also having some trouble. Find the spots by scent, says its brain, and scents are hard to come by in a snowfield. She sniffs her way along, searching with increasing desperation for grass. Not much to be found. Most of the people who cleared their driveways in this residential neighborhood did so by piling the snow up along the little strips of quasi-lawn between sidewalk and curb. Some just went for the sidewalk, which is why we're walking in the road a lot. The dog has not been trained to treat the road as a bathroom. The dog is trained to grass. The dog is confused, and so blocks pass without much of anything happening.

...and finally, grass. Someone used a snowblower here, skirted a corner, exposed just enough turf for a small dog to stand on. She gets excited, hops the curb and begins sniffing around. I alternate between watching her and looking at the house. Small, slanted roof, no plants or chairs or decorations or anything on the porch, unpleasant shade of off-green in the streetlight, matched in the faintly-moving curtains behind the main window. The dog doesn't care about that. She's just sniffing and moving around on the grass --

-- okay, she's done. In fact, she's done nothing. Easy enough to see in the glare of the lamp: nothing solid, and she never assumed a liquid-disposal position. Unless she got it all in/out within the five-second spans when I wasn't looking -- and regardless, no solids. Sigh and tug at the leash, getting ready to move on.

Porch light comes on. Front door opens.

Small elderly woman, call her late seventies with hair carrying more dye than her total body weight: you don't get that kind of black at that age with her skin color unless Clairol provides, and you sure don't get the highlights. Thin mouth. Glasses solid and curved enough to cook a mini-casserole in. Screaming.

She wants me to know they have leash laws in this neighborhood, and she wants me to know it at high volume. She demands to know if I live around here, because she doesn't recognize me and I have no right to walk this dog if I don't live here. She screams that I have to pick up after my dog. She wants me to do it right now.

A little confused here. It's not my dog. Since this isn't a gated community, I am free to travel the sidewalk with or without temporary canine companion. I'm not sure how she expects to recognize anyone under all the layers (including facial) which I'm wearing, but it does occur to me that I may have the only example of my given melanin ratio in the vicinity, plus she may spend her days memorizing the exact physical configuration of everyone within a three-block radius. But the main issue here is picking up after the dog. It's just that the dog hasn't done anything which I can pick up.

Maybe she thinks I came this far out of my supposed territory so I could get the dog to do a dump-and-run without cleaning up? I can resolve that. I reach into my jacket pocket and remove the bag I've been carrying around as a just-in-case.

She's screaming more loudly now. (I expect lights to come on up and down the street. They don't.) Her demands now move to more detailed instructions. I am to pick up what the dog did, and I am never to come back. And don't even think about dropping it in her yard, or putting it in her mailbox, or her garbage cans, or...

All right. I have a biddy. An interfering hyper-authoritative parasite with no actual power. I also have a party to get back to.

So I make a mistake. I calmly speak to her.

I explain, very carefully, that I cannot pick up what does not exist. The dog (who is tugging very hard now, eager to be moving on and oh, do I ever agree with her) did not execute a bowel movement. While I am carrying the bag so that I may pick up after the dog when such a movement occurs, the bag will have to remain empty because the dog is still full. And I can't catch liquids as they emerge. There is no dog poop on the ground, and she is welcome to come off her porch and inspect for herself.

This makes her louder. (She's in good lung shape for her age, really.) How dare I tell her what to do! She knows the dog dumped on her grass: she was watching the whole time! I'm just trying to get her out there so I can throw the poop under her shoes! Or in her house! I have no right to be in her neighborhood with my horrible pooping dog!

...all right. This is still a biddy. She's not going to recognize logic, nor will she respect evidence procedures. I am guilty of curb law murder because there's no tiny brown corpse. If I stay here, she's just going to scream some more. If I leave, she'll yell at my back for a while and then have nothing to berate but empty air. (Why aren't any lights coming on up and down the street? Are the neighbors used to this? Does she have any left?) Given that, I decide the dog has the right idea and start to follow the tug.

She lets me know, at the current crest of her volume, that she's going to call the police. I will be arrested. Fined. Forced to clean up my dog's mess. Because I am an evil (censored, and it's the first time she's going that far) who doesn't belong in her neighborhood and I will be made to pay.

I turn around.

I steadily inform her that the dog did not do anything. If she wants the police to find something, she is going to have to come down from the porch, pull her sweatpants down, squat over the grass, and provide it herself. Of course, there's a chance the police would be able to tell the difference between human and canine feces, but since she's basically a bipedal yapping chihuahua, maybe she'll be able to pull it off. But if she does go that far, I'm going to film the entire thing on my phone. Just for evidence, she understands. There is no possible other market for it, not given the star.

This results in about four seconds of a very familiar dead silence. (Some people have trouble believing that I can respond. With words. Over one syllable. And that I have any right to do so. Or, of course, be in the neighborhood.) And then she starts screaming again, calling me a foul-mouthed (censored) who shouldn't even be on this street where decent people live, and...

But all this is directed at my back. I follow the dog back up the block, and the soundtrack never stops. It still doesn't fade after we turn the corner, and I can keep audio track of her for another half-block.

Eventually, the dog urinates. Twice, yellow-staining the edges of two different snowbanks. If there's been no bowel movement by now, there probably isn't going to be one. Time to head back --

-- and then the snow is stained with light. Red and blue flashing lights.

The bitch? Called the police to report an illegal pooping...

Did you ever feel like murder would be less trouble?


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: The Zen Of Dog Poop (or: Greet... Snidget 12-22-09 1
   RE: The Zen Of Dog Poop (or: Greet... Estee 12-22-09 3
       You can't win moonbaby 12-22-09 4
 RE: The Zen Of Dog Poop (or: Greet... thndrkttn 12-22-09 2
 RE: The Zen Of Dog Poop (or: Greet... Molaholic 12-22-09 5
   RE: The Zen Of Dog Poop (or: Greet... VisionQuest 12-22-09 9
       RE: The Zen Of Dog Poop (or: Greet... byoffer 12-22-09 11
           RE: The Zen Of Dog Poop (or: Greet... cahaya 12-23-09 12
 RE: The Zen Of Dog Poop (or: Greet... Max Headroom 12-22-09 6
 RE: The Zen Of Dog Poop (or: Greet... cahaya 12-22-09 7
 RE: The Zen Of Dog Poop (or: Greet... Silvergirl1 12-22-09 8
 RE: The Zen Of Dog Poop (or: Greet... VisionQuest 12-22-09 10
 RE: The Zen Of Dog Poop (or: Greet... tallgirl 12-23-09 13

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Snidget 44369 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-22-09, 10:07 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: The Zen Of Dog Poop (or: Greetings From Biddyland)."
Did you go another way back, or let the cops swab the dog to prove the poop in the yard was not from it?

I feel sorry for the cops. Because you know dealing with those kinds of people cannot be easy and if you arrest them you gotta put up with them yelling all the way to the station, and in the holding tank, etc.

If you're a {Reality TV} juror, you don't have to put aside anything! You have the ultimate power of your own reckless, irrational whimsy! That is the absolute essence of the game. --Linda Holmes


Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-22-09, 10:54 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: The Zen Of Dog Poop (or: Greetings From Biddyland)."
*sigh* I got an escort all the way back to the grass patch (We walked, they rode). Once the police were on site, they inspected that area with high-powered flashlights until they were satisfied that there was no feces deposit present. (This took something much more than a minute to inspect less than two square feet. Don't ask me why.) So if the dog had done something and I'd removed it, then I had obeyed the law, and if it hadn't, then there hadn't even been a chance to break the law.

So that's when the biddy -- who, by the way, stayed on the porch the whole time -- claimed I'd come back under cover of streetlight and removed the poop while she wasn't looking. Oh, and I'd been a foul-mouthed (censored). (She did not see the humor inherent in that. I did and had to choke back the laughter.) Plus something I'd said was a threat: give her another ten minutes and she might be able to invent what it was.

By the time the police finally decided there was nothing they could charge me with that wouldn't make a lawyer very happy, the dog and I had been out there for about forty-five minutes. They dismissed me with a 'maybe you should consider keeping your dog within your own neighborhood', which given the tone could be taken as either a 'stick with your own kind, whatever that is' or 'if she ever sees you again with that puffball, she's going to call us again, and we've wasted enough time already'. A choose-your-own-interpretation, really.

I don't think I ever made them understand that it wasn't my dog.

And when I got back, with nearly an hour gone? The dog's actual owner was on the verge of calling the police herself, because I'd been gone far longer than I should have and surely something must have happened. (Slip and fall with something broken, hit by a car...) She was going to give it another ten minutes before she brought in the cops.

So the biddy also wound up putting a serious dent in the party (as everyone was sharing in her nerves at that point), which I'm sure would have made the husk happy. On the other hand, the time we spent mocking her after the story came out definitely would have made her summon the police all over again. Creative, farfetched, and destined never to be executed revenge plans were made that night. Lots and lots of them. We never did work out all the details on how we were going to smuggle a ladder into her yard, climb up to her roof without her hearing us, and then take turns using her chimney as a toilet, at least in part because I hadn't seen a chimney. And there was a certain reluctance on the part of several people to go for it. It did turn 'That's not Santa Claus!' into the punchline of the night, though.

(There were no plans made for what to do if the biddy ventured into the dog owner's area. It's understood that biddies don't travel well.)

The question of 'How have you not run into her?' did come up. The answer was simple: the dog is less than a year old, and all the big grass fields in the area are in other directions. She likes to walk her dog in a place where it has some room to move, so she didn't have any reason to go that way. This was the first major snowfall since she'd gotten her Bichon. Until now, there was no need to look for alternate venues.

For the owner's part, she's not sure what to do next. She doesn't like the idea of anywhere being closed to her for dog walking, and she's angry enough about this that she might go up there a few times just to pick up dog poop in front of the woman's face. I appreciate the sentiment, but biddy-teasing has a lot of hazards attached: I don't think this is a winnable battle. This one might just go for the restraining order, try to fence off all the grass near her house -- or the nightmare: spread poison. (Yes, I'm being very dark there, but the hallmark of a biddy is that any rule which wasn't made for their benefit can be ignored with no consequences.) For now, the dog will be kept off that street -- but once things warm up...

One of the other payback proposals was to have a couple of us conduct a makeout session on the sidewalk in front of her house to see if she'd try to get public indecency charges filled. That one also has to wait for the thaw.


moonbaby 17120 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-22-09, 11:16 AM (EST)
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4. "You can't win"
because this is what the biddy lives for. She was waiting by the window...waiting...waiting...who knows how long. Hours, days, whatever it takes. And then? BWOOP BWOOP BWOOP the alarm sounded, someone to harangue!

Sadly enough, I think you made her day. The miserable creature. Ugh.

A similar thing happened one weekend my sister stayed with me. The woman next door has either her or her husband's mom living with them. She's a window monitor.

My sister's dog pooped in the street in front of their house and she picked it up. Not before the biddy stuck her head out the window and yelled at her to NEVER walk her dog there again. My sister is not one to mince words. Or gestures


thndrkttn 3216 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

12-22-09, 10:25 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: The Zen Of Dog Poop (or: Greetings From Biddyland)."
A therapist, in his thick southern drawl, once told me, "Ya cain't kill everybody that needs killin'."


Molaholic 9015 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-22-09, 01:06 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: The Zen Of Dog Poop (or: Greetings From Biddyland)."
I steadily inform her that the dog did not do anything. If she wants the police to find something, she is going to have to come down from the porch, pull her sweatpants down, squat over the grass, and provide it herself. Of course, there's a chance the police would be able to tell the difference between human and canine feces, but since she's basically a bipedal yapping chihuahua, maybe she'll be able to pull it off. But if she does go that far, I'm going to film the entire thing on my phone. Just for evidence, she understands. There is no possible other market for it, not given the star.

Best OT paragraph of 2009. Without a doubt. Possibly the Best OT paragraph of the 'aughts.

A Molaholic Christmas presented by Agman ©MMIX

Feliz Navidad Frohe Weihnachten Feliz Natal Χαρούμενα Χριστούγεννα Buon Natale 圣诞快乐 Vrolijke Kerstmis Joyeux Noël メリークリスマス 즐거운 성탄 С Рождеством Христовым


VisionQuest 1171 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

12-22-09, 08:51 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: The Zen Of Dog Poop (or: Greetings From Biddyland)."
I totally agree.

And I am a wee bit sad that I did not use aught nearly enough this past decade. I won't be around for the next time to use it.


byoffer 15947 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-22-09, 11:16 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: The Zen Of Dog Poop (or: Greetings From Biddyland)."
Don't worry, VQ, you can you it a lot going forward. "You kids have it easy. I remember the tough times back in the aughts..."


cahaya 19891 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-23-09, 00:02 AM (EST)
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12. "RE: The Zen Of Dog Poop (or: Greetings From Biddyland)."
And the good times in the seventies.

slicey's cahaya '75


Max Headroom 10069 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-22-09, 01:28 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: The Zen Of Dog Poop (or: Greetings From Biddyland)."
No good deed goes unpunished. Sorry, Estee.

another nifty agman creation


cahaya 19891 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-22-09, 07:11 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: The Zen Of Dog Poop (or: Greetings From Biddyland)."
No friends to speak of. No party. No dog to walk. Only a window to watch.

Too cold out: No visits to the corner market or two where the owner, the occasional customer and cashier (likely the owner himself) probably wish they were somewhere else.

Dog and walker seem to be enjoying themselves in the snow and that by itself is going to mean trouble. Nobody enjoys themselves in this weather, especially on these streets.

Outside the window is a patch of green grass, after all.

Dog business or no, there's business to take care of with a local intrusion upon the sacred turf.

Twink the light and chase off the window intruder with a vocal barrage, except this one doesn't run off with its tail between its legs.

Insolent trespass means a 911 call and the blue boys are almost too late to arrive.

Dog walker barely escapes, likely never wanting to return.

Ever see Rear Window?


Silvergirl1 9342 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-22-09, 08:21 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: The Zen Of Dog Poop (or: Greetings From Biddyland)."
LAST EDITED ON 12-22-09 AT 08:21 PM (EST)

That was you?

I'm getting more biddy-like everyday, but I'd let the little doggie not poop on the grass.


VisionQuest 1171 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

12-22-09, 08:53 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: The Zen Of Dog Poop (or: Greetings From Biddyland)."
Did she at least wish you a Merry Christmas?


tallgirl 573 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-23-09, 09:54 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: The Zen Of Dog Poop (or: Greetings From Biddyland)."
I really enjoy your 'dog' stories. Ever considered putting them all together and selling it as a book?



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