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Markopolo100 218 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

11-07-03, 05:26 AM (EST)
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"Survivor Insider Episode 7B Yahoo P..."
Here are this week's transcriptions. Accept no imitations.
As always I suggest that you purchase the Yahoo Platinum service. It's just $9.99 and I just quit as soon as Survivor is over. They are really entertaining clips.


Markopolo's note: It's too bad that we couldn't see the bootee camp (even after this tribal council) because we could see the bonding between these individuals. We had fairly good ideas on who would vote for whom. But nevertheless, it would have been nice to see more Nicole. The question also remains: Was there any strategy involved?

Ryan S (votes Burton): This vote is for Burton. He is beyond deserving. He brought the challenge home for us today. I know he'll represent us well.

Ryan S (votes Lill): Lill, I would never put your name down, unless it was for something good. If it's not me, I hope it's you (Smiles).

Trish (votes Burton): Burton, I'm voting you back in because I know you can win the individual immunities and I think you have a real shot of winning. If I can't win, I want an outcast to win this thing. So good luck buddy, I hope you can do it and I hope you get back in the game.

Trish (votes Lil): Lil, I'm voting you back into the game, because you, more than anybody has something major to prove. I know this is extremely important to you and I know you'll work with Burton to get down to the final 2. You'll do whatever it takes, and I hope you and Burton will get to be the final 2. Good luck.

Burton (votes Michelle): You're the only person in this game that I've talked to and trusted. And you're the only person that never lied to me. I hope you get a chance to go back in.

Burton (votes Nicole): You're a really strong athlete. They never gave you a chance at the beginning. I hope this is your second chance.


Lill (votes Ryan S): Ryan, you were my friend from the very beginning. You were my only friend this whole entire time. You accepted me no matter what and I want you (inaudible) ... I hope we can be together. Thank you.

Lill (votes Trish): You've known me for very few hours, but the instant you came out, you were talking to me and the respect I get from you. I know I'm older than you, but it was nice having someone close to my age to talk to. I hope you get to go back in.

Nicole (votes Ryan S): Ryan S I'm voting for you because I honestly think you can win this game. I hope that you do. (HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! I AM DYING LAUGHING. I DON'T EVEN THINK SHE SAID THIS WITH A STRAIGHT FACE).

Nicole (votes Lill): Lill, my vote's for you. Quite honestly, because I don't want you complaining anymore that you're not in the game (smiles). That's why I'm voting for you.

Michelle (votes Burton with smiley face): MICHELLE CAN'T SEEM TO UNCAP THE MARKER AND DROPS IT (AGAIN, SHE DROPPED IT AT AN EARLIER TC, TOO) SHE LAUGHS AND PICKS IT UP. Obvious, out of the 16 people here, the most deserving person and the most capable. I think he can go all the way. Good luck, Burton.

Michelle (votes Nicole): Nicole, this is for the underdogs. I know you're one bad B**ch and I know you'll go get em. Good luck.


Markopolo's note: What a tribal council! We learn about Rupert's secret alliance with Andrew. LILL kicks butt in her vote. And did anyone keep thinking of Savage Garden every time Savage was written on the votes? I don't why I would think of such an awful pop group, but oh well.

Andrew (votes Little John): Little John, you talk too much smack. (BOY IS HE ANGRY! MUST BE THAT TIME OF THE MONTH.)

Jon (votes Savage): IN HIS BEST MACHO MAN VOICE...Oooooh yeah. Mr. Macho, Mr. Savage going down! Dig it?!

Ryan O (votes Johnny "Fair play"): It's not because I don't like you. (SHOCKING! ONE IDIOT LIKES ANOTHER?!) I just don't you. It’s too early in the game. I don't know. You're the only one I could vote for. Alright man, seeya around.

Darrah (votes John): (IS SHE STILL ON THIS SHOW?) I'm voting for you tonight John because of my alliance. Otherwise, you're a pretty cool guy, but I haven't gotten to know you well.

Christa (votes Savage): You are our biggest threat out here. You are such a smooth talker dude. Bye.

Lill (votes Andrew): It's time I stood up for myself. I'm so happy we (learned? HARD TO HEAR) from each other. Now I have a new family to depend on. I would have been gone anyway. This is for me standing up. This is for my friend Nicole. And this is for Ryan Shoulders. And he does have 110 percent heart.

Burton (votes Savage): Purely a strategic move to keep my alliance strong and tear your tribe apart.

Sandra (votes Savage): I really didn't know you so there's not much I can say about you. Usually I say ugly things, but my alliance wants you gone so it's time for you to go. Ya know? Adios.

Rupert (votes Andrew): After the feast, I tried to offer you a deal. It would have got you to six easy, and maybe more. You three and my three. You tell me no. And you come back two minutes before this damn council and say, "yeah it's a deal." I can't change everything after that. Your own team starting turning on you after that. You're gone man, I'm sorry.

Tijuana (votes Johnny Fairplay): Johnny Fairplay this vote is for you. You came to our camp and you stirred things up at the Morgan Tribe. Thereafter were some things coming from your tribe. That you're a troublemaker and that you're very manipulative. And when it comes down to it, my tribe thought that you were the person to go. I know it might not affect you tonight, but it may sometime in the future.


Clip description: Christa postponed her wedding to her fiancé Peter in order to compete on SURVIVOR: PEARL ISLANDS. Insider gives you a front row seat as Drake throws Christa a wedding she will never forget.

Markopolo's note: OH WOW. HERE'S THAT CBS TEASER! Hmph. Well as in past seasons (it happened three times on Amazon), we all know that CBS puts out teasers before final cuts.

Burton (confessional): Christa was supposed to be married today. And obviously that wasn't going to happen.


Rupert (confessional): My plan for today is to give her the best she's had.


Burton (confessional): Rupert(NOT BURTON) took the initiative to have a mock wedding for her. We all went out to a special place (BY THE SHORE ON ROCKS) and Rupert made a statue of her soon to be husband, Peter.



Best man: Burton
Minister: Johnny Fairplay
Sandra: Maid of honor
Rupert: Christa's father
A wooden pole/stump: Peter
Christa: As herself


Sandra: Christa married a piece of wood. And she held his arms the whole time.

Jon the minister: Marriage is a sacred thing. When I think of marriage I think of macaroni and cheese, what I find sacred.

Jon (confessional): It was a blast. Of course there was a little comedy involved.

Jon the minister (to wood stump): Do you take Christa to be your lovely bride? To provide her with kindling and other woodly possessions?

Rupert (confessional): I was a little pissed at Jon because I wanted it to be more serious. And Christa's fiancé is named Peter and that just feeds Jon.

Jon the minister (to Christa): Do you take Peter in your pans?

Sandra (confessional): John is such an ass. I mean he's just so damn stupid it's ridiculous. I don't even want to hear him open his mouth.

Jon the minister (to wood stump): For richer or poorer. For wetwood and not so wetwood.

Christa (confessional): Stupid Jon making all of his stupid jokes all the time, but you can't expect anything less from Jon.

Jon the minister (to wood stump and Christa): I now pronounce you man and wife. (APPLAUSE.. CHRISTA KISSES THE WOOD).

Christa (confessional): We all had a good time, of course I was the only one crying. Just show me love when I need it most.

Rupert (confessional): It meant something to her. It meant something to me. (AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW) I love that wedding we had.


Clip description: Insider brings you to the Morgan tribe as Andrew reveals his growing sense of paranoia. Is Tijuana conspiring against him, and if so, does he have a back-up plan?

Markopolo's note: WOW! THIS MIGHT BE THE BEST VIDEO OF THE WEEK! The Morgans fell apart even before the merge. Had Morgan gone to tribal council, guess who likely would have gone? TIJUANA!


Lill (to Tijuana): I'm OK. I'm OK. I'm glad I'm back.

Andrew (confessional): This morning I saw Lill and Tijuana having a serious conversation out of an earshot. Maybe they're just talking about the old days, but my sense is not. I may be paranoid, but I don't think I'm paranoid. I think something's going on, which is fine.

I don't necessarily trust Tijuana right now. I think with the exit of Osten, she may have a different strategy going on.

Lill (to Tijuana): I see we really have some issues going with food right now.

Tijuana: Yeah. One serving of rice.

Andrew (confessional): Today definitely began a new day for myself. My sense is that she's trying to rally the troops against me. She thinks she would be better off with me gone. (I DON'T KNOW IF HE WAS TALLKING ABOUT LILL OR TIJUANA). ....Me, Ryno and Darrah have formed a backup alliance.

Andrew (to alliance): No one is going to take over this tribe. We got a lock on it.

Darrah: I'm sticking by y'all.

Andrew: D, don't question my loyalty. Because I am solid.

Darrah: I am too.

Tijuana (confessional): I saw Darrah, Ryno and Andrew talking as if they'd been best buddies all along. My gut feeling tells me that Andrew and Ryno are one with each other and that Darrah would be their swing vote. And I would be the fourth man out.


Markopolo's note: SNORE...ZZZ...ZZZ. I hate lawyers.

Andrew (final words): I walk away with the satisfaction that this was the toughest thing I've ever been through. Mentally and physically, hands down, I could take it. I could take it through Day 39. I could take it through Day 69. It's a real test mental fortitude and of stability. Anyone who signs up for this, there's always a question in their mind whether they can hack it. And I know I can. And it's very comforting to know that.


The one thing that surprised me the most was that the lack of food didn't bother me that much. It sounds silly, but in the real world, you have plenty of food. You get a little hungry, you get some hunger pains and you have a snickers bar (GREAT PRODUCT PLACEMENT ANDREW...TOO BAD IT DIDN'T MAKE THE SHOW). Here you have small portions, that's a luxury. I thought my body would complain a lot more but it didn't. Your body adjusts your mind adjusts.

What did bother me was the lack of food in my system that resulted in a lack of energy. I have a lot of energy. I like to do a lot of things. Great work ethic. But when you don't have a lot of food in your system, it's very difficult to pick yourself up and do those things.


Being part of survivor is being part of a close knit group of friends who have the unfortunate accident of being in a plane crash on a deserted island. There's no other way to describe it. I was going to compare it to some sport, a rugby season but that doesn't even compare.


There are many similarities between the game and real life. In real life you're thrown curve balls all the time. Here, every day something would crop up challenging.


The reason I'm sitting here right now is because Lill was voted out as the third person in our tribe. And she took that personally. Because as a strategy, we chose Darrah over Lill, because Darrah was stronger in the water. End of story. Lill decided to go with the Drake tribe because she knew that I was tighter with T, Darrah and Ryno. And Lill would be the first one to go.

So what would I do differently? I would probably....when Lill came back to the tribe to try and convince her that she was more part of the tribe. But that wouldn't have worked, because she could see that me, D, T, and Ryno were air tight.

So Lill switching to the other side. Nothing I could do about that. I change my answer. Nothing I could do about her.


They (Drake) were on fantasy island. They were complaining about running out of lentils, beans and rice. And they had 20 pounds of fish every day. They had no idea what we went through. And I want to say to all the Morgan tribe members, including Lill, cheers for what they went through. And to even the score to 5-5 tribe mates. That was an astonishing accomplishment given what we were going through. ....


Andrew Finally Eats -- ANDREW talks about his birthday (39th) and how he was so happy he ate. He describes eating and it's really boring. Then he goes and whines about not catching fish for the 7th week in a row! LET IT GO!

A stormy discussion -- Morgan discusses who they think will come back as the outcast. Nothing interesting. Boring boring boring.

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 Survivor Insider Episode 7B Yahoo P...   Markopolo100     11-07-03       
   Thank you, Marko, and my coworkers ...   Chez     11-07-03     1  
   RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7B Yah...   smiley     11-07-03     2  
     RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7B Yah...   FFantasyFX     11-07-03     4  
     RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7B Yah...   Laurieish     11-07-03     5  
     3 and 3   JohnMc     11-07-03     16  
     RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7B Yah...   Loree     11-07-03     17  
         RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7B Yah...   gofrank151     11-11-03     27  
   RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7B Yah...   Pirate Prinny     11-07-03     3  
   thank you marko   badger     11-07-03     6  
   Thanks Marco   janisella     11-07-03     7  
   as usual...   cqvenus     11-07-03     8  
   RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7B Yah...   Spanky68     11-07-03     9  
     RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7B Yah...   pdragonfly     11-07-03     11  
         RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7B Yah...   Brownroach     11-07-03     14  
         RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7B Yah...   Loree     11-07-03     18  
   RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7B Yah...   BrassFan     11-07-03     10  
     RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7B Yah...   Emily RugBurn     11-07-03     15  
         RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7B Yah...   Loree     11-07-03     19  
             RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7B Yah...   ShowMeTheWinner     11-09-03     26  
   RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7B Yah...   Brownroach     11-07-03     12  
   RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7B Yah...   dajaki     11-07-03     13  
     RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7B Yah...   Acawap     11-07-03     20  
   RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7B Yah...   strid333     11-07-03     21  
   RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7B Yah...   O2dawg     11-07-03     22  
   RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7B Yah...   I_AM_HE     11-07-03     23  
   RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7B Yah...   Oscirus     11-08-03     24  
   RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7B Yah...   Hydrant     11-08-03     25  
   RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7B Yah...   psydergrl     11-11-03     28  

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