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"Episode 2 Summary...Bitter Much?"
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jennyfromtheblock 2 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

11-13-03, 12:37 PM (EST)
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"Episode 2 Summary...Bitter Much?"
What is up with the Craig bashing in the episode 2 summary???? As Follows:

I’m sorry Craig, but while it’s evident you’ve TAKEN plenty from the table, we’ve seen NOTHING of what you bring to it. Get a real job, find your direction in life, and start a fitness regimen. Maybe then, you’ll find your Melana.

I thought Craig was a very funny party animal type addition to the cast. Also, isn't he the manager of some swanky lounge?? Plus why all the fat jokes??? This guy is tall...he literally towers over all the other guys and I would not say he looks unhealthy.....bodies come in all shapes and sizes!!! Bring back Craig and all the other guys who don't fit the norm!!!!


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 RE: Episode 2 Summary...Bitter Much... Bebo 11-13-03 1

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Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-13-03, 12:42 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: Episode 2 Summary...Bitter Much?"
Jenny, welcome to the forums.

If you'd like to respond to something in a summary (or another other existing post), please Reply directly to that post by clicking on the "Reply" that you see at the bottom of the message.

As for the tone of the summary, I'd just like to point out to you that bashing contestants is a frequent occurrence on this site. Many of the summaries take a bashing, sarcastic tone. After all, if you just want to know what happened on the episode itself, there's a summary posted on the show's official website. We like to inject our own brand of humor into things here.

We really do have guidelines here. Believe it or not, the Guidelines make things more fun. Really.


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