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"Fanatics Archives Part 1: Pulau Tiga"
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Kokoro 3899 desperate attention whore postings
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04-14-02, 07:02 PM (EST)
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"Fanatics Archives Part 1: Pulau Tiga"
Well this should be somewhat of a trip down memory lane for some of y'all (I, for one wasn't here until about a month before S2 ;)

Anyway, as I've said in many other posts - I've been taking a foray through the archives (I wanted to know when Cherberrie left - still have no idea) anyway, I've seen a lot of things in the Fanatics archives that went largely unnoticed, due to the fact that there were so few people here during please go through the list of links and see if you remember - or even just if you'd like to see some of the posters of SB's past. Have fun, everyone ^_~

1.) Survivor Season One Poetry/Song Contributions (I want to ask, are any of these people still around....I know many of you like to do this kind of thing to this day) :

Here's a poem from Dreamingofcolleen entitled "Outwit, Outplay, Outlast"

And a song parody (unfinished) by Therecanbeonlyone, sung to the tune of Last Kiss by Pearl Jam.

2.) Here's a post that I laughed I'm sorry I better criteria ^-^;;

3.) Ahhh Top Five/Ten/Fifteen lists (We don't get many of these anymore, do we?)....anyway these are from (remember, this is the S1 edition - nobody was here to do these for us ), the same site that brought us The Chinese Movie Titles List.

This one is the: Top 15 Things to Do When You're Back From the Island

And here's: The Top 15 Survivor Soundtrack Songs

4.) The Original SB S1 Quotes Thresd - you can now find most of these here.

5.) Survivor in 50 Words or Less. Anyone care to try adding to this one (here of course, since these are all archived thresds ;) ?

6.) I was slightly off onErist's LoveList thresd....~here~ is the first official popularity list that I can find in the archives =)

And here are the overall results of that thresd. (hey, that guy uses the same method I do for averaging ;)

7.) If anyone cares, this is a link to Richard Hatch's company site.

8.) Survivor Alternate Histories - uncomplete but still a good read:

Here's Erist's first crack at one.

And his second.

Lucien's Sensible Shoes: Episodes 1-9 Brief + Episode 9 & 10 Complete.

Lucien's Sensible Shoes: Episode 11.

Lucien's Sensible Shoes: Episode 12.

Um this is Yeah's try at an alternate Survivor (episode 1 + a bit)

Thank you, thank up is Fanatics Archives Part 2: Australia (which will take a hell of a lot longer - S2 archives are twice as big ;)

If you have anything to say please do....and if you want to add to something someone else started a couple years ago - go ahead....and also - it's really been awhile since we've had an alternate Survivor it seems (hint hint) - Now that I think about it, I may actually write one for Africa so I can pretend S3 was good lol....

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

Don't worry y'all, Gina and Bob will be back just in time for the final 3.

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