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"The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thread"
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nailbone 27263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-13-04, 10:36 AM (EST)
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"The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thread"

Sweet and hot!! And I'll bet she's much more of a presence this time. Doesn't matter though. She can just sit quietly and look good and I'll be happy!!

Sandra, Panama's Sole Survivor
Prince of Passion, Royal Liaison to Illicit Activities, SB Video Historian
and OT Studmuffin of the Year '03
Cool new sig courtesy of Jslice


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Page 3?!?! nailbone 02-02-04 1
   RE: Page 3?!?! arturbars 02-02-04 2
       RE: Page 3?!?! Howard Dean 02-10-04 12
 RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thre... KeithFan 02-02-04 3
   RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thre... Spanky68 02-02-04 4
 RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thre... geg6 02-10-04 5
   RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thre... PepeLePew13 02-10-04 6
       RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thre... geg6 02-10-04 7
           RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thre... Survivorerist 02-10-04 13
               RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thre... Coconut 02-10-04 14
           RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thre... ladro 02-11-04 16
               RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thre... geg6 02-12-04 17
       RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thre... Howard Dean 02-10-04 11
   RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thre... nailbone 02-10-04 8
       RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thre... MTW1961 02-10-04 9
       RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thre... geg6 02-11-04 15
   RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thre... Howard Dean 02-10-04 10
       RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thre... TVGuy 02-12-04 18
           RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thre... Howard Dean 02-13-04 19
           RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thre... nailbone 02-13-04 21
               RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thre... TVGuy 02-14-04 22
 RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thre... Silvergirl1 02-13-04 20

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nailbone 27263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-02-04, 12:08 PM (EST)
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1. "Page 3?!?!"
With no replies at all!??!

Come on, people!! Surely I'm not the only Amber fan out here!!

Hey, she even spoke in the first episode (or at least in the previews for Ep. 2.)

OT Studmuffin of the Year '03, Prince of Passion, Royal Liaison to Illicit Activities, SB Video Historian, and Vice-President of the GAWKUR Alliance o-
Cool new sig courtesy of Jslice


arturbars 605 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

02-02-04, 12:20 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Page 3?!?!"
I am not particularly an Amber fan - but i do agree with you - she is a very nice eye-candy. And give that girl props - she actually did say something already.

One thing she got going against her already though - she is aligning herself with the Rob JackAss Mariano.... (i guess she got a thing for jerks that everyone hates - Jerri in Outback)...


Howard Dean 707 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

02-10-04, 08:35 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Page 3?!?!"

Amber was just sort of "there" during Survivor 2. She was the odd person out when Jerri was ejected. There really wasn't a whole lot more you could say. If you we're looking for eye candy, Elizabeth was much more interesting, and a lot better player of the game.

At least that's the way it seemed to me at the time.

I was surprised that they chose Amber for ASS. But put someone in a different situation and they can surprise you every time. She certainly has every right now to show us that she is someone to reckon with.

There's no question that she is cute, and in fact she does have a high IQ, according to what Probst said back in Survivor 2.

What she really needs are street smarts, and if indeed she is hooking up with Rob, she may find plenty of that from him.

I'm not sure what is going on between them, but who knows? She may even be the one who tames Rob .....

On second thought ..... Nahhhhhhh!



KeithFan 7422 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-02-04, 12:52 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thread"
Yah, she's cute, but she ain't no Darrah.

KeithFan-O-Tron is a registered trademark


Spanky68 8092 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-02-04, 03:51 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thread"
Man, Boner, I hate to admit that I agree with you AGAIN but I do. As I said in my love list: I thought she was OK before, but I found her the most attractive of all the femmes in S8 while watching ep 1.

would be more of a fan if she wasn't cozying up to Rob M.


geg6 14941 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-10-04, 03:37 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thread"
Not that I am a huge Amber fan or anything, but I thought I should let nailbone know that Amber is now on display nightly here in Beaver County, PA. Just found out from a fellow member of our local Curves that Amber is now working as an instructor. She began working last night and says she intends to stay for a while. Now, how much are you willing to give me for an invite to my house so you can check her out in the flesh?


PepeLePew13 26140 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-10-04, 04:06 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thread"
>Amber is now on display nightly here
>in Beaver County

What, she's stripping now? Very unfortunate name for a county, as well!

>so you can check her
>out in the flesh?

An intentional pun?


geg6 14941 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-10-04, 04:11 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thread"
Come on, Pepe!! Don't they have Curves in Canada? Yeah, it sounds like a strip bar, but it's actually a women's gym. So, yeah, she shows some flesh but not the way you'd like it! I am told she is teeny tiny (okay, disgustingly skinny is what my friend said, but that's just a middle-aged woman talking). And you're going to make fun of my beautiful county's name when your entire country has it as a national symbol or something?


Survivorerist 4103 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

02-10-04, 09:03 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thread"
>>>And you're going to make fun of my beautiful county's name when your entire country has it as a national symbol or something?<<<

Sorry Pepe, but when you think about it, that's really a good point

Go Amber!!!

"I'll need a big spoon because I have a big mouth."


Coconut 10856 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-10-04, 09:14 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thread"
Sir is right. That's pretty darn funny.

Amber? bleh. Sorry, Winky.


ladro 1168 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

02-11-04, 07:12 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thread"
LAST EDITED ON 02-11-04 AT 07:13 PM (EST)

They have all women Curves gyms where I live. I don't know how they can get away with having an all women gym, if they had an all male gym, Gloria Allred and the rest of the feminazis would be picketing it. But I didn't really care, because I always assumed it was just a bunch of fat chicks. I don't think it is right for Amber to work at an all women gym. It's just not rignt!!


geg6 14941 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-12-04, 09:52 AM (EST)
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17. "RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thread"
ladro, if you and nailbone would be willing to wear a wig and pastel colored sweats, I'd be happy to smuggle you in as just really ugly women.


Howard Dean 707 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

02-10-04, 08:20 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thread"
LAST EDITED ON 02-10-04 AT 08:39 PM (EST)

Oh la la! Are doing the "Beaver" thing here too??? I thought it was bad enough when we had a thread on 'Beaver" over on the Average Joe board. Good grief!!!! lol

>>Amber is now on display nightly here
>>in Beaver County
>What, she's stripping now? Very unfortunate name for a county, as well!


nailbone 27263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-10-04, 05:41 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thread"
I'll be right over, and I'll bring the beer!!!

(I do know what Curves is.)

OT Studmuffin of the Year '03, Prince of Passion, Royal Liaison to Illicit Activities, SB Video Historian, and Vice-President of the GAWKUR Alliance o-
Cool new sig courtesy of Jslice


MTW1961 4029 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

02-10-04, 06:15 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thread"
Okay, I'll admit I'm a big Amber fan too. I'd be quite happy if she got half the Survivor airtime. WAY better than Darrah and without the annoying voice.

Do you like my sig pic?


geg6 14941 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-11-04, 09:41 AM (EST)
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15. "RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thread"
I knew you'd know, nailbone. Just waiting for your knock on my door and I prefer a light beer (why do you think I'm going to Curves anyway? Gotta work off the beer!).


Howard Dean 707 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

02-10-04, 08:17 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thread"

Mon Dieu! Why did I ever move away from Pittsburgh! lol

>Not that I am a huge
>Amber fan or anything, but
>I thought I should let
>nailbone know that Amber is
>now on display nightly here
>in Beaver County, PA.
>Just found out from a
>fellow member of our local
>Curves that Amber is now
>working as an instructor.
>She began working last night
>and says she intends to
>stay for a while.
>Now, how much are you
>willing to give me for
>an invite to my house
>so you can check her
>out in the flesh?


TVGuy 4 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

02-12-04, 09:02 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thread"
I have to admit Amber is beautiful - probably the most attractive contestant in any season of Survivor. And I never really did understand why people were so anti-Amber in season 2. Her crime seemed to be being friends with Jerri. She seems nice and friendly, and one of the few who is not trying to lie and backstab (not that there is anything wrong with that in this game).

*However*, I have to say my opinion of her took a big hit tonight. It's one thing to use flirting as a strategy, but it seems like she is going a little too far with Boston Rob. She had better watch it or they're going to vote her off just for that. Before she was under the radar, and now she is standing out too much.

Someone here said she was fairly smart, and so far she is not showing that to be the case. I just don't see what her strategy is for the long term. I'd like her to stick around, but I don't think it's going to happen. I hope I'm wrong.


Howard Dean 707 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

02-13-04, 00:43 AM (EST)
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19. "RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thread"
Well she and Rob need to form an alliance with two of the other players. That will be the key.

>Someone here said she was fairly
>smart, and so far she
>is not showing that to
>be the case. I just
>don't see what her strategy
>is for the long term.
>I'd like her to stick
>around, but I don't think
>it's going to happen. I
>hope I'm wrong.


nailbone 27263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-13-04, 09:56 AM (EST)
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21. "RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thread"
Standing out too much?? Isn't that what people want? It's the ones that stand out that are memorable. Amber spent all these years (how long HAS it been since S2 anyway?) being slammed for being non-existent. Now we're actually seeing and hearing from her and she gets slammed for standing out.

OT Studmuffin of the Year '03, Prince of Passion, Royal Liaison to Illicit Activities, SB Video Historian, and Vice-President of the GAWKUR Alliance o-
Cool new sig courtesy of Jslice


TVGuy 4 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

02-14-04, 10:01 PM (EST)
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22. "RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thread"
If you think I'm slamming her for standing out, you're mistaken. Amber is my favorite contestant this season, and I want to see her go far - I'm just worried that her cozying up to Rob is going to stand out too much with her tribemates, and untimately get her voted off since she will be seen to be in Rob's pocket.

Who cares what other people want - Amber should not concern herself with that, she should play the game and try to win by any means she can. People slammed her not because she was quiet (Ethan was quiet and nobody had a problem with him in season 3), but because she was in an alliance with Jerri. Guilt by association. I wrote quite a few posts on another message board defending her in season 2, and the conclusion was that people just hated her for that one reason and won't ever change their mind. It's a really stupid way to judge someone, if you ask me.

Flying under the radar and finding a strong ally is a good strategy for her, she should continue to do that, just don't make the flirting so obvious.

That's all I was saying...

>Standing out too much?? Isn't
>that what people want?
>It's the ones that stand
>out that are memorable.
>Amber spent all these years
>(how long HAS it been
>since S2 anyway?) being slammed
>for being non-existent. Now
>we're actually seeing and hearing
>from her and she gets
>slammed for standing out.


Silvergirl1 9342 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-13-04, 02:55 AM (EST)
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20. "RE: The Official WE LOVE AMBER Thread"

Well, Nailbone, I do think Amber is sweet and pretty. I do like her better this time. Is it the editing? Or is it that she has hooked up with the Robfadda? I don't know, but she is even prettier this time, and I know they don't have makeup on the island, so it is all her own natural good looks.

She showed her emotions on tonight's episode. I was crying along with her when she went to hug Jenna.

The first post I ever made on these boards was in response to Survivoreist's Amber thread back in S2.



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