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"True love for Wes and James"
Stacy 3 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
09-02-03, 10:21 PM (EST)
"True love for Wes and James" |
Franklin is the straight man out.
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nicholebettencourt 9 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
09-03-03, 00:11 AM (EST)
1. "RE: True love for Wes and James" |
I am sooooooo glad that Wes was not the straight mate. I was so afraid that he was. Half way into the show tonight I realized the straight mate was Franklin. He gave himself away in my book when he got soooo defensive. Andra was talking about the fact that they were all there because of her and that if people are lying then James has something to loose from this. And Franklin and Andra got into a pretty heated coversation. I sensed something odd about the way he was acting. I knew then, It had to be Franklin. I hope that things work out between Wes and James. I started crying because this show is actually having an impact on people. I am a straight female and live in a small and prejudice town in Michigan where people that are gay or "non-white" are ridiculed and are treated horridly. This is something that I am not use to. I am a native Californian, born, raised and lived there all my life. I come from Southern California, Los Angeles. In California there are more open-minded/liberal thinkers. In the year that Ive lived in Michigan for school I have been astounded at the narrow minded, ignorant people in this world. Since the show Boy Meets Boy began I have noticed that things are a little different. I have heard on several occassions in town or on campus people commenting on the show and they seemed very optimistic about it. I have heard people say "I thought you could tell a straight man from a gay man. I guess I was wrong." or "You know I thought all gay men were girly and never thought they would be masculine like me and my friends. But some of the guys on there are really cool." I hope that this show does bridge the gap that ignorant people have created between the "straight" and "gay" people. As Dan put it on the show...."At the end of the day we're all just people!!!!" And As James said and I couldnt agree more.......It's not about two men together, two women together or a man and a woman together....its just about two people in love.
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jeffred 39 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"
09-03-03, 01:12 AM (EST)
2. "RE: True love for Wes and James" |
Wow!!!! Call me naive/opptumist but I, as a gay man, just loved the final episode. I'm glad that James finally chose Wes, for better or better, I'm keeping positive thoughts for them. I felt bad, for Brian and Franklin. Yes I said Franklin. He seems like a really nice guy, hopefully the ladies will cut him a little slack, He'd be a good catch. And, I know I said on other posting that I thought Brian was the straight guy, and first, if Brian reads these boards, sorry about that brother. Once I saw them point on the photo in Instinct I knew I was wrong. I liked that some of the ex-mates were heard from again. Now that I've spread all that love around, regarding what I love, here's what I wanted to see more of. Where was Andra, during/after that final choice. I would've like to see her reaction, she was important to the whole show, she should've been there at the end. I WANT MY FAVORITE 'FLAME DAME'!!!!! Next, when's the reunion show?!?!!? I want to see a where are they now, and if they're still single. Did Brian Stalk Dan afterward, and what was his spin on the straight twist?
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RaHead 39 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"
09-03-03, 09:59 AM (EST)
4. "RE: True love for Wes and James" |
I LOVED this show!!! I didn't exactly like the straight guy twist, thought it was kinda mean to toy with James feelings like that. I am so glad that he chose Wes & I would love to see a reunion show!! I was really disappointed that Andra was not there, she was such a HUGE part of the show, she should have been there after the final decision was made. I really hope it works out for James & Wes, they both looked so happy at the end.
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kellyval99 32 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"
09-03-03, 12:29 PM (EST)
5. "I got the impression that the contestants did not know who was gay and who was straight either" |
I loved the comment about the sheets with Brian for Dan. I did not like Dan and he was in this knowing the situation, that he could end up getting fallen for. Maybe that is why James picked Wes instead...maybe he saw that Brian was interested in Dan instead. I wish James and Wes the best...I liked Wes. He is sweet!
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orbiter 7 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
09-03-03, 01:17 PM (EST)
6. "RE: True love for Wes and James" |
I hope that at least a friendship developes for James and Wes but I still think James took the "sure Thing" and while he liked Wes I don't think it was the "love" he expected on the first episode...After all his attitude changed after learning the twist from finding that love interest to seek and destroy plus both he and Audra kept saying that at least they made friends. Not sure if it was this board or in an interview I read that he has become closer friends with other "mates" fromt he show and I would be interest in which ones. I think someone called him naive but my impression was a serious person and ready to settle and any other gay man on this list who is James' age or older will tell you there are very rare 24 years old ready to settle down...they may think so but there are way too many roads ahead. As for the show changing the impressions or beliefs of the mentally challenged, I am sorry to say I doubt it...oh yes a few who might have been on the fence about their feelings but the rest who needed to watch and learn either didn't watch or know it exsisted. I truely doubt the producers really cared about that aspect and if any message was broadcast it was due completely to the men that appeared on the screen...I even thought that "host" talked down to James and the "mates". Finally, does anyone know if anyone other than Dan has a website? Possibly their opinions are on them. I would've loved to hear the gay mens opinions on the twist. If anyone who went to these "mate"hosted viewing parties heard interesting opinions or comments, please post. Thanks for listening.
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Elony 10 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
08-06-13, 07:14 AM (EST)
7. "RE: True love for Wes and James" |
Here are really nice and most informative article is written by you. I would like to say thanks to you that you share this post here with us. I hope that you will continue to post here with us.
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