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"Colbster saves Elisabeth!"
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kreon 30 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

03-30-01, 05:32 AM (EST)
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"Colbster saves Elisabeth!"
You know when this show began I thought Jerry would be real fun to watch spin her web. However, she ended up being just a bit too much! What a cool moment to see that this time around the evil one is outta there! After digesting her shocking departure I watched it again and clearly Colby saved Elisabeths cute little behind! He even went as far to say it didn't seem right for Lissy to go before Jerri! You have to wonder what was going on in Jerri's mind as she watched her departure tonight. The one person she thought was her equal to go to the final 2 was the one who initiated the Jerri boot! Do you think he let Nick win so he could have immunity? If Nick had lost I don't think Keith and Tina would have voted to boot Jerri just yet. Could Colby have been just one step ahead and had already decided it was time for Miss thing to hit the road but he needed the Nick immunity to suggest Jerri goes before Lis? He's a shrude player like Tina. Anyway, I'm glad to see that no one is going to be rewarded for crass playing this time around. Laughed at Rodgers words durring the vote against Jerri!

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 RE: Colbster saves Elisabeth! Riviere76 03-30-01 1

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Riviere76 30 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

03-30-01, 08:18 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Colbster saves Elisabeth!"
It was great seeing Jerri go!!! My least fave players were Jerri, Michael and Jeff, with them out of the way I enjoy the show more and my fave players have better chances. Now if Colby was really smart, he'd convince Amber to stay Ogakor loyal and vote off the rest of the Kuchas. After that it would be him and Keith going all out for immunity, Colby & Amber would have a fair chance of splitting the Keith-Tina alliance and bingo, Amber manages to win. That's a good strategy and a possible one. Plus, wouldn't we all like seeing it burn Jerri's butt to see Colby up there with Amber!?! If Amber joins the Kuchas her only hope would be a pact with Nick against Lisa & Rodger but Nick might remain loyal and want Amber out after using her. He would be smart using Amber to help him split Lisa & Roger since there's nothing to lose, he'd have better luck winning if he was up with Amber. Who would vote against lovable Lisa and sweet old Kentucky Joe?


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