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"The Top 15 Items on the To-Do Lists of the Returning Survivors"
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KinneyM 12 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

08-24-00, 04:28 PM (EST)
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"The Top 15 Items on the To-Do Lists of the Returning Survivors"
I get the top five list sent to me every weekday. I thought everyone might enjoy this.

August 23, 2000 NOTE FROM CHRIS:
Tonight is the season finale of the hit show "Survivor" in the U.S. Here at TopFive, we were wondering just what those wacky castaways will do with their free time now...
The Top 15 Items on the To-Do Lists
of the Returning "Survivors"
< The Top 5 List >
< Copyright 2000 by Chris White >

15> Show the judge your immunity idol and tell him to shove
his fugitive warrant.

14> Borrow neighbor's weedwhacker; cut underarm hair.

13> Get together with Ann Heche and drown your sorrows.

12> Write up my experiences as a pilot for a TV sitcom about
a diverse group of morons stranded on a tropical island.

11> Now that all those pesky cameras are gone -- masturbation marathon!

10> Shower, shave, and do enough drugs until the image of Rich's
naked body is no longer imprinted on your retinas.

9> Rejoin the vigil for Elian outside Marisleysis's house.

8> Week 1: File lawsuit against producers claiming that you
didn't know how much the media would invade your privacy.
Week 2: Appear on talk shows saying you knew it was a
mistake as soon as you arrived.
Week 3: Sign contract for seven-figure nude photo shoot.

7> One-man cabaret act -- "Over the Rainbow: Rudy *IS* Judy!"

6> Come up with a couple dozen witty pickup lines involving
the phrase "Tribal Council."

5> Re-schedule that postponed dinner appointment with Walter Matthau.

4> A quick visit to KFC for some *properly-cooked* rat.

3> Form an alliance with Pete in Accounting and Brenda in
Marketing to try and capture all of the jelly donuts in
the break room before 9:00.

2> "Lather, rinse, repeat" without having to use your own urine
for the second rinse. and's Number

1 Item on the
To-Do Lists of the Returning "Survivors"...
1> Set the alarm clock for 15 minutes and PAR-TY!
< The Top 5 List >
< Copyright 2000 by Chris White >



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