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"How could Rob possibly win?"
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Dumby 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

05-08-04, 08:00 PM (EST)
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"How could Rob possibly win?"
How could Rob possibly win? And how can he think he has a chance of winning? Who would he take to the final two thinking that the jury would prefer him? Surely he must realize that he's burnt a lot of (too many) bridges.

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: How could Rob possibly win? dabo 05-08-04 1
 RE: How could Rob possibly win? TeamJoisey 05-09-04 2
 RE: How could Rob possibly win? CoolHandLuke 05-09-04 3
 RE: How could Rob possibly win? Howard Dean 05-09-04 4

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dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-08-04, 09:12 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: How could Rob possibly win?"
he makes them an offuh they can't refuse.

TeamJoisey 3558 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

05-09-04, 00:14 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: How could Rob possibly win?"
Rob can win if he can convince the jury.
Here's his speech:

We've all played this game before, we've all watched each other play on TV. We're all students of the game, we know how this game is played. It is a game of deception, a game of alliances, and a game of broken alliances.

Survivor demands that you to work with people, bond with people, laugh sweat sleep and starve with people that you eventually intend to betray. It is a tough place to make friends, and as we now know, it is not a game you should play with friends.

In the past 39 days I have lied, I have decieved, I have betrayed. Regrettably, I have hurt people who were my friends. But please remember this: It was all done in the context of the game. There is a million dollars at stake, and I played this game as hard as anyone ever has.

Through it all, I have played most of this game with a target on my back. There were a lot of conversations, I'm sure, about booting me. I'm still here.

I won a lot of immunity challenges that kept me here. Winning challenges can save you once, but it always increases the size of the target. I'm still here.

My alliance with Amber was out in the open. I didn't play this game under the radar, and I didn't lay back and wait for the power players to knock each other off. I was out in the open the whole way. I'm still here.

Why is that?

Outwit. Outplay. Outlast.

I can see that some of you may not like me right now. I'm sorry if our friendships have been damaged. I hope that we can put this game, and it is a game, into the proper context.

I've played the game of Survivor, and I've played it well.
I've played it every moment I was here, and I've played it well enough to win.

You are the jury, and you have the decision in your hands. All I ask is that you put any hard feelings aside, and chose the winner who played the best game.

If Rawb actually says any of this, I want a cut.


CoolHandLuke 20 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

05-09-04, 01:57 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: How could Rob possibly win?"

Easy it all part of the game, as Lex would say “it’s business this time” ( and then whine like a little #####).. They have to see that he controlled this game probably not to the extent of his editing, but he did to some degree, he pulled all the strings.

Who ever he goes with they will have to see that he pretty much brought them there. Kathy was voting for Amber so don’t look for her to make her a winner. I think Lex will see how smart Rob was.. I think in the end all these players are such survivor buffs and will relies he outplayed outwitted and outlasted them and feel he is the more deserving player who ever he is against.


Howard Dean 707 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

05-09-04, 02:59 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: How could Rob possibly win?"
LAST EDITED ON 05-09-04 AT 03:00 AM (EST)

To put it simply, Rob can win the same way Richard Hatch won. He can say that he played the game better and smarter. I think we'll probably see a variation of that speech from Rob.

As for who he should take with him, Jenna is probably his best bet. She's not all that popular with the other players either.

But regardless of who Rob takes with him, the same rule applies: he won more challenges, strategized better and led his tribe to victory. He deserves to win.



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