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"RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"
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magic_star 2400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

12-01-03, 01:35 AM (EST)
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"RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"
LAST EDITED ON 12-01-03 AT 01:37 AM (EST)

The barter twist has caused a complete flip flop in the standings. The rich got richer and the poor got poorer. Tijuana was voted out of the game, which came as a shock to almost everyone. And not a single person came out ahead in the barter. Some dropped more than ten spots, while others picked those spots up completely reversing their fortunes in the game.

All forty-one players will try to outwit and outplay each other every week until the end of the game when one player claims the title of sole winner of the Reality Adventure Game Survivor leg. Who will that person be? The eleventh episode will bring us one step closer to finding out.

The highest score of the week goes to both ejm92 and PhoenixMons who scored eight points each. Congratulations!

The worst score of the week goes to echogirl. She managed a perfect negative ten with the barter. Of course that's what she was going for. So congratulations echo!

The episode ten correct vote predictions are as follow...

Burton: Tijuana
Christa: Tijuana
Darrah: Burton
Jon: Tijuana
Lillian: Tijuana
Sandra: Tijuana
Tijuana: Burton

The episode ten correct Survival Question answers are as follow...


Yensid, sorry but I had to deny your entry due to the deadline, which does include edits. The post was edited within about 5 hours of the start of the episode. Most reliable spoilers are out by then, so that is the reason the entry has been denied. For the purpose of this last episode, since there was the special twist, I'm just going to give you zero points.

Now it's time for the standings...

Standings(Overall Score)(Episode Nine Score)
Survivor Maniac(68)(4)

For you only echogirl!

Two or more weeks MIA
Kermit the Vixen(21)

There were quite a few people who dropped several spaces, but everything is really close from #9-#23, so anything can happen in these last few weeks. And it isn't too much farther from there up to the top few. And you never know, there might just be another twist coming your way.

The official rules are here...
You can still join if you want to play!

The remaining Survivors are...


Your goal is to predict each survivor's vote. Each correct pick is worth one point. If you correctly predict each vote cast, then your vote prediction score will be doubled.

Please don't use nicknames. Shortened names are acceptable. Place the Survivors on the left, and your picks on the right.

Use the following three groups for the Survival Questions.

Group One: Sandra, Lillian
Group Two: Christa, Burton
Group Three: Darrah, Jon

1.Will a Male Survivor or Female Survivor have the last confessional in the episode? This is not a Yes or No Question.(1)
2.Who's name will the last vote Jeff reads at Tribal Council be? The person who the vote is against, not from.(2)
3.Which of the three given groups contains the Survivor that will be the last questioned by Jeff Probst at Tribal Council?(2)
4.Which of the three given groups contains the Survivor that will be last to cast their vote at Tribal Council?(2)
5.Which Survivor will be last to first speak in the episode? Once a Survivor speaks, then they're crossed off. If a Survivor does not speak at all in the episode, then they're automatically crossed off. The last Survivor left is the correct answer. Recaps, Challenges, and Previews will not count for this question.(3)

Your picks this week are due by Wednesday 8:00 PM EST.

Goodluck with your picks! BTW, you can expect a twist next week and it will be huge!

T-Mac hits the three! Magic Win! Magic Win!


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 1... 7sins_pride 12-01-03 1
 RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 1... Nash 12-01-03 2
 Entry Ep. 11 djandy 12-01-03 3
 RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 1... cyclehausen 12-01-03 4
   RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 1... yensid 12-02-03 7
 RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 1... tvgeek401 12-01-03 5
 Entry Ep. 11 tribephyl 12-02-03 6
 RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 1... PlumBlossom 12-02-03 8
 RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 1... djk 12-02-03 9
 RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 1... MTW1961 12-02-03 10
 RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 1... silentJ 12-03-03 11
 RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 1... TungFong 12-03-03 12
 RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 1... Neobie 12-03-03 13
 RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 1... echogirl 12-03-03 14
 RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 1... heidifan 12-03-03 15
 RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 1... dajaki 12-03-03 16
 RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 1... ShowMeTheWinner 12-03-03 17
 RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 1... minitroll 12-03-03 18
 RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 1... Survivor Maniac 12-03-03 19
 RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 1... Steen 12-03-03 20
 RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 1... survivorscott 12-03-03 21
 RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 1... magic_star 12-03-03 22
 RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 1... yensid 12-03-03 23
 RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 1... ejm92 12-03-03 24
 RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 1... cyclehausen 12-03-03 25
 RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 1... Lolly 12-03-03 26
 RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 1... sisyphus 12-03-03 27
 RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 1... PhoenixMons 12-03-03 28
 Entry Ep. 11 Yogi 12-03-03 29
 RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 1... realityluver 12-04-03 30

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Messages in this topic

7sins_pride 127 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

12-01-03, 09:23 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"
1. Christa - Jon
2. Sandra - Jon
3. Darrah - Jon
4. Burton - Darrah
5. Jon - Darrah
6. Lilian - Darrah

1. Male
2. Jon
3. Two
4. One
5. Lilian


Nash 437 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

12-01-03, 10:39 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"

Burton: Christa
Christa: Burton
Darrah: Burton
Jon: Burton
Lillian: Christa
Sandra: Burton

Please don't use nicknames. Shortened names are acceptable. Place the Survivors on the left, and your picks on the right.

Use the following three groups for the Survival Questions.

Group One: Sandra, Lillian
Group Two: Christa, Burton
Group Three: Darrah, Jon

1.Will a Male Survivor or Female Survivor have the last confessional in the episode? This is not a Yes or No Question.(1) Male
2.Who's name will the last vote Jeff reads at Tribal Council be? The person who the vote is against, not from.(2) Burton
3.Which of the three given groups contains the Survivor that will be the last questioned by Jeff Probst at Tribal Council?(2) Group One
4.Which of the three given groups contains the Survivor that will be last to cast their vote at Tribal Council?(2) Group Two
5.Which Survivor will be last to first speak in the episode? Once a Survivor speaks, then they're crossed off. If a Survivor does not speak at all in the episode, then they're automatically crossed off. The last Survivor left is the correct answer. Recaps, Challenges, and Previews will not count for this question.(3) Lil


djandy 1711 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

12-01-03, 12:05 PM (EST)
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3. "Entry Ep. 11"
I knew I shouldn't take the gamble. *sigh*

Burton - Christa
Christa - Burton
Darrah - Christa
Jon - Christa
Lillian - Christa
Sandra - Christa
1.) Female
2.) Christa
3.) Group 2
4.) Group 3
5.) Darrah



cyclehausen 1197 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

12-01-03, 07:23 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"
Um... I was very close to editing out my barter when the spoilers came out, but I didn't, because that would be cheating. So we all get penalized ten points and the cheater gets away with zero? That hardly seems fair.

yensid 786 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

12-02-03, 10:24 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"
Sorry about the late change, cycle. I certainly didn't mean to cheat. I actually forgot that Survivor was going to be on Wednesday and made the change before I took the time to think about it. My deepest apologies and it won't happen again.


tvgeek401 1615 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

12-01-03, 08:06 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"
~survivor picks~

~survival questions~
1. male
2. Burton
3. one
4. two
5. Lillian

*J Slice is my hero!*
man, i'm sucking this game up pretty badly, huh!

tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-02-03, 02:52 AM (EST)
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6. "Entry Ep. 11"
Burton ~ Christa
Christa ~ Jon
Darrah ~ Christa
Jon ~ Christa
Lillian ~ Christa
Sandra ~ Jon

1. Male (1)
2. Christa (2)
3. Group 2 (2)
4. Group 1 (2)
5. Lil (3)



PlumBlossom 679 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-02-03, 01:44 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"
Burton - Christa
Christa - Jon
Darrah - Jon
Jon - Christa
Lillian - Jon
Sandra - Jon

1. Female
2. Jon
3. Group One
4. Group Three
5. Darrah

an IceCat original


djk 276 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

12-02-03, 07:04 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"
Burton - Christa
Christa - Burton
Darrah - Burton
Jon - Burton
Lillian - Christa
Sandra - Burton



MTW1961 4029 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

12-02-03, 07:25 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"
Hmmm, let's see......

Burton - Christa
Christa - Lil
Darrah - Christa
Jon - Christa
Lillian - Christa
Sandra - Lil

1. Female
2. Christa
3. Group 2
4. Group 3
5. Lillian


silentJ 336 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

12-03-03, 00:25 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"

Burton: Christa
Christa: Burton
Darrah: Burton
Jon: Christa
Lillian: Christa
Sandra: Burton

Group 1
Group 3


TungFong 253 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

12-03-03, 02:33 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
12. "RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"
Burton: Christa
Christa: Jon
Darrah: Jon
Jon: Christa
Lillian: Christa
Sandra: Jon

1. Female
2. Christa
3. Group 3
4. Group 2
5. Christa


Neobie 888 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

12-03-03, 08:23 AM (EST)
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13. "RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"
Not really putting too much thought into it this week, I'm counting on next week's twist!

Burton: Christa
Christa: Burton
Darrah: Burton
Jon: Christa
Lillian: Burton
Sandra: Burton

1. Female
2. Burton
3. Two
4. One
5. Darrah


echogirl 2120 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

12-03-03, 11:45 AM (EST)
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14. "RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"
Woo Hoo I'm red!!!



heidifan 16 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

12-03-03, 12:18 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"

Jon -- Christa
Christa -- Burton
Lillian -- Christa
Burton -- Christa
Sandra -- Christa
Darrah -- Christa

1. female
2. Christa
3. Group 2
4. Group 3
5. Darrah


dajaki 1454 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

12-03-03, 01:00 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"
Jon - Christa
Burton - Christa
Sandra - Jon
Darrah - Christa
Lil - Christa
Christa - Jon

1. Male
2. Christa
3. 2
4. 3
5. Lil


ShowMeTheWinner 962 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

12-03-03, 01:44 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"
LAST EDITED ON 12-03-03 AT 01:51 PM (EST)

Burton: Christa
Christa: Jon
Darrah: Christa
Jon: Christa
Lillian: Christa
Sandra: Christa

1. Female
2. Christa
3. Grp 2
4. Grp 1
5. Lillian

Kathy O'Brien... The Sole Survivor! (I'd rather be delusional)
Hail the purple rock! Hallelujah..... Oh glory!


minitroll 3901 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

12-03-03, 03:00 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
18. "RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"
Burton - Christa
Christa - Burton
Darrah - Burton
Jon - Christa
Lillian - Christa
Sandra - Burton

1. Female
2. Burton
3. Group One
4. Group Three
5. Darrah


Survivor Maniac 1295 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

12-03-03, 03:27 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
19. "RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"
Burton - Christa
Christa - Burton
Darrah - Christa
Jon - Christa
Lillian - Christa
Sandra - Christa

1.) Female
2.) Christa
3.) Group 2
4.) Group 3
5.) Darrah


Steen 1544 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

12-03-03, 03:27 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
20. "RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"
Burton: Christa
Christa: Burton
Darrah: Burton
Jon: Christa
Lillian: Burton
Sandra: Burton


Awesome J Slice Creation 2003


survivorscott 2191 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

12-03-03, 04:16 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
21. "RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"


Come in a stranger,leave a little stranger


magic_star 2400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

12-03-03, 04:27 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
22. "RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"
Burton: Darrah
Christa: Burton
Darrah: Burton
Jon: Darrah
Lillian: Darrah
Sandra: Burton


T-Mac hits the three! Magic Win! Magic Win!


yensid 786 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

12-03-03, 04:28 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
23. "RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"
Burton ~ Christa
Christa ~ Burton
Darrah ~ Burton
Jon ~ Christa
Lillian ~ Christa
Sandra ~ Burton

1. Female
2. Christa
3. Group 2
4. Group 1
5. Lillian


ejm92 2221 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

12-03-03, 04:46 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
24. "RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"
Burton - Christa
Christa - Burton
Darrah - Christa
Jon - Christa
Lillian - Christa
Sandra - Christa

1. Female
2. Christa
3. One
4. One
5. Darrah

Survior 5 Anti-Bootee Champ, Survivor 6 Anti-Bootee Chump

cyclehausen 1197 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

12-03-03, 05:02 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
25. "RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"
Darrah - Christa
Jon - Christa
Burton - Christa
Christa - Lill
Sandra - Christa
Lill - Christa

1. Female
2. Christa
3. One
4. One
5. Burton


Lolly 721 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-03-03, 05:15 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
26. "RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"
Burton - Christa
Christa - Darrah
Darrah - Christa
Jon - Christa
Lillian - Christa
Sandra - Darrah

1. female
2. Christa
3. two
4. one
5. Darrah


sisyphus 321 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

12-03-03, 05:44 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
27. "RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"
Jon ....Christa

1. male
2. Christa
3. group 1
4. group 3
5. Burton


PhoenixMons 4696 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

12-03-03, 05:54 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
28. "RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"
Burton - Christa
Christa - Burton
Darrah - Burton
Jon - Burton
Lillian - Christa
Sandra - Burton

1. Female
2. Burton
3. Group THREE
4. Group THREE
5. Darrah

The 80s are back, like totally!
2003 winner of the coveted "Punky"


Yogi 1206 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

12-03-03, 10:17 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
29. "Entry Ep. 11"

Burton - Christa
Christa - Burton
Darrah - Christa
Jon - Christa
Lillian - Christa
Sandra - Burton

1. Female
2. Christa
3. Group Three
4. Group Three
5. Darrah


realityluver 267 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

12-04-03, 08:05 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
30. "RE: RAG Survivor Leg: Results Ep. 10/Entry Ep. 11"
I'm probably too late, but just in case...


Group One: Sandra, Lillian
Group Two: Christa, Burton
Group Three: Darrah, Jon

1. Female
2. Christa
3. One
4. Three
5. Lillian



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