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"Alternative Survivor(yes I am copying Lucian) Read Anyway* This is the way it should've been!"
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Yeah 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

10-07-00, 11:52 AM (EST)
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"Alternative Survivor(yes I am copying Lucian) Read Anyway* This is the way it should've been!"
Here we are! 16 Americans having a chance to survive on an island with no outside contact! These 16 people are split up in two tribes Tagi and Pagong. The people on Tagi are Kelly, Rich, Rudy, Colleen, Sue, Joel, Ramona, and Sean. The people on Pagong are B.B, Greg, Gretchen, Gervase, Dirk, Stacey, Sonja, and Jenna.

Day 1: Pagong Tribe: Jenna and Gretchen get right to work on the shelter. B.B. does nothing, yet he tells everyone that they are lazy and stupid. Sonja, Greg, and Gretchen fetch fire wood and attempt to make a fire. There are no serious problems except with B.B.. Ramona says, "That old man better shut up or he'll be the first to go. Gervase did not let anything get in the way of a nice ol' nap! He napped for the rest of the day! Sonja says, "I do not see Gervase doing much. He is definitely a candidate to leave. The tribe could go on without him." Gervase does not seemed to be bothered even though he knows he might be the first to go. Tagi Tribe: Everybody in Tagi gets to work except a very arroagant and cocky Rich. Colleen immediately starts saying to Rich, "Hey, guy, you gonna work or what? You can't just sit there and do nothing." Rich answers, "Honey I am helping the tribe. We need to communicate!"
Colleen states to the camera that she truly detests Rich. Everyone else was fine except for the little mishap with Colleen and Rich.

Day 2: Pagong Tribe: Sonja approaches Jenna about voting B.B. off. Jenna says that she was gonna vote for Gervase if they lost the immunity challenge but she said she'd change her vote to B.B. Greg says to the camera that Jenna is getting really annoying and he can't stand it. Gervase is happy about the challenge and says, "We are gonna kick butt at the Immunity Challenge today." Tagi Tribe: Colleen, Rich, Rudy, Sue, and Kelly sit around in a circle near theeir almost finished shelter. Colleen wonders what will happen during the game. Kelly said she thinks Stacey should go. Colleen says nothing and knows she is voting for Rich. Nothing would change her vote. Colleen says to the camera, "I hope Rich goes if we lose immunity. He is not needed here."
Immunity Challenge: Quest For Fire: The tribes face off in their first Immunity Challenge. Pagong takes a lead and wins Immunity. Tagi has to boot someone tomorrow night.

Day 3: Pagong Tribe: Gervase says, "I knew we would win. I do not have to worry about doing anything for the next three days!"
Jenna and Gretchen were talking to each other about their kids with Greg listening and smiling. Tagi Tribe: Kelly says, "I know who my vote is for! He does not know he's gonna get it. It will be great to see his ass leave!" Colleen and Kelly have a yoga session and Ramona and Rudy try again to make a fire.
Tribal Council#1: Jeff tells the group that they are the first ones to come to Tribal Council. He asks Colleen what she thinks about Rich. Colleen says, "Rich is... Rich is... Yeah, Rich is a character." Rich laughs and rolls his eyes. Sue was asked if she sad that she had to vote anyone off tonight. She said, "Nah, Jeff its only a game. I'll deal!"
Jeff says, "Ramona your first."
Ramona votes for Rich
Joel votes for Ramona
Colleen votes for Rich
Sue votes for Colleen
Rudy votes for Sue
Rich votes for Ramona
Kelly votes for Rich
Sean votes for Rich

Jeff reads the votes: Rich, Ramona, Colleen, Sue, Ramona, Rich, Rich, Rich. Everyone says bte. Colleen has a smile on her face and Rich say, "Bye Colleen!"

Day 4: Pagong Tribe: "YES!!!!!!", Gervase screames, "WE have fire!" They had fore with B.B.'s glasses. Gretchen, Jenna, Greg, and Stacey go fishing. They did not catch anything but they caught a rat! Sonja's down for eating now so she doe snot care! Tagi Tribe: Kelly and Colleen were talking about who they voted for. They both confessed that they voted for Rich. SEan woke from bed and talked to Ramona about the vote last night. She said, " She predicted his departure."

Day 5: Pagong: Gervase, Dirk, and Stacey go check the tree mail. The next Immunity will be a bug eating contest. NObody was happy about that. Tagi: Colleen, Kelly, Sean, and Sue got the tree mail and were psyched about the bug eating contest. They say they are gonna kick butt.
Immunity Challenge: Everybody in Tagi ate the bugs. Stacey in pagong refused to eat the bugs. Tagi wins Immunity.

Day 6: Pagong: Everyone is bummed about Tribal Council. Tagi: Sean and Colleen talk about what they are going to do after they get kicked kicked off. Colleen gets a little sneaky. The vote is next. What will happen tune in!



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