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"SurvivorWhatif? Round 10"
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ivoryElephant 2257 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

11-26-03, 12:06 PM (EST)
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"SurvivorWhatif? Round 10"
In another blowout TC the immunity challenge went the opposite way as it was decided by one vote. (welcome to the game uglystephany)

Christa has been voted out and is the second member of the jury.

Ironically the same two people have been battling for the IC the last 3 rounds.

And once again it came down to one vote.

The winner of Immunity with 5 votes is....Lillian (is the immunity challenge a frowning challenge?)


Vote one of the following out of the Balboa tribe

lillian immune she did it again
ryan o.


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 BURTON! PelicanPete 11-26-03 1
 Trish LozengeofLove 11-26-03 2
 Trish ejm92 11-26-03 3
 Rupert tribephyl 11-26-03 4
 Rupert coolflowerpowerman 11-26-03 5
   RE: Rupert SurvivinSally810 11-30-03 32
 Trish out LionChow 11-26-03 6
 Captain Rupert desiree99399 11-26-03 7
   Rupert uglystephany 11-26-03 8
 Rupert ivoryElephant 11-26-03 9
 Trish Blow by Blow 11-26-03 10
   RE: Mr. Boneham annapolislass 11-29-03 27
       Trish Tenn_Princess 11-29-03 29
 Burton JohnMc 11-26-03 11
 VOTE CHANGE: RUPERT! PelicanPete 11-26-03 12
 Burton Goooey_Alley 11-26-03 13
 RE: Trish Steen 11-27-03 14
 Trish silentJ 11-27-03 15
 Jon donnamossfan 11-27-03 16
   RE: Jon donnamossfan 11-27-03 17
       Trish SurvivorAlice 11-29-03 21
 Tijuana djandy 11-27-03 18
 Burton Nash 11-28-03 19
   RE: CHANGE TO TRISH Nash 12-01-03 38
 Trish Kokoro 11-29-03 20
   Re: Rupert tiuanafans 11-29-03 26
 TRISH johnthemod 11-29-03 22
 Trish Jims02 11-29-03 23
 Rupert classiuscley5120 11-29-03 24
 Rupart libit012zillo 11-29-03 25
 Rupert I_AM_HE 11-29-03 28
   PaTrisha Scuttlebutt 11-29-03 30
       RE: Rupert daltonsangel 11-29-03 31
           Rupert willblakeley 11-30-03 33
 Rupert TherMPrncss 11-30-03 34
 Burton bobstew617 11-30-03 35
 Hrm Kokoro 12-01-03 36
 Trish echogirl 12-01-03 37
 Rupert rwj3eb 12-01-03 39

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Messages in this topic

PelicanPete 140 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

11-26-03, 12:25 PM (EST)
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1. "BURTON!"
LAST EDITED ON 11-26-03 AT 01:02 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 11-26-03 AT 12:28 PM (EST)

Please get that IC hog outta here! And FAST!

Oops, forgot. IC: Ryno



LozengeofLove 1060 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

11-26-03, 12:29 PM (EST)
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2. "Trish"
She really doesn't deserve to be here anymore.
I reserve the right to change this vote if it looks like Ryan O. might be going.
IC: Ryan O.

ejm92 2221 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

11-26-03, 12:39 PM (EST)
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3. "Trish"
IC: Sandra

Survior 5 Anti-Bootee Champ, Survivor 6 Anti-Bootee Chump

tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-26-03, 01:18 PM (EST)
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4. "Rupert"
I'm going for it.

After witnessing his holier than Peter stance. I figure the guy isn't long for the game. I know I'd kick him out first chance I got. Plus he ain't winning any challenges. Let's do it know before it's too late.

IC: Trish



coolflowerpowerman 456 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

11-26-03, 01:27 PM (EST)
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5. "Rupert"
LAST EDITED ON 11-26-03 AT 01:29 PM (EST)

If you want to be the man, you have to beat the man. Sucka!

Immune: Trish (Lill doesn't need it as much)


SurvivinSally810 2 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

11-30-03, 00:09 AM (EST)
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32. "RE: Rupert"
Id really love to get rid of Sandra, but that will have to wait. Go home rupert.

Immunity: Trish


LionChow 2033 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

11-26-03, 01:37 PM (EST)
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6. "Trish out"
Hey didn't know this was going on. Shows how aware I am.

Let's go with Trish for the boot


IC: Ryan O (saw him mentioned on a couple others, so I'll pile on. Maybe then we can ditch Lillian next time).


desiree99399 10 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

11-26-03, 01:42 PM (EST)
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7. "Captain Rupert"

Immune: Trish (not Ryno!)


uglystephany 7 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

11-26-03, 01:47 PM (EST)
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8. "Rupert"
The IC: Trish

ivoryElephant 2257 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

11-26-03, 03:22 PM (EST)
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9. "Rupert"
TC: Rupert (now may be the best chance I have)

IC: Trish ( sooooo hot, must save hottie )


Blow by Blow 895 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

11-26-03, 04:41 PM (EST)
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10. "Trish"
LAST EDITED ON 11-26-03 AT 04:42 PM (EST)

IC: Rupert (again!)

I'm sure by now Trish's annoying, plotting behaviour has earned her widespread disdain from the tribe. Rupert and RyanO bring in the fish, Burton brings in the water, Sandra, TJ and Lillian take care of everything else around camp. It's a happy tribe at last.

ETA: Trish a hottie?? Maybe compared to Lill, but with Tijuana still in camp who's even looking Trish's way?



annapolislass 12 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

11-29-03, 02:54 PM (EST)
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27. "RE: Mr. Boneham"
This is for Reilly and Molly, you nasty sasquatch!

IC: The other Annapolis Lass, of course (Trish)


Tenn_Princess 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

11-29-03, 06:59 PM (EST)
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29. "Trish"
This game is terrible! The only one left who should even be there is Sandra. Now I don't really like Rupert all too much, but who in their right minds would keep Trish over him? Ew.

IC: Sandra! The only one that still rocks here!


JohnMc 2679 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

11-26-03, 05:36 PM (EST)
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11. "Burton"
IC - Rupert

PelicanPete 140 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

11-26-03, 06:43 PM (EST)
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I didn't realize that there were that many people out there willing to vote out King Rupert. Hey, I couldn't wait for him to leave in the real game, why wait now? I'm on the bandwagon!
Bye-bye Rupe.

IC: Ryno



Goooey_Alley 425 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

11-26-03, 07:30 PM (EST)
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13. "Burton"
IC winner: Trish

Steen 1544 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

11-27-03, 10:11 AM (EST)
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14. "RE: Trish"

IC: Ryno (I think i'll keep voting for him untill he wins it)

Awesome J Slice Creation 2003


silentJ 336 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-27-03, 12:42 PM (EST)
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15. "Trish"

IC: Rupert

donnamossfan 8 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

11-27-03, 01:27 PM (EST)
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16. "Jon"
Get rid of nasty fairplay.

donnamossfan 8 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

11-27-03, 01:28 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: Jon"
Oops... It looks like Jon has already got his comeuppance in this game. I'll vote for the next most offensive character, Rupert.

Do we get to pick the reward and immunity challenges as well?

Reward Challenge winner = Tijuana

Immunity Challenge winner = Trish


SurvivorAlice 3 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

11-29-03, 03:14 AM (EST)
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21. "Trish"
Get rid of this nasty old backstabber! I can't believe what she tried to do to Rupert! So ungrateful..Rupert for immuhnity~! reward too, if u want taht.

djandy 1711 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

11-27-03, 08:29 PM (EST)
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18. "Tijuana"
IC: Trish



Nash 437 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

11-28-03, 09:36 AM (EST)
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19. "Burton"
LAST EDITED ON 12-01-03 AT 10:48 AM (EST)

Change to TRISH need to save RUPERT

IC Rupert


Nash 437 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

12-01-03, 10:49 AM (EST)
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We need to save RUPERT so BYE BYE Trish

Kokoro 3899 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-29-03, 02:31 AM (EST)
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20. "Trish"
Why is this loser still around?

IC: Ryan


tiuanafans 7 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

11-29-03, 02:46 PM (EST)
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26. "Re: Rupert"
Immune: Tijuana

johnthemod 423 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

11-29-03, 01:39 PM (EST)
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22. "TRISH"
IC: Rupert

Jims02 7407 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-29-03, 01:44 PM (EST)
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23. "Trish"
I haven't even voted once yet, but I gotta protect Rupie for now...

IC: Ryan O

JSlice is da bomb


classiuscley5120 2 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

11-29-03, 02:35 PM (EST)
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24. "Rupert"
Immunity: Trish

libit012zillo 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

11-29-03, 02:40 PM (EST)
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25. "Rupart"
LAST EDITED ON 11-29-03 AT 02:40 PM (EST)

Must get rid of jerk.

Inmunity challeng: TRISH

"You must whip it!" -- Granny Johanneson


I_AM_HE 6123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-29-03, 03:00 PM (EST)
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28. "Rupert"
*sigh* I'd rather vote for Fat Ryan, Burton, or even Trish, but I have to help keep Trish around so that Ryan doesn't win immunity. so that means I have to vote out Rupert and give immunity to Trish

IC: Trish


Scuttlebutt 12 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

11-29-03, 07:35 PM (EST)
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30. "PaTrisha"
There's still a long way to go in this game. Rupert blows, but Trish is one of the most vile people from the whole shebang. Immunity to the ever lovely Tijuana.

daltonsangel 4 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

11-29-03, 11:07 PM (EST)
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31. "RE: Rupert"
Vote: Rupert

ic: Pa-TRISH-a


willblakeley 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

11-30-03, 02:41 PM (EST)
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33. "Rupert"
IC: Burton

TherMPrncss 4 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

11-30-03, 07:00 PM (EST)
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34. "Rupert"
Ten hours of the "Rupert Show" was too much.

Immunity: Trish


bobstew617 723 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

11-30-03, 11:32 PM (EST)
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35. "Burton"
I just can't vote out Rupert...

IC: Trish (just so Lillian does NOT win it)


Kokoro 3899 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

12-01-03, 02:11 AM (EST)
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36. "Hrm"
IE, before you tally, I've sent you an email. Please check that out


echogirl 2120 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

12-01-03, 08:02 AM (EST)
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37. "Trish"
Why is Trish still in this game?

IC-Ryan O

Go Rupert!


rwj3eb 161 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

12-01-03, 12:52 PM (EST)
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39. "Rupert"


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