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"Sean cried -- Should we bash him like what we did with John?"
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heymikey 238 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

04-26-02, 04:49 AM (EST)
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"Sean cried -- Should we bash him like what we did with John?"
Well since this is the basher board, I would say "yes." What a crying wuss! After seeing John last week, I'm guessing that the guys on the island are turning into big pussies. Just like what someone in the board said, "there's no crying in baseball".

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Robert pouted - Should we bash ... Teddy_Bear 04-26-02 1
 RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash hi... Cin 04-26-02 2
   RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash hi... Fast Eddie 04-26-02 3
       RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash hi... Cin 04-26-02 5
           RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash hi... heymikey 04-26-02 6
               Bull anotherkim 04-26-02 15
           RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash hi... Fast Eddie 04-26-02 12
               RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash hi... sittem 04-26-02 28
 RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash hi... Dianetic 04-26-02 4
   RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash hi... heymikey 04-26-02 7
 RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash hi... aymelek 04-26-02 8
   RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash hi... heymikey 04-26-02 9
       RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash hi... Cin 04-26-02 14
           RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash hi... heymikey 04-26-02 16
               Hey wait.... samiam 04-26-02 18
                   RE: Hey wait.... heymikey 04-26-02 20
                       Oh, fer chrissake... samiam 04-26-02 23
                       RE: Hey wait.... Dianetic 04-26-02 24
               RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash hi... Cin 04-26-02 22
   RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash hi... sittem 04-26-02 11
 What a pussy BaconBurnout 04-26-02 10
 RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash hi... Fast Eddie 04-26-02 13
   RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash hi... NightScribe 04-26-02 19
       I'm very offended by this Dianetic 04-26-02 21
 RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash hi... smiles 04-26-02 17
 RE: Hell yes.... wildchickenhunter 04-26-02 25
 RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash hi... aymelek 04-26-02 26
 Forget about that... FesterFan1 04-26-02 27
 RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash hi... bluejackethockey 04-26-02 29
 Well of Course They Cried! Swami 04-26-02 30

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Teddy_Bear 1675 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

04-26-02, 06:49 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Robert pouted - Should we bash him like what we did with John?"
No, there's nothing wrong with men crying; it all depends on the context. When Sean thought he was getting the boot, 2 weeks ago, he took it with grace and dignity. Robert on the other hand, acted like a spoiled brat who didn't get what he wanted, for his birthday. How many different ways can you say SORE LOSER . Boo Robert!!! Yeah Sean!!!

Tammy and Robert (to Neleh and Pachal): We didn't want to have anything to do with the alliance.

Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.


Cin 843 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

04-26-02, 09:01 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash him like what we did with John?"
John cried cause his ass got booted, that is a big difference than Sean crying cause he's emotional about his experiance.



Fast Eddie 625 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

04-26-02, 09:37 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash him like what we did with John?"
> Sean crying cause he's emotional about his experiance.

You mean... about missing his mommy.


Cin 843 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

04-26-02, 11:07 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash him like what we did with John?"
What is wrong with missing your family? Atleast he wasn't crying cause he lost the damn game. When he though he was going, I'm sure he'd have taken it like a man, not all weepy and whinny. There is a HUGE difference between John crying and Sean crying!

heymikey 238 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

04-26-02, 01:35 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash him like what we did with John?"
John cried because he missed his mommy. Same with Sean.

anotherkim 14420 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-26-02, 02:29 PM (EST)
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15. "Bull"
John cried cause his ass got hosed by the people he considered to be "working for him". His pitiful display was all about poor me--it had nothing to do with family. He was/is a conceited moron.

I am no fan of Sean, but there is no way to compare the two episodes.


Fast Eddie 625 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

04-26-02, 02:14 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash him like what we did with John?"
Everybody misses their family. But only Sean and John cry about it. When Sean gets booted, I hope he references his mom the same way that John did and let's see what happens.

I don't buy this whole thing anyway. Don't forget: Sean is a proven lazy racist pig. Last week he was almost on his way out until the Gufu 4 stupidly gave away the game. Sean is no idiot. Now that the Gufu alliance is gone, the others may wake up and remember whey they were planning to expel Sean in the first place. He has to try to suck up, and crying that you miss your mom seems a great way to tug at heartstrings. Sure worked on some people here.


sittem 4186 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

04-26-02, 06:35 PM (EST)
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28. "RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash him like what we did with John?"
IS NOT (stamping my feet)!!!! ("a proven lazy racist pig")

What's the big deal with Sean crying about his mom? He's manipulating by crying? I don't think so. Some of us (including me) just get chocked up when we think about how blessed we are to have a great family. It's emotion we cannot control (though I wish I could when I'm speaking in a public forum and the fam comes up).

IS NOT!!!!!!!!!


Dianetic 618 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

04-26-02, 10:22 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash him like what we did with John?"
If you don't see the difference between Sean's crying and John's crying no amount of explaining will make you understand.

I thought Robert getting snippy was hilarious though. It was so much more respectable than Zoe and her "I'm your best friend" act. I respect someone going out with a scowl on their face.


heymikey 238 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

04-26-02, 01:35 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash him like what we did with John?"
There is no difference between Sean crying in TC and John. They both cried like a wuss because they missed their mommy. They are both momma's boy.

aymelek 1220 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

04-26-02, 01:44 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash him like what we did with John?"
HeyMikey...yeah you.
There IS a difference between John & Sean's your mind a little to that possibility & maybe you'll see it!

If Sean cries after he's booted (if he's booted) THEN you can make fun of him. I doubt he will though. John's problem wasn't that he missed his mom, it's that his ass was booted--you could tell that (or at least the rest of us could). He just happened to be talking about his mom when he cried. Different...see?


heymikey 238 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

04-26-02, 01:52 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash him like what we did with John?"
Try viewing the unedited version of John's final words.

Besides, this post is NOT about John. It's about Sean. Go figure.


Cin 843 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

04-26-02, 02:24 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash him like what we did with John?"
John is in the topic of the post, Sean was being compared to him, so it is about John as well.

I watched John's entire last words and you know what? It didn't change how I viewed it. (John is prolly a really nice person IRL, but hey this is bashers) He came across as a big cry baby to me.

Sean on the other hand has reason to be a bit emotional, He has been fighting for his life in this game for the last 24 days, and finally he can relax a bit, and take in the experience.

If Sean were to cry during his "farwell" speech, you bet your ass I'd be in line laughing about it, but I think Sean (if booted) will go happy and proud of how he did.

Opinions are like asshole, everyone has one, and this one is just my opinion



heymikey 238 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

04-26-02, 02:38 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash him like what we did with John?"
>>> Sean on the other hand has reason to be a bit emotional, He has been fighting for his life in this game for the last 24 days

So did John. If you actually read one of his interviews, Rob and Sean had been heavily grinding him ever since they arrived at Rotu camp. Imagine being constantly being bitched by two people who you don't know for about 10 days straight or so and let's see if you can handle that. Sure, it is a game and John IS a major pussy, and for some reason, it's OK for Sean to cry.

Sean has been fighting for his life for the past 24 days? Yeah right. Before last week's episode, none voted for him. After Hunter (or even Patricia) got voted off, Sean had it pretty easy together with Rob at Maraamu. They had control. So don't give me that crap that he has been fighting for the past 24 days.

It is really amazing how the "rooting for the underdog" mentality works. It wasn't long ago where Sean and Rob were in control and there was a HUGE post against Sean being a teacher. And now he is the underdog (although he's not anymore), people just want to forget about that and all the stuff that he said (such as the sexist comment on the first episode). It's funny how people forget once a contestant becomes an underdog.


samiam 5976 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-26-02, 02:45 PM (EST)
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18. "Hey wait...."
We've seen Pappy cry at LEAST twice, once at the reward challenge and once when Gabey Baby got voted off. Why didn't he get bashed? Doesn't that make him a pussy, too?

(Btw, Paschal, sir, if I'm ever before your bench in GA, my *real* name is Shakes the Clown.)

"You are a fluke of the Universe. You have no right to be here. And whether you can hear it or not, the Universe is laughing behind your back." - Tony Hendra, Deteriorata


heymikey 238 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

04-26-02, 02:52 PM (EST)
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20. "RE: Hey wait...."
No, he's old. Old people tend to be emotionally weak and everybody knows he is a pussy.

samiam 5976 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-26-02, 03:05 PM (EST)
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23. "Oh, fer chrissake..."
He's fifty-freaking-seven. That automatically makes him emotionally weak?

Nothing like sweeping generalizations to prove a misguided point.

"You are a fluke of the Universe. You have no right to be here. And whether you can hear it or not, the Universe is laughing behind your back." - Tony Hendra, Deteriorata


Dianetic 618 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

04-26-02, 03:08 PM (EST)
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24. "RE: Hey wait...."
>No, he's old. Old people
>tend to be emotionally weak
>and everybody knows he is
>a pussy.

Now your just being hilarious. Good one.


Cin 843 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

04-26-02, 03:04 PM (EST)
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22. "RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash him like what we did with John?"
So did John. If you actually read one of his
interviews, Rob and Sean had been heavily grinding him ever
ince they arrived at Rotu camp. Imagine being constantly
being bitched by two people who you don't know for
>about 10 days straight or so and let's see if
>you can handle that.

THAT is why I would not apply for the show, I wouldn't let people go at me for 10days straight.

Sure, it is a game and John IS a major
pussy, and for some reason, it's OK for Sean to

Sure, cause he's not crying cause he LOST a game. As I said in my above post, If Sean get booted and cries like a baby, I will be in line with the bashing!

Sean has been fighting for his life for the past 24
days? Yeah right.

Thanks for agreeing ;)

Before last week's episode, none voted for him. After
Hunter (or even Patricia) got voted off, Sean had it
pretty easy together with Rob at Maraamu. They had
control. So don't give me that crap that he
has been fighting for the past 24 days.

Yeah, he had it easy AFTER Rob decided who he wanted to team up with and manipulate. Only after Pat was gone was he safe.... (what for 3-6days?) Then he got switched, and BAM, he is out numbered and doesn't get along with the others, and knows he's a target again, not only that but the Rotu4 sure did like letting them know who was in charge.

It is really amazing how the "rooting for the underdog" mentality works. It wasn't long ago where Sean and Rob
were in control and there was a HUGE post against
Sean being a teacher.
And now he is the underdog (although he's not anymore),
people just want to forget about that and all the
stuff that he said (such as the sexist comment on
the first episode). It's funny how people forget once
a contestant becomes an underdog.

Oh have no doubt, I have not forgotten all the comments he's made. The race comments and such pissed me off (still do). Thing is, he is now being edited to not be such a bad guy... /shrug

regardless, the crying was different between the 2. If you can't see that then you can't see it....



sittem 4186 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

04-26-02, 01:53 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash him like what we did with John?"
...and he cried because he felt he had let her down by getting booted.

I agree, there is a big difference at this point. Sean also cried along with Paschal after the RC. I have great respect for both of them and their willingness to feel and express their emotions.

I bashed John a lot last week after the boot, but I did have a little remorse after it because in reflection I could see that the emotion not only related to getting booted but also to family. However, it's still different than Sean AT THIS POINT. Save the Sean bashing for crying until after he get's the boot. I expect he'll do that with dignity.


BaconBurnout 11 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

04-26-02, 01:53 PM (EST)
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10. "What a pussy"
Him and Paschal are such pussies. My god man, its just a bunch of weirdos dancing. wahh wahh wahh! How can two grown men cry like that?

Fast Eddie 625 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

04-26-02, 02:20 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash him like what we did with John?"
Let's not forget that John is gay. The stereotype of gays is that they tend to show their emotions more than most men. I'll leave it to any gays here to comment on whether this a fair judgement and whether it should apply to John.

NightScribe 761 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

04-26-02, 02:48 PM (EST)
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19. "RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash him like what we did with John?"

Let's not forget that John is gay. The stereotype of gays is that they tend to show their emotions more than most men. I'll leave it to any gays here to comment on whether this a fair judgement and whether it should apply to John.

Ask and you shall recieve. You are correct -- it is a stereotype, and like all stereotypes, it cannot apply to all gay men. It's the same as saying that all black men are hung, or all lesbians are manly, or all Jews are bankers. The judgement is unfair. If you think any man who cries is a "pussy", well then that's your misguided opinion and you are entitled to it. If you think all men who cry are gay, and therefore "pussies" then it's a problem.

The crying (no matter who does it) is annoying. I don't care if they cry because they're homesick, have stubbed a toe, or are just so happy they can't stand it. Crying makes me uncomfortable, and last night's display was disgusting. I'm not saying I don't cry, but I don't do it in public, and I would be furious with myself if I did. Yuck.


Dianetic 618 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

04-26-02, 02:59 PM (EST)
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21. "I'm very offended by this"
>It's the same as saying
>that all black men are
>hung, or all lesbians are
>manly, or all Jews are

The latter 2 aren't true but the first one is ABSOLUTELY 100% CORRECT amongst all black men.

Don't make me hit that ALERT button.
You hurt my feelings so bad, can I cry on your shoulder NightScribe? I need some tender comforting.


smiles 675 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

04-26-02, 02:42 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash him like what we did with John?"
Sean's crying and John's crying it totally different. John cried because he was out and he couldn't believe it.

Sean cried because he loves his mom and he was overcome with emotion. If you can't tell Sean is very emotional and has a hard time hiding his feelings.



wildchickenhunter 3192 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-26-02, 04:48 PM (EST)
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25. "RE: Hell yes...."
Yes, Sean cried and therefore deserves to be bashed.Of course he deserves to be bashed because he is on the show.

I would love to be on this show and if I ever make it I would expect to be bashed. I would hope my fellow board members would be extra tough on me.If I ever cried I would expect to lose my license to BASH! And be dropped from this board.

Also I thought I read somewhere else on this tread that it is alright for men to cry......
What kind of pansy ass crap is that. Eveyone knows guys aren't supposed to cry.
Only girly men cry!


aymelek 1220 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

04-26-02, 05:13 PM (EST)
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26. "RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash him like what we did with John?"
This thread is really pointless & not getting us anywhere right now! Fighting over something so silly... C'mon, peeps!


FesterFan1 5947 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-26-02, 05:51 PM (EST)
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27. "Forget about that..."
...what I want to know is, can we bash Sean for singing wack songs from "The Wiz"?!

I was all ready for Jacko, Nipsey and the gang to come out from behind the waterfall and join in. And don't tell me that stupid song isn't in your head today, cuz it's sure as hell in mine...Goddammit!

"Can you...feel a...Brand New Day..."


"Checkmate, brah"--Sean, S4 E8


bluejackethockey 84 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

04-26-02, 06:52 PM (EST)
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29. "RE: Sean cried -- Should we bash him like what we did with John?"
i thought it was a beautiful performance --- played well in front of the cameras and timed perfectly at voting time. -- man what a oscar winning performance and stroke of genius for his little display of humility. i didn't buy it though & i still think he and his 'mar-causian' bruthas are jackazzes.



Swami 5885 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-26-02, 10:50 PM (EST)
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30. "Well of Course They Cried!"
Well, I know why Sean (and Pappy) cried at the RC. Weren't you listening?

Jiffie Probe promised them that they would have a wonderful reward. A helicopter ride then a horseback ride to a traditional Marquesan fiest, where they would get laid by beautiful dancing girls, and then eat all kinds of delicious food. How excited they must have been! What a dream! What a fantasy!

Then, when they finally got to the feast, they met the beautiful girls who lei-ed them. That is, put flower leis around their necks. No wonder they both began to cry! They thought they were going to be laid, not lei-ed! Oh the agony of a simple mis-communication.

Now be honest, guys. Is there a man among you who not have cried in those circumstances?




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