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"Dan from Boy Meets Boy replies to my email!!!!!"
nicholebettencourt 9 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
08-25-03, 11:20 PM (EST)
"Dan from Boy Meets Boy replies to my email!!!!!" |
Hello everyone. In case you didnt already know, the infamous Dan from Boy Meets Boy is in all reality an upcoming actor. A little more than pissed about him having an upper hand in this show and in deceiving James I embarked on a mission to give him a piece of my mind for viewers everywhere. And so I went to www.danwells.com and emailed him. Well to my shock........ He emailed me back. Without further delay here is his email response and the original email I sent him.......INBOX Message << Previous Next >> From: Dan Wells <danwells@email.com> Add to Address Book Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2003 11:05:18 -0700 To: nichole Subject: Re: Boy Meets Boy wow. how quickly you judge and assume. must be a difficult way to go through life. i asked to leave the show the day james sat me down one on one and i realized his heart was involved. the producers promised to get me off... do you think it was any coincidence that their favorite character was matched against two finalists so early in the game. my mom... i won't even dignify that. ----- Original Message ----- From: Nichole To: dan@danwells.com Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2003 1:42 AM Subject: Re: Boy Meets Boy Dear Dan, As a heterosexual female and a loyal viewer of Boy meets Boy I would like to ask you how you can look your self in the miror now that you have toyed with someones emotions. I honestly feel that everyone on the show that is a "straight male" is already commiting a very deceitful act but it is worse when someone with obvious acting abilities goes on a show and uses those talents for manipulating and deceitful intentions. It is sad when someone like yourself goes on a tv show for publicity and money at the risk of hurting another human being. Your mother must be so proud. Sincerely, Nichole There you go guys!!!!!
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jeffred 39 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"
08-26-03, 00:43 AM (EST)
1. "RE: Dan from Boy Meets Boy replies to my email!!!!!" |
Wow!!! I didn't realize that the straight women were so into this show.As a gay man, with a little perspective, I have no problem with Dan's actions. I really don't feel that Dan is a bad guy, he was just playing a game within the parameters set by the shows producers. Dan was no more or less deceitful then some girl-friends of mine have been with their boyfriends. I actually feel a bit sorry for Dan, I mean look at it this way, he's a professional actor, and he couldn't out act Sean,and another straight guy. That's gotta be a bit of a blow to his ego already. I hope Dan gets out of the show, what he wants, but I don't he'll be getting many dates in the near future.
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kellyval99 32 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"
08-26-03, 01:17 PM (EST)
2. "I am a stright female and I find the show hilarious...trying to figure" |
out who is gay and straight. If there was a Girl meets Girl, I wouldn't watch but the Boy Meets Boy, I enjoy
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