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"The Official Jenna fan club thread!"
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Survivorerist 4103 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

02-05-04, 07:31 PM (EST)
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"The Official Jenna fan club thread!"
Since I fear that they may have trouble garnering fans, I've decided to merge the Jenna L. and Jenna M. fanclubs together into one to make the SB Jenna fan club! This is the place to post about either Jenna L. or Jenna M., so if you're a fan of one or the other or both you can post to your heart's content!

I will start by posting about Jenna L., one of my favourites in this all-star cast! Loved her in S1 when she was all bubbly and exciting, and I forgot all about that until now! But it's so awesome having her back...<sigh> Jenna I love you!

And Jenna M.? While not one of my favourites, definitely much better this time around. I'm even going to remove my must not win tag from this post, since she is actually kinda cool now

"I'll need a big spoon because I have a big mouth."


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: The Official Jenna fan club thr... Blow by Blow 02-05-04 1
   RE: The Official Jenna fan club thr... Survivorerist 02-05-04 2
       Headquarters of Fan Club Blow by Blow 02-06-04 4
 RE: The Official Jenna fan club thr... nailbone 02-06-04 3
 RE: The Official Jenna fan club thr... dajaki 02-06-04 5
 RE: The Official Jenna fan club thr... yensid 02-06-04 6
 RE: The Official Jenna fan club thr... Roobean 02-06-04 7
 RE: The Official Jenna fan club thr... Howard Dean 02-07-04 8
 RE: The Official Jenna fan club thr... KeithFan 02-07-04 9
 RE: The Official Jenna fan club thr... munson 02-07-04 10
   RE: The Official Jenna fan club thr... Howard Dean 02-07-04 11
   RE: The Official Jenna fan club thr... Survivorerist 02-07-04 12

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Blow by Blow 895 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

02-05-04, 08:03 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: The Official Jenna fan club thread!"
Gee, you might still have trouble getting people to sign up. Why not go for all the J names and add Jerri and Johnny Fairplay?



Survivorerist 4103 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

02-05-04, 09:04 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: The Official Jenna fan club thread!"
Hahaha, I was afraid of that. But still, I have faith!

"I'll need a big spoon because I have a big mouth."


Blow by Blow 895 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

02-06-04, 02:02 PM (EST)
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4. "Headquarters of Fan Club"
Official JennaL Fan Club Headquarters

...and this is during one of the busy weeks.


nailbone 27263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-06-04, 12:43 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: The Official Jenna fan club thread!"
Well, Sir, seeing that you're a Jenna L. fan has definitely dropped you a spot or two on my Good list...

OT Studmuffin of the Year '03, Prince of Passion, Royal Liaison to Illicit Activities, SB Video Historian, and Vice-President of the GAWKUR Alliance o-
Cool new sig courtesy of Jslice


dajaki 1454 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

02-06-04, 04:38 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: The Official Jenna fan club thread!"
Well, I don't like Jenna L. one bit. Blech! But, Jenna M. has certainly improved over her stint in the Amazon. Maybe the presence of Heidi made Jenna's evil alter ego come out. Though nowhere near my favorite A.S.S., Jenna M. is much higher on my FLL than I thought she would be.

yensid 786 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

02-06-04, 04:58 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: The Official Jenna fan club thread!"
Survivorerist...I will come to your defense. I have to say that JennaL is one of my all time favorite Survivor players. I loved her back in S1 and feel the same way now. Part of that is the single mom thing (I am one too) and part of it is that I see alot of her in myself. I would have the same attitude she does to former winners.


Roobean 155 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

02-06-04, 06:05 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: The Official Jenna fan club thread!"
For the Jenna M. fans.


Howard Dean 707 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

02-07-04, 02:05 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: The Official Jenna fan club thread!"
I don't understand what it is that people have against Jenna L.

People call her a loser. Why? She may have lost last time, but this is a new game now.

She has just as much of a right as anyone else to win now.

As for Jenna M, hey what's not to like?? She's a babe! Some people think she didn't deserve to win Survivor 6, because of the way she backed in at the last minute. But the fact is that most of the people on the jury were from her old alliance. She won as much as any other reason because they were there. She deserved to win because of that, not to mention the fact that she won the last two challenges. I'm only sorry that she won't be able to stick it out for all of ASS.


KeithFan 7422 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-07-04, 02:49 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: The Official Jenna fan club thread!"

Anything else I want to say about them I'll save for Bashers

munson 1314 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

02-07-04, 01:07 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: The Official Jenna fan club thread!"
During the later part of Amazon, I became a big fan of Jenna. This didn't surprise since I often end up rooting for the public "villian" and Jenna fit that bill.

My "love" or "hate" for the various castaways is weighted heavily toward the character that is created and edited by MB and how they play the game. I don't know them personally, obviously, and this is a game, so if it gets ugly and people get ugly, go at it. What the show gives us sometimes is not exactly what is. Evidence? Jenna was very well liked by most of the Amazon cast whereas the PI cast, and if Varner is right, the ASS cast, has some issues with Rupert.

I've posted many times about my thoughts on Jenna's worthiness as winner. IMO, she falls in just after Rich and Brian and it's not even close with the rest. She adapted to the twists, built alliances, scrambled when they fell apart, amde some good strategic decisions, won immunity challenges and was personally responsible for booting the "best player" in the history of the game. Now I ask you, what's not to love there?

Jenna in the Amazon proved she was more than just a spoiled, swimsuit model sorority girl. Granted, she was very young and immature, but she stated that the experience changed her for the better. OK, watching her behavior when the show aired and seeing how it effected others was the driver. Seems she got it. I think a more mature and humbled and stronger Jenna showed up for ASS.

Many people have very strong opinions on Jenna's participation in All-Stars and her subsequent departure. I allow people the right to be ignorant so rave on. But, no one knows what Jenna went through in making the decision. I'm sure she didn't make it alone. Deena (trialdawg) posted in a thread at Sucks which basically tells people to shut their mouths becasue they have no idea what they're talking about. Deena knows. And Deena rocks. All I know is that it's a tragedy for a mother to die so young. This next episode is going to be a tough one to watch. I just hope it's handled respectfully and a little bit o' love goes out to SEG/CBS for playing this up in the previews.


Howard Dean 707 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

02-07-04, 01:41 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: The Official Jenna fan club thread!"

Well stated. Bravo!

>During the later part of Amazon,
>I became a big fan
>of Jenna. This didn't
>surprise since I often end
>up rooting for the public
>"villian" and Jenna fit that
>My "love" or "hate" for the
>various castaways is weighted heavily
>toward the character that is
>created and edited by MB
>and how they play the
>game. I don't know
>them personally, obviously, and this
>is a game, so if
>it gets ugly and people
>get ugly, go at it.
> What the show gives
>us sometimes is not exactly
>what is. Evidence?
>Jenna was very well liked
>by most of the Amazon
>cast whereas the PI cast,
>and if Varner is right,
>the ASS cast, has some
>issues with Rupert.
>I've posted many times about my
>thoughts on Jenna's worthiness as
>winner. IMO, she falls
>in just after Rich and
>Brian and it's not even
>close with the rest.
>She adapted to the twists,
>built alliances, scrambled when they
>fell apart, amde some good
>strategic decisions, won immunity challenges
>and was personally responsible for
>booting the "best player" in
>the history of the game.
> Now I ask you,
>what's not to love there?
>Jenna in the Amazon proved she
>was more than just a
>spoiled, swimsuit model sorority girl.
> Granted, she was very
>young and immature, but she
>stated that the experience changed
>her for the better.
>OK, watching her behavior when
>the show aired and seeing
>how it effected others was
>the driver. Seems she
>got it. I think
>a more mature and humbled
>and stronger Jenna showed up
>for ASS.
>Many people have very strong opinions
>on Jenna's participation in All-Stars
>and her subsequent departure.
>I allow people the right
>to be ignorant so rave
>on. But, no one
>knows what Jenna went through
>in making the decision.
>I'm sure she didn't make
>it alone. Deena (trialdawg)
>posted in a thread at
>Sucks which basically tells people
>to shut their mouths becasue
>they have no idea what
>they're talking about. Deena
>knows. And Deena rocks.
> All I know is
>that it's a tragedy for
>a mother to die so
>young. This next episode
>is going to be a
>tough one to watch.
>I just hope it's handled
>respectfully and a little bit
>o' love goes out to
>SEG/CBS for playing this up
>in the previews.


Survivorerist 4103 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

02-07-04, 03:49 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: The Official Jenna fan club thread!"
>>>Many people have very strong opinions on Jenna's participation in All-Stars and her subsequent departure. I allow people the right to be ignorant so rave on. But, no one knows what Jenna went through in making the decision.<<<

Ummm, while I don't like to intrude on your fun discussion, I'd like to note that some people don't know about this yet and it may be considered a spoiler. As such, it probably shouldn't be discussed on the fanatics board. But glad to see that this thread is getting posts though!

"I'll need a big spoon because I have a big mouth."



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