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"Who would you vote off the island? In what order?"
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Mr. E 7 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

08-27-00, 04:46 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Mr.%20E Click to send private message to Mr.%20E Click to check IP address of the poster
"Who would you vote off the island? In what order?"
I posted this on the other board an got no replies. I don't think anyone posts on the other board(bashers). Maybe I'll have some luck here

After watching the show and watching the characters,
what order would you vote the contestants off ie.
unlikable to likeable.

16. Sue- Just made me so angry (If I hadn't heard the
speech she would have been higher)

15. Sean - Next to Sue, the biggest loser on the island

14. Dirk - Didn't care for him much

13. Sonja - Didn't see enough of her to care that much

12. Stacy - Didn't care for her much

11. Ramona - Ditto

10. B B - Looked like he didn't belong

9. Joel - Didn't like him that much

8. Greg- Strange, got too strange for me

7. Jenna - Didn't know where else to put her

6. Gretchen - Who knows why?

5. Gervase(target) - Lazy but cool
(we won't bring his kids into the discussion)

4. Richard - He had to make the final four to make it
interesting I don't like him that much (he certainly
shouldn't have won against Kelly in the final)

3. Cooleen - For the guys

2. Kelly - Not sure why? I just liked her more than most of
them (I'm probably the only one who thinks so)

1. Rudy - A classic winner. Loved his attitude + he was
almost a gonner in the first ep. Wouldn't it be ironic if he
did make it to Australia, and won

Well thats my list. I'll probably change my mind about it

Anyone else want to share their list.


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Who would you vote off the isla... sos_alien 08-27-00 1
   RE: Who would you vote off the isla... zerokewl999999 08-27-00 2
       RE: Who would you vote off the isla... Leif Eriksen 09-01-00 9
           RE: Who would you vote off the isla... zerokewl999999 09-02-00 11
   RE: Who would you vote off the isla... finner 08-28-00 4
   Deus ex TV Machina GetBy_er 08-28-00 6
 RE: Who would you vote off the isla... Garak18 08-28-00 3
 RE: Who would you vote off the isla... Lucian 08-28-00 5
 RE: Who would you vote off the isla... janisella 08-30-00 7
 RE: Who would you vote off the isla... rastys 09-01-00 8
 RE: Who would you vote off the isla... VampKira 09-02-00 10
 RE: Who would you vote off the isla... Babs 09-03-00 12
   RE: Who would you vote off the isla... KinneyM 09-03-00 13

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sos_alien 17 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

08-27-00, 07:40 PM (EST)
Click to EMail sos_alien Click to send private message to sos_alien Click to check IP address of the poster
1. "RE: Who would you vote off the island? In what order?"
16. Susan - SHE SUCKS I HATE HER -
15. BB
14. Rudy
13. Sonja
12. Ramona
11. Stacey
10. Richard
9. Kelly
8. Gretchen
7. Gervase
6. Colleen
5. Jenna
4. Greg
3. Dirk
2. Sean
1. Joel


zerokewl999999 70 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

08-27-00, 08:40 PM (EST)
Click to EMail zerokewl999999 Click to send private message to zerokewl999999 Click to check IP address of the poster
2. "RE: Who would you vote off the island? In what order?"
16. Sue(the popular opinion)
15. BB
14. Ramona
13. Sean
12. Sonja
11. Joel
10. Kelly
9. Gervase(nothing against him, just now I gotta start picking off the interesting ones)
8. Jenna
7. Greg
6. Gretchen
5. Rudy
4. Stacey
3. Rich
2. Colleen
1. Dirk

gotta keep Rich for the suspense, Stacey to nag Rich etc. but in the end gotta have Colleen and Dirk being the final 2.


Leif Eriksen 1179 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

09-01-00, 04:56 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Leif%20Eriksen Click to send private message to Leif%20Eriksen Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
9. "RE: Who would you vote off the island? In what order?"
I was real surprised to see that you wanted Dirk to win. Do you have any legitimate reasons why without going into that bible crap? Man, your annoying.

zerokewl999999 70 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

09-02-00, 08:24 PM (EST)
Click to EMail zerokewl999999 Click to send private message to zerokewl999999 Click to check IP address of the poster
11. "RE: Who would you vote off the island? In what order?"
As a matter of fact, I do have other reasons than the fact that he is a fellow Christian, though that is a major one.

Besides the fact that he's a Christian and very moral, and wouldn't resort to alliances, backstabbing, lying etc. he's also really funny and talkative, someone who's like myself and who I want to be like.

Also, I think he'd do good things with the money. He wouldn't keep it all for himself, he'd give a lot away to good causes. That's one of the reasons I put Colleen so high as well, I think she'd be very ungreedy with the money

Here to answer any flames from Leif(and get some other posts in too)


finner 58 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

08-28-00, 02:35 AM (EST)
Click to EMail finner Click to send private message to finner Click to check IP address of the poster
4. "RE: Who would you vote off the island? In what order?"
16. BB
15. Susan
14. Sonja
13. Ramona
12. Gretchen
11. Kelly
10. Dirk
9. Jenna
8. Gervase
7. Sean
6. Colleen
5. Rudy
4. Greg
3. Joel
2. Stacey
1. Richard

My picks are for people who were more willing to play the game and keep the show interesting.


GetBy_er 63 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

08-28-00, 11:39 AM (EST)
Click to EMail GetBy_er Click to send private message to GetBy_er Click to check IP address of the poster
6. "Deus ex TV Machina"
Since I get to play Tribal Council

First I'd cull the people who 'get along'

1: Ramona
2: Sonja
3: Dirk
4: Gervase

Then I'd go after the 'mostly harmless' ones

5: Sean
6: Jenna

Then I'd have to decide on how big a blood bath I wanted to see:

7: Rudy
8: Kelly
9: Collee
10: Gretchen

The knives come out - Six people each of whom have one nemesis

11: Stacey
12 Joel
13 Richard
14 BB
15 Susan
16 Greg


Garak18 10 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

08-28-00, 01:12 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Garak18 Click to send private message to Garak18 Click to check IP address of the poster
3. "RE: Who would you vote off the island? In what order?"
Based on just LIKING, and not who could keep me alive longer, who was better for the game, etc....

16. Ramona
15. Kelly
14. Sue
13. Gervase
12. Gretchen
11. Dirk
10. Joel
9. Jenna
8. Sonja
7. Stacey
6. Sean
5. Richard
4. Colleen
3. Greg
2. BB
1. Rudy

That's right, I'd pick the two old-timers for the end. Boring? I dunno, I liked BB, and I thought his tribe was better until they booted him off, then I thought it got boring until they joined up with Tagi. BB was to Pagong like Rich was to Tagi, IMO. Not very well liked, but needed for entertainment (to me, anyway).



Lucian 80 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

08-28-00, 10:32 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Lucian Click to send private message to Lucian Click to check IP address of the poster
5. "RE: Who would you vote off the island? In what order?"
1-BB, it's ok to be hard working and bossy IF you know what you are doing!
2-Ramona, there are no coke machines on this island my dear
3-Stacey, "I don't like her, and I never will."
4-Gervase, nobody rides on charm on my island
5-Jenna, you're bugging me
6-Dirk, you're bugging me too
7-Sonja, You're in no shape to be here
8-Joel, Yes you ARE a chauvenist
9-Sue, oh you're just acting like a dumb redneck, I see
10-Sean, Remind me never to see a neurologist
11-Colleen, whiny superficial little twit
12-Kelly-Go have a moral dillema (in your own best interest) at home
13-Gretchen, as wonderful as you are I already have a mom
14-Rudy, A damn fine showing and a place to be proud of
15-Greg, Very funny guy who shouldn't win
16-Richard, best damn player there

janisella 698 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

08-30-00, 10:45 PM (EST)
Click to EMail janisella Click to send private message to janisella Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
7. "RE: Who would you vote off the island? In what order?"
Since we all now know it wasn't about surviving the elements, I'm going to go in the order I would want them to leave if they were guests at a party I was hosting

1st bootee - BB (bossy people suck)
2 - Jenna (cheerleaders annoy me)
3 - Dirk (doesn't know how to loosen up)
4 - Sean ("I am now a memeber of the bowel movers" enough said)
5 - Rudy (his sound bites on tv were funny, but in real life they're a bit much)
6 - Gervase (moo)
7 - Stacy (the debates were fun for awhile, but enough is enough)
8 - Joel (his looks kept him this long, but he's not too exciting)
9 - Colleen (perkiness has worn out its welcome)
10- Kelly (I didn't notice she was still here)
11- Ramona (she was too sick to stay any longer, but her sense of humor will be missed)
12- Greg (he was entertaining, but all of the episodes have aired and we don't want to see the reruns)
13- Sonya (we're tired of singing around the campfire every night at this point, but it's been fun)
Now we're down to the people near my own age. Thank goodness those young flakes have all left.
14 - Richard (pomposity has worn out its welcome)
15 - Gretchen
16 - Sue (still the person I'd most likely hang with)


rastys 13 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

09-01-00, 04:30 PM (EST)
Click to EMail rastys Click to send private message to rastys Click to check IP address of the poster
8. "RE: Who would you vote off the island? In what order?"
16. Sue..obvious reasons
15. B.B..old and bitchy
14. Joel..PIG
13. Ramona
12. Stacey
11. Sonja
10. Dirk
9. Sean or Jenna
8. Jenna or Sean...they're both clueless
7. Gretchen
6. Gervase
5. Colleen
4. Rudy
3. Richard
2. Greg
1. Kelly....She played the best game. You never knew where
she stood. She kept everyone in the dark.

VampKira 4433 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

09-02-00, 07:22 PM (EST)
Click to EMail VampKira Click to send private message to VampKira Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
10. "RE: Who would you vote off the island? In what order?"
16. Sonja ( Because she reminds me of my mother, and my mother can drive me Bat #####. )

15.Dirk ( looks just like some guy I can't stand )

14.Gretchen ( looks just like some girl I can't stand )

13.Joel ( no reason other than I didn't find him very interesting)

12.BB ( grump ditty ump )

11.Stacey ( except I would let Sabrina take her out this time. *wink* )

10.Kelly ( no reason )

9.Ramona ( ditto)

8.Sean ( but the SuperPole200 stays. *for crissake* )

7.Jenna ( poor lass, misses her kids )

6.Greg ( so he can spend some quality time with Jenna )

5.Gervase ( X marks the spot.. I liked him though )

4.Richard ( Rooty Tooty Fresh and Fruity Immunity dance.. tee hee )

3. Sue ( What a trip this chick was! )

2. Colleen ( Cuz I would like to see her get at least 100 thou.. Besides, she reminds me of my daughter running around in a cape.. )

1. RUDY!!! ( I wish he was my grandad..tee hee )

"No sign of the morning coming, you've been left on your own, like a rainbow in the dark."-Ronnie James Dio


Babs 8 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-03-00, 02:16 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Babs Click to send private message to Babs Click to check IP address of the poster
12. "RE: Who would you vote off the island? In what order?"
How about 16 Dirk votes. He was so damn annoying.
Dirk - Too stupid and judgemental
BB - Go if you want off
Sean - Idiot alert
Jenna - Cheerleader
Sonja - She was too fragile
Richard - I don't care if he "knew how to play the game!"
Gervase - Kind of lazy?
Rudy - Cute in a way
Ramona - Loved her but she was way too sick
Joel - Pagong should have hung on to him awhile longer
Greg - I have weird romance stories that never happened
Colleen - ditto
Stacey - We never gave Slambona a chance
Sue - She's hilarious
Kelly - The best player
Gretchen - The best person


KinneyM 12 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

09-03-00, 11:06 AM (EST)
Click to EMail KinneyM Click to send private message to KinneyM Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
13. "RE: Who would you vote off the island? In what order?"
From the first voted off to the last

16 Sonja: too weak
15 BB: too bossey
14 Stacey: Too loud
13 Jenna: too anoying
12 Dirk: too sickly looking to stare at any longer
11 Ramona: liked but needs to go
10 Sue: take your pick of reasons
9 Joel: bye bye
8 Rudy: food stealer
7 Rich: leader of the ring has to go
6 Greg: drives me crazy
5 Sean: who knows why
4 Gervous_ I still cant spell his name
3 Collene-time to go
2 Kelly same as above
1 Gretchen why not



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