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Conferences Survivor Fanatic Forum (Protected)
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Kathy Article
Here is an interesting article in the Burlington Press on Kathy ws/living/1000h.htm%
7 messages
05-23-02 10:14 AM
The Bachelor of Survivor 4
Found this in TV Guide THE BACHELOR: Alex Michel was determined to live part of his life on television. Shortly before auditioning for Th
2 messages
05-23-02 04:36 PM
Fanatics Love List Vol 4.13
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 05-20-02 AT 02:19 AM (EST)[/font] Spoiler Warning: Straight and simple, we'll be talking ab
33 messages
05-23-02 04:57 PM
Back from the Marquesas
Hey..does anyone know if there will be a Back from the Marquesas episode on Thursdayz..just wondering..bc i dont remember hearing about one. Than
10 messages
05-23-02 08:13 PM
Gina And Tammy! hot pic inside .jpg ds/User_fi
5 messages
05-24-02 00:17 AM
Vee best player ever
I've been lurking this season but would like to mention this. The ranting and bashing towards Vee is amazing to me. I've not seen anyone play this
56 messages
05-24-02 11:59 AM
Most Memorable Survivor so far - Sean
Who is your most memorable survivor from all episodes? Not most likeable, but the one who stirs up the most feelings? For me, Sean
15 messages
05-25-02 12:44 PM
An Apology to Neleh
First of all I checked and mine is the only Neleh thresd on Fanatics. First off I want to emphatically state that I'm still very disapoin
0 messages
05-25-02 06:00 PM
Sean's song
Quick question. The song that Sean sings in the waterfall, who originally sings it and is the title, Brand New Day? I need to settle a bet and
3 messages
05-26-02 10:38 PM
Celebrity Death Match
Anyone catch MTV last night? It was so funny. Michael falling into the fire, Jerri and Sue forming a ##### alliance, Colleen and Liz
2 messages
05-27-02 10:47 AM
Kathys site: the real foundation
On her chat she mentioned the name of her site. Check it out. It is great. Here is the URL
1 messages
05-27-02 11:03 AM
The Anti-Bootee Contest Final Results
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 05-20-02 AT 02:25 PM (EST)[/font] [h3]PsychoDoc Wins It All![/h3] Out of t
15 messages
05-27-02 12:16 PM
Vee as the Winner
You know, in the context of playing the game, she really was the best player. Her end game has been criticized, and just about every person beli
6 messages
05-27-02 12:38 PM
Survivor All Star Game
I keep reading that MB is planning some sort of Survivor with former contestants. If I were runnig such a game, I would choose the following player
6 messages
05-28-02 10:08 AM
Eminem vs. Survivor
Am I going nuts or did I just see Jenna and possibly Kimmy (with different hair) on the new Eminem video Follow Me? Catchy song, th
Canada Girl
16 messages
05-28-02 11:31 AM
mtv Survivor
Today i was watching MTV... for some STRANGE reason... and they were having a spring break special edition of their own Survivor Show. They had Gervas
4 messages
05-28-02 04:16 PM
Survivor Thialand
Hey! I'm new here, does anyone know what the big change in the begening of Survivor Thialand is going to be? I was just wondering.....
Survivor Freak 1987
2 messages
05-29-02 05:24 PM
The PERFECT job for Kathy...
Kathy' perfect job is... A TALKSHOW HOST!!! OMG it is so perfect for her! It just popped in my head today...she just looks so
2 messages
05-29-02 11:13 PM
Survivor 4: Marquesas Official PTTE Contest, Part 4
[ s/DCForumID4/956.shtml|Part One can be found here] [
55 messages
05-30-02 07:10 AM
SBlows Survivor Trivia Game II
If you want to see the first thread to reread the rules or anything else, then go here ds/DCForumI
75 messages
05-30-02 04:15 PM
Question about why some strategies work some of the time
Vee deployed a strategy that has never worked before and I don't know why it worked this time. She played both sides and flipped from all
19 messages
05-30-02 08:31 PM
Get more Ethan!
I know that there are lots of Ethan fans out there (many of you are female for some unknown reason) and thought you might like to know that your f
4 messages
05-31-02 03:30 PM
Survivor 1-4 on DVD
Did anyone else hear Rosie O'Donnell mention giving Survivor 1-4 on DVD to all the contestants? As soon as I heard this, I decided I would buy i
18 messages
05-31-02 06:44 PM
The Survivor Beauty Pageant is here!
We've seen the suvivors in all of their splendor (and we've seen more of some than we'd care to remember). Now it's time to choose your f
37 messages
06-02-02 00:32 AM
Survivor DVD--What would you put on it?
A friend of mine and I were talking about this the other day. We basically worked out what could go into the set. Here is what we came up with (
8 messages
06-03-02 00:59 AM
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
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