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"TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
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ARnutz 13937 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-05-07, 07:52 AM (EST)
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"TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"

Rob Is Not Jesus!!!

...he's just some self-proclaimed reality show God

Wondering how your favorite teams are doing on the lvoe lists? Check out sittem's post from last week. It includes team averages and whatnot.

This week, the teams flew to Puerto Montt where they were faced with the daunting task of handling... FISH! Oooh, scary!
After they moved 80 fish to a holding tank, the next clue was read from the bottom of the tank.

They had to find their next clue on the way to Petrohué.... a detail that was lost on many teams. There, they were faced with the detour, where they had to rock climb or tame the river wild! All teams chose the whitewater rafting.

At the pit stop, Romber came in first again and Dustin & Kandice neglected to pick up a clue. Phil arranged a special prize of a blind date for Charla, and Dave & Mary were put out of their misery and sent packing. On with the list!

Rank. Team (Last Week's Rank) ~

1. Oswald & Danny (1) ~ They will stay here all season.

2. Uchenna & Joyce (3) ~ Good job coming in second! They may turn it on now, huh?

3. Joe & Bill (4) ~ I am also amazed that I don't hate them like in their original season. They get props for having the best line of the episode.

4. Teri & Ian (5) ~ Ian gets kudos for taking on Schmirna at the airport counter and Teri gets kudos for taking the plunge and handling it nicely.

5. Dustin and Kandice (2) ~ Fall down for the big mistake of not getting the clue.

6. Eric & Danielle (6) ~ Ugh.

7. Romber (8) ~ So what if you were first at the Pit Stop again, you will never be first on my list.

8. Charla & Mirna (9) ~ Horrible people.

Philiminated: Daayve and Murry (7) ~

Now it's your turn, people! This is a lvoe list! ... you know what to do!


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... Max Headroom 03-05-07 1
   RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... sittem 03-05-07 8
       RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... Max Headroom 03-05-07 12
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... Estee 03-05-07 2
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... sittem 03-05-07 3
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... VisionQuest 03-05-07 4
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... ladybugen 03-05-07 5
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... dragonflies 03-05-07 6
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... MaryKat 03-05-07 7
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... beau_30 03-05-07 9
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... Seana 03-05-07 10
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... Joools 03-05-07 11
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... emydi 03-05-07 13
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... Fishercat 03-05-07 14
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... weltek 03-05-07 15
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... livingthroughmytv 03-05-07 16
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... cahaya 03-05-07 17
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... CattyChat 03-05-07 18
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... Tazluli 03-05-07 19
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... justmyhumbleopinion 03-05-07 20
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... bostonrobfan 03-05-07 21
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... warp_core breach 03-05-07 22
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... CTgirl 03-05-07 23
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... redbaronii 03-05-07 24
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... coolflowerpowerman 03-05-07 25
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... Peetah 03-06-07 26
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... WilmaF 03-06-07 27
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... michel 03-06-07 28
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... PlumBlossom 03-06-07 29
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... LibraRising 03-06-07 30
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... HistoryDetective 03-06-07 31
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... dabo 03-07-07 32
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... Cygnus X1 03-07-07 33
   RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... HistoryDetective 03-08-07 35
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... television 03-07-07 34
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... taffnic 03-08-07 36
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... louislam 03-09-07 37
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... nailbone 03-09-07 38
 RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume ... sittem 03-10-07 39

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Max Headroom 10069 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-05-07, 09:02 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
So far this season has been a good one, and I won't miss any of the teams Philiminated thus far. Maybe the edits are drastically different, but teams I wasn't too fond of have been much more palatable this time around. And I never would've thought this team would rise to #1 on my lvoe list, but here they are:

1. Joe/Bill (4) - Showed the strength of their relationship despite some challenges through the leg. We haven't seen their snarky side, even when up against the Armenian wonder-twins, and they are solid racers.

2. Dustin/Kandice (1) - Still my favorite team, but they don't deserve the top spot after two more dumb mistakes this leg. Most of their success last season came from running a mistake-free race, and that's not happening this season so far.

3. Romber (3) - Continue to be the team to beat, and Rob is always good for a chuckle or two. The jury is still out on the new and improved Amber, though.

4. Teri/Ian (5) - Moving on up the rankings with another bicker-free, mostly likable performance. These two were good racers in TAR3 and they are still good racers.

5. Uchenna/Joyce (7) - Another meh episode from these two. With a nod to sittem, they are the PAT (Perfectly Average Team) of TAR All-Stars.

6. Oswald/Danny (2) - We got a lot more whining and a lot fewer funny quotes from these two in this episode. Are they starting to wear down already? We haven't even gotten to the big jet-lag legs yet.

7. Eric/Danielle (6) - In addition to his continued boneheadness, Eric was also rude and demeaning to Danielle during this leg. Come on dude, grow up, and show some respect to your girlfriend too.

8. Charla/Mirna (9) - Will we ever be rid of these two? The last team weaker than them just exited stage left, so hopefully they will have a tearful chat with the Philiminator next week.

Philiminated. David/Mary (8) - Thoroughly outclassed again this time, and less pleasant to watch. Mary's new attitude was not an improvement and David got about 30 total seconds of airtime. You are the weakest link -- goodbye.


sittem 4186 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

03-05-07, 10:05 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
>8. Charla/Mirna (9) - Will we
>ever be rid of these
>two? The last team
>weaker than them just exited
>stage left, so hopefully they
>will have a tearful chat
>with the Philiminator next week.

isn't it about time for a non-elim?

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.


Max Headroom 10069 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-05-07, 12:24 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
Probably, but one can always hope, right?


Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-05-07, 09:22 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
1. Teri & Ian (4): And just like any good American, Ian saw a problem developing at the airport and called security to deal with it. And just like every evil nation that we'll be invading soon so we can impose our values, Chile refused to lock up the offenders forever. But they did give Ian the one shot at the 'push your wife overboard and make it look like an accident' card that all American males on television shows get while touring South America. So when we invade, we'll invade using Nerf.
2. Danny & Oswald (1): Poor Oswald. His entire life spent in strict avoidance of a certain something that has occasionally been associated with fish and more often with felines and generally with someone like Eric being on the prowl, and then? An eighty-proof dose in one shot. I swear, it's almost enough to make someone straight. Or Protestant.
3. Dustin & Kandice (6): That's actually one of those semi-understandable envelope misses, and it's not the first time someone did the task without reading the clue. But being close enough to save themselves was dumb luck. If it was a fifty-mile roundtrip, then they're out -- and they're just another team which couldn't stay focused enough to win. Get it together, or get the view from Sequesterville.
4. Rob & Amber (2): Okay, now the gloating is starting to get a little annoying. And we all know Rob isn't Jesus. Jesus is still trying to get onto his Second Coming. Rob is on -- what would this be, #6? Sure, make the other teams focus on you instead of the Race -- but right now, you're focusing on yourselves a little too much and forgetting about the other teams.
5. Uchenna & Joyce (8): A 'meh' leg. They came, they raced, and no one got their head shaved. See you next week.
6. Eric & Danielle (3): Understand: this is Eric's ranking. Danielle by herself? About third place, maybe fourth. But Eric opened his mouth, and Danielle saved him from eighth by heroically restraining herself from killing him. (And if she had killed him? Locked in at first for the rest of the Race.) This came up in the Bar last night: if, say, Bolo had made similar comments to Lori, it might have been funny, mostly because Lori would have fed him a flounder three seconds later. But Eric? Once a horndog, always a horndog. Your partner is in trouble. It's not funny. Shut. Up.
7. Charla & Mirna (5): How old is Mirna, exactly? Because people with that much inherent sense of entitlement usually wind up in politics. Running for President. Especially the ones who can't do anything by themselves. 'Oh, I don't know where the keys are, and I can't possibly look for them alone!' Then she can't turn the most critical code keys by herself, either! This might be a good thing if we apply it to the right profession. So if she's at least thirty-five... in fact, I'll say it: Jeb & Mirna in '08: It's Not As If The Vote Count Actually Matters. And if the power of mass prayer has any validity, Jeb will live forever...
8. Bill & Joe (5): Now what did I say last week? Oh, right: Read. The. Clue. And toss the word 'entire' somewhere in there. The only reason you are still in this Race is because Mirna did not have the light drizzle with passing breeze that qualifies as her brainstorm, say 'Wait, I see someone outside -- be right back,' and get Charla back in the car, on the road, and halfway to Brazil before you two could say 'We don't see anyone...' If you can't pay attention to what you're right on top of, you don't deserve to be here -- and you won't be for much longer.

Out: David & Mary (7): Next up for Mary: becoming Rachael Ray's next reality-based assistant. Next up for David: fighting off a horde of living coal men. Just another day at the office. Or they could star in their own reality series: ChoQuest! 'We need to find them! You check the -- the -- you just check something!'


sittem 4186 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

03-05-07, 09:27 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
LAST EDITED ON 03-08-07 AT 12:07 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 03-08-07 AT 11:59 AM (EST)

Thank you bit torrent - I saw a beautiful full screen show without commercials last night after a day long download. So, I'll change a couple of ranks:

1. Romber (1) So, he's not Jesus. I was never confused about it. Nice support for Amber at the tanks.
2. UJ (4) They're starting to step it up a bit - nice to see.
3. Terri/Ian (6) I gotta give him credit - I never thought I'd start to give these guys some props. Now, if he'd only 86 the hat.
4. DannyO (2) Not such a great leg. Work on the cardio.
5. Eric/Danielle (3) Getting a little ugly there.
6. Joe/Bill (5) Grumpy old men. Very lucky CharMa saved them.
7. DusKa (7) I'm just tired of the TAR 10 teams. It's amazing how poorly teams read the clues.
8. CharMa (9) Absolutely cannot escape last place. If they'd been last maybe there'd have been some romance for Charla.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.


VisionQuest 1171 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

03-05-07, 09:36 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
1. Romber (1) – Rob isn’t Jesus, but I think Jesus is on their side.

2. Teri and Ian (4) – Hoo rah for Teri – flipped out of the boat, but didn’t flip out or whine or cry. Hoo rah for Ian – calling for Security.

3. Danny and Oswald (2) – what happened at the roadblock?? Jeez Louise talk about slow.

4. Dustin and Kandice (3) – Bonehead move this week thinking there was no roadblock(or was it detour). Still managed a 4th finish though.

5. Uchenna and Joyce (7) – moving up this week because two teams have to move down

6. Eric and Danielle – (6) – he said Peace out, Cub Scout and his nipple rings skeeve me out.

7. Joe and Bill (5) – missed the clue and then referred to Schmirna as Godsend’s, that should make you last, but since Beelzebub’s minions are still in the game you get lucky and are 7th.

8. Charla and Mirna (9) – oh where to start, their actions at the airport were deplorable, their swimsuits were atrocious, and if I have to hear “charla come on” one more time, I will kill myself. They stink as racers and think they are entitled to special treatment for some unknown reason. (sidenote – was Phil trying to hook up Charla last night – maybe the four of them could double date)

Philiminated – Dave and Mary – who didn’t see that one coming? I only thought it would be sooner. Last night I liked it when Mary was talking about falling out of the raft and dying – Dave got a big smile on his face – it was classic.

Mary to Dave – Dave, why ain’t you gettin any?
Dave to Mary (how he answered in my mind) – who would want it?


ladybugen 68 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

03-05-07, 09:40 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
Lots of major movers in my list this week

1. Joe & Bill (4) ~ the "Rob is not Jesus" is hands down the best line of TAR. Ever. They also get props for keeping it together and not tearing each other apart when they made mistakes.

2. Teri & Ian (5) ~ Major props for standing up to Schmirna and not backing down...and their points were 100% right. Points too for Teri falling in the water, coming through composed, and saying it was actually fun.

3. Uchenna & Joyce (7) ~ Now you look like previous racers and winners.

4. Romber (3) ~ Rob is being a much nicer person this time around and that makes them fun to watch since they make so few mistakes.

5. Dustin and Kandice (2) ~ It's very difficult to put them here, but missing the clue could have cost them BIG time.

6. Oswald & Danny (1) ~ Not that they did bad, just didn't feel like they got much airtime this week.

7. Eric & Danielle (8) ~ His a$$hole true colors shone through this week.

8. Charla & Mirna (9) ~ As much as I don't think Dave and Mary should have been asked to this season (they're nice, but not all star material), I was praying to the reality tv god that they came in before Schmirna. I do like that they had a little person native greeter....he seemed to light up when he saw Charla running the race.

Philiminated: Dave and Mary() ~ It was time. But I do wish it had been Schmirna instead. I liked how they worked past their fears with water to truly try this week.


dragonflies 8051 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-05-07, 10:00 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
1. Oswald & Danny - Loved them in their original season, still love them
2. Romber - I've gone from grudging respect to outright liking them. We saw a little chink in Rob's armor when he was looking for other teams and Amber reminded him not to get distracted by them.
3. Joe & Bill - Here for the best.quote.evah.
4. Dustin and Kandice - They are starting a fall from my top team, stoopid mistake girls!
5. Uchenna & Joyce
6. Eric & Danielle - by default
7. Teri & Ian - not lower because they can't get any lower on my list
8. Charla & Mirna - They will be at the bottom of my list always and forevermore.

Philiminated - Dave & Mary - I would rather see them stay than Mirna & Schmirna.


MaryKat 221 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

03-05-07, 10:05 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
1. Oswald and Danny
2. Dustin and Kandice
3. Joyce and Ucheena
4. Terri and Ian
5. Eric and Danielle
6. Joe and Bill
7. Rob and Amber
8. Charla and Mirna


beau_30 952 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

03-05-07, 10:09 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
1) Danny and Oswald - Some reason Team Cha Cha is actually growing on me.
2) Dustin and Kandice - You would've been first but mistakes hurt.
3) Terri and Ian - Wait to go. Staying calm during that fall.
4) Uchenna and Joyce - Wait to go from the back pack to the top
5) Bill and Joe - They made a mistake. Lucky for Schmirna
6) Eric and Danielle - Don't tell your girl to use her boobs
7) Charla and Mirna - Charla has spunk and isn't afraid to fight.
8) Rob and Amber - Just because they are first again. I have to admit though they are good racers

Seana 5044 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-05-07, 10:46 AM (EST)
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10. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
Hooray for sittem's stats!

1. Oswald and Danny (1): They didn't check for a better flight and Danny did poorly at the RB, but I still love them.

2. Teri and Ian (4): Back up to second place for Teri's attitude about the raft. Impressive presence of mind she had to hold onto the boat. She didn't scream or wail, just did what needed doing.

3. Uchenna and Joyce (5): Up to 3 for being the only people besides Romber to think of going to a place other than an airport to make travel arrangements.

4. Joe and Bill (3): I actually like Joe and Bill, but they move down for being dumb (missed clue) and petty (blocking E&D).

5. Dustin and Kandice (2): I'm sorry, you missed the clue. Dumb.

6. Eric and Danielle (6): She's still a floozy. He's still an as$.

7. Romber (9): I would put them lower, but then I'd have to put Schmirna higher, and that would be dishonest. But don't go thinking I like Rob or Amber one little bit.

8. Charla and Mirna (8): I can't place them any higher. They're awful: hypocritical and pushy.

Philiminated: David and Mary - Maybe if Mary had used the pronoun "we" periodically, I would have liked them more this time around.


Joools 225 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

03-05-07, 10:49 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
LAST EDITED ON 03-05-07 AT 11:10 AM (EST)

1. Uchenna/Joyce - They ran a great leg and they're still one of my favorite teams from past seasons. I loved that they attempted to buy plane tickets for other teams and were genuinely sorry when they couldn't for anybody but the Guidos.

2. Danny/Oswald - These two are just loads of fun and they have some great one-liners. They had one bad leg but I still love to watch them.

3. Joe/Bill - I'm kind of glad I didn't see them in their original season because I like them and I have a feeling I wouldn't have before. I liked how happy they were not to be the eliminated team. Huge mistake in misreading the clue at the Roadblock, though.

4. Teri/Ian - Nice recovery and attitude on Teri's part after falling into the river, but Ian calling for airport security seemed a bit much.

5. Dustin/Kandace - Stupid mistake in not getting the clue with the Detour. As veteran racers, they should have known better.

6. Charla/Mirna - Charla is less annoying than her cousin, but Mirna is just a waste of a perfectly good carbon based lifeform.

7. Eric/Danielle - Between Danielle being such a stupid, stereotypical girl (scared of picking up a fish?) and Eric's constant comments about Danielle's boobs (real classy, eh?) they're only saved from last place by my complete dislike of...

8. Rob/Amber - They haven't been as bad this time as they were before, but the season has just started. I had to mute my TV and turn my head away because I couldn't bear to see or hear them win one more leg.

Philiminated: David/Mary - I don't hate them like so many other people seem to, but it was time for them to go. They were just way out of their league for the most part.


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-05-07, 12:37 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
1. Oswald & Danny (1)(1) ~ I love these guys....they stumbled a bit this week but still great

2. Joe & Bill(2)(2)--We finally saw more of these two. Ironic that they needed help from Mirna and Schmirna after calling out Eric/Danielle...

3. Uchenna & Joyce (4)(5)~ good work this leg.

4. Teri & Ian (5)(4) ~ Move down only bc they hooked up with the queens. I really like Teri!

5. Romber (10)(9) ~ Ambuh I still hate (stop cheering like a crazed nut for more stuff) but Rob made up for it this leg...see E/D entry... I really hope they don't win tho...

6. Eric & Danielle (6)(6)~ Meh...boob old are you....I have to give props to Rob here...he is mature enuf to realize the difference in his remarks to Amber...also he was right to hook onto them bc btw the 2 teams, Romber has them beat by a landslide

7. Dustin and Kandice (9)(8)~ Oh how the mighty have fallen...I think they should have had to do the Detour over again in order...but that's just me...

8. Charla & Mirna (8)(7)~ Mirna is horrible...she spends 10 hours picking up fish and then tells Charla to hurry up... Charla got a little sumpin sumpin! Only here bc Mirna is THAT BAD


David and Mary (3)(3)~ I was hoping for an early non elimination round. Mary lost it for them with bad sign reading...I liked the end when she said I love you


Fishercat 4168 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

03-05-07, 12:43 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
1) Teri and Ian: I am holding up my side of the deal. The fact that Ian called for Security is one of my Top 10 Amazing Race moments ever, if it worked, straight to #1. Plus, Teri showed some perseverence on the rafting part.

2) Oswald and Danny
3) Romber
4) Dustin and Kandice
5) Uchenna and Joyce
6) Joe and Bill
7) Eric and Danielle
8) Charla
9-6,200,000,000) Everyone
6,200,000,001) Mirna


weltek 16936 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-05-07, 01:13 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
Because I haven't yet this season:

1. Romber. They are good, respect eachother, and make me laugh. Plus, Rob seems to be playing the role of lesser-jerk this time around.

2. Uchenna & Joyce. They are always so darn nice and supportive of eachother. They tend to make a few stupid decisions, but overall play a good game.

3. Joe & Bill. I was a bit disappointed in their lack of paying attention to the whole clue, but they are still one of the smartest teams in this race.

4. Oswald & Danny. I'm a bit uninspired by them. They don't seem committed to this race. But overall, they are still playing a good game, are nice guys and make me laugh.

5. Dustin and Kandice. I want to put them lower for their blunder, but I dislike the rest of the teams more. Plus, they really did handle the mistake with grace and composure.

6. Teri & Ian. Too bad I hate Ian. I like Teri well enough. They are good people, he can just be a schmutz and they don't always put their whole minds into the game.

7. Eric & Danielle. I don't hate them. I find them to be good racers, but her gender role issues tick me off. And he made the boob comments. He's kind of a tool.

8. Charla & Mirna. I'd put them lower if I could. Never liked them, never will, unless they drop their abrasive personalities and quit thinking they are morally better than everyone else. They are the sandpaper of my TAR experience.


livingthroughmytv 70 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

03-05-07, 01:17 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
1. Terri and Ian: No whining. Smart racing. And calling security on Schmirna? Looooove that.

2. Cha Chas: Danny and Oswald. Slow at the roadblock, but I still love them. They've got style.

3. Joyce and Uchenna: smart about their flights

4. Joe and Bill: Not nearly so evil as the first time around or at least they've learned to conceal it.

5. Beauty Queens: dumb blondes this week.

6. Eric and Danni: The only thing keeping creepy boy out of last place is....

7. Schmirna and Charla. Ugh.


cahaya 19891 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-05-07, 01:19 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
1. (1,1) Teri & Ian: Still on top.

2. (2,2) Uchenna & Joyce: Sentimental favs.

3. (5,4) Danny & Oswald: Comedy act.

4. (3,3) Rob & Amber: Not Jesus.

5. (7,6) Dustin & Kandice: Smart girls.

6. (9,8) Eric & Danielle: Just passed Charla & Mirna.

7. (6,7) Charla & Mirna: Enough is enough.

9. (8,9) Joe & Bill: Here by default again.

Philiminated (4,5) David & Mary: See y'all! Nice folk.


CattyChat 3379 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-05-07, 01:30 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
1. Rob & Amber (1, 1) ~ My name is Catty and I am a Romberholic. I just love these two. I love their competitiveness & genuine love of the game. I love how well they work together, they truly complete each other. Rob's enthusiastic support of Amber when she competes in challenges is sweet & so refreshing over other people who berate or yell at their teammate as "encouragement" or yell sexist comments as "encouragement."

2. Oswald & Danny (2, 2) ~ My second-most favoritist team/couple. They are so cute together & so humorous. As with Romber, their success has a lot to do with their team dynamics . . . they get along, encourage each other & genuinely care about each other.
Go Cha-Chas!!!

3. Dustin & Kandice (3, 3) ~ I suppose I should rank them lower due to their potentially costly mistakes this leg, but they are the only other team I can get behind & root for. Even with such a terrible mistake as missing their detour clue, they were able to find the clue & make it back to the mat and remain in 4th place. They only lost time. The BQs work well with each other & support each other and that will take them far. They also keep their composure & positive attitudes and I think they're great!!
Go BQss!!!

4. Teri & Ian (10, 5) ~ MAJOR points for attempting to put the annoying ChaMirna in their place. Teri also gets points for not freaking out when she was dumped into the river & finding the experience "exciting." I'm actually liking Ian this time around. Go figure!

5. Joe & Bill (4, 4) ~ There's the Team Guido we came to know in season 1. The claws are coming out and I like it. A bit immature with standing in front of Eric's car, but whatever. At least they are interesting to watch.

6. Uchenna & Joyce (7, 8) ~ They ran a pretty good leg & didn't annoy me.

7. Eric & Danielle (5, 7) ~ I am not a fan of Eric's & Danielle is just pathetic. They barely have 1 brain between them.

9. Charla & Mirna (9, 9) ~ I wish I could rank these 2 lower. I despise them, especially Mirna. Do they even have a clue that they are so annoying and wrong in almost every single circumstance? Delusional. So, what was up with the native greeter? Was Phil hoping for a love match??

Philiminated Obits:
Leg 3: David & Mary (8, 6) ~ They had no business on Allstars . . . none whatsoever. They are nice people, but Mary is a bit of a shrew & poor David is just beaten down. But, hey, love takes many forms. No more Cho shoutouts/flashbacks.

Leg 2: Kevin & Drew (7)
Leg 1: John Vito & Jill ~

One nation, under Romber...


Tazluli 141 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

03-05-07, 01:31 PM (EST)
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19. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
1. Oswald & Danny (1) - They really make me smile

2. Uchenna & Joyce (5) - Way to go getting through the fish challenge!

3. Teri & Ian (4) - Loved the way Teri held her ground at the airport and didn't seem too fazed about being thrown off the raft.

4. Joe & Bill (2) - They went down because of not getting the whole clue

5. Dustin & Kandice (3) - Two bad mistakes. They need to pay more attention. They are not as annoying as they were to me last season.

6. Eric & Danielle (7) - He is a pig and she is a drama queen.

7. Rob & Amber (8) - The only good thing about them coming in first is that they are off my TV screen and I can watch TAR for 20 minutes without having to see them.

8. Charla & Mirna (9) - Blech

Philiminated: Dave & Mary (6)- Mary? What happened to you? Why would you ask Dave which task to do and then when he said he didn't care, why did you scream that you could not do the 40' climb? Why not say right off the bat that rafting would be the best for you? Ugh!


justmyhumbleopinion 26 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

03-05-07, 03:19 PM (EST)
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20. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
1. Oswald & Danny (1) - Although they whined a bit more this time, they still made me laugh the most.
2. Uchenna & Joyce (4) - They ran a clean leg with few mistakes that I remember.
3. Dustin & Kandice (2) - They were very lucky that their mistake did not have a bigger consequence. They've got to step it up.

*Small Gap*

4. Joe & Bill (3)
5. Teri & Ian (7) - These two team are about equal in my esteem.

*Very Large Gap*

5. Charla & Mirna (8) - I can't believe Mirna couldn't run get the keys by herself! Apologize for being a mean spirited drama queen, not for wearing a bathing suit.
6. Rob & Amber (9) - It pains me to do it (I still hate their arrogance), but I had to move them from the bottom of the list because of...
7. Eric & Danielle (5) - Ick. It was just plain stupid for Eric to do the boardroom task and Danielle to do the fish task. But, beyond that, his derisive comments and screaming at Danielle irked me even more than her drama about touching the fish!

Philiminated: David & Mary - They were even more outclassed in this group than in their season 10 run. And - in looking at the extra footage on, they spent WAY too much time helping the drama cousins. They spent more time being star struck by the other teams than being serious about racing. It was time to go.


bostonrobfan 490 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

03-05-07, 06:00 PM (EST)
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21. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
1. Romber- They just rock! They really seem to complete each other and both are great racers.

2. Teri & Ian- a lot less arguing than their other race and WTG for going toe-to-toe with Mirna

3. Oswald & Danny- love ChaChaCha

4. Joe & Bill- and Guido

5. Dustin and Kandice- How could you think you should do the task before getting the clue?

6. Eric & Danielle- They're starting to get on my nerves.

3. Uchenna & Joyce- zzzz

8. Charla & Mirna- SHUT. UP.


warp_core breach 469 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

03-05-07, 08:16 PM (EST)
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22. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
1(2). Teri & Ian - Still liking these two. Have good attitudes. Like how they stood up to Mirna & Schmirna. Also liked how Teri had fun going overboard during the white water rafting. Anybody else would have been whining and sniveling.

2(4). Uchenna & Joyce - Finally! A respectable previous winner's finish!

3(3). Rob & Amber - Despite my feelings towards this team, this team is good. And Amber, despite the fact that I think she's nothing but a coattail rider, is not afraid to get down and dirty to get the task done. No whining, no screeching, she just does it.

4(1). Oswald & Danny - Not a great leg - that's why you're in this position. Still like them though.

5(6). Joe & Bill - Still meh to me but I liked it how they got ahead of Mirna & Schmirna at the end.

6(5). Dustin & Kandace - It pains me to put this team this low, but in two seasons of TAR, this was the worst leg ever. These two are so much better than this!

7(7). Eric & Danielle - Eric, you tell her that she'll be doing the road block. You yell at her to quit being a baby after you told her to do the road block (everyone else is encouraging their partner). You tell her to use her boobs on the fish. What a class act! And you're nipple ring DOES give me the shudders! These two aren't even a good couple, a bad couple or a cute couple. Each one has no personality. They don't argue. They don't act lovey, dovey. They're just plain yawn!

8(9). Charla & Mirna - These two have got to go! The word "entitlement" has been associated with these two and for good reason. Yeah, Mirna, you did try to commandeer Teri's "person", but I guess because you have your short cousin in tow, that gives you the right. Oh and locals are not entitled to go to work, they're there to cater to your useless arses. Oh and sure, you're gonna give him $50.00 which is probably more money than what he gets working, but did you ever stop to think as you're dragging him into your car that maybe the next day he won't have a job because he didn't show up that day? No, of course not, the whole world revolves around you. And how did this guy get back home?

Philiminated - David & Mary - I liked these two on their season, but they sucked this season. Mary was more shrewish towards David and ignored what he had to say. Turns out he happened to be correct a lot of the time. If Mary had listened to David more... Her whole whining about the Chos and how her friends passed her was pathetic. For more pathetic Mary, read the interview they gave. First off, David doesn't get a word in edge-wise and Mary honestly thought that the Chos should have been chosen for All Stars! Sheesh!


CTgirl 8013 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-05-07, 08:20 PM (EST)
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23. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
1. Rob and Amber (2,1) – There are strong competitors, work well together and have been incredibly lucky. Fun to watch.

2. Oswald and Danny (1,2) – They weren’t that visible this week, but they tried hard and made up a lot of ground at the end. They’re good friends who support each other; fun too.

3. Kandice and Dustin (3,3) – They’re improving their position, but they’re still making too many mistakes.

Big drop – the next four are all pretty close in my book.

4. Eric and Danielle (4,6) – Eric can be a jerk, but he’s a good racer. Danielle screamed a lot, but then she got the job done. Time will tell which way they’ll go in my mind.

5. Teri and Ian (10,7) – Teri fell off the raft and came up smiling. That is a great sense of adventure!

6. Uchenna and Joyce (5,4) – Really nice people, but boring!

7. Joe and Bill (6,5) – Their shenanigans with Eric and Danielle reminded me how much I didn’t like them in TAR1. Joe missing part of the clue in the flounder tank was bad.

8. Charla and Mirna (7,9) – I don’t see them leaving the bottom, but you never know! Too much drama again!

Philiminated: David and Mary (8,8) – They were outclassed all the way and now it’s time for them to enjoy an Acapulco vacation!


redbaronii 171 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

03-05-07, 08:43 PM (EST)
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24. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
LAST EDITED ON 03-05-07 AT 08:46 PM (EST)

1. (2,2) Dustin/Kandice - Yes, they did make a mistake. But god, outside of Rob, they're the only good racers here!!
2. (1,1) Oswald/Danny - Fall because of the horrifying leg
3. (3,3) Teri/Ian - Nice ownage on Shamirna. And we all love all the dramas from the plunge!
4. (5,4) Uchenna/Joyce - FINALLY a better placing. Otherwise, another vanished leg
5. (6,6) Eric/Danielle - Eric shown his a$$ form. Oh yeah, what's with the showing of boobies??
6. (4,4) Guido - "Rob is not Jesus", "We WILL screw you!!"
7. (10,8) Romber - I still hate the amount of airtime they have. Another first surprising??
8. (9,9) Charla/Shamirna - Mirna = EHHHH...Charla is no better.

Philiminated: David/Mary (7,7) - They actually did OK this leg...until the wrong turn...stop being nice people. At least no more Black and White Cho montage...


coolflowerpowerman 456 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

03-05-07, 09:38 PM (EST)
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25. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
1. Teri/Ian- Teri showed off her badass self this week, shutting down Schmirna at the airport and surviving some intense rapid action. Love them!

2. Oswald/Danny- Can do no wrong. Love them!

3. Dustin/Kandice- Enjoyed a strong finish despite making a silly mistake.

4. Uchenna/Joyce- Liked them this week.

5. Joe/Bill- I feel weird rooting for Guido, but I'm glad Schmirna saved them...

6. Charla/Mirna- Like a circus sideshow you just can't turn away from... can't wait for the Amber/Charla confrontation next week!

7. Rob/Amber- I hope this string of first-place finishes is just setting them up for an even more disappointing fall than last time.

8. Eric/Danielle- Danielle is officially the worst racer now that Mary is gone.

ELIMINATED: 9. David/Mary- My god. Everything they did wrong on this leg was Mary's fault. So glad she's off my TV for good!


Peetah 334 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

03-06-07, 12:03 PM (EST)
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26. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
1. Uchenna/Joyce (6)--There we go. Nice job!

2. Teri/Ian (5)--You can't deny grace under pressure. After ranking them last episode 1, this is a good job!!!

3. Rob/Amber (7)--Lord forgive me for ranking them so high. I just had no reason not to. They were not their DAWish, piggish selves and they are good.

4. Dustin/Kandice (2)--Unlike the pass people gave the Chos all season last time, if my fav team does not perform well, they go down the list. Still, these girls also have grace under pressure.

5. Oswald/Danny (1)--Another poor performance by a favorite team. Down you go.

6. Joe/Bill (4)--Uhh, ditto. Down, down, down you go.

7. Eric/Danielle (3)--I remember Danielle freaking out in TAR 7 during tasks, but I admired her pulling through with a bit of dignity, which is why the Pinkies were among my favorite for that season. Not shown here--a disappointment. At least for this week, I cannot give them the benefit of doubt because so many of my favorite teams are low. When do they get good as a couple?

8. Charla/Mirna (8)--The only team I knew where to place immediately. How is it possible to be a fan of Mirna? I don't hate Charla, but Mirna is the single most despicable racer I have ever seen. (Worse than Jonathan, even!)

Philiminated--David/Mary (9)--Farewell. Please don't become the new Romber. I can only vomit so much.


WilmaF 14 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

03-06-07, 12:25 PM (EST)
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27. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
Another week, another good episode...

1. Romber (1) - They are such good racers, even making a mistake hasn't hurt them yet, yet. They are funny and get a long well. It is nice to see, I hope they keep it up.

2. BBQ's (2) - I would like to see an all girl team win and I really thought they might be the two to do it. They aren't as funny as the other teams but they work well together and you never hear them say anything bad about each other.

3. Joe and Bill (6) - they had a good race and I liked it when they stood in front of Eric's truck while they read the clue and the two of them (E&D) acting like they didn't know why. Also the quote this week was hilarous. It really was a funny episode this week.

4. Oz & D (3) - Joe and Bill ran a better race this week and had a better quote, Oz & Danny were pretty much nonexistant this week but they do it with such class it is hard to ignore them and there presence.

5. Teri & Ian(4) - they did good this week and it was nice to see them against the loonatics, also in good spirits and keeping up, more or less, with the pact, which is nice to see.

6. U & J (8)- I don't really care for this team and it could be because of their lack of personality but they ran an alright race this week and they get along well.

7. Eric & D (5)- would be last if C & M weren't still in the race. Man he is a pig and well she seems dense. This team should have been Blake and Paige or Colin and Cristie or even those girls who were doing really well then bombed in the hay field.

8. Ch&Mir(9) - These girls are crazy, seriously disturbed !! Loud and obnoxious, should not be here, hopefully they are next. Although every season needs a villian. Villans can be likable too.....


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-06-07, 12:53 PM (EST)
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28. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
1. Romber(1,1): They are fun to watch and the best racers.

2. Dustin and Kandice(3,3): The rafting was on the way back from La Maquina so actually, they were too observant and spotted the AR flag that was for cars returning on the same road. I liked their calm, their smiles and they race well.

3. Uchenna & Joyce (7,7): The nice couple had a good result but we don't spend a lot of time racing with them.

4. Teri & Ian(4,6): Tough leg but a valiant effort from Teri.

5. Oswald & Danny(2,2): Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy them but this episode had so many events that didn't involve them.

6. Eric & Danielle(5,4): I like that she wants to prove herself. Now, stop the crying and just do it.

7. Joe & Bill(6,5): They are lucky to still be in it.

8. Charla & Mirna (10,9): They are both insane. How did that guy get home?

Booted. ME-ree and her driver (9,8): The editors must have had fun turning the sweethearts into this irritating couple. I did like David's smile when Me-ree said she could die!


PlumBlossom 679 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

03-06-07, 02:37 PM (EST)
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29. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
1. Oswald & Danny (1)
2. Uchenna & Joyce (3)
3. Teri & Ian (5)
4. Dustin & Kandice (4)
5. Eric & Danielle (6)
6. Charla & Mirna (7)
7. Joe & Bill (8)
8. Rob & Amber (9)

David & Mary were #2 last week.

an IceCat original


LibraRising 2847 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

03-06-07, 05:02 PM (EST)
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30. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
1. Teri & Ian (3,2) -- Contact! Teri in particular is a good sport. At first, I had wished they put in Meredith and Gretchen instead of them, but I think my ears would still be bleeding had Gretchen fallen off a raft.

2. Dustin & Kandace (2,3) -- Stupid mistake, but it didn't hurt them any.

3. Oswald & Danny (1,1) -- Not an impressive leg to say the least, but no love lost here.

4. Romber (5,4) -- Giving credit where credit's due.

5. Uchenna & Joyce (7,5) -- Likeable. Just kind of boring at this point. I want to hear that Uchenna yell again!

6. Joe & Bill (6,6) -- Nothing against them, really. They just made a really stupid mistake that should have eliminated them. To be saved by the grace of Mirna is not borrowed time I would ever want.

7. Eric & Danielle (8,8) -- Blech. I liked them better when they were just boring.

8. Charla & Mirna (9,9) -- I don't-o like-o them-o.

I felt bad for David & Mary, mostly because I was hoping against hope that it was the end for Charla & Mirna. But they were way out of their league.

A kyngsladye klassic with an IceCat chaser


HistoryDetective 9516 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-06-07, 05:23 PM (EST)
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31. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
1. Eric and Danielle - They're at the top of the list purely for the entertainment value of her fish freak out.

2. Charla and Mirna - Again, fishy freak out. I cannot stand these two, but I have to give them credit for giving great TV. I love to hate them, as opposed to simply hating them.

3. Oswald and Danny - "Charla's going to be in love!" Enough said.

4. Dustin and Kandice - I'm secretly hoping that they win it all.

5. Joe and Bill - "Rob is not Jesus." At least somebody affiliated with the Race realizes this. Bill is really scary looking.

6. Teri and Ian - She looks like some sort of alien. I didn't see their original season, but they haven't done anything to annoy the hell out of me yet.

7. Uchenna and Joyce - They bore me.

8. Romber - How ironic. After all the mouthing off Rawb did about quee-ahs in the Marquesas, he's suddenly giving lectures about being sensitive when talking about women's breasts?! Whatever, asshat.

Philiminated: Dave and Mary - Good riddance. You two were a one-trick pony and everybody got tired of you long ago. Listening to Mary was often painful.


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-07-07, 01:11 AM (EST)
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32. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
1. Uchenna and Joyce (5, 3). Finally starting to click.

2. Teri and Ian (2, 5). Great episode for these two, calling Security on Mirna was wonderful.

3. Oswald and Danny (1, 1). Not such a great leg for them but they're still fun to watch.

4. Eric and Danielle (4, 7). This bump is mainly for Danielle for overcoming her fish problems, why he did her roadblock last episode and she did his roadblock this episode is a mystery.

5. Joe and Bill (6, 4). Well, at least they aren't being annoying, I suppose they could be coasting while the bad racing teams get themselves eliminated early on.

6. Rob and Amber (10, 6). Would have dropped lower for their continued arrogance, which is going to be their undoing, except...

7. Dustin and Kandice (7, 8). Yeesh, how many times have we seen these two just get lucky despite their dumb mistakes, way too many.

8. Charla and Mirna (8, 9). Mirna, one word, Rehab! God help us if they last long enough to warrant a primetime Dr. Phil special.

eliminated. David and Mary (3, 2). Bummer. Mary Mary Mary, going it without an alliance is well and fine but let your partner be a teammate not an appendage next time. Gonna miss them though, real people on reality shows are just too rare.


Cygnus X1 7505 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-07-07, 08:55 PM (EST)
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33. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
1. (1) Danny/Oswald. Team Cha Cha Cardio is still having the most fun! They're a joy to watch.

2. (4) Teri/Ian. I'm surprised I'm putting them up this high, but they're running a solid if not spectacular Race, and Teri showed Gretchen-esque pluck after she fell in the river! "Security?!" LOL!

3. (2) Joe/Bill. Some great quotes ("Rob is not Jesus!", "I'm the Fish Whisperer!") keep them up here, but they lucked out from their misread of the clue this leg, saved only by a tactical error from the Schmirnas.

4. (4) Uchenna/Joyce. Still running a meh race, although they did try to help the other racers out at the airport. Will they do so, or be trusted to do so, again?

5. (3) Dustin/Kandice. Doing well in spite of themselves. Otherwise, they neither intrigue nor bore me.


6. (7) Rob/Amber. I'd keep this overconfident pair lower, except they were passed on the way to the bottom by . . .

7. (6) Eric/Danielle. He couldn't treat her like a lady if he put what little mind he has to it. And Vice-Drama Queen doesn't seem to mind. At this point I'd take Monica and Whatshisname over these two.

8. (9) Charla/Mirna. They have hit bottom and continued to dig. Hard to say which of them is a bigger Drama Queen.

Philiminated: David/Mary. Mary will enjoy her new house. David will be tossed into the nearest lake, and I don't mean the dolt from TAR 9. Ehhh, I still love 'em, but they couldn't race without someone running interference.

Tribe strikes again!
You've been warned, so don't complain.


HistoryDetective 9516 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-08-07, 00:12 AM (EST)
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35. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
Charla/Mirna. ... Hard to say which of them is a bigger Drama Queen.


Mirna, by about 18 inches.


television 282 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

03-07-07, 11:05 PM (EST)
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34. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
Excellent episode! The All-Star personalities are really coming out and starting to interact.


1. Rob & Amber - amazingly competent, they do a good job of neutralizing each other, with regards to tactics, paying attention, and not letting their emotions guide them. I don't think they're the greatest people, but they have an entertaining dynamic with the other racers and are a great, sharp team.

2. Oswald & Danny - mostly carry-over from the first two legs, this one was average. Another good team that offsets each other well.

3. Teri & Ian - can not believe I'm putting them this high, but they've got pluck, they handled Schmirna as well as anyone could, and Ian hasn't said anything offensive to cabbies or locals yet.

4. Joe & Bill - First season: trying to block the airport doorway with your baggage cart = stupid, petty, pointless. This season: standing in front of E & D's car while reading your clue = hilarious, petty, pointed. They have their moments. And the quote was worth a 2 spot jump alone.

5. Dustin & Kandice - Good racers, good TV, bad leg for them.

6. Uchenna & Joyce - the opposite of Rob & Amber: Great, genuine people who have no really interesting dynamic with the other teams and aren't great TV. They ran a solid leg.

7. Eric & Danielle - I appreciate his competitiveness and sharpness when it comes to gaining any advantage possible. What I don't appreciate is his piggishness and complete lack of an interesting personality... and Danielle is pretty vacant too.

8. Charla & Mirna - WOW. I get the sad feeling that they'll be the Lyn & Karlyn or Adam & Rebecca of this season and have one team make a mistake every leg so that we won't be rid of them, ever. I like the parade of confrontations though - the BQ's, Teri/Ian, next week Rob/Amber... they're probably the only people that could get Uchenna and Joyce to show some personality and get in a yelling match. Now THAT would be worth seeing.

Dave/Mary - great people, not great racers... their story had nowhere left to go, though, so I'm fine not seeing them anymore.


taffnic 5392 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-08-07, 00:57 AM (EST)
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36. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"

2.Teri/Ian-Calling security at the airport was great and Teri taking her plunge into the river as an adventure showed courage.



louislam 475 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

03-09-07, 12:24 PM (EST)
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37. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"

What a week! I have big changes for my list~

1. Uchenna/Joyce (6) - They showed their power finally. Not only stayed strong throughout the whole leg but also were nice to other teams. Reserve tickets for other teams was a bonus point. Not as boring as expected.

2. Teri/Ian (3) - They really did great in this leg, fighting with Charla/Mirna was entertaining and Teri enjoying the detour made me have more respect for this team.

3. Dustin/Kandice (2) - A mix of good and bad. They did show their good navigation skills in catching up teams ahead, but missing the clue was really crucial, though it was understandable (with their explanation in the innertube video). They were lucky that the pit stop was just nearby.

4. Rob/Amber (5) - They proved again they were really strong, and they were much more lovable this time rather than in season 7.

5. Oswald/Danny (1) - Kind of invisible in this leg. I didn't know why Danny struggled so much at the roadblock, glad that they made up so much time on their way to the detour.

6. Charla/Mirna (8) - I found them less irritating in this leg except grabbing a local to guide them. Yeh, your world is really a scary one. I am a bit disappointed of their performance so far, they were much better in season 5.

7. Joe/Bill (4) - Though I love Joe's quote of "Rob is not Jesus" and "Charla/Mirna are godsend", I just don't like them as much as the teams above. And missing part of a clue was really dangerous and not excusable.

8. Eric/Danielle (7) - The only team I don't like at this point. Eric talking about women was not interesting to me anymore, and I don't know why Danielle didn't find it offensive. Maybe she really has no feelings to all things around her. Also, screaming at the roadblock made me realize that she could do nothing! I think she is the weakest racer in this season.

Philiminated: David/Mary (9) - Finally had to go. Normally I would not be upset for their leaving but I think they were doing fine in this leg and they should have survived. Anyway, they were just not all-star material and their philimination was inevitable.

The Amazing Race Fan from Hong Kong!


nailbone 27263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-09-07, 02:42 PM (EST)
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38. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3"
Rob's not me, but he's A-OK!!!


sittem 4186 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

03-10-07, 05:50 PM (EST)
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39. "RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 3 Average Ranks"
First, I’d like to give props to Bit Torrent without whose help I would have missed two weeks in a row of viewing. I just got it working and am hoping I’ll also be able to see hour 11 of 24 tomorrow if it all downloads.

For the second straight week we had 36 peeps participate. We’re pulling down unprecedented numbers for the All Stars. I’m sure SeeBS is very happy. But, we here at the LL are even happier that you’re sharing your thoughts on the best board around!

One of these weeks I’m going to mention all the new peeps who’ve posted for the first time to the LL for TAR – but not this week. Maybe in a week or two. I will say that from the preseason through week 3 that 37 people who haven't posted to the list before have done so.

On to the rankings. They are listed in order of popularity by the group. After the name is last weeks rank. Each ranking is given a number 1 through 8. These numbers are added
up and are reflected with a raw score. Next you’ll see their average rank. Then I’ll show you how many (first ranks they had) and <last ranks they had this >week.

1. Oswald and Danny (1) 96 – 2.7 – (10) <0>
2. Teri and Ian (4) 114 – 3.2 - (7) <0>
3. Uchenna and Joyce (5.5) 132 – 3.7 (4) <0>
4. Rob and Amber(3) 147 – 4.1 - (11) <4>
5. Dustin and Kandace (2) 149 – 4.1 – (1) <0>
6. Joe and Bill (5.5) 172 – 4.8 - (2) <2>
7. Eric and Danielle (7) 219 – 6.1 – (1) <3>
8. Charla and Mirna (9) 267 – 7.4 – (0) <26>


1. Danny and Oswald fell from grace a bit this week. After enjoying unprecedented favor the first two weeks they fell to average this week losing half their first place ranks and falling to a mediocre 2.7 first place average rank.

2. Dustin and Kandace fell from 2nd to 5th, though their average rank only fell .2.

3. The bigger story is the rise of Teri and Ian as well as UJ. Both rose 3 ranks and had good general support across the board. Between them they had 11 first and no last place ranks.

4. Observations can’t end without saying something about Romber – even though they slipped to fourth overall average rank, they still pulled down the most first place ranks – and the second most last place ranks (4 to 26 for CharMa).

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.



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