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"Mixture of Straight and Gay men on Boy Meets Boy is Unfair"
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nicholebettencourt 9 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

08-24-03, 05:41 AM (EST)
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"Mixture of Straight and Gay men on Boy Meets Boy is Unfair"
LAST EDITED ON 08-24-03 AT 05:46 AM (EST)

Although I understand the reasons behind Bravo producers adding the twist of Gay and Straight suitors on Boy Meets Boy to appeal to larger viewing audience and to make it more interesting for viewers, I feel it is unfair to the Bachelor on the show. James came on the show to find love and thinking that the show was going to help him find his special someone. Infact what it did was limit his possiblities. What if in the end what he thinks is true love can never be a real relationship because he chose a straight male. How many potential Gay Bachelors are going to sign up to be the next bachelor knowing that they will be subjected to these conditions. By adding this twist the producers of the show are doing the worst thing of all which is playing with peoples emotions and standing in the way of someones potential happiness. I strongly think they should re-evaluate removing this twist. And like many people I honestly think the final straight male is Wes.

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 RE: Mixture of Straight and Gay men... jeffred 08-25-03 1

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jeffred 39 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

08-25-03, 11:17 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Mixture of Straight and Gay men on Boy Meets Boy is Unfair"
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, if you go on a Reality TV show, the last thing in the world you should expect is real-life. James should've known that there is no way to meet the love of his life in one-week while weeding out 14 guys. Real Love is very hard to find in real life, and even when you do find it, its even harder to hold on to, i.e. The Amazing Race winner Chip and Reichen.

As far as finding another gay Bachelor, I would gladly jump at the oppurtunity to do it! It looked like a hella good time, the only problem is my Andra, is a straight guy friend, so we'd have to call him Andrew.

I actually saw a pic of Wes, and a lot of the San Diego Mates, this weekend. Wes is hosting a BMB viewing party at a bar (Bourbon St.) a few blocks from my house. I'll be going on Tuesday night to watch the final show. I'm also taping the final, cause you know how it is to watch anything in a bar, you can never hear anything. I really don't think he's the straight one. I'm still saying the straight one is Bruce.

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