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"Design Your Own All-Star Twist!"
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FFantasyFX 1028 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

11-07-03, 02:26 AM (EST)
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"Design Your Own All-Star Twist!"
I have to say that I haven't enjoyed all the twists and turns that Mark Burnett has thrown our way over the seasons, but some of his recent shennigans gave me an idea for a brutally brilliant (and unfair, but since when has that ever stopped Burnett) twist which he should employ for All-Stars, but he won't. This idea has been ping-ponging around in my head for a day or two, so I thought I'd share. Imagine, for a second:

Two teams of eight, just as Survivor is traditionally done. On Drake Redux, we have:

Rudy (1)
Gretchen (1)
Michael (2)
Jerri (2)
Lex (3)
Teresa (3)
Sean (4)
Gina (4)

I apologize to Rudy for saddling him with Sean and Jerri, but I'm sure the former Navy Seal will knock some sense into them.

On Morgan Redux, we have:

Susan (1)
Greg (1)
Alicia (2)
Kel (2)
Silas (3)
Kelly G. (3)
Paschal (4)
Kathy (4)

I apologize to all of Morgan for saddling them with Silas.

Anyway, the game plays out as usual, with Reward Challenges, Immunity Challenges, Tribal Councils, and what not . . . Six episodes go by, six contestants get their torches snuffed. Then, on the 19th day, both tribes receive a mysterious tree mail, one that they cannot decipher, but one that forebodes the Curse of the Pearl Islands! *cue ominous music here.

The two teams arrive at the challenge. Behind them are three cages, two adorned with the respective tribal colors, and another mysterious cage decked out in purple. (I'm getting the odd sense that we've all seen this before, wonder why? )

The always nattily attired Jeff Probst greets the contestants. "You thought you knew the game," he says, "but the game is about to change. Your past has come back to haunt you."

In the forest behind Jeff Probst, figures begin to emerge from behind the trees. One by one, they come trotting out of the thickets:


Richard Hatch, Tina Wesson, Ethan Zohn, Colby Donaldson, and Vecepia Towery. Introducing Team Finalists!

Jeff continues, "They've kicked your butts once before, and they're here to do it again. For each tribe the Finalists beat, they get to vote one member back into the game."

So, OK, maybe that's a bit over the top. But I'll say this. I didn't like the Outcast Twist. I don't like the fact that finalists appear to be competing in the All-Star version of Survivor. But, I would pay good money to see the above scene, just for sheer comedy value. Ever since the thought crossed my mind, I've been chortling about it as I try to envision the scene play out.

Anyway, if you were Mark Burnett, what twist would you include in All-Star, if any? Go ahead, be as imaginative as you would like to be. The worst that could happen is that a Survivor staffer will run across it and Burnett will actually incorporate it in the game (although your ideas will probably be better than the ones he will come up with).


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 This is Jeopardy strid333 11-07-03 1
 RE: Design Your Own All-Star Twist! silentJ 11-10-03 2
   Call CBS! Blow by Blow 11-10-03 3
 RE: Design Your Own All-Star Twist! DEVILRAYS 11-15-03 4

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strid333 2928 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

11-07-03, 02:42 AM (EST)
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1. "This is Jeopardy"
Well, considering Jiffy is Mr Rock n Roll Jeopardy, and has done several regular Jeopardy video clues on location of various Survivors, I think that Jeopardy is a great place to start. Have Alex Trebek come in and host Jeopardy or a similar quiz type show. It'll be the two tribes (as two players) against Jiffy. Whoever wins gets to vote one member off the other tribe. So, if one tribe wins, they vote somebody off the other tribe. If Jiffy wins, he gets to choose somebody from one of the tribes. (Not that we should worry too much. Jiffy totally sucked at Celebrity Jeopardy including following some of the rules.) This challenge should take place in either ep 4, 5, or 6, before the merge. If not, it can be money reward challenge where Jiffy is playing for a charity.

Three is the perfect number.


silentJ 336 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-10-03, 01:00 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Design Your Own All-Star Twist!"
Seeing as how alliences need to be minimized and Jeff recently said that was going to happen, I'd go like this...

Start with 3 tribes of 6, the third place tribe at the first two ICs votes a player out.

At the start of Ep. 3 Jeff annouces that they'll be merging into two tribes. And who gets to pick those tribes? The first two outcasts.

The reward challenge for episode 4 is in two parts. In Part A one tribe wins the reward, a new tribe member. In Part B The following players compete (Not vote) for a spot on that tribe: Sonya, Debb, Diane, Peter, Rev. John, and Ryan (Nicole already got her second chance)

The reward challenge for Episode 5 is a flint lock shooting gallery. SOme Prizes are team prizes (like a stove or a spice rack) some are individual (food, sleeping bag) There's also two buffs from each team. Knock one of them down on your turn and you're on that team. There will also be a "Kids Meal" bag lunch of a hamburger, fries and small soda and a toy surprise, the other team's buff. Also available is a purple rock, letting the recipiant decide the outcome of one tie vote.

Episode seven- the merge. The twist- the IC is 5 one on one games of skill. Only the five losers go to TC.

Episode eight. An endurence challenge, This time all the players are blindfolded, gagged, and have bags over their heads. The first five off their posts and into the water go to TC.

Episode nine. Things revert to normal for TC. Although the Reward this episode is a red pen that allows a vote to count as two votes in a TC.

The rest of the game plays out as usual.


Blow by Blow 895 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

11-10-03, 05:55 PM (EST)
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3. "Call CBS!"
Damn, those are some mighty fine twists! And they all seem as reasonable, or more reasonable, than letting booted players get back into the game.

Ep3 bootees creating the two tribes - brilliant
Ep5 rewards available include the chance of switching tribes - brilliant
Ep7 five-person TC - brilliant and would totally kill alliances
Ep8 IC - probably not ready for primetime
Ep9 red pen of death - brilliant.


DEVILRAYS 398 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-15-03, 02:18 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: Design Your Own All-Star Twist!"
SOme of my crazy off-the-wall ideas for any Survivor game, not just an All-Star one.

The game starts off normally with 16 players, in two tribes of 8. Four men and four women per tribe...none of the "battle of the sexes" nonsense. In any case, the first challenge is on Day 2 instead of Day 3, and in the challenge, each person from one tribe plays each person from the other in a one-on-one strategy game, all the while getting to know their opponent. They are told that the results of the game are to determine the first immunity; however, what they don't know is that the whole 2nd day challenge is simply for players on opposing tribes to get to know each other. We'll call the tribes Drake and Morgan for the hell of it.

In any case, we'll say that the tribes of S7 start off normally, but on Day 2 they show up for this challenge. They chat with the other tribe and play whatever game the producers decide they should play. Thinking that they have won immunity, Drake heads back to camp victorious and not thinking about voting someone out. Of course, they think that Stacey Stillman's shrunken head is actually the immunity idol, and in the Sea Mail they receive the next day they are told that it is a fake.

Drake and Morgan return to Snapping Duck Bay on Day 3 with Drake being jilted and Morgan given a new lease on life. However, Jeff tells them: "Drop your buffs." After their jaws drop, so do their buffs, and we see that Nicole is wearing nothing under her buff (think about it...the whole tube top thing...I'll shut up now.) Players are told that the IC is individual, and the top 10 finishers are immune. The six bottom finishers are immune, and Jeff unveils three more surprises - Olympic-style medals. Finishing in the top three is important for this IC.

We'll say that the top three finishers in this challenge are, oh, say, Rupert, Tijuana, and Ryno. The players going to TC are Jon, Darrah, Christa, Skinny Ryan, Trish, and Osten. The six people I listed go to TC to vote out someone, and Rupert, Tijuana, and Ryno go to TC as immune voters. The first player is voted out, and players are told to camp out at Snapping Duck Bay.

The next day, the remaining players are told that there would be new tribes. Rupert, Tijuana, and Ryno, for their top 3 finishes, would be picking the new tribes and campsites. Rupert's first-place finish gives him the first choice in each round, followed by Tijuana and then Ryno. The three of them are each allowed to pick four fellow remaining castaways and one campsite. Oh, you ask where the third campsite is? We'll call it Balboa, and we'll say that it's a "mystery" campsite. It could be a beautiful campsite where shelter's already built and food is ample, or it could be a barren, inhospitable landscape where only true Survivors can make it. You don't know. You know what you're getting into with Drake and Morgan.

Because they find him weak and useless, those at the first TC vote out Skinny Ryan. The draft-style selection from S5 and S6 returns with three tribes and a choice of campsites ready. Draft order goes: Rupert, Tijuana, Ryno.

Rupert's first pick: His Morgan buddy Savage.
Tijuana: Osten.
Ryno: Drake's campsite.
Rupert: Sandra.
Tijuana: Shawn.
Ryno: Nicole.
Rupert: Balboa's campsite.
Tijuana: Stuck with one campsite left, she's forced now to pick Morgan's campsite.
Ryno: Burton.
Rupert: Christa.
Tijuana: Michelle.
Ryno: Jon.
Rupert: Lillian.
Tijuana: Trish.
Ryno: Only Darrah remains.

New Balboa: Rupert, Andrew, Sandra, Christa, Lillian.
New Drake: Ryno, Nicole, Burton, Jon, Darrah.
New Morgan: Tijuana, Osten, Shawn, Michelle, Trish.

MB would weight the challenges so that each tribe loses one each (the idea, of course, that two tribes win immunity, with two immunity idols. The idols would look pretty much the same except for designs on the skulls.) The boots are, in no particular order, Lillian, Darrah, and Osten. On Day 13, tribe members are told to split into two groups of two in order to go to the other tribes. Each pair goes to a different campsite (so with Balboa, Rupert and Andrew might go to Drake while Sandra and Christa might go to Morgan.) They head back at the end and talk about what they find out. At Drake, visiting Balboa members may talk to Morgans but not Drakes. They are instructed to leave the campsites alone.

Naturally, on Day 14, the game changes again at an anticipated RC. Jeff hands each tribe a bag with four rocks in it. Two rocks are yellow and two purple, just because it reminds us of the damned purple rock tiebreak in the Marquesas. All yellows are on one tribe; all purples are on the other. As of yet, the tribes are nameless. The reward challenge includes first choice of campsites.

Say the yellows, who include Rupert, Christa, Ryno, Nicole, Shawn, and Tijuana, win the reward, and under Rupert's urging, they go to Balboa. The losing tribe heads off to Drake; Morgan is abandoned.

The merge doesn't happen in episode 7 as anticipated, but instead, after the losing tribe goes to TC, Jeff doesn't appear to give them his little spiel of "Grab your torches; head back to camp." What you don't see after that is that Jeff hands them orange buffs, and that back at the winning tribe, they are reading Sea Mail with five orange buffs. They are told that the merge has just happened and that they are all going to Morgan. The game plays out as normal from there...or so it seems...



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