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"Johnny Fairplay: why he wasnt on ASS according to Jeff......."
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DreamingAwake 18 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

02-12-04, 09:59 PM (EST)
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"Johnny Fairplay: why he wasnt on ASS according to Jeff......."
Jeff was on the Lex and Terry mourning show this mourning and he explained it.

He said that when they started filming ASS that Fairplay hadnt really emerged on survivor 7 yet.

The producers knew what he did, but they just didnt know how the audience would take it, thus his exclusion.

I think they know now they made a mistake not including him.

I wonder if the survivors got to see Rupert tape, before they went, it would only seem fair that they knew how he played the game before they were in his tribe he was the only question mark.


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Johnny Fairplay: why he wasnt ... Sagebrush Dan 02-12-04 1
   RE: Johnny Fairplay: why he wasnt ... Howard Dean 02-13-04 3
 RE: Johnny Fairplay: why he wasnt ... Blow by Blow 02-13-04 2
   RE: Johnny Fairplay: why he wasnt ... Steve CT 02-13-04 4
   RE: Johnny Fairplay: why he wasnt ... JohnMc 02-13-04 7
 RE: Johnny Fairplay: why he wasnt ... samboohoo 02-13-04 5
   RE: Johnny Fairplay: why he wasnt ... Howard Dean 02-13-04 6
   RE: Johnny Fairplay: why he wasnt ... DreamingAwake 02-13-04 8
       RE: Johnny Fairplay: why he wasnt ... samboohoo 02-14-04 9
 RE: Johnny Fairplay: why he wasnt ... PelicanPete 02-15-04 10

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Sagebrush Dan 10002 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-12-04, 11:57 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: Johnny Fairplay: why he wasnt on ASS according to Jeff......."
No matter why he missed out, I'm glad he's not there. He probably would have played an interesting game, but I got sick of his ugly face, his criminal nature. Everything about him made me want to puke. I'm glad his 15 minutes are over. I could go on, but...

Howard Dean 707 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

02-13-04, 01:47 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: Johnny Fairplay: why he wasnt on ASS according to Jeff......."

Yep! I agree

>No matter why he missed out,
>I'm glad he's not there.
> He probably would have
>played an interesting game, but
>I got sick of his
>ugly face, his criminal nature.
> Everything about him made
>me want to puke.
>I'm glad his 15 minutes
>are over. I could
>go on, but...


Blow by Blow 895 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

02-13-04, 00:44 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Johnny Fairplay: why he wasnt on ASS according to Jeff......."
I miss having Johnny on my TV.

About Rupert, the ASS people got to see S7 up through the return of the ghost tribe, but didn't see how the ghost tribe impacted the game. Also, they were told Rupert did not win, but that's it. I have no idea what Rupert is telling his tribe right now.


I do more to not work than actual work.


Steve CT 19 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

02-13-04, 08:15 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: Johnny Fairplay: why he wasnt on ASS according to Jeff......."
LAST EDITED ON 02-13-04 AT 08:16 AM (EST)

For me I wish Johnny was there. He definately added to the show, even if it was just that you hated him. It's great to have someone to hate on this show.

Even though I didn't like Johnny I really wouldn't have felt bad if he won. I just feel that he played the game and everyone around him the best.

Again, I will say that he started playing the game even before they were on the island.

I mean the way he could play and get the girls to do what ever he wanted was beyond me. He was great at manipulating and that is a huge part of this game.


JohnMc 2679 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

02-13-04, 05:12 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Johnny Fairplay: why he wasnt on ASS according to Jeff......."
<<I have no idea what Rupert is telling his tribe right now.>>

This is purely speculative, but based on the fact that the winners are targets, he will probably be honest and say that he came in 8th. The lower he performed, the lower a target he'll be.


samboohoo 17173 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-13-04, 09:13 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: Johnny Fairplay: why he wasnt on ASS according to Jeff......."
I think Johnny played a good game too, I just cannot stand to look at him with those goofy expressions. He is too caught up in his little fantasy world.

Also, with regards to Jon's comment about Grandpa dying on ASS, I think we finnaly know why Jeff made that face. The viewers had seen S7, and that was a brilliant move on Jon's part, so they had to deal with it at the reunion. I doubt Jeff expected Jon's comment, but considering Jenna's mom did actually die during the filming of ASS, I'm sure that's why Jeff responded the way he did.



Howard Dean 707 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

02-13-04, 11:16 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: Johnny Fairplay: why he wasnt on ASS according to Jeff......."

Yes! What a tragic coincidence that after Jon's lie, It actually happened in real life to Jenna.

>Also, with regards to Jon's comment
>about Grandpa dying on ASS,
>I think we finnaly know
>why Jeff made that face.
> The viewers had seen
>S7, and that was a
>brilliant move on Jon's part,
>so they had to deal
>with it at the reunion.
> I doubt Jeff expected
>Jon's comment, but considering Jenna's
>mom did actually die during
>the filming of ASS, I'm
>sure that's why Jeff responded
>the way he did.


DreamingAwake 18 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

02-13-04, 10:47 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Johnny Fairplay: why he wasnt on ASS according to Jeff......."
How did jeff respond??? I saw the reunion, but I dont remember anything out of the ordinary, just a little, experession like you should keep your mouth shut.

samboohoo 17173 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-14-04, 11:12 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: Johnny Fairplay: why he wasnt on ASS according to Jeff......."
It was pretty much a "keep your mouth shut" look. But at the time, people were thinking it was because Jon was an ASS (as opposed to the ass he really is) and the cast hadn't been announced yet. Plus Rupert had already made his little slip.



PelicanPete 140 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

02-15-04, 04:39 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Johnny Fairplay: why he wasnt on ASS according to Jeff......."
As far as strategists go, it is a shame that he was discluded from the All-Stars roster. But personally, I think he was a skank and deserved to be booted very early on during the Pearl Islands. I think that if Drake had lost an early challenge, he would have been the first out of there being that he annoyed Rupert's girl Sandra, Shawn, and even Rupert to an extent. I'm glad that the producers didn't waste a spot with his wimpy, nasty looking self. He's even wimpier than RobC! Ouch! Anyway, who would they have taken out to put Jon in? Big Tom? nope. Mariano? maybe, but probably not. Rudy or Cesternino? doubt it. The filthy weasel didn't have an open spot to fill, and that is a good thing!

But, as hard as it is, he was one of the best strategists (albeit jerk and major loser) in Survivor history IMO.




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