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"Boy Meets Boy Ep 2"
munson 1314 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"
08-06-03, 05:55 PM (EST)
3. "RE: James" |
Last night Jim, Mark and the real young guy (i forget his name) were eliminated. the young guy and jim are straight and mark is gay. So far he has eliminated 3 gay guys and 3 straight guys.His name would be Paul. Jim is straight? And that look is workin' for him, witht eh lay-dees? Don't know what it is about him (well, actually I do but just don't want to get into it), but James just annoys me. Clueless, much? In fact, they all annoy me. Everything about this show, the guys included, seems third-rate. Such a shame because Bravo is doing everything right with Queer Eye. Jorge's jeans were really tight, weren't they? Six eliminated so far - three staright, three gay. What are the chances that the producers divided the field evenly. Well, 8-7 anyway. We know that James is bitter over the whole experience (and after getting to know James the past two weeks, this is NOT a surprise) so maybe a deck stacked against him had something to do with it. Some good double entendres in this show if you're paying attention. James talking about going down, the mountain, that is. Another guy talking about trying to squeeze into a crack during the rock climbing part. Without that, this show would be pointless.
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lattelady 2 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
08-07-03, 00:03 AM (EST)
4. "RE: James" |
James strikes me as being a little bit like a deer in headlights, No wonder he is bitter! I'd be bitter if someone played these "reindeer games" with me. Salting the candidates with straight guys and (if the teaser is true) asking a friend to select for me. AArgh.Is it just me or are all the "unique" guys straight? I am very suspicious of Franklin, too. James keeps talking about connection...but there certainly wasn't a whole lot of warmth shown... The warmest/kindest part was the way Marc said to James at the choosing "just do it."
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