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"American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
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ejm92 2221 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

04-22-03, 09:04 PM (EST)
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"American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
Back to mean critiquing again....although tonight's show was okay. Simon was right about Diane, she sure is goofy...Nothing else to say here, let's get on with the ranks....I'll be as concise as possible since I talked a little too much last night...

1. Kim Locke - I couldn't agree more with Simon tonight....although the start wasn't perfect, the finish was incredible.

2. Clay Aiken - One of the first times I have wanted to defend an Idol...I dunno, I have listened to his recordings, and I would probably buy his music if given the chance...maybe I ranked him this high because I liked McCain/Evans' versions of the song so much and I already liked that song so much, but I thought he performed well and his style is almost perfect.

3. Ruben Studdard - I wish he would've tried to go high (lol), but he did a wonderful job changing things up and I liked it a lot.

4. Trenyce - Can you say "bottom two"???? I just like her much better when she doesn't try faster songs, and I'll probably be alone...she let the background vocals sing as much as she did.

5. Carmen - Have to agree with Randy on this one....she's not gonna win this competition, quit being too overconfident, Carmen....and she must have tons of zits on her face, she is caking on the makeup....however, I think America may give her a free pass this week (even though it's way past her time to go), Carmen is the new Nikki, she's hanging on by her fingertips.

6. Joshua Gracin - Off key, messed up, but he'll still be around because of the screaming girls that love him and the "patriotic" people out there. I would buy his country cd, but not his pop.

1. Ruben (2)
2. Clay (2.57)
3. Kim Locke (3.28)
4. Joshua (5.14)
5. Trenyce (5.28)
6. Carmen (8)

Survior 5 Anti-Bootee Champ, Survivor 6 Anti-Bootee Chump

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... managerr 04-22-03 1
   RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... I_AM_HE 04-22-03 3
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... I_AM_HE 04-22-03 2
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... carencey 04-22-03 4
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... cyclehausen 04-22-03 5
   RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... Femme 04-23-03 19
   RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... Drive My Car 04-23-03 21
   RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... Cin 04-23-03 22
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... zzz 04-22-03 6
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... sorgee 04-22-03 7
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... Bebo 04-22-03 8
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... johnthemod 04-22-03 9
   RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... ejm92 04-22-03 10
       RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... Bebo 04-23-03 18
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... katem 04-22-03 11
 Polls Put Ruben 1st IslandFever 04-22-03 12
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... Silvergirl1 04-23-03 13
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... 712 04-23-03 14
   RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... wildchickenhunter 04-23-03 17
       RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... Devious Weasel 04-23-03 25
           RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... wildchickenhunter 04-23-03 28
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... Ahtumbreez 04-23-03 15
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... smiley 04-23-03 16
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... realityluver 04-23-03 20
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... Q 04-23-03 23
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... Scarberian 04-23-03 24
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... rilond 04-23-03 26
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... munson 04-23-03 27
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... Lancerdude74 04-23-03 29

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managerr 1959 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

04-22-03, 09:07 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
1. Ruben - A fairly "safe" performance from him. Good song.

2. Clay - I loved it, but the background vocals while he was singing was terrible and distracting.

3. Kimberly Locke - Very good, but I docked points for being shaky at the opening. Which is common for her. It seems like it takes her awhile to "find" herself in the song.

4. Carmen - A good rebound performance from her. She really did sound like a sheep while she was singing the final "baaaaaack" note.

5. Trenyce - Did she forget her place in the middle of the song? That was shockingly terrible. Definitely bottom 2.

6. Josh - What the hell was that? A disaster! And the judges didn't ream him. If Carmen pulled a performance like that, they would have massacred her. That was one of the worst performances of the season. Worst than "Celebration".


I_AM_HE 6123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-22-03, 09:21 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
LAST EDITED ON 04-22-03 AT 09:28 PM (EST)

Worst than "Celebration".

oh, don't be so hasty. even Josh couldn't pull off another performance so horrible

EDIt - also agree with Carmen's last note. way too nasal. Josh had a horrible last note too. of course, considering they were ALL horrible, one last one probably didn't make much of an impression



I_AM_HE 6123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-22-03, 09:16 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
1. Clay - great performance
2. Kim L - I missed her song, so this is based on the last comments and the little clip. feel pretty safe about this placement since Ruben and Trenyce were good, but not as good as usual
3. Ruben
4. Trenyce - still not nearly my favorite, and a couple problems, but i do think she is the biggest star-type personality
5. Carmen - best I've heard her I think, but still not great
6. Josh - ouch.

Unfortunately, Josh's fanbase and Carmen's combined with an at least passable performance means they both will probably survive, and Trenyce or Kim will go
Kim's fanbase seems lesser, but very good performances recently should save her. So Josh OR Carmen either one deserve to go, but my guess to leave is Trenyce.



carencey 263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

04-22-03, 09:42 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
1. Clay--One word for Paula...huh? This was excellent! I would have liked to hear something a little more up tempo from both Clay and Ruben, but choices were limited tonight I guess.
2. Kimberley (Hey, she's the only one! She doesn't need the last name any more.) Very nice. I didn't think it was quite the home run that last week's performance was, but she definitely deserves to stick around, and she earned all that praise tonight. Good to hear.
3. Ruben--Pretty good, but as we were watching at my house, we noticed that again Ruben laid off of actually singing the song to just wail for awhile, and we predicted that one of the judges would call that 'making the song his own'. Diane delivered. I didn't find this to be as much of a style change as the judges did, but see the comment I made for Clay.
4. Trenyce--Pretty good, but still not up to snuff with her earlier performances. I thought voice and pitch were fine, but she has a tendency to try too hard and sing words rather than phrases, if that makes any sense.
5. Josh--Oh honey, you used up all the good last week. That's about all I have to say about this one.
6. Carmen--Of course, Carmen used up all the good disco week. Saying she was better than last week isn't saying much, and I'll give Josh the tiebreaker on prior performances. Great sheep impression, though.

Diane Warren--Okay, I would say yuck on general principle. But SURELY, some of them sound better singing your songs than others, don't they? Most useless guest judge of the show so far.

Producers--Terrible tonight. The backup was too loud on at least three of the singers, and what was with the weird lighting that made it look like Josh's head was on fire?

Should be the bottom two--Josh and Carmen. (I'm guessing they'll switch to bottom two this week.)
Will be the bottom two--Trenyce and Carmen.
Once again, Carmen should go, but Trenyce probably will.


cyclehausen 1197 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

04-22-03, 09:58 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
1 (tie). Kim L - first because I like her better. She ties Clay - even though Clay was on-key a little more than Kim (they were both a bit off tonight), I just like her fire and style better.

1 (tie). Clay. See above. But either of these performances would have fallen to 4th place any other week. This week was pretty bad.

3 (tie). Trenyce. Girlfriend isn't doing what she needs to do to win. She was okay...but she has been just okay for 5 weeks running. It's not enough anymore.

3 (tie). Ruben. He hit some WRONG notes in the middle. And his voice is boring. He did change it up a little tonight. Did you see him lift BOTH arms? What a stud.

5. Carmen - bad, but partially on-key. She is a joke now.

Avagadro's constant. Josh. Holy monkey balls. My vagina is still bleeding after this crapfest. Wait a minute, I didn't have a vagina this afternoon----aaaaauuuuggghhh!


Femme 3621 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

04-23-03, 08:30 AM (EST)
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19. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
Come over to the dark side, cycle. Ruben dealt the death blow last night. I loved his whole performance. He will grow on you, and no, not like a fungus.

Like your Number One, though. She's slowly winning me over, though her personality sucks, sucks, sucks.


"We are men of action; lies do not become us."


Drive My Car 20045 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-23-03, 09:21 AM (EST)
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21. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
Did you see him lift BOTH arms?

At the SAME time even!!


Cin 843 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

04-23-03, 09:24 AM (EST)
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22. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
I think I saw something on ET before the show saying Ruben has been sick all week, and his throat and stuff was really hurting him. I think that may have been a bit of his problem. At some spots he sounded a bit rough.



zzz 703 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

04-22-03, 10:17 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
1. Clay--He is clearly the best of the bunch and I just don't understand how everyone doesn't see what is obvious to me--but I guess that it is all a matter of taste. This guy is really good and probably the only one that I would actually buy his album. Maybe I am just too big a fan of Broadway (I saw Phantom on Broadway recently and LOVED it).

2. Kimberly--She was very good this week--not quite as good as last week--but very good. She is improving generally from some of the shaky performances early on and deserves to go far in the competition.


3. Ruben--He was competent and pleasant, but I just don't get all the fuss. I still think he is boring. He goes flat from time to time and is NEVER called on it by the judges. He never really moves and is NEVER called on it by the judges (like Paula has done to Clay). He is a good singer, but not as good as Clay or Kim (IMHO).

4. Trenyce--I am starting to get tired of her. She is just a little too forced for my taste, but she is a good singer. I think she is a good performer and deserves to be in the final four.


5. Josh--I liked him during the auditions, but once the final 12 started, he has, for the most part, not been there. I think it might be his thought that his best hope is as a country singer. I am not sure. He is just outclassed by the 4 I listed above and should go soon (but not as soon as Carmen). Unfortunately, his marine persona may take him as far as final 3. I hope not, but this is the American public voting after all.

6. Carmen--I actually am starting to feel sorry for the girl. She puts on a good front, but it has got to be really tough to be barely 18 and humiliated on national television by a panel of judges (not just Simon--but of course he is the meanest). For her sake (and the rest of us), please let her be voted off. Can't Utah take a holiday or something? Can't there be a Mormon holiday that forbids use of the telephone? She is just not that good a singer and probably never should have made final 12.

Who should be in bottom 3? Trenyce, Josh and Carmen with Trenyce sent back safe early. Of course Carmen should go.

Who will be in bottom 3 (I predict)? Kim, Carmen and Trenyce with Kim sent back safe early. I think Trenyce will be voted off. A much bigger miscarriage of justice would be if Kim were voted off.


sorgee 1455 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

04-22-03, 10:27 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
1) kim- she looks and sounds better every week. i think she has proven herself in a few different types of songs. and she is a very engaging performer.
2) clay- i can really see my self on a sunny day in a hammock, sipping some wine and listening to clay. but, simon was right, i could also see myself watching him on broadway and LOVING it.
3) carmen- she isn't the best, but i have to give her a TON of credit for trying to push herself to go outside of her comfort zone. and she isn't horrible. i've heard and bought worse.
4) ruben- he has got to be one of the laziest singers i have ever seen. and tonight REALLY brought that home when he took a break during the song. what he sings, he sings well. but he can't go beyond that. i was actually disappointed in him tonight. i expected much more. he is predictable and he bores me.
5) trenyce- i think i can say that she seems to be getting worse rather than better. i doubt i would buy her on a solo album, but maybe as part of a group. but, i do think she is a good performer.
6) josh- oh my heck how did he make it to the top 6? oh yeah, right, the patriotic fan base. i really didn't think he was all that great when he did country. i like the symbolism of his being there and i do think he has talent. i just know that i would buy the chipmunk's greatest hits before i bought an album of his.


Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-22-03, 10:29 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
1. Clay - I heart Clay. He didn't do the silly mouth stuff, and other than one Broadway hand gesture, I thought it was his least Broadway performance of all. He got some emotion in this performance too.

2. Kim - I heart Kim too. Not solid at the very beginning, but rock solid the rest of the way. Handled Simon's comment about her hair with grace.

3. Trenyce - She doesn't thrill me, but she didn't seem as put-on as she has in the past. Still, she's not final 3 material.

4. Ruben - Nice. Scratchy voice at times, but nothing that wowed me. If he wins, I'll be completely underwhelmed.

5. Carmen - She came close on quite a few notes, and it was certainly better than last week. But I'm glad that it's finally been said that she doesn't have what it takes to win.

6. Joshua - Aw, he sings that song to his wife. You know, when it's just the two of them, it's probably nice. But it did not work here. Please go home soon. I know his fan base will carry him through a couple more weeks, but if he's in the final 3 instead of Kim, it's ridiculous. It's worse than Nikki making final 3 over Tamyra last year.

Bebo says...919 beats 205 - I am your American Idol and the Baroness of Babedom.


johnthemod 423 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

04-22-03, 10:53 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
Decent week. We NEED to get rid of Josh and Carmen. As long as the other four are the final four I will be happy.

1. CLAY AIKEN (1,2,1,6,1,2)- only one bad week so far the entire competition. Great song, sang it wonderfully. A bit much with the gestures and such, which is why he's getting all the Broadway stuff from Simon (what Simon forgets is that you also have to be able to act to be on Broadway, and I doubt very highly Clay can act well, it's not that easy (I'm an actor, I should know)..he could maybe get away with Curly in Oklahoma but even that would be a stretch)

2. Kimberley Locke (9,5,3,1,4,1) - hell yeah they should look out for her. Gets better and better looking every week. I wish I liked her personality, but I just can't say that I do. Maybe it's just her speaking voice or her laugh or something, I dunno.

3. Trenyce (2,1,7,2,3,4) - nice job this week. My problem with both her and Ruben, though Ruben does this more, is picking an arrangement where the end of the song is just them belting notes, not even really getting a whole word out and definitely not singing the song. It just sounds odd, to have the backup singers singing the actual song and them just holding notes. But anyways, looked great, sounded great.

4. Ruben Studdard (8,3,4,4,2,3) - good performance, but the end was problematic for me (look above). Nice changing things up a bit.


5. Carmen Rasmussen (12,11,8,3,7,7) - she just better go this week, is all I have to say. I'm glad they told her she can't win, because it's true, she can't, and I just hope that doesn't get her sympathy votes or some crap.

6. Joshua Gracin (7,6,9,8,5,6) - that hurt me to listen to...I just can't deal with two much more of him....please be in the bottom two instead of Trenyce or Kim...please.

Vanessa Olivarez (3)
Charles Grigsby (10,7)
Julia DeMato (6,8,5)
Corey Clark (5,10,10)
Rickey Smith (11,9,6,7,6)
Kimberly Caldwell (4,4,2,5,8,5)


ejm92 2221 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

04-22-03, 11:03 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
I've got bad news for everybody....Josh has one of the largest fan bases around....possibly bigger than one of Clay/Ruben's, I'm not for sure which one....Josh is in the final four at least, probbbably the final three, and I've even been predicting a final two. In today's world, a marine can do no wrong.

Survior 5 Anti-Bootee Champ, Survivor 6 Anti-Bootee Chump

Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-23-03, 08:26 AM (EST)
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18. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
Josh is in the final four at least, probbbably the final three, and I've even been predicting a final two. In today's world, a marine can do no wrong.

I think that's the reason why Simon has been spelling out his opinions on who has the chance to win the competition - Clay, Ruben, and now Kimberly. Clay and Ruben have always been getting consistent support from the public, so they haven't been concerned about the final 2, but now that another contestant is stepping it up performance-wise, the judges keep referring to her as a potential winner. They know her fan base isn't as solid, given her placement in the bottom 3, but they want her to finish better based on her performances so they're talking her up as a potential champion.

When it looked like just a 2-man race, I don't think the judges really cared who finished third and were willing to let the patriotism carry Josh farther than he deserved to go talent-wise. Now that Kim is starting to show her stuff, it's becoming an issue. But at the same time, the judges don't want to alienate his fans.

Bebo says...919 beats 205 - I am your American Idol and the Baroness of Babedom.


katem 3315 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-22-03, 11:52 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
I liked this week. It was a really good week. Here we go:

1. Kim Locke. She has consistently held the top spot on my list. Paula said it best, Kim has found her competitive spirit and is really fighting to stay in the competition, and because of this, she is hitting out of the park every week. She was again terrific. I'm really rooting for her now.

2. Clay. He did a more up-tempo song, but still keeping with his love for a good power ballad. He did very well. AND, I totally disagree with Simon, Clay could sell TONS of cd's, don't believe me? Look at Josh Groban.

3. Ruben. He always sounds EXACTLY the same. The reason he surpases Trenyce is because he has a better voice, but I must say he did sound a tad scratchy this week.

4. Trenyce. She was sultry, loved her performance, but I hate it when she wears those hoochie momma outfits.

5. Carmen. Best performance from this girl I have ever seen. Still, that is NOT saying much. At least she wasn't the worst of the night. Glad Simon and Randy FINALLY said something right, Carmen CANNOT win this competition.

6. Joshua. What has happened to Josh, he has gotten worse and worse. This was his second worst performance, completely off key. I feel bad for him, cause he also looks more tired as the weeks go by. I think he might secretly want to go.

Worst two: Josh and Carmen.
Audience bottom three: Josh, Carmen and Trenyce.
OUT: Carmen.

(c) 2002, 03 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.


IslandFever 205 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

04-22-03, 11:53 PM (EST)
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12. "Polls Put Ruben 1st"
1. Ruben-- wow, what a voice. Great range,nice to hear someone actually hit the right notes.
2. Clay-- he is my all around favorite. I don't get the Broadway comments,maybe someone can explain them.
3. Carmen--I liked her tonight. She has a large fan base and her # has been busy all night. I don't expect her to leave.
4. Kim L--She is overrated and doesn't have a fan base.
5. Josh--Was he trying to sing off-key? I suspect he ends up #3 overall but I'm still waiting for him to sing one of my country favorites-I've Got Friends in Low Places.
6. Trenyce aka Lashundra--In the words of Simon,but not tonight, absolutely dreadful. What a shame because I have heard her sound very good on occasion and yet end up bottom 3. Tonight she deserves to go. In the words of the Flyers to Toronto tonight: Na Na Na Na,Hey He-ey,Good-bye.

Silvergirl1 9342 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-23-03, 00:15 AM (EST)
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13. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"

I've never done this before, but I can see that I agree with the order of at least 2 others who've already posted:

1. Kim Locke: She looked good and turned in a great performance, although I would have liked to have seen her in a more flattering pair of pants.

2. Clay Aiken: He seemed to put his heart in this performance and I think he looked good. He might find his niche on Broadway, but that doesn't make him unfit to be the winner of AI.

3. Ruben Studdard: His performance was okay, but I liked some of his other performances better.

4. Trenyce: Her voice is good, but the heart isn't behind it. The tapping fingers are a little distracting, IMO.

5. Carmen: Time to pack things up, girlfriend. I can't imagine how you've gotten this far in the race.

6. Josh: The song was wrong for his voice and he went off key so many times. I don't think they would even allow him to sing on "Hee Haw" based on tonight's performance. (I know "Hee Haw" is no longer in production, just sayin')

I hope Carmen gets booted next time.

An new AI fan!


712 356 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

04-23-03, 02:30 AM (EST)
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14. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
1) Kimberley - Don'tcha just love her?
2) Alfred E. Muniz.. err.. Clay - At one point in the song, I thought I was listening to his voice, but it was actually the backup singers. That threw me right off.
3) Trenyce... I guess... - She blew it on the's like she didn't finish the lines that she started singing...
4) Ruben Standard - Anyone else catch the "Ruben is my baby's daddy" sign that someone was holding up?

I can't decide which is worse: Josh or Carmen.
Josh's joke about Simon being old was not the least bit funny, and Carmen has become a cocky little witch and should go the hell home.
I plan on writing a threatening letter to anyone who votes for either of them.
Consider yourself warned!


wildchickenhunter 3192 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-23-03, 08:21 AM (EST)
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17. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
LAST EDITED ON 04-23-03 AT 08:22 AM (EST)

typo edit

<<<<4) Ruben Standard - Anyone else catch the "Ruben is my baby's daddy" sign that someone was holding up?>>>>

I saw it except I thought I saw.....Ruben is my baby daddy. I thought it was like 'Sugar Daddy' or something......but if it really said what you saw....why wouldn't you just have a sign that says "Ruben is my husband"?
These kids and their slang...I will never understand!


Devious Weasel 18756 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-23-03, 12:23 PM (EST)
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25. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
Maybe because he isn't the woman's husband, just the father of her child?

wildchickenhunter 3192 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-23-03, 01:30 PM (EST)
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28. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
Oh......well thats different.....then the whole thing just reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks with class.

Ahtumbreez 10456 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-23-03, 07:38 AM (EST)
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15. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
I always agree with most of what everyone else says, I'm just going to add that since I didn't have a favorite to root for I was all prepared to being rooting for Clay, but after Kim L's performance last night I have a new fav, and I didn't even like her before.

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smiley 2009 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

04-23-03, 08:20 AM (EST)
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16. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
I think definetly one of the better weeks. I think the remaining realise they have to perform BIG to make it through.

1. Kim Locke - she was fantastic!!!! I am really rooting for her to go far. I hate to say but Simon was right about the hair. She looks much better. You go girl!

2. Clay Aiken - Clay really tried hard this week to get rid of those goofy expressions. Clay's voice is amazing. Simon was right about one thing though...he would be fantastic on broadway.

3. Ruben Studdard - I think he did a pretty good job and I must admit the guy does give it his all every week.

4. Trenyce - I really can't decide if I like her or not. She does change alot every week and she really gives it her all every week.

5. Carmen - She was much better this week but I don't think she is going to go much further. I have to say I really hate her outfits too...ick!

6. Joshua Gracin - He was HORRIBLE...thats all i have to say


realityluver 267 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

04-23-03, 09:20 AM (EST)
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20. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
I usually just read your rankings. I nod when I'm in agreement and shake my head when I disagree. Since they've wittled it down a bit, I thought I'd add my opinions. I actually thought last night was a good show.

1. Kimberly - She did a wonderful job last night. She hit every note. I agree the first couple of seconds weren't good, but after that it was excellent. I think this was one of her best performances.

2. Ruben - He changed it up a bit and did a great job. I noticed a couple of times during the song where he didn't sing, but I heard on ET before the show aired that he was having some throat problems so I can forgive that. He did that well with throat problems, just think what he could do when he is 100%. I also noticed when the song was over he had a kind of pained look on his face (maybe he was in pain).

I would love for either of them to win the whole thing.

3. Clay - Clay was Clay. He has a great voice and always sings well, but he does nothing for me.

4. Trenyce - She has a beautiful voice, but this performance was not one of her better ones. I think she has enough talent to stick around a couple of more shows, but I doubt she will.

5. Carmen - Based on last nights performance (only) she is rated slightly higher than Joshua. Actually this was probably her best performance (for me), but as Randy and Simon just wasn't good enough.

6. Joshua - After last night's performance he should be banned from AI. It was absolutely horrible. Randy was was sharp all the way through.

I think Joshua and Carmen should be in the bottom 2 with Joshua going home, but most likely Trenyce will hold one of those positions and she will be on the losing end.


Q 2569 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

04-23-03, 09:52 AM (EST)
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23. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
1) Kim Locke - Really like her tonight. She looks great as well. My guess is she has dropped at least 25-30 pounds, maybe more. But that really does not matter, as I love her voice.

2) Trenyce - I thought she did a good job. I like her voice.

3) Ruben - I still thought the song was similar to his other ones, and was hoping for a more drastic shift, but hey, he still does a good job.

4) Clay - Ok he is a hometown boy for me, but I agree with Simon. I watched the first half with my eyes closed and loved his voice. Then I opened my eyes and wanted to look away. His hair was terrible. The close ups of his face was too much.

5) Carmen - I thought she did a great job. She is the one who improved the most and has the most chance of continued improvement.

6) Josh - This was just painful and sad. Go home. And I also think he should be on the same diet as Kim. He could stand to lose a lot of weight. Marine, Hah. He should have been shipped out, so he could have gotten into shape.

It is astonishing how foolish humans can be in groups, especially when they follow their leaders without question - States: The Bene Gesserit View. All States Are an Abstraction.


Scarberian 69 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

04-23-03, 10:42 AM (EST)
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24. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
1. Ruben - even when he's not at the top of his game he stands head and shoulders above the rest of this group. It wasn't my favourite performance, but it was still great! I anticipate that his performance next week will be his best yet.

2. Kimberly - her best performance in a long time. She was really good, but she is so inconsistent it ain't gonna last.

3. Clay - is a consistently good performer, even if I don't really dig him.

4. Carmen - just not good enough, but plenty over-confident.

5. Josh & Trenyce - They were both incredibly bad. So very, very bad. When Trenyce totally lost her timing during her performance it was like a train wreck. I actually had to turn down the volume during Josh's performance. If this is the best America has to offer, they need to start looking somewhere else.


rilond 64 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

04-23-03, 12:58 PM (EST)
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26. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
I agree with everything except last night I felt Kimberly Locke was way over Reuben. She is getting "real good".

Kim L
Carmen ( she should have been eliminated )


munson 1314 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

04-23-03, 01:11 PM (EST)
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27. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
It's all been said so just going to list by rank. That same old, same old vibe is really starting to set in with this show. Maybe 12 is too many finalists?

1. Ruben - not even close
2. Trenyce
3. Clay
4. Carmen
5. Kim
6. Josh

Kim didn't do it for me last night but I'm definitely on the K-Lo bandwagon.

Josh must go. It's not even entertaining in a bad way anymore.

IMO, Carmen's performance last night was better than any that Kim Caldwell ever dropped. Randy was a big 'ol d!ck last night.


Lancerdude74 165 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

04-23-03, 05:16 PM (EST)
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29. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.7"
LAST EDITED ON 04-23-03 AT 05:22 PM (EST)

Not one of the best weeks on record, but still better than disco night. Here we go:

1) Kim L. - I wouldn't put it up as high as last week, but it was still the best of the night. She can still improve and I just wish that she would do better in the voting.

2) Clay - Was pretty close to #1 this week, but second is still pretty good. I really like that song so maybe that had something to do with it.

3) Ruben - His voice seems to be getting weaker as the competition goes on, but he's still good. At least he took a little bit of a risk.

4) Trenyce - She was alright, but there's something about her that I just don't like.

5) Josh - It really hurts me to put Josh this low, since he is my favourite, but he definitely didn't pick a good song. I really really really wish he would stick to country because he sounds way better.

6) Carmen - Sorry hon, you weren't that bad this week, but I just couldn't bring myself to put Josh last.


1) Josh 2.29
2) Clay 2.71
3) Kim L. 3.29
4) Trenyce 4.00
5) Ruben 4.14
6) Carmen 7.14



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