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"Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
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Kokoro 3899 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

10-31-02, 06:18 PM (EST)
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"Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
Since the "best..." lists are back in style, I'd like to start one of a different sort. I'd like to know who you feel are the "Top 10 Best Players". This is not a popularity list. Just whom do you feel played the game the best throughout all seasons, whether you loved them or hated them. Here's mine (I tend to ramble on and on - you've been warned ;) :

1.) Tina

Tina is the best player this game has ever seen. She took Richard's strategy and perfected it. She made her endgame plan and had Colby wrapped around her little finger. Never recieved a single vote and was in complete control of the game almost from the beginning (holds the "Kiss of Death" voting record for Survivor 2). The "social mastermind" who managed to separate the game from the players and was crafty while remaining a nice person.

2.) Kathy

This is a hard one but I believe Kathy deserves the second spot because of all she had to overcome in the game. She went from being Debb to being an inspirational force, both on the show as we saw it, and in the game (the jury believed that Kathy had played with the most integrity and deserved that win). She managed to win immunities whenever she needed them (except the final) and went from being the most likely boot the a crucial role as the swing vote. She is the one who turned the game around midway and made sure the two minority groups weren't led like lambs to the slaughter. As shown many times, she was a strategic player and was always thinking about the right move to make. Her only error was in being far too much of a jury threat. That she would've beaten either Neleh or Vecepia by a large margin I have no doubt.

3.) Richard

Richard created the concept of this game as it stands. He formed the alliance, managed to separate himself from the players, and played as ethically as possible to the win, even throwing out a brilliant strategic move at the end (so as not to betray Rudy - though in a way he did anyway). Without Richard the game would be a lot more unpredictable after the merge. (wait - isn't that a good thing? ;) All that said, I can't place him above Kathy because of her achievements in the game or Tina, who took his general strategy as a starting framework and completely perfected it.

4.) Colby

Colby could very well be the #1 today except for one thing. He gave away the win! Though I give him credit for the very new and unexpected (in S2, anyway) co-alliance with Tina, she had him at her command when it came down to it. It's nice to be honourable. I would bet it's nicer to be a millionaire.

5.) KellyW

Richard deserved the win, but Kelly didn't deserve to lose. She's only below Colby because she had to bust her a$$ to get into the final 2, due to prior actions warranting a boot from her "friends", whereas Colby coasted through the game. She also made the error of switching her vote at TC 13. She said it herself at the reunion, and there was obviously some way to break a tie back then ("I should've just stayed with Rich and let them fight it out.") and she should've tried to keep Sue around. Kelly IMO is still the reigning overall female champion in terms of strength, willpower, endurance and intelligence.

6.) Vecepia

Yes, Vecepia gets a spot here too. Her strategy of "just plain surviving" kind of sucked but it did work. First of all, I can't believe she takes credit for getting Hunter booted. Yeah, nice job honey. If MB didn't want to save Gina, you may not have even made the jury because of that brilliant strategic move. But later on, when Maraamu was toast, she completely ditched her pals and started kissing up to the Rotu (not all too necessary - they would've booted Rob and Sean first, anyway, but whatever) which did help her in forming an alliance. But anyway, that alliance failed so whatever again. Soooo then she grabbed Sean's coattails and let him do the "dirty work" in forming the alliance with Kathy (who in turn brought along P/N later) and let him take all of the attention (and votes) off of her with his loud and brash self (kind of like how the entire F4 in S3 used Lex, and just like back then, Sean never clued in. And you know, if he had been as ready to ditch Vee as she was to ditch him a different points in the game, he would've easily made the final 4). Theeeen she goes and screws over Kathy, whom she had just made a deal with at the 13th TC. Wow, now that I write about her, Vecepia really is a social chameleon (which makes me wonder why she wasn't edited as a raving, backstabbing, hypocritical b*tch - but oh well, most people think that about her anyway). It's actually very surprising that nobody caught on to her "screw you" mentality. So um....go Vecepia.

7.) Neleh

No, Neleh was not riding Pappy's coattails. Is it so hard to accept a nice young girl who kicks butt at the game? If it wasn't for her, Paschal would be sitting pretty in 6th place. I have no doubt that she remained in full control of his vote throughout the game (Think Richard/Rudy, Lis/Rodger, etc.) and used it to her advantage. She also made sure Kathy stuck with her at the end and finally, agreed to boot Kathy from the game. Neleh was a strategic player, but she was also nieve and didn't seem to percieve people becoming annoyed with her later in the game. She would be higher if she had awknowleged that she was playing the game hard and for her own sake instead of constantly spewing out the "Oh you guys were all bad and I'm the victim!" mentality. I believe the fact that Vee did this while Neleh just maintained she was the nice innocent one is what swayed most of the jury votes.

8.) Teresa

Teresa never gave up in this game and she can be commended for that. The only reason she isn't higher is because everyone above this point managed a better placing than her, and because her plans didn't work. First of all, yes, she did screw over Silas, but he was planning to get rid of her eventually as well and it was a good move at the time because as we saw later, it allowed her to bond better with Boran before the merge which allowed Samburu to seem less threatening. She won the immunity that kept her tribe in the game for another week, and as we saw it, she was the one to suggest trying Kelly over to her team (after she had voted for Lex and then lied very well right to his face - a major transformation for the lady that spilled the beans about the alliance to Lindsey). Brandon of course screwed the team over in this one. Then Kim Powers managed to screw the team over again at the next council. But still, Teresa tried to get in with the tribe, asking Kim J for an alliance (which was really Kim's best chance at the time - before hand even she must have thought she stood no chance in the final immunities. But whatever Kim J is one of the worst ever so moving on....) and finally informing Lex of Tom's indiscretions. Although she wasn't saved, she is still easily the best player from S3 and one of the best of all time, IMO.

9. KellyG

Kelly never screwed up. Well, once but she was still shielded at that point. She was the one to find out votes on Samburu. She was nasty in her confessionals but always charming to everyone on the social side of things. She separated the game from the players and voted the way she had to to stay in the game. So I don't really know why everyone decided that Lex was right when he "knew" who voted for him. What a total moron - wouldn't any sane person immediately assume it was a Samburu? Someone who ~hasn't~ been living with you for a month? I mean what does one vote do, anyway? Nothing unless you're in the final 3. Still, I can't place her higher because who knows how well she would've done later in the game. Why did Brandon vote her off, anyway? I seem to recall something about him being mad about her "using Lindsey". But wasn't he the one who was so glad that "whiny annoying girl" was gone?

10.) Tom

Yes, I think Tom is a better player than Lex. He used Lex as a shield, though took that a bit too far (which is why he's below Teresa and KellyG, and also why the walking target Lex isn’t here at all); the alliance should not under any circumstances have followed Lex's gut. Did they really not know Kelly at all after living with her for almost a month? If Samburu didn't have idiots, this one move would've cost them the game. Onto another quality, Tom took Sue's "redneck" strategy, which had been built on by Rodger in S2, and built it up to the best we've seen it yet. Although some may disagree, I believe the "hey look at me, I'm a large, incredibly stupid but laughable nutjob" act was a part of his strategy and not his personality (he and Lex even say it's part of his strategy in one of the later episodes).

Women tend to kick more butt in this game, as my list shows, anyway - though if this were a top 16 or 20, it would be almost an even split between both sexes.

Now let us never speak of S3 again.


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... ejm92 10-31-02 1
 RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... Jims02 10-31-02 2
 RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... Chrissy gal 11-01-02 3
   RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... Ra_8secs 11-05-02 24
       lex survivorpinoy 11-13-02 36
 RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... I_AM_HE 11-01-02 4
 RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... surface10sion 11-01-02 5
 RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... snoocharoo 11-01-02 6
 RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... Q 11-01-02 7
 RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... katem 11-01-02 8
 RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... ivoryElephant 11-01-02 9
 RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... BMH 11-01-02 10
 RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... johnthemod 11-01-02 11
   RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... Q 11-04-02 17
 RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... Survivorerist 11-03-02 12
 RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... echogirl 11-04-02 13
   RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... Kokoro 11-04-02 14
 Total So Far... Kokoro 11-04-02 15
   RE: Total So Far... I_AM_HE 11-04-02 19
 RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... toddE 11-04-02 16
   RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... BMH 11-04-02 21
 RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... ShowMeTheWinner 11-04-02 18
 RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... I_AM_HE 11-04-02 20
   RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... Kokoro 11-04-02 22
       RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... I_AM_HE 11-04-02 23
           RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... Kokoro 11-05-02 25
 RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... PhoenixMons 11-06-02 26
 RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... smokedog 11-06-02 27
 RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... SteffiGurl 11-06-02 28
 RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... Kokoro 11-06-02 29
 RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... evanakm 11-06-02 30
   RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... veeisforvictory 11-07-02 31
   RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players... PhoenixMons 11-07-02 32
       the thing about Brandon... toddE 11-07-02 33
           RE: the thing about Brandon... evanakm 11-08-02 34
               RE: the thing about Brandon... Kokoro 11-08-02 35
 YOU DON'T HAVE TO WIN... survivorpinoy 11-13-02 37
 Update Kokoro 11-13-02 38

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ejm92 2221 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

10-31-02, 07:07 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
Well, I'll this as quick as possible (although it proboably won't be quick) since it's Halloween and I'm about to have people over for a Survivor/Halloween party, and obviously I'll exclude Survivor 5 players (Although Brian, Jake, Ken, and possibly Helen deserve honorable mention)....and obviously this is based on my opinion on how the game should be played.

1. Ethan - I don't know how else to put it, but he played the game with every possible aspect of the game we know thus far, his only slip-up was choosing to stay away from (and he proboably made the right decision in doing so) Brandon and Kelly.

2. Paschal - He played it his way...he sat back, let the others strategize, and made his move when it counts...and he would have won the game had it not been for MB's rock trick.

3. Mike - Obviously, the fire ended things early, and I don't take that into his strategy. He named himself leader, but also did befriend others, and I don't think people generally wanted to mess with him...and he had the alliance with Rodger and Liz that would've lasted 'till the end.

4. Colby - Besides the selfless move to hand the money to Tina, he played the game almost perfectly...except he didn't seem to take it into consideration that he could lose a challenge and be a target.

5. Kathy - She started out with a rather poor strategy, but ended up making the biggest and best comeback in Survivor history, and should've won the thing.

6. Richard - I can't criticize his strategy...he came in and won the thing...although I don't think he would have necessarily won had he been in other editions, the cast was rather uninformed on how to play in the first edition.

7. Lex - The ultimate competitor...he played it a lot better than we saw on television...the only thing I felt that was wrong with his strategy was siding with Brandon, which could have caused Tom to vote along with Teresa and Frank had he pushed it any farther.

8. Rodger - He kinda goes along with Mike's thing...he would've been a finalist and possibly a winner had it not been for the fire incident, Rodger's main screw-up in the game was putting others in front of himself...come on, Rodg', you've gotta be a media whore and play to win!

9. Gervase - He saw through the lines and realized the game had nothing to do with working or surviving...if he only could've won some more challenges and used his charm, he could've made it farther.

10. Jerri - This pick proboably sticks out like a sore thumb, but the tiebreak with Mitchell thing lost the chance for her...she was the mastermind behind the string of Mall-Rat type alliance that would plague Survivors 3 and 4, and I don't think the other games would have played out like they did had the original mall-rat thing never happened...but that's just my opinion.

Honorable Mention - Jeff (S2), John (S4), Rob (S4), Robert (S4), Liz (S2), Tom (S3)


Jims02 7407 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-31-02, 07:58 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
You're right Kokoro... "Best" Lists are in now!

1. Richard

I hate to say it, but the man defined the way Survivor is played. Granted, his strategy may not have worked in S4 (i.e. Rotu 4?). But, he really came into the game prepared and knew exactly what to do to win. He played the game so psychologically well. He knew that Pagong would come in with some past issues still, and he basically put on the "Tagi Tribe is so happy to see you" face. He used Sean's Alphabet Strategy as a helping vote. Although it was a major risk, he banked on Kelly's decision to boot Rudy. I'm guessing that he made an educated guess based on Kelly's attitude.

2. Kathy

The only reason why she isn't #1 is the fact that she would be gone if there was a Rotu TC early. However, she overcame so much in the game. The most defining episodes was Robb and John's boots. She won the single IC that she needed to be on the jury. She also realized that she was a pawn (in the famous waterfall scene) and decided that she had the numbers to swing it. Luckily, the Rotu 4 showed their hand to everyone in the IC.

3. Tina

Played the game wonderfully. Obviously, must have swayed Colby's vote in Episode 3 or 4. Her clever mix between traditional Pagonging and eliminating unneeded votes was masterful. Eliminating Jerri was a risk, but it worked. She also worked well enough to benifit from Colby's annoyance with Keith. She knew Keith would take her to the Finals, and after the arguments, she knew Colby had her back as well!

4. Jeff Varner

Jeff would have probably won S2 if it wasn't for his AWFUL luck. Look at the way he talked about others in front of the camera! But he always smiled when he was with them. The Alicia/Kimmi fight was started by him. If you remember, he just walked off into the woods and stayed out of it. It reminds me of the mystery Curtain by Agatha Christie. He INDIRECTLY started conflict and was pretty much untouched by it. However, Kimmi couldn't keep her mouth shut, so Jeff was really untouchable, was he?

5. Colby

Colby realized that Jerri/Mitchell/Amber was not the way to win the game. So, he placed himself in the ever-popular swing vote position, and changed the game. She distracted Kucha in Ep. 7 and convinced them to give him their 5 votes at TC, a MONUMENTAL decision. Most of his reasoning is similar to Tina. However, he gave the game away!

6. Vecepia

Played the game from Day 1. She set up Rob as her fallguy, whoch did happen. And then she set up Sean after that (even though she didn't mean to). She just slipped through. Took Kathy's proposition, and hung in the shadows. Kinda wishy-washy though.

7. Ethan

Called a lot of shots, but my whole problem is that he didn't do ANYTHING. He just put on happy face and stayed in the dominant alliance. Still his inital judge of character to keep Tom and Lex around was gold.

8. Rudy

Played the game as a combination of Richard and Kathy. He should have probably been farther up, but he made a couple mistakes. Rubbed some people the wrong way, like Kathy, but he was never really respected as much a Richard or Kathy. Still, I respect him enough to give him #8.

9. Susan

Not much to say. I'm getting tired of posting this long. She made some key mistakes at the end. The fight with Kelly killed her, but she still played it like Richard!

10. Tammy

Hard choice here. I picked Tammy. I like the way how she set up John as her fall guy, but her alliance fell apart, so she can't go any higher.

*huffing* I'm tired now...

Tammy, Susan

Quotes of the week
1. "You will NOT see my ta-ta's" -Shii Ann

2. "Do they think I'm too controlling?" -Helen (um, yeah)
3. "My two year old (had a tantrum) one time and I whupped its @$$ and put it back to bed." -Clay
4. "I'm putting in an order for a bigger butt in my next life." -Jan (randomly)


Chrissy gal 1413 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

11-01-02, 01:12 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
1) Richard - He had no script to follow and played his game to the end.
2) Kelly W. - She almost beat Richard at his own game.
3) Ethan - He played under the radar, but friendly.
4) Brian - I hope he is not overconfident, he has a game plan that is working well so far.
5) Lex - He would have made it to the finals if Survivor producers hadn't made a mistake.
6) Kathy - She lost by a bra.
7) Michael - He started out poorly, but found a way into the heart of his tribe.
8) Tina - She latched onto the best physical contender yet, and rode him to victory.

I can't think of any more.


Ra_8secs 1081 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

11-05-02, 09:26 AM (EST)
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24. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
I don't think it was MB's mistake that did in Lex. More like His Evilness' corruption, knowing Lex had had a night of no sleep, diahreeah dehydration.

-- Ra, Spinning in geo/helio eccentric orbit


survivorpinoy 30 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

11-13-02, 03:19 AM (EST)
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36. "lex"
I think she was referring to the fallen comrades challenge where MB made a mistake in one of the questions. Something about body piercing.

I_AM_HE 6123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-01-02, 01:27 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
1. Rich - had a bit of luck, and some early manipulation from MB to keep his partner around, but he wrote the book on how to win at Survivor.

2. Tina - slipped by pretending to be on everyone's side, never picked up a vote, and locked up a solid alliance mate.

3. Vecepia - I don't know why so many people knock her. Yeah, she stabbed people in the back, but she WON. Most backstabbers get booted, Vee avoided it. She broke up Hunter/Gina, the Rotu
4, Robb and Sean, Pappy/Neleh, and finally did in Kathy with her deal to Neleh. She did what she had to win, and she deserves credit, no matter how much I was pulling for Kathy. The anti-Tina in many ways

4. Kathy - also played a great game, but she lost to Vee, so I can't put her ahead

5-6. Colby, Kelly W. - won ICs when they had to, and that's part of the game. part of dominant alliances

7. Rodger - played Kentucky Joe to the hilt. Endeared himself to his tribe, became tight with Liz and Mike, and avoided the fate that happened to the old folks in S1

8-10. Tom, Lex, Ethan - the Boran Boys Club took the game from the beginning to end, and despite Lex's gut, they would have been the Final 3 if not for the trivia gufu. Still, 3 of the Final 4, and the ultimate winner coming from your threesome ain't bad.


surface10sion 16 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

11-01-02, 03:03 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
this doesn't include anyone from S:Thai yet, we yet have to see who really is the best player among them to make it to the Hall of Fame best players list...

1. Tina - Hands down! she never got a vote and was obviously the mastermind of everything. Was she annoying? no! she was the den mother to everyone - from colby to amber to elizabeth. love the way she sawm to get the rice in all that overflowing river and the way she had to time out up jerry and keith's argument over fried green tomatoes.

2. Richard - I'm not really a big fan of him, but you gotta admit that he is the SURVIVOR. every winner has to be compared to him at some point.

3. Kathy - clearly she played the game very well.very strategic and made the right choices all along. she deserved to win the marquesas survivor.

4. Teresa - this woman clearly did not give up her game and kept going on and on and on. her attempts to pull her tribe back together is a strong indication that she is a strong leader.

5-6. Colby and Kelly W- these two have formed the necessary alliances to go as far as they could. both are physically strong as obvious in their back to back wins in the individual immunities.

7. Ethan - played a clean and ethical game, did not piss off anyone and played it strategically.

8. Jerry - her scheming and backstabbing has certainly served her well, but that irratated a lot of people. she is a threat when it comes to physical challenges as well...and yeah her tactic of using her wits and body did seem to work.

9. Elisabeth - although comparable to neleh, she did give her all in the individual immunities and didn't rely on any deals that would enable her to go further. she played a great game, her speed is an asset, and of course her girl next door tactic took her far as it can take her. she waa only voted off because it was clear to the other 3 remaining tribemates that they don't stand a chance in winning a million dollars if they were seated beside her.

10. Paschal - being a judge helped him a lot assess situations and people. the only reason why he was voted out was bad luck. he won rewards for himself and did make the necessary alliances when needed the most.


snoocharoo 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

11-01-02, 12:05 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
1. Richard Hatch - The master, the maestro. He set the standard for all future Survivors. Richard made himself indespensible to the tribe and utilized his cunning and study of human nature to win. BEST.SURVIVOR.EVER.

2. Kathy - Comeback Kathy. She treated us to the wildest rollercoaster ride of emotions, we hated her at first then grew tol ove her and root for her. Many, (myself included)believe that Kathy should have won. Her epiphany and character change were second to none, we saw their world thru her eyes.

3. Ethan - Nice guys DO win. Ethan with his casual, laid back, don't rock the boat attitude coasted along to victory and never had to compromise himself or his alliance.

4. Lex - The player we love to hate. Lex could have won the million if he had kept his big mouth shut and done all of his ranting and plotting in his head. Sometimes being too straight up is a detriment.

5. Pappy - At some points in S4 I sincerely believed that Pappy was gonna have a stroke or die, how he hung on so long amazes me to this day. His experience as a judge gave him the impartiality and assessment skills to make the right choices. He was the tribal sage, the elder and did not deserve the end game he got.
He did not do it alone, that is why Neleh is my #6.

6. Neleh - If it were not for Neleh, Vecepia would have never won S4 and Pappy would not have lasted as long as he did. Neleh saw what was going down with Rotu and the coconut conspiracy and warned Sean, Vee and Pappy about their impending demise. She rallied the outsiders and singlehandedly took down one of the strongest alliances ever.

7. Tina - Hiding in plain site with Colby as her protector. One of the best two person alliances to have NEVER been seen.

8. Teresa - What a class act. Right up to the end she held her own.

9. Big Tom - he's on my list purely because he was such funny character. One of the best Survivor personalities

10. KellyW - a great manipulator.


"So I'm a shadow boxer baby..."


Q 2569 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

11-01-02, 12:50 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
First let me say I am glad so many people love Tina as much as I do. Hey to all you Tina/Kathy fans.

1) Tina

2) Richard - much to my disappointment

3) Kelly W.

4) Vecepia - even more to my disappointment than Richard winning, but hey she played and won.

5) Kathy - her endgame was better than her start, but I think she did very well on the fly and dealing with changes.

6) Rudy - he was smart enough to know were his paycheck was coming from, regardless of his personal feelings toward Richard

7) Ethan - well he won, but IMHO by default

8) Pascal and Neleh (tie) - that damn rock! Otherwise they held it together and followed through from the beginning with a plan.

9) T-Bird - I also love her.

10) Colby - His endgame was his undoing. But his honor over money makes him a true Gem in my eyes. Albeit a less costly one.



katem 3315 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

11-01-02, 02:45 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
1. Richard. He started the whole thing. He should get all the credit for creating the phenomenon that is Survivor. He was the character that the public wanted to see go, but he won, why? Because he was brilliant, he did not have a cookie cutter on which to base his strategy on.

2. Tina. She had Colby from the beginning. He took all the hits, and she took the game.

3. Kathy. She started poorly, and then ajusted her gameplan and almost won.

4. Lex. Take away the paranoia that set in on him, a he was plain simply brilliant.

5. Colby. Even as he was manipulated by Tina, the guy still knew what needed to be done. And, anyone that can win so many challenges, deserves to be on this list.

6. John. Sure he was cocky, and sure he lost spectacularly. BUT, he had the smarts to get rid of Gabe when he did, and to form a strong alliance. The problem was that he talks to much and could not keep his thinking private.

7. Kelly W. Her problem was that she was wishy-washy. Otherwise she would have won.

8. Vecepia. Jumped from alliance to alliance and still one the game. She is the biggest backstabber this game has ever seen.

9. Brian (so far). He has been brilliant.

10. Kelly G. Lex took her out because of Brandon's lies and Lex's paranoia, but she was playing brilliantly.

(c) 2002 GeorgiaBelle Creations, Inc. All rights reserved


ivoryElephant 2257 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

11-01-02, 02:46 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
The top ten would have to include the four winners so here it goes

1. Richard
2. Tina
3. Ethan
4. Vecepia
5. Kelly W.
6. Kathy
7. Teresa
8. Lex
9. Colby
10.Kim J

Preseason pick: Clay
Ep. 1 analysis: Brian
Rooting for: Helen
UTR Winner: Jake "I don't want to lose it"- Jake: in reference to his hat


BMH 845 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

11-01-02, 03:42 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
8.Sean R.

THis is my just goes in order of who I feel really played the game of survivor


johnthemod 423 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

11-01-02, 04:32 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
1. Tina
2. Kathy
3. Richard
4. Teresa
5. Ethan
6. Colby
7. Jeff
8. Kelly G.
9. Tammy
10. Kim J. - am I the only one who liked her?

Q 2569 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

11-04-02, 12:34 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
No, I liked Kim Johnson, but It was the fact she was from Long Island and reminded me of my mother. Also she is the oldest woman to make it to the finals. No matter how she got there she did get there.



Survivorerist 4103 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

11-03-02, 05:48 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
1. Neleh
2. Ethan
3. Richard
4. Gervase
5. Tina
6. Vecepia
7. Kathy
8. Kelly W.
9. Paschal
10. Kim J.

Yeah, not 100% based on the brilliance of strategy, but meh...what am I going to do?

(Another IceCat original )

The Top 5 FLL Castaways

1. Neleh Dennis (11 weeks at #1)
2. Colby Donaldson (5 weeks at #1)
3. Amber Brkich (4 weeks at #1)
3. Lex Van Den Burghe (4 weeks at #1)
5. Elisabeth Filarski (3 weeks at #1)


echogirl 2120 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

11-04-02, 02:12 AM (EST)
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13. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
1. Richard (S1) He had a brilliant strategy and no previous shows to base it on. Love him or hate him, he deserves to be on everyone's list.

2. Kathy (S4) Amazing comeback from what seemed like a surefire first boot.

3. Vee (S4) I didn't like her, but she backstabbed and weaseled her way to victory against all odds.

4. Ethan (S3) Smart enough to let Lex & Tom do the dirty work. Nice enough to insure a victory against anyone he faced in the final 2. Oh and a hottie too!

5. Tina W. (S2) The luckiest winner IMHO, but brilliant nonetheless.

6. Kelly W. (S1) Almost beat Richard at his own game.

7. Brian/Helen (S5) It may be premature to put anyone from S5 on this list, but I'm assuming one of these two win. If so they deserve to be higher.

8. Sean R. (S4) He was often lazy, loud and irritating, but I also think he was brilliant. Vee deserves to be higher because she won, but IMHO it was Kathy & Sean (not Neleh/Paschal) who changed this game.

9. Colby (S2) Awesome in challenges and brilliant to ditch Jerri/Amber/Mitchell but blew it in the end.

10. Lex (S3) Intense, great in challenges and if not for his witchhunt, he would have been higher.

Honorable Mention

Brandon (S3) His manipulation of Kelly & Lex could have (should have) swung the game around. But Brandon blew it the next week. Still a schemer who stuck around much longer than most would have thought. Teresa (S3) Another schemer. Too bad her and Brandon couldn't get on the same page earlier. Neleh (S4) She was playing the game, but got a bit smug. Still think Kathy and Sean were the brains in that alliance. Mike (S2) Had he not falling into the fire....

The All-Time Dumbest/Most Inept Survivors:

1. Hunter (S4) Tried to get Rob to vote off raft buddie Sarah. Thought he was invincible. Totally got played!

2. Sean (S1) Earth to Sean!

3. Greg (S1) Is there anybody home?

4. Sarah (S4) Most clueless survivor ever!

5. John (S4) Destroyed a winning alliance due to his Gabe paranoia!

6. Silas (S3) The look on his face when he was swapped. Priceless!

7. Kimmi (S2) Did you really tell them Jeff had a vote?

8. Mitchell (S2) Lol!

9T. Kim P. (S3)/Amber (S2) They went so far and didn't even try to play the game!

10. The entire Sook Jai Tribe (S5) For voting out their strongest members too early.

Honorable Mention: Debb (S2) for her bossiness, Carl (S3) for his smugness, Gabe (S4) for his loveness. Is loveness a word?

BTW who ever started this thread should do a ranking based on our votes!


Kokoro 3899 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-04-02, 09:29 AM (EST)
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14. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
<<BTW who ever started this thread should do a ranking based on our votes!>>

Well I was going to, but looking at the lists it'd be impossible since everyone has different people (though I ~could~ make all missing people #11, I don't think that would represent the truth)

I guess I could do a statistical analysis later, though.

Now let us never speak of S3 again.


Kokoro 3899 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-04-02, 10:57 AM (EST)
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15. "Total So Far..."
LAST EDITED ON 11-04-02 AT 10:58 AM (EST)

You know what, I did put all non-listed at 11. It puts everyone on equal ground, which they probably shouldn't be, but it's just nice to have a list. ^-^

I didn't rank anyone from S5 because most people left them off.

Position. Name (Total, High, Low, Average)

1.) Richard (28, 1, 6, 2.0)
2.) Kathy (53, 2, 7, 3.785714285...)
3.) Tina (56, 1, 11, 4.0)
4.) Ethan (88, 1, 11, 6.285714...)
5.) Vecepia (94, 1, 11, 6.714285...)
6.) Colby (96, 3, 11, 6.85714285...)
7.) KellyW (102, 2, 11, 7.285714...)
8.) Lex (118, 4, 11, 8.4285714...)
9.) Paschal (120, 2, 11, 8.5714285...)
10.)Teresa (126, 4, 11, 9.0)

As you can see, there were only two people who made each and every list - Richard and Kathy. You can also see that Rich is far and away considered the best player ever by us here at SB, with both Kathy and Tina trailing very close to eachother.

The honour of having the most #1's goes to Richard, who has 7, followed by Tina, who has 4.

Best of the Rest:

11.) Neleh (130, 1, 11, 9.285714...)
12.) Kim J (140, 10, 11, 10.0)
13.) Jeff (141, 4, 11, 10.0714285...)
14.) Michael (142, 3, 11, 10.14285714...)
15.) Gervase (143, 4, 11, 10.214285714...)
16T) Rodger (145, 7, 11, 10.35714285...)
16T) Rudy (145, 8, 11, 10.35714285...)
18T) KellyG (146, 8, 11, 10.4285714...)
18T) Tom (146, 8, 11, 10.4285714...)
18T) Jerri (146, 8, 11, 10.4285714...)
18T) Susan (146, 6, 11, 10.4285714...)
22.) John (147, 6, 11, 10.5)
23.) SeanR (148, 8, 11, 10.5714285...)
24.) Elisabeth (149, 9, 11, 10.64285714...)
25.) Tammy (150, 10, 11, 10.714285...)

Neleh is the only one really within striking distance of the top. She's also the only one who's not a winner to score a #1 though I'm not sure if that one counts heh ^_~

Okay, that's it. The end (unless someone makes another list ;).

Now let us never speak of S3 again.


I_AM_HE 6123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-04-02, 06:16 PM (EST)
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19. "RE: Total So Far..."
psst, Kokoro, the easy way would have been to assign 10 points for a #1, down to 1 pt for #10, that way people left off lists just get a 0, and the highest point total is #1. like the college football polls


toddE 1433 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

11-04-02, 12:11 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
1. Vecepia-yes, Vee. She played the hardest ever.
2. Richard--He was great as the original, but would never have lasted in the later seasons.
3. Tina-She won by pulling people's strings nearly as well as Richard
4. Ethan-the least deserving winner, but he did win, albeit by doing nothing except existing in the dominant alliance and being the only nice guy of that group.
5. Kathy--great job of learning during the game, but she made a big mistake sticking with Pappy/Neleh. She underestimated Neleh.
6. Kelly W.--I'd like to put her higher, but she also made one crucial error by deciding to switch her vote and eliminate Sue.
7. Kelly G.--great player, screwed by the nonsensical, suicidal behavior of foolish Brandon.
8. Sean Rector-getting harder now, but he made it a long way despite an array of negatives.
9. Neleh--My least favorite person on the list, but she was a clever player.
10. Gervase, I guess. I can't think of anyone past Neleh who played especially well. Tammy wasn't bad either, but neither really had a chance in the second half of the game.


BMH 845 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

11-04-02, 07:39 PM (EST)
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21. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"

You are my new best friend..I think you are like one of the only ppl besides me that actually think that Vecepia played a great game

I think she was the best winner!


ShowMeTheWinner 962 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

11-04-02, 01:38 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
LAST EDITED ON 11-04-02 AT 01:44 PM (EST)

I'm just rating the Survivors from the first four seasons coz I think it's really difficult to judge the Survivors' strategies until they have all been played out. Case in point, I think there'll be fewer people who'd put Vee in their list if this thread were started around S4's episode 7.
I'll also try to factor out luck as much as possible in the list. It'll still be there but a heavier emphasis will be on the Survivor's overall strategy in the game. OK, on with the list!

1. Teresa
Pro: I don't think a person should necessary win in order to be the best player. You just need to make the moves that are necessary to win and avoid making dumb moves. I think Teresa made all the right moves and made very few mistakes. She couldn’t win mostly due to factors beyond her control. Would have a great chance in the game if Brandon and Kim P hadn't screwed up or if Kim J had made the strategic move by joining her and Frank. When most players give up when the going gets tough, this woman never did despite living in the worst environment of all Survivor seasons.
Con: I can't think of any stupid moves that Teresa personally did but if there were any, then it'd be not preventing her alliance members from making the generation gap too obvious—I wouldn’t count her admitting to Lindsey about the existence of the Geritol alliance because it was too obvious anyway and the mall rats would have found out from Silas anyway.

2. Tina
Pro: The most deserving of all the 4 winners, IMHO. Manipulative like Richard but she did it without ruffling any feathers. The only player never to have received a single vote and I think that's a huge feat in the game of Survivor. She had never won a single challenge and I find it amazing that she could wrap Colby around her finger so much that he was willing to risk a million dollars by taking her to the finals. She's also definitely the leader of the Tina/Colby/Keith alliance coz all the players go to her before they made all their decisions.
Con: I still think that she'd made a mistake by voting off Jerri instead of Rodger or Liz. Would have cost her the game if Rodger/Liz/Nick had been smart enough to recruit Amber.

3. Richard
Pro: Gotta give him credit for being the founder of the "alliance" strategy that had been copied by many subsequent Survivors. I think he only won because he had two sure votes in former ally Rudy and bitter Susan, and hence his odds of winning was much better than Kelly W's.
Con: Cocky and had one of the worst starts in the game. Doubt that he would win the game with his attitude if Greg weren’t so eager to please him—I still don’t understand Greg’s reasoning to this day.

4. Kathy
Pro: I had wanted to put Kathy lower since she'd started the game in the worst way possible. However, I think Richard had a bad start as well. So I decided that I'm giving more points on end-game and overall strategies rather than early-game strategy because things get really screwed up when you plan your strategy too early by basing it on the previous seasons (just ask John and Shii Ann).
Kathy would have definitely won if she had made it to the final two so she deserves this spot for making the best comeback and possibly producing the biggest landslide in Survivors' Final Two history.
Con: Worst start in Survivor.

5. Kelly W
Pro: Richard only needed to secure 2 more votes (Rudy’s and Susan’s were confirmed) and she needed to secure 4 votes to win the game. It didn't help that Alphabet Sean and Martian Greg were in the jury. Would have won the game if it weren't for those two since she was smart enough to cozy up to the Pagongs.
Con: Should have kept herself allied with Sue.

6. Colby
Pro: Well-liked and made the right decisions of choosing the right alliance when he was the swing vote.
Con: Bringing Tina to the final two.

7. Ethan
Pro: Ranked here because his niceness can be considered as strategy as well and he didn't make any stupid moves other than not challenging Lex when he went on his witch hunt.
Con: Only won by default because I don't think he did anything much really. Just a nice Type-B guy who happened to be in the right tribe and in the right alliance. Also made the mistake of not challenging Lex for his witch-hunt.

8. Vecepia
Pro: Luck is a major factor that contributed to Vee's victory because she won the one immunity challenge that mattered (the one after all her fall guys had been voted off). She had also been lucky that the other finalist wasn't savvy enough to answer the juries’ questions the way they wanted. Still I must give Vee credit for knowing where her bread is buttered and using Rob M and Sean as her protection for 2 votes.
Con: Too UTR for her own good. Doubt that she would win if she were in the final two with anybody who was on the jury.

9. Tom
Pro: Played the redneck part well and fooled people into thinking that he was dumb. Would have a good shot at winning if the production crews didn't screw up the Fallen Comrades challenge.
Con: Not challenging Lex for his witch-hunt.

10. Tammy
Pro: Played a very focused game and was in control of her emotions for most of the time. Might have won the game if her alliance weren’t exposed.
Con: I wouldn't fault her too much on the coconut challenge since it didn't seem like a big deal when it happened and only seemed like a dumb move in hindsight. The other factor is not stopping Johnny Pots and Pans from strutting around like a peacock when they were there. Another strategic flaw was for not trying her luck to align with Sean and Vee when they were down to the final 7. However I'm giving her a break here since I read from her interview that she was too sick then to do so.

Honorable Mentions:
(S4) Paschal, Neleh, Sean: The only move that I would have done if I were they were to cut a Final Two deal with Kathy when she was the swing vote.
(S3) Lex, Kelly G: Lex would have definitely ranked much higher if it weren't for the witch-hunt. That was just one of the stupidest moves in Survivor history. Kelly G also deserves to be ranked higher if she had kept her emotions in check by not making it too obvious that she did not like Lex. She still played a good game and would be my #11 pick.
(S2) Rodger, Liz: Succeeded in getting Ogakor to break tribal lines by voting Jerry off. If only they had followed it up by recruiting Amber.
(S1) Susan, Rudy: Susan killed her chances when she fought with Kelly W. Rudy played a pretty good game by putting his feelings aside by allying himself with a person whom he did not like. Would have most probably won against Richard the Villain if he had gone to the final two with him. Despite his hilarious remarks, he does need to work on his people skills though.

Kathy O'Brien... The Sole Survivor! (I'd rather be delusional)


I_AM_HE 6123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-04-02, 06:58 PM (EST)
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20. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
LAST EDITED ON 11-04-02 AT 07:14 PM (EST)

Hope you don't mind Kokoro, I took the liberty to make the rankings like a college football poll. As such, I'll list the total number of points each got (10 for a #1, 1 for a #10, 0 if left off a list) and the number of 1st place votes each recieved (in parenthesis after name and before total points)

with 16 lists submitted:

1. Richard--(7) 143 <16>
2. Tina-----(4) 115 <15>
3. Kathy------- 114 <16>
4. Ethan--- (1) 83 <14>
5. Vecepia- (2) 71 <11>
6. Kelly W.---- 65 <12>
7. Colby------- 61 <12>
8. Lex--------- 37 <8>
9. Teresa-- (1) 36 <7>
10. Neleh-- (1) 24 <5> *shakes head*

Others receiving votes: Paschal 21 <5>, Brian 13<3>, Mike 12 <2>, Jeff 11 <2>, Kelly G. 10 <4>, Gervase 10 <3>, Sean R. 9 <3>, Tom 8 <4>, Rudy 8 <2>, Rodger 7 <2>, Susan 7 <2>, Jerri 6 <3>, John 5 <1>, Tammy 4 <3>, Helen 4 <1>, Kim J. 3 <3>, Elisabeth 2 <1>

Hope I got everything right

edit to include the # of lists each appeared in. this number is in angle brackets


Kokoro 3899 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-04-02, 08:02 PM (EST)
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22. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
This way is much better - it took me forever to calculate the one above (and numerous recounts to make sure it was correct).

I thought for sure Teresa would drop before Paschal but I'm glad she didn't. I think our top 10 reflects very well now, with the exception of Ethan, of course.

Now let us never speak of S3 again.


I_AM_HE 6123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-04-02, 08:39 PM (EST)
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23. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
a few differences between the two lists, but nothing major (and its possible it could be due to errors on my part, although i tried to be careful)

with this only being a top 10, and with so many contestants and differences of opinion, its going to be a little off, but its about the best that can be done

if you want to keep track of it from now on Kokoro, all you have to do is add the points (11-Rank) to the point total already given and update it that way. If you want me to keep track of it that's fine too


Kokoro 3899 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-05-02, 10:31 AM (EST)
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25. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
Nope you didn't make any mistakes - the differences are due to there being two extra lists after I did my own.

I'm not sure how many more posts we'll get on this thread (fanatics isn't really a "must see" for most regulars) but I'll keep track if you don't want to.

Now let us never speak of S3 again.


PhoenixMons 4696 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

11-06-02, 04:56 AM (EST)
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26. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
LAST EDITED ON 11-06-02 AT 05:14 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 11-06-02 AT 05:02 AM (EST)

1. Richard - I still don't understand why so many people despise him! He was THE survivor, THE 'pioneer' (if you will) of strategizing and playing the game. After Season 1, I tended to like the more genuine and 'likeable' players with whom I felt I could get along IRL, but those 16 people from the first season had absolutely no idea what to expect and went in to this as a competition for a million dollars. Feelings/emotions were much less important to those playing the game because they really had no idea that it would be so emotionally and psychologically grueling in the end. Richard was, by FAR, the best player of the game and I doubt anyone will ever replace him as number one in that slot. He's not my favorite survivor (I did like him from the very beginning up until the end and was my favorite from season 1) EVER, but he played the game better than anyone else, which is why he won!

2. Sean ' Say what you will about him but he played a helluva game. I know lots of people can't stand him because he was abrasive and 'played the race card' (that phrase irritates me because most people who use it have no idea what it's like to be persecuted/judged because of skin color) but I think he was misunderstood and very friendly. I think his honesty and willingness to speak his mind was what ultimately sunk him. He played with class and was always genuine and was himself while still managing to 'play the game'. He is probably the player I respect most (close second is the Rodger/Elisabeth pair).

3. Kathy - Her fatal mistake was choosing the wrong pair in the end. Had she sided with Sean/Vee she probably would have won since the jury seemed to be overwhelmingly disappointed at the thought of voting for Vee or Neleh to win the million. But aside from that decision (I suppose she felt safer with Paschal/Neleh since she was 'with them' first and figured the jury would respect her more by sticking with them?!?), she still manages to capture my #3 spot.

4. Kelly W. - Didn't really like her, but she played the game quite well. I was actually surprised that she got as many votes as she did in the end, but she definitely deserved to be in the final two. She kicked butt in those final days. And I found a little more compassion for her after Sue's hideous attack at the final TC...I can't remember the exact quote, but Gervase's words were right on about Sue's attack. I hapen to think Kelly actually benefitted from that display by getting some sympathy votes (don't really know, but that's my guess).

5. Tina - Didn't like her either, but she won so she must have done something right! I wasn-t at all happy with that Final 2 (actually, come to think of it, they've ALL been kind of disappointing since Season 1!) but I think Tina probably did play Colby more than he ever imagined. She played the sweet innocent 'mama' type but in reality she was very much in control of the game. I didn't like her after she voted for Marilyn (so sad to see her go, she was GREAT!) when she seemed to be chummy with her, is after all a game and do what ya gotta do!

6. Michael - Man did this guy ever get shafted! He actually probably should be higher but it's hard to think back since I don't really remember anything other than the fire incident and the few days prior. I remember confusing him with 'evil Jeff' (hehe) early on for some reason, but once I figured out who he was, I liked him and the way in which he played the game. He could very well (along with, maybe, Alicia) have been in the F2 instead of Tina/Colby that season. THAT would have been nice.

7. Vecepia - Gotta give her credit for pulling off the win despite some amazing odds against her (with some help from the switcheroo, of course). I think people would have liked her more and respected her win more had she been edited more - I tend to think she might have been too obvious a winner had she been shown more, so thay opted to keep her inVEEsible rather than spill the beans. She probably did do a lot of strategizing from day one (as evident by others' comments) and I was SO thrilled to see her win over Neleh (queen of the hypocrites) even though I wasn't happy with the F2.

8. Rodger/Elisabeth - they really were such a unit in the game that I can't really choose one over the other. They were the epitomy of a successful and genuine alliance and you couldn?t do anything but smile at their happiness with their newfound friendship.

9. Lex - Well, although you talked too much sometimes, you sure did have your tribe wrapped around your little finger. You were the ultimate in survivor leaders and I must give you props for that! I always did like you (wished you wouldn't have talked quite so much) and think you did a great job of getting everyone on your side (for the most part), as evident by the ousting of Kelly G. (who irritated me and I didn't care one bit that she was gone as a result of a wrong 'gut' feeling). Your gut wasn't wrong altogether though...she may not have been a defector YET, but she would have.

10. Gervase - Like Sean, you never ceased to make me laugh and you somehow managed to stay in the game for a VERY long time despite the fact that people seemed to WANT to vote for you for a long time! You figured that you didn't have to expend all of your energy and you did well because people wanted to like you and keep you around despite the fact that they felt you didn't do much to help out. Way to figure out how to keep yourself in the game so long!

And there you have my "BEST PLAYERS" list. Looks pretty different from my favorites list with a few exceptions!


smokedog 1885 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

11-06-02, 05:39 AM (EST)
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27. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
In no particular order:

I automatically included the four winners by default, as they have earned that much (some more than others, however) and I am reserving judgment on S5.

Kelly W.

Am I alone in thinking that TINA is the weakest of the four winners? She didn't win any challenges at all. People argue that she did not receive a single vote, and that she had a perfect vote record (always voted for the bootee). There have been other survivors who can claim both of these distinctions, and most of them did not win. The only reason she won is because Colby was an idiot. If Colby would have brought Keith with him and won, no one would even remember her. And if Colby had somehow beaten her in the final vote, she would have been looked at as just an earlier version of Mamakim - someone who rode a stronger teammate's coattails and stronger alliance's back to the final.

She had to do something right to win though, so I have to give her some credit. I just believe the other three winners brought a lot more to the table.


SteffiGurl 358 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-06-02, 07:17 AM (EST)
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28. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
1.Kathy-One of my all time favorites. She went from most hated to most beloved Survivor in less than 6 episodes. Long live Kathy!

2.Ethan-For getting to the end without being a backstabber or arrogant schemer. He was just a nice guy, and he totally deserved to win.

3.Vecepia-The silent killer. Vee knew how to keep the target off of herself. Under the radar may be boring, but it sure can be effective. Oh and smart idea to bring a journal.

4.Richard-He really should be first, because he defined the game, but his arrogance puts him back a few spaces for me.

5.Tina-Played an excellent game without letting anyone know. However, her one big mistake was the Kel's bag-rifling incident. Not cool Tina.

6.Elisabeth-When she was in trouble, she fought back. That girl did everything in her power to win over Tina, Colby and Keith and it worked.

7.Teresa-Very smart and nice lady. She kept her mouth shut when necessary, and opened it when necessary. However, she should have let Clartence win that immunity so Samburu and Clarence could force a tie vote against Tom or Lex

8.Colby-Gotta know when to hold em, know when to fold em.

9.Susan-Richard's counterpart. Susan should get a serious amount of credit for being a part of Richard's alliance, but her personality, and that ridiculous (although entertaining) diatribe she threw at the last Tribal Council will set her back a few.

10.Greg-Knew how to keep everyone off kilter with his whimsical ways. He totally had everyone, including Jeff Probst, played.

Honorable mention to Kelly W. for winning those immunities when she needed it most, and for putting a wrench in the gears of the Tagi Alliance. She made the final four more interesting to watch, even though I wouldn't trust Kelly with my life.


Kokoro 3899 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-06-02, 11:39 AM (EST)
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29. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
With 19 lists submitted:

(# 1 Rankings, Total, # Of Lists)

1. Richard--(9) 170 <19>
2. Tina-----(4) 134 <18>
3. Kathy----(1) 133 <19>
4. Ethan--- (1) 98 <16>
5. Vecepia- (2) 86 <14>
6. Colby------- 82 <14>
7. Kelly W.----- 81 <14>
8T. Lex-------- 44 <10>
8T. Teresa--(1) 44 <9>
10. Neleh--- (1) 26 <6>

Others receiving votes: Paschal 21 <5>, Sean R. 18 <4>, Mike 17 <3>, Brian 13<3>, Gervase 11 <4>, Jeff 11 <2>, Elisabeth 10 <3>, Kelly G. 10 <4>, Rodger 10 <3>, Susan 9 <3>, Tom 8 <4>, Rudy 8 <2>, Jerri 6 <3>, John 5 <1>, Helen 4 <1>, Tammy 4 <3>, Kim J. 3 <3>, Greg 1 <1>

Now let us never speak of S3 again.


evanakm 250 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

11-06-02, 03:42 PM (EST)
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30. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
1. Brandon: The problem with most players is that they don't play for first, they just play to survive a little longer. While this is necessary in some cases such as with Vecepia, for the most part this play is what not only gets a player voted off, but makes the show boring. Brandon is the only person (except for maybe Kathy) to have ever pulled a shot at winning out of thin air. Had he voted with Samburu, it would have been good for Samburu, but not for Brandon. He probably would have had a good finish, but a win would have been an impossibility. Yes, he got the axe because of his move, however that does not make it a bad move, it just happened to backfire. Had he been playing with a different cast of people, without incompotent players such as Teresa or Kim Powers, then he probably would have made it into the final 4 and had the best shot at winning. This is what makes Brandon the best player of all time.

2. Tina: The problem with most intelligent people who play Survivor is that they don't know how to deal with the idiots who outnumber them. Tina was in a cast of 15 other idiots and she knew how to wrap them all around her little finger. At first I thought that Colby giving her the prize ruined the whole show, but now I have tremendous respect for Tina now that I see that Tina played off of Colby's oversized ego.

3. Kathy: I'm not going to go into too much detail about Kathy since everyone knows and loves Kathy and what she did. The only reason that she is not number one on my list is that she played such a poor beginning of the game, and was thus lucky to be there.

4. Rob Mariano: Like Brandon, the fact that he happened to lose does not make him a bad player. Had he played an extended string of games, he probably would have won more than a few of them. To this day it is still a mystery to me why he voted out Peter, but other than that, he played a next to flawless game until he screwed up at the merge. Voting out Hunter may not have been the smartest thing to do under normal circumstances, but his circumstances were not normal; even if he had not voted out Hunter, he would have been down 8 to 5 in tribal numbers, so did it really matter at that point? And after the switch, he could have had power had Gabe not been such a dumbass. Yes, he screwed up at the merge and got himself voted out, but look at it this way: Richard Hatch made more mistakes than Rob ever made, he just got lucky that Dr. Sean saved his ass, and that KellyW switched her vote at the end. He is still a good player, but part of the game is getting lucky and not getting punished when you screw up.

5. Vecepia: I hate Vee, but I can't deny her skills. She played a boring game, but when circumstances call for a boring game, you do what you have to. I realize that she caught a few breaks, but she did one of the smartest things ever in making sure that whenever she got into trouble, someone else would take the fall. (Rob, then Sean)

6. Shii Ann: SCREWED BY MARK BURNETT. But still I concede that she should have known better than to assume that something wasn't fishy. She really tried to fit in with Sook Jai, and she managed to survive for a while, but jou just can't fit a square peg into a round hole. She acted as nicely as she could, but there comes a point when you just can't do it anymore. Jumping ship was probably the best move she could have made, because like Brandon, it may have been bad for the Sook Jai tribe, but you're not there to make a member of your tribe the winner, you are there to make yourself the winner. Had there been a merge, her play would haave been correct, no question about it.

7. Sue Hawk: I still maintain that she is a better player than Dique. She did everything that he did, but Sue is yet another case of playing a great game and then screwing up and getting yourself voted off. Had she just sucked up Kelly's crap, there is no question in my mind that she would have won given the results of the last IC's.

8. Richard Hatch: I don't think that he is as much of an expert on the game as he tries to say he is, after all he made some very big mistakes that could and should have been fatal, but he is one of the few people to have ever played the game from a 100% objective point of view.

9. Big Tom: Even though I think that the entire casts of S2 and S3 had the average IQ of a rock, there were a few intelligent people, as mentioned above. Big Tom is one of them, because even though the entire Boran alliance was just an entirely unnecessary deathtrap for Lex, MamaKim, and Ethan (they happened to escape, but that is due to the even more incompotent Samburu tribe) I don't think that Big Tom ever really had the option of jumping ship because he was the only member of that alliance for which the alliance really was the best option. So I put him on my list.

10. Gervase: He was just never given the opportunity to shine, being stuck on the Pagong tribe. Switch Sue and Gretchen between the tribes, or Jenna and Stacey or another similar swap, and I'm sure that Gervase could have been every bit as dominant as Richard.


veeisforvictory 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

11-07-02, 02:34 AM (EST)
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31. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
This is my first post here and I just wanted to make sure Vee isn't stuck below Ethan in the 10 Best list!

1) Vecepia--perfected the most-hated UTR strategy, although she wasn't an elder, a sweetheart or a Southern mom, she still managed to avoid the target by wisely choosing a bunch of misfits to ally with such as Sean, Rob and Sarah...she made the most out of every break she was given and also took advantage of the mistakes of others. Vee was pretty much allied with every person at different points of the game but never hesitated to switch sides if it will better her position. Got to know all 15 players in the game

2) Rich Hatch--ultimate mastermind, pioneer but if he played like that in any other season would get voted out early

3) Tina--best social skills out of all the winners, steel magnolia

4) Rob Mariano--gotta give credit to Rob, engineered Hunter's vote and was the originator of the Underdog alliance idea carried out by Sean and Kathy all of which helped Vee win

5) Lex--dominated Africa after the merge, made a few mistakes but didn't win only b/c Kim liked Ethan better

6) Colby--most dominant physical player

7)Sue--besides Rich, she was the only one who had a clue in S1

8) Ethan--weakest out of all the winners strategy-wise but I guess being nice was his strategy

9)T-bird--T-bird is Tina if she was in Kucha instead of Ogakor

10) Sean Rector--I hesitate to put him here but he did save himself twice by helping with the Hunter boot and putting together the Underdog alliance. But he just couldn't keep his mouth shut...He's quite a character though!!

Hon. Mention: Kathy, Kelly W., Tom, Neleh, John


PhoenixMons 4696 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

11-07-02, 06:35 AM (EST)
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32. "RE: Who Are the Top 10 Best Players, Anyway?"
Totally, totally (did I say totally) agree with Brandon and Rob M. I actually left Rob M. off inadvertantly when I put Gervase on my list, much for the same reasons you mentioned. He had a great game plan and he was excellent at strtegizing and pulling off those strategies...but as you said, Gabe was pretty much the determining factor in the end and it just didn't work out.

And Brandon, well I couldn't sum up why I thought he was such a great player so I left him off the list because I could sum up reasons for the others (at least that made more sense). You did a great job trying to explain what I was thinking, though. You are exactly right - some people play to stay alive, Brandon played to win...he knew that might call for some risky moves, but every game has it's risks and you usually can't win unless you take those risks. Sometimes it works and wometimes it doesn't.

Anyway, I just had to agree with ya on those two since they weren't on my list but should have been


toddE 1433 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

11-07-02, 10:57 AM (EST)
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33. "the thing about Brandon..."
is that he had everything in hand, then threw it away. If he'd voted out Lex instead of Kelly G., their new group could have pagonged Boran. Then He, Kelly and Kim could have taken out Frank and T-Bird, leaving him at least final three. But he decided to stick with Lex for some reason I can't fathom, and thus went from best to one of the worst players ever, IMHO,


evanakm 250 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

11-08-02, 00:35 AM (EST)
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34. "RE: the thing about Brandon..."
Yes, I agree with most of what you are saying, but that is not the point I am trying to make. Brandon could have guaranteed himself a spot in the final 4, maybe even the final 3 or the final 2, but there is no way he could have been the last man standing. He would have at the most gotten Lex, Kelly, and KimP's votes and it is probably unlikely he would have gotten all 3. Had he succeeded in his plan, he might not have been liked more, but he would have been respected more, and he could have possibly gotten Ethan and Tom's votes. This is obviously not a guarantee and we will never know what would have happened, but the point is that he went from a position where he had no shot at winning (a shot at a good finish, but not a win) to a position where he could have gotten voted out early (which he did) but also had a shot at first place.

Kokoro 3899 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-08-02, 00:47 AM (EST)
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35. "RE: the thing about Brandon..."
Actually yes he could have very well won.

1.) Keep Kelly.
2.) Hope that T/F don't notice it's 3-2.
3.) Dump Teresa at 5, Frank at 4.
4.) Either dump Kim or (hopefully) let Kelly win the challenge.
5.) Kelly (Guaranteed nothing) vs. Brandon (Almost guaranteed all Boran votes + Kim P.)

But I still blame Kim over Brandon anyday. Kim was the first to decide to get rid of Brandon, and even if the other 3 had gotten together it would only make them stand out more as "enemies".

Now let us never speak of S3 again.


survivorpinoy 30 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

11-13-02, 03:39 AM (EST)
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I think most people here will agree that you don't have to win to be the best player in Survivor. Kathy was a good player, while Tina was just lucky. Here's my top 10:

1. Richard
2. Kathy
3. Colby
4. Boston Rob
5. Kelly W
6. Rudy
7. Lex
8. Neleh
9. Vecepia
10. Jeff V


Kokoro 3899 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-13-02, 03:44 AM (EST)
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38. "Update"
LAST EDITED ON 11-13-02 AT 03:49 AM (EST)

With 22 lists submitted:

(# 1 Rankings, Total, # Of Lists)

1. Richard-(10) 192 <22>
2. Tina-----(4) 151 <20>
3. Kathy----(1) 150 <21>
4. Vecepia- (3) 104 <17>
5. Ethan--- (1) 101 <16>
6. Colby-------- 95 <16>
7. Kelly W.----- 87 <15>
8. Lex---------- 54 <12>
9. Teresa----(1) 46 <10>
10. Neleh--- (1) 29 <7>

Others receiving votes: Paschal 21 <5>, Rob M. 21 <2>, Sean R. 19 <5>, Mike 17 <3>, Susan 17 <5>, Brian 13 <3>, Rudy 13 <3>, Gervase 12 <5>, Jeff 12 <3>, Brandon (1) 10 <1>, Elisabeth 10 <3>, Kelly G. 10 <4>, Rodger 10 <3>, Tom 10 <5>, Jerri 6 <3>, John 5 <1>, Shii Ann 5 <1>, Helen 4 <1>, Tammy 4 <3>, Kim J. 3 <3>, Greg 1 <1>

Now let us never speak of S3 again.



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