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"Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?"
jeffred 39 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"
08-20-03, 12:14 PM (EST)
2. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
I can almost guarentee that Wes isn't the straight one. I live in San Diego, and Wes is hosting a 'Boy Meets Boy' party at a local gay bar on Tuesday nights. If he's straight, and breaks James' heart, he wouldn't be able to get out of that bar quick enough next Tuesday night. My vote is for Brian. Franklin, is just way too emotionally involved for me to think he's anything but Gay. I was sorry to see Robb go last night, he didn't get enough of a shot at James. I think they would've made the best couple.From the coming attractions, I feel bad for Andra, she's so upset. And I can't wait to see what blows-up on the one date. It reminds me of 'Towering Inferno', where's Shelly Winters when you need her, hahahaha.
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kellyval99 32 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"
08-20-03, 12:44 PM (EST)
3. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
You might be right about Brian. But they are clear that there is 1 left...so there were 7 straight and 8 gay? Franklin definitely was too emotional when James and Darren kissed to be anything but gay. I was hoping they would not have paired Wes and Robb so both could have been kept and eliminate Franklin and Sean. I don't like Franklin and I don't see any connection there.
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kellyval99 32 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"
08-20-03, 02:51 PM (EST)
9. "If Franklin is straight." |
If Franklin is straight, he s a good actor. He got soooo jealous when James kissed Darren. That doesn't seem normal. Admittedly, he was the only one that saw it but if he is straight, he is playing the game hard. Unless his expression and reaction were just to make sure James knew he saw him...that just doesn't seem right. Anyone know last names on Franklin or Brian H. to see if there is any spoiler info on them on the net?
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CopenhagenKidd 3 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
08-21-03, 03:47 AM (EST)
16. "RE: Franklin is straight." |
Franklin is indeed the straight one. But the case of an all-straight group every episode isn't true. Episode 3 (three-man groups) didn't have an all-straight group. In Episode 2, Jim, Dan, Franklin, and Sean (all straight) are paired, sending three straight men to Episode 3. Group 2 was Wes, Michael, Rob, and Paul (2 straight, 2 gay) sending at least one straight man to Episode 3. (Group 3 was all gay.) Since only four straight men (vs. five gay men) made it to Episode 3, the show had to ensure that at least two of them continued. It could have done so with an all-straight three-man group, but it didn't. The show was a little craftier than that and chose instead to have two groups contain two straight men each, ensuring that at least one straight man from each of those groups advanced. Plus, it added to the possibility that all four of them could have advanced. If this had been the case, of course, the two gay men would have been paired in Episode 4 so that James had at least some shot at happiness. Amazingly, with the elimination groups, James has been picking off the straight men with great accuracy, doing so every time he's gotten the chance. Every (and I mean every) gay man that's been eliminated from an elimination group came from an all-gay elimination group and James had no choice. Having only two straight men in Episode 4 was the worst-case scenario for the show, but they planned and prepared for it by pairing them together.
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bawesq3 12 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
08-20-03, 07:57 PM (EST)
13. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
I think Franklin is the straight guy here and here's why: Although a great episode summary with lots of comments was earlier posted and the poster noted that in his opinion all the gay guys snuggle when they hug, as opposed to the straight ones, I think this theory is wrong. Why? Because in last night's episode, the producers paired the guys for elimination. In order to make the surprise "twist" work, they had to pair two straight guys together so that James would only be able to eliminate one of them leaving at least one in the final three. We now know that Sean (for sure!) is straight, and he was paired with Franklin. So, Franklin is the straight guy left. Too bad for James. That's my theory. And Franklin snuggles! Franklin is able to pull it off (unlike Dan, the actor) because he seems more mature and serious and grounded than the others. Plus, he's smart. Check out his limousine ride discussion with James. He asked the right questions to keep himself in the game, not because he's looking for a relationship. Plus, he's a wine sommelier. Those guys are extra cool, classy, very poised and controlled. That's Franklin. He can perform under any circumstances! Too bad because I really like him!
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jeffred 39 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"
08-20-03, 08:59 PM (EST)
14. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
yeah, and he bench presses like a straight guy too!!!(just kidding) I was gonna say, I can't believe the guys were there for almost a whole week, and nobody was working out. Most every gay guy that I know, myself included practically lives at the gym. I'd be going nuts after 5 days, of no excercise. I mean I understand the thoughts on the producers side trying to keep a straight guy in there the longest, I just can't imagine that Franklin is a better actor then Dan. If he is, that boy needs to get a manager, and he can be the next Tom Hanks. Maybe I'm naive, and just hope the best, but I just don't see Franklin being that duplicitous.
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bawesq3 12 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
08-21-03, 00:31 AM (EST)
15. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
I sure hope you're right because I think they make the best looking couple. Franklin is definitely a hottie as is James.
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Erik0415 5 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
08-21-03, 07:23 AM (EST)
17. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
As hard as it is to believe... Franklin MUST be the straight man. ( I know he's emotional and showed some jealousy but $$$ will make you jealous, huh?)Remember, the producers put in the "straight" twist as the hook. If all of the straight men got eliminated before the last episode... the "hook" would have been eliminated... and no chance for James to pick one of the straight guys. In this weeks episode the selections were as follows: Brian was paired with Darren. Darrin was eliminated and was gay Wes was paired with Robb. Robb was eliminated and was gay Franklin was paired with Sean. Sean was eliminated and was straight. There is ONE straight boy left... Franklin would HAVE TO BE STRAIGHT so that the producers could guarentee that one of the straight guys would be in the final three. The producers would not take a "chance" that somehow James might eliminate all the straight guys. If you even went as far as to assume that Three of the six were straight (not likely at this point) with ONE straight Boy in each of the three groups, There would have been a chance that all three straight boys would have been eliminated. Producers would be pissed. Keep in mind... the selection is done really fast and James doesn't have any real time to logically think it out. At this point he could pick just about anyone. So the producers can't "guess" who they think he has connected with in the groups. My heart will be broken when I find out that Franklin is the straight Boy. He is so cute. If by some chance James picks the straight boy... how will the straight boy feel... I know it's supposed to be a game... but that would be a real dirty trick. Also if the straight boy gets selected he'll probibly be more hated in the gay community than Eminem.
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bawesq3 12 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
08-21-03, 01:45 PM (EST)
18. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
I absolutely agree about it HAS to be our boy FRANKLIN. I think the key is that up to the last episode, James had no clue there might be straight guys in the line up so he had no reason to suspect anything out of the ordinary. So, his gaydar was dormant. We see and know what's going on so we're looking for all these signs and trying to figure out the combinations. But James was clueless. I have to give credit to these straight guys, though for putting themselves in a situation which many other straight guys would be very uncomfortable. And personally, I don't think $25,000 is a whole lot to make someone change his slant on these kinds of things. The producers told these straight guys that they'd have to be prepared to kiss another man and those that were selected for the show said they didn't have a problem with that. I don't know many straight guys who'd do that, particularly not for a paltry $25000, particularly when other reality shows are offering way more dough $$ to the "winners". I.e. A million bucks for the winner of Survivor and The Bachelor, etc. But yeah, it would be extremely awkward and mean if the straight guy didn't fess up before the final selection or if James picked him. I think James should kiss each of the remaining three -- now that he knows one of them is straight -- and root them out that way. Hopefully, the straight boy will be a real bad kisser or flinch so James can eliminate him. Lets see if that $25,000 means that much to the straight boy then! Just my opinion.
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CopenhagenKidd 3 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
08-21-03, 11:36 PM (EST)
20. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
The show probably interviewed hundreds of straight guys before they found the ones that were willing to go through with it. And even though these straight guys knew what they were getting into, it seems at least one of them got in way over his head. One of the gay guys fell (and fell hard) for one of the straight guys (remember, the gay guys also didn't know there would be straight guys in the bunch). So much so that the straight guy had to go to the producers and tell them what was happening. Rumor has it that it was Darren who fell for Franklin. It makes sense since both them made it pretty far and spent a lot of time in the presence of each other. Franklin, who is straight but very sensitive, couldn't handle it. I haven't heard any more on the situation.Of course, you had to see this coming. 15 seemingly gay guys, all (or at least most) great-looking, one bedroom, one bathroom... you do the math. There were probably several post-show hookups. Another interesting twist which couldn't happen on Bachelor/ette, JoeM, FLor$, etc.
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bawesq3 12 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
08-22-03, 02:25 AM (EST)
22. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
I read it was Brian who fell for Dan and Dan went to the producers and the complaint was not that he was offended but just upset (presumably felt bad for Brian) that it happened. If it was indeed Brian, then we know he's gay.
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toddE 1433 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"
08-22-03, 10:03 AM (EST)
24. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
It did seem like Brian was into Dan, so I'd believe that most easily. Yuck, if there's one thing I'm grateful for on this show, it's that Dan didn't last too long. The comments below sure seem to indicate, against all other indications, that James may actually pick the straight guy, who is surprisingly Wes. I wonder if telling him one of the three is straight leads James to reject Franklin because he's the most "Straight-acting," only to pick the more ambiguously gay Wes, who in a big surprise isn't gay at all. But the comment "you assumed I was gay. Why?" is odd--since it's a gay dating show, that would be why James made that assumption.
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bawesq3 12 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
08-22-03, 02:28 AM (EST)
23. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
Good point. I remember seeing it early on, too. Don't know the outcome. Perhaps it's that lisp of Wes' that made James assume he's gay.
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TODDLJ 421 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"
08-22-03, 06:17 PM (EST)
26. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
I bet we will find that this conversation happens this week. Now that James knows the truth, he will try to figure out which guy is straight. He will ask Franklin point black. And he will ask Wes his opinion about the others. In doing so, he will assume that Wes is gay, prompting Wes' teasing comment. No matter, though, because Wes IS gay, and the comment was only a tease.
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TiggerSGH 2 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
08-22-03, 06:58 PM (EST)
27. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
TODDLJ - that definately seems like a plausble explanation! Still, I can't shake this sinking feel that Wes is going to dupe us all. LOL
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jeffred 39 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"
08-22-03, 09:32 PM (EST)
29. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
WEll... dang!!! If Wes really is the straight one then I'm gonna be watching at a local bar, where Wes has been hosting a Boy Meets Boy night. ITs a gay bar, so I can't wait to see everyone's reaction to the news that he's straight. That should be a hoot-and-a-half. I'll bring feathers just in case, someone else will have to bring the tar.
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orbiter 7 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
08-26-03, 10:35 PM (EST)
30. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
I don't think the theroy of Franklin/Sean is 100% if you think outside normal thinking (which the producers did from the beginning): Within the the last set of groupings there could've been another straight: Brian was paired with Darren. Darrin was eliminated and was gay (Brian could be straight) Wes was paired with Robb. Robb was eliminated and was gay (Wes could be straight) Franklin was paired with Sean. Sean was eliminated and was straight. We could tell that James liked the three remaining (the only question in the three pairs was Wes and Robb) a little more than the leaving people. Remember the disclaimer at the closing that the producers confer with James but don't "Influence" his choice. They could've ended up with two straights and one gay at the end the odds were better for this than all straight. I'm sure that by watching James through out the filming and discussions we did not see they had a close idea of the way the choice would swing (except possiblibly Wes/Robb), didn't you?
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jeffred 39 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"
08-27-03, 01:08 AM (EST)
31. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
I've said it once, and I'll say it again, I know for sure Wes isn't straight... so guess again. From what I heard tonight, he volunteers are the Center here in San Diego, I don't know any straight folks doing that.
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bawesq3 12 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
08-27-03, 02:22 AM (EST)
32. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
And so the plot thickens! This is killing me!
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lvboa 4 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
08-27-03, 04:07 AM (EST)
33. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
Here's my opinion on the chance of each remaining guy being straight:Wes 65% Franklin 25% Brian 10% Each has done and said things that make me think each could be straight or gay. I have one comment about the assumption that the producers wanted to have one straight guy at the end and made the groupings to assure that. That seems logigal from our point of view now that the show has turned out this way. However, the entire show was recorded, produced, and edited, and the promos were created AFTER the events occurred. The producers could have taken whatever final scenario evolved and developed drama around it. (E.g., if all three final guys were gay they could have told James that 7 of the original guys were straight and not let him know anything about the final three.) Let's just not get locked inside the box! I can't wait until next week! Benjamin
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bawesq3 12 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
08-28-03, 01:50 AM (EST)
36. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
I think you're right now that I put more thought into everything and review everyone's comments. I think we're about to be duped by the producers. I can't wait for the punchline!
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Erik0415 5 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
08-28-03, 02:39 AM (EST)
37. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
OK Here's my summation on this whole BMB thing...When I first read on Yahoo News several months ago about this new reality show "Boy Meets Boy", I thought it was kind of a cute idea. They told in the Yahoo story that there would be straight guys in the group. I was OK with that. When I watched the first episode and saw how hot all the guys on the show were, I was still OK with some of them being straight. Nice eye candy. As the show continued and I realized that nearly half of the "mates" were straight I began to get angry with the producers for stacking the deck. Then when I figured out how the producers started to "pair up" the straight guys to be SURE that James would have a straight mate in the last selection I got really angry. This was unfair. I felt that the producers were playing a mean trick on James and they were playing the game unfairly, especially knowing that James (and we the audience) had become attached to some of the guys. I feel very sorry for James having been put in the position he was placed in. however in stepping back and looking at this whole "Boy Meets Boy" phenominan... I believe the result of this show goes WAY beyond the producers objective of making a successful reality TV show. I don't believe that I am overstating it when I say that BMB has done more to dispel the stereotypes about gay males to a mass audience more than anything in history. Let's face it... even us gay males with our gaydar turned on overdrive don't really know who the final straight mate will be. Back in episode 2 James eliminated Jim and Paul and Marc. I was SURE that Jim and especially Paul were both gay (I was wrong) and that Marc was straight (he was gay) So on episode 2 I was 0 for 3. In REAL reality, BMB isn't really about dating, or finding a relationship or fooling a gay guy... Its purpose (not by design) has been to break the division between straights and gays. As a gay male that was in the closet until the age of 29 I personally want to thank James and all of the mates for bringing the straight / gay dividing line down to zero. I hope that James finds a real mate is has a great life. I don’t believe that there is any way that we as a gay community can ever thank James enough for going thru what he was put thru by the producers. Whatever the outcome on next weeks show... we all win! Thanks again James. I for one really appreciate what you did. Erik - El Paso, TX
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AZ_Leo 3526 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
08-28-03, 10:35 AM (EST)
39. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
At the risk of bringing Survivor spoiling techniques to this show, which may not be valid, I noticed something in the previews for the finale. James, Franklin, and Wes all are wearing black shirts while Brian is wearing a blue shirt. It may just be coincidence but I thought I would point it out.
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matt_nn 1 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
08-28-03, 02:35 PM (EST)
40. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - James won't choose Franklin" |
I noticed in the finale preview that the hand picks up the final champagne is a small one. definately not Franklin's . Franklin is the straight guy. so a happy ending.
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cmlee 10 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
08-29-03, 02:58 AM (EST)
42. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
C M Lee: Check out the hometown newspaper column IN RE: BOY MEETS BOY where finalist "Wes" attended Spreckels School and Salinas High.Monterey HERALD for last Sat., Aug. 23 reports: "A grad of Spreckels...Wes 'was considered QUITE the ladies man in junior high, according to one former schoolmate interviewed" for the column. Even the '8th grade prophecy reads - 'Wes Culwell as last seen cheering on the GIRLS' basketball team'. And next "Wes was also voted BIGGEST FLIRT, nicest guy, and best looking that year." http://www.montereyherald.com/mld/montereyherald/news/local/6601170.htm
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jeffred 39 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"
08-29-03, 09:10 AM (EST)
43. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
Yep, that sounds like a lot of gay men that I know.
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et415 8 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
08-31-03, 03:16 AM (EST)
45. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
LAST EDITED ON 09-01-03 AT 11:54 AM (EST)Unless the straight guy is an incredible actor and has no problems telling outright lies, then the straight guy has to be Brian. Wes and Franklin were weeping after the last elimination. Brian was cool-headed and stoic. Gay guys would be much more emotionally committed to the group than straight guys, who are more in it for the money than emotional and romantic bonding. Franklin gave James a very detailed and truthful sounding summary of his early dating days and his coming out. Wes is just too nelly to be straight. The whole "who was paired with whom in the prior elimination" thing doesn't work for me because the producers would have to be too stupid to be that obvious. They could do it some in earlier rounds when they could mix it up a bit, but not in the last round. They would have to rely on direct observation and conversation with James about who he was going to choose. Again, if the straight guy is an incredible actor, then there's no way to tell, but if he's not, then it's Brian.
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orbiter 7 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
09-01-03, 10:37 AM (EST)
46. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
After viewing the photo gallery on the BRAVO site, if you go by number of photos per "mate", Wes seems to be the producers favorite since his photo out numbers the others...especially for the episode 5 section. Just a thought!
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cmlee 10 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
09-01-03, 02:14 PM (EST)
47. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the "STAG FAG" man left?" |
C M Lee Remember, my gay detectives that new word which is creeping into the vocab - NOT faghag but "fagstag" and MY GUESS is that one of the three will claim that title.To be SO CLOSE yet not quite gay. This reminds me of the social behavior test: you may SAY you are - whatever - but the TEST is the behavior and body NONVERBAL language. Actors are notorious liars about their sexual orientation for their "professional advancement." Check out our gay brother's book: "Hollywood's Silent Closet" by author Darwin Porter. FINALLY - how about your Eastern TIME ZONE guys clueing those of us residing in the PACIFIC daylight time zone TOMORROW, Tues. At least tease us WHEN YOU KNOW who won James' heart as BRAVO premiers THREE HOURS EARLIER on the East coast. DARE to allow this PRIMETIME EXPERIMENT, gay dating #1 to end so ignominiously as to incur the WRATH of the entire USA gay community for ever - "as the defacto gay cable channel - by a cruel final twist for OUR WORST stereotype of ONLY wanting a str8 dude - never one of our own?cmlee cmlee@neteze.com
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lvboa 4 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
09-02-03, 01:31 PM (EST)
48. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
Well, I watched all 5 episodes again last night and it only strengthened my belief that Wes is the stratight one. His "gayness" seems a little forced, like he's trying a bit too hard. We've all seen straight guys try to use gay phraseology and mannerisms and it just doesn't seem natural. This is the feeling I get with Wes some of the time. I don't get this at all from Franklin and Brian. When they are "acting gay" it doesn't seem like an act. (Of course, there's my standard disclaimer: the producers may just be messing with all our heads in what they decide to show and what they don't!)My latest scale of who I think is the gay one: Wes 90% Franklin 5% Brian 5% All three of these guys are cute, witty, and sexy, and I'd be proud for all of them to be gay. I guess we'll find out tonight. I can't wait! Benjamin
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et415 8 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
09-02-03, 04:18 PM (EST)
49. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
>Well, I watched all 5 >episodes again last night and >it only strengthened my belief >that Wes is the stratight >one. Yeah, but did you see the four of them (incl. James) on the Today Show this morning? What was with Wes's eyebrows...I guess he went to the Endora School of Eyebrow Tweezing. No straight guy, not even a metrosexual, would get his eyebrows tweezed like that. I re-watched the first two episodes, and even though previously I said I was convinced Brian was the straight one, I think it might be Franklin. The main thing was when Brian admitted that he might be more attracted to Dan than to James. He might be lying, but then so might Franklin when he talked about this coming out during his spa date. Other than some of his words, Franklin really doesn't give off a gay vibe to me. Wes, on the other hand, refused to talk about his past relationships, which made me slightly suspicious. Based on the early episodes, I think the straight one is: Franklin 50% Brian 40% Wes 10% Based on the later episodes, I think it's: Brian 50% Franklin 30% Wes 20% I think the only way it could be Wes is if he and the entire production staff set it up to try to trick everyone. In other words, not only did he try to fool everyone, but the producers set it up to protray him as being very gay. It's really hard!
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cmlee 10 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
09-02-03, 05:35 PM (EST)
50. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
C M Lee: QUESTION PLEASEIF the WEST coast tonite is seeing the FINAL ONE chosen at 9 pm to 10 pm, our time PDT, then.... Does that then mean that our EAST Coast brothers are seeing it THREE HOURS EARLIER - at 6 pm our West coast time - first beamed to NY? So, it is already midnite in NYC et al in the EDT when we out here on the WEST coast see WHICH ONE at 9 pm here, midnight on East coast? Finally, could someone THEN on the EAST - post for us WHO WINS as soon as YOU SEE IT LIVE? Like in 5-6 hours FROM NOW? cm
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tx2some 2 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
09-02-03, 06:27 PM (EST)
51. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
I'm so sorry to have missed the Today show this morning...LOVE the comment about Endora's School of Eyebrow Tweezing  I rewatched all 5 again yesterday & am more convinced than ever that Wes is straight! I just hope James doesn't pick him. If you were watching episode #1 (or 2) closely, the only guys who touched or hugged James when they first met, or later when they got picked to stay, were all the straight guys! That included Wes...all trying so hard to show they were comfortable touching a guy. I'm sure they were coached on this by the producers. I also thought that it was interesting that on the wall of pictures, they put Franklin on the top row center, and he was James VERY first pick on ep#1, followed by Brian. And they both made it to the final round. Another note on the groupings: when they were down to 12 left with 6 being straight: if my theory holds, then they guaranteed 4 straights continuing by putting 3-of-4 straights with one gay in 2 groups, with the 3rd group all gay. Nine (3 from each group) continued: 4 straight & 5 gay. Franklin was in a group of 4 with 3 straights. T-minus 2 1/2 hours...and counting!
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bawesq3 12 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
09-03-03, 01:44 AM (EST)
53. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
I must say I was sorely disappointed in the final episode. First of all, Brian was GREAT! Seems that James doesn't even trust his own intuition. In fact, he even said to Andra that he didn't think it was going to go anywhere with Wes. And he talked Brian up like he was going to pick him even at the final moment. What a mistake to have let him go! And the way he confronted Franklin was caustic. Poor Franklin. Personally I feel that he used Franklin as a scapegoat for his anger with the producers. It seems from the little vignettes with each of the straight guys that their main intent was to help bridge the gap between gay and straight. Franklin even eloquently tried to explain himself even while James blasted him. I believe that the producers "lured" the straight guys into participating in the show by finding out who had gay sympathies and then playing on those same sympathies by misleading them into believing they were helping in this cause to "bridge the gap". The measly $25,000 they offered demonstrates this. I feel it was the well intentioned straight guys who were really used by the producers, not James. For me, James demonstrated that there's a mistaken assumption out there that everyone is out to get the gay man. Blinded by this perception, even well intentioned people get overlooked or worse, villified like he did Franklin. Franklin's beef is that because he appreciates certain things in life, people automatically assume he's gay. He wanted to dispel that notion. Personally, I think he did a good job of just being neutral.
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et415 8 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
09-03-03, 02:50 AM (EST)
56. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
At an early point in the show, I realized that Franklin was the straight one--13 mins. exactly into the show, according to my ReplayTV. It wasn't anything in particular. Just the whole thing coming together.Franklin certainly did a fine acting job. From Franklin's perspective, he certainly didn't deserve James's scorn. But from James's perspective, he certainly did. After all, he COMPLETELY lied when the two of them were sharing intimate, personal memories during their spa date. James had no idea of the magnanimous nature of the straight boys' participation. Knowing James though (and his kind heart), he will forgive Franklin and the rest. I just don't know how they're going to replicate this show again, since the element of surprise is gone. It is too bad that Franklin is straight, though, since I think Franklin and James have more in common than the other pairings. I think Wes is too young for James and maybe a little too out there. But maybe opposites will attract, esp. since they both have very good hearts. I feel really bad for Brian, esp. after he finds out that there's no romantic future for him with Dan either. I wonder when James and Wes are leaving on their vacation. I've always wanted to go to New Zealand...it might be fun to crash their holiday. Anyone know if they're scheduled to be on any talk shows or anything?
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lvboa 4 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
09-03-03, 02:24 AM (EST)
54. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!Well, I was dead wrong about Wes. I knew I was gonna be upset no matter which one turned out to be straight as I liked all three. But even in admitting defeat(!), I am SO excited that Wes is gay. He's a total babe. Looks, personality, charm. It would, indeed, have been a shame if he were straight. Brian, you are a sweetheart and would have made an equally good choice. Your quiet manner, that killer smile, and a great heart make you an awesome catch. As for Franklin, I'm a little sad that you're not gay. You would make an awesome gay guy with your physical appearance and emotional depth. You'll make some girl very happy one day and I'll be jealous. While I don't fault James for his ire, you didn't deserve it. I'm sure you understand you were simply the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time and took one for the team, as it were. Thanks for your candor and support. James and Andra, you guys played the cards you were dealt the best you could. Hat's off. I hope at least two people found love through all this. Benjamin
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cmlee 10 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
09-03-03, 02:40 AM (EST)
55. "NOW THAT THE DUST HAS SETTLED !! : Boy Meets Boy - ?" |
LAST EDITED ON 09-03-03 AT 02:42 AM (EST)C M Lee Can anyone out there "in the know" AT ALL enlighten us as to the viability of the choice/current status Sept. 2003 of Wes amd James? Are they back from their trip? Does Brian at the San Diego Chiropratic booth trade show ever see James now? Did Franklin go back to Milwaukee, WI? His lover was there, and they broke up. Please, some REAL WORD debriefing! Since there is NO follow-up show planned by BRAVO like the other network reality shows like Surviver LIVE audience show, or others where questions can be answered? Maybe an online Q&A by the gay writers of BOY MEETS BOY could field questions on Gay Radio like Signorile - such as the gay couple Reichen and Chip on CBS Great Race afterwards? Hate to wait a couple of months to see a mag article in Nov./Dec. cover dated journal. cmlee@neteze.com
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et415 8 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
09-03-03, 03:15 AM (EST)
57. "RE: NOW THAT THE DUST HAS SETTLED !! : Boy Meets Boy - ?" |
FYI: On the Bravo's BMB website(http://www.bravotv.com/Boy_Meets_Boy/), it says, "Check the website in the coming weeks for post-show interviews with the Boy Meets Boy cast."
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Erik0415 5 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
09-03-03, 12:23 PM (EST)
59. "RE: NOW THAT THE DUST HAS SETTLED !! : Boy Meets Boy - ?" |
OK. Now that the end has been revealed... I am shocked but then again not shocked. How can this be you ask? First... I think many of us suspected Franklin as being straight due to the way the producers "paired up" the straight guys in the groups. My gaydar still says he's gay. I am having it (my gaydar) serviced by a qualified professional on Thursday. In watching the last copuple of episodes again... I noticed that James in episode 5 stated that he was going to have to "confront" the straight guy. I tend to believe that in one of their production meetings after James was told of the twist, the producers either suggested to, or flat out told James that he would need to "CONFRONT" the straight guy. The key word here is confront (confrontation) which, as all reality TV show producers know, makes for drama in reality TV. I understand that James would need to "deal with his feelings" regarding the straight guy, but a confrontation seems a little over dramatic to me. Especially for someone as laid back as James. Poor Franklin really got the bad end of the deal. It is obvious from the episodes that he is a warm, soft hearted, careing, and emotional individual. He was left all alone to deal with James' frustration. (Keep in mind Franklin is only 23.) I am sure that Franklin realized (in the last days after it was too late) that he was in for a real bad time. Notice how alone he felt in the last episode. No matter what the outcome, he was going to be the bad guy. Franklin said "I'm sorry" to James several times during their final meeting. In fact, it was the very first thing out of his mouth when James pegged him as straight. Had he been picked and won the $25,000 he would have probibly felt even worse. Of all of the people on the show... Franklin got the worst deal. I'm sure the "sales job" the producers gave to all of the cast members (even the straight ones)in this show was a quite different senario than what actually transpired. Second... The producers tried (by the snippits in the previews and promos) tried to make us think it was Wes who was the straight one. Example... he looks at James and says "So what made you think that I was Gay?" Post production editing can do wonders. Finally... I was suprised that James picked Wes over Brian but keep in mind, we don't get to see what really happend.. only what the producers put in the show. It is possible that James and Wes had much more of a connection than was shown on TV. Remember they don't want us to know who James picks until the last episode. If Wes and James had a great connection from the beginning, and it was shown throughout all the episodes... there would have been no suprise at the end. Editing can easily change the "feel" of a reality TV show. Simply edit out most of the connected moments between James and Wes and use just the minimum footage necessary to keep Wes in the show. (footage of Wes interacting with other mates, etc) Wes did seem very sincere and seems to be a really nice guy and at the end, it did seem that Wes and James had a connection. And for what it's worth I think that maybe James didn't pick Brian H. because he was a little "too needy and unsure of what he wanted". He fell for Dan... then he was falling for James. I think Brian H. is a really nice guy and will make someone a good catch but from a maturity level, Wes at 24 seems more mature and grounded than Brian H at 29 I still believe like I said in an earlier post, This show has done alot to break down the stereotypes and help people see that, as James said, "We are all just the same... we are all looking for love"
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lil_bugger 1 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
09-03-03, 03:35 AM (EST)
58. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
Hey all! Great thread so far! Here's my two cents (warning - very long rant):I am stunned that so many people thought Wes was straight. Unlike Dan, who was oh-so-obviously flaming his way into the hearts of mainstream America, Wes's gayness was real. Throughout the show, Wes was smart, sassy, and fun - qualities I always associate with the best of gay men, and, IMHO, Wes (and Robb) had those qualities in abundance. Dan had plenty of flame and sass, but no wit or even brains for that matter. FLAME-ON: Those lies about the boyfriend/not-boyfriend/just-good-friend were so laughably stupid, and he put himself in that situation. He was so trying to be gay (i.e., having lots of sex with different guys and having an open relationship) that it didn't even occur to him that James might not think that that kind of gay life was for him. The back-peddling was hilarious! I'm surprised Dan made it past the first day, but the producers threw in a token, boring minority to take the hit. (Don't get me started. Don't even get me started.) In short, Dan = not smart or witty = not gay. It doesn't get clearer than that. FLAME-OFF. I was happy that James, who does seem like a very genuine, sweet (if a teensy bit naive) person, ultimately picked Wes. Darn those producers for putting Wes and Robb against each other! Wouldn't it have been a much more exciting elimination round to see either of them paired up against Franklin? I am also stunned that so many people were certain Franklin was gay. I picked him out as the one definite straight boy after the first episode, and virtually everything he did afterward confirmed my suspicions. His body language around James was always a little distant (you could say frigid). Honey, if I were in a hot tub (or limo or loveseat, etc.) with a cutie like James, I would in his lap and not on the other side of the country! That's the straight instinct to occupy as much space as possible, and not the gay "tight spaces are better" gene, in operation. Yeah, he cried at the drop of a hat (like after every elimination round), but please...gay boys do not intentionally have Franklin's hairstyle (I'm sorry - not cute - none of it - no way, never). Franklin's most obvious giveaway, IMHO, was his answer to James's question re: his first date. Franklin rambled on and on about fake-dating girls and being in the closet and his favorite home economics teacher, BUT he never answered the question. A gay guy would have answered truthfully - "Some girl in high school. Obviously, it didn't work out." Evasion, people, is a pretty obvious clue, especially for something as simple As for the show being some miraculous experiment for the blending of gay and straight perceptions of each other - I think that's all a crock. Would this important social experiment have been any different, if the producers had disclosed at the very beginning to ALL of the participants, that there were a certain number of straight men in the mix? I doubt it. The show wouldn't have had the "twist" to drive up the ratings, but everyone, the audience, as well as James, Andra, and all of the mates (gay and straight), would have participated in evaluating the behavior and mannerisms of each of the mates to see if it is possible to tell. It would have been a very different, but IMHO a much more fun and honest, show. Instead, the producers decided to trick a very nice guy and his best friend (and ALL of the gay mates) into believing they were on a ground-breaking gay romantic reality show (which, of course, would certainly not be enough to generate ratings on its own), when they were being held up to ridicule. I actually believe that the straight men on the show did go through a "coming out" process, because they did have to hide their identities from everyone else, but how does that experience translate to millions of beer-guzzling couch potatoes who happen to land on Bravo during a commercial break from an Everybody Loves Raymond repeat? It doesn't. Decades of gays telling straights how difficult the coming out process is hasn't really made such a difference. How could this piece of fluff accomplish that? And listening to the gays and straights talk about how amazing it was that they could be friends with each other really made me sad, because I'm sure they were made to think that way through targeted questions designed to make them think along those lines. Gays and straights do get along - actually, we get along on a daily basis, which should be no surprise to anyone except Dan. But just look at the interactions between the various housemates and you see how the dynamic between gay and straight men really broke down for the guys who were in the house the longest. Brian, Robb and Wes (all gay) ended up spending lots of time together, striking up a real and genuine rapport, and providing us with the bestest, funnest, and funniest spontaneous moments. Sean and Franklin (as well as strange Darren) seemed to form their own little group, though I wouldn't say that any of them reached the level of kinship that the Brian/Robb/Wes trio did. This result shouldn't be a shock -we find ourselves most drawn to those people who share our sensibilties - emotional, physical, aesthetic, whatever - in the end, and we sense this on a very basic level. And this show - with its unforgiveable deception - did nothing to alter this natural aspect of human behavior. Congratulations to James for doing a great job of eliminating the straight boys from the pool of potential mates without any information. However, the more I think about it, the more I believe that all of us could have done it in the same situation. You know who you connect to - plain and simple - and you don't need to humiliate someone in order to prove it. Thanks for reading this rant!
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EnglProf 888 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"
09-03-03, 05:05 PM (EST)
61. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
...His "gayness" seems a little forced, like he's trying a bit too hard. We've all seen straight guys try to use gay phraseology and mannerisms and it just doesn't seem natural.I suspected Franklin was gay early on-- when they did the cowboy dancing on the ranch and Franklin and James had their one-on-one. Something didn't seem right. What I really noticed in the second to last episode, though, was Franklin's use of awkward lingo. He tells James he was such and such age when he "came out of the closet." In that intimate of a setting, speaking with someone who is also gay, you'd be much more likely to say "I came out when I was..." THEN, Franklin goes on to recount telling his friends he was gay. About his friends he says: "some of which I lost and some of which remained my friends"----- HELLO! Overly stiff and formal responses that come straight out of the "How To Be Gay Handbook." His dis-ease with the conversation gave him away big-time.
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et415 8 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
09-03-03, 02:20 PM (EST)
60. "RE: Boy Meets Boy - Who is the straight man left?" |
Considering that this is the first time a show of type has been done, I'm pleasantly surprised that the "secret" of who is the straight one was kept until the end. The producers did a good job with the mix of people so that no one could come onto the discussion boards and say, "I know both Brian and Wes. In fact, I've had sex with both of them." That would have ruined the show. The closest was someone who said, "Wes works at the SD G&L Center." I think it was fortuitous (or maybe planned) that Brian was from LA and Wes was from San Diego. It was interesting to note, though, that in the last episode it looked like Brian was spotted topless in a photo in a gay circuit mag or something. If the housemates were able to get their hands on something like that (maybe picking one up at a PS bar or something), I wonder what would have happened if James had done the same thing.I'm not sure if this show is going to be repeated because I'm not sure it could work again. I mean, the show will likely turn from a "romance-seeking" show into a "$25,000-seeking" or "figure out who the straight one is" show. If that happens, then all the masculine guys get voted out first. And then it's interrogation after interrogation (like James did right after he found out the twist), rather than dating and getting to know each other. The main prize of the romantic NZ vacation would have to be jettisoned, since the main man would have to choose not people he actually liked or could get along with but the guys who seem the most obviously gay. I suppose this could actually be entertaining, but the show title would probably have to change to "Who has the best gaydar?" or "Straight or Gay?" Maybe it could even be turned into a game show. Didn't Saturday Night Live have a gameshow parody skit called "Straight or Gay?" or something like that where the contestants were shown a picture of someone and had to guess the person's sexual orientation? The problem of turning the show into a show focused on culling out the straight ones is that it will most likely end up reinforcing gay stereotypes since even guys with sensitive gaydar often use gay stereotypes as a first cut tool. I mean, Wes and Brian were definitely more gay in behavior and looks (not that there's anything wrong with that...) than Franklin. In a second show, a Franklin-like person would be outta there fast, and at the end, it would have been Wes, Robb (who was my favorite choice for a bf--Robb, if you read this, email me!), and Brian (or maybe Dan).
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -